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Homework 2

Teacher: Camelia Neagu

Student: Alexandra Busoi
Date: April 29 2024

• Homework 2 (ASSIGNEMENT 2) - section 6.11 - involves solving in writing, at your choice from units 4, 5 or 6,
an activity proposed in the SKILLS FOCUS section (see 4.5, 5.5 or 6.5). The file must be in WORD or PDF format.

• Unit 4(4.5) - SKILLS FOCUS: Business Report and Proposal - Imagine that an international vending machine
operator is hoping to increase its activities in your country, and has hired you to report on the existing
market and to suggest new products that could be distributed via vending machines.First you have to
prepare a report outlining:
• which products are currently sold in vending machines in your country
• where such machines are usually situated
• what kind of customers generally use them
• in what circumstances
Then you have to suggest further products that could perhaps be distributed
in this way.

Vending Machines In Romanian Marketplace

• We don’t think much about vending machines except when we’re really hungry but maybe we should. Some
owners of the automated contraptions filled with sweets and snacks have turned them into a viable side hustle,
making hundreds of dollars a month.Many people were enthusiastic about vending machines as a way of making
money, and it’s going great for them.But there are plenty of other people who have really struggled with this.Those
challenges include finding a good location for a dispenser, moving the 800-pound machine and turning a profit
after upkeep and stocking it with snacks. Currently, the Romanian market is in a continuous expansion in terms of
vending machines for snacks. In the first phase, they had a limited content, with the main objective being the sale
of liquids (plain and mineral water as well as carbonated juices)
• Currently, the vending machines offer a wide range of products (water, juices, sweets, sandwiches, semi-prepared
foods, chips, snacks, etc.)
• In principle, the vast majority of machines are located at the base of subway entrances and on their platforms,
near bus stations, in train stations, in certain parks as well as in certain locations with intense flow and traffic
(malls, hypermarkets, corporation, barbers and hairdressers)
• The target audience and loyal clientele of these machines is and will be in containers, aged between 10 and 45.
• The customers of the vending machines are divided into two categories. In the proportion of 60% minors and
40% adults. Minors who prefer sweets, snacks and sweet drinks being close at hand and very accessible compared
to procuring them from a hypermarket type store and adults who I use them for sandwiches, semi-prepared meals
and water on the way to work or on the way back, at the end of the program.
• From my point of view, vending machines should be introduced on the market under a specific note. Distributed,
labeled and signaled distinctively according to their content.
- Green vending machines - organic products (sandwiches, dairy, fruit and water)
- Vending machines - products containing added sugar (semi-prepared, sweets, juices)
- Blue vending machines - tech products (phone books, external batteries, chargers, audio headphones)

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