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Animal Origin Declaration


Sodium deoxycholate

This is to declare that a. m. product contains the following animal-sourced components:

component geographical origin animal animal

species part*

Deoxycholate Australia, New Zealand, South America bovine IC

* according to Note for Guidance of the EC on minimising the risk of transmitting BSE (EMA/410/01 Rev. 3)

Since we hold confirmations from our raw material suppliers that they adhere to the
European legislation, and the derivatisation process from the bovine material to the
product used as ingredient follows all relevant and commonly accepted deactivation rules,
the risk of BSE - possibly arising from a. m. products - is reduced to an utmost minimum
respectively does not exist.

Dr. Christine Groß

Regulatory Management

This document has been produced electronically and is valid without a signature.

Date: 19 November 2020

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Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation EMD Millipore Corporation
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