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A bifurcation model of market returns

a b
David Nawrocki & Tonis Vaga
Villanova School of Business , Villanova University , 800 LancasterAvenue, Villanova , PA
19085 , USA
Independent Scholar
Published online: 25 Jun 2013.

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Quantitative Finance, 2013

A bifurcation model of market returns

†Villanova School of Business, Villanova University, 800 LancasterAvenue, Villanova, PA 19085, USA
‡Independent Scholar

(Received 27 July 2007; in final form 17 January 2013)

We propose a bifurcation model of market returns to describe transitions between an ‘over-reac-

tion’ mean regressive state and ‘under-reaction’ trend persistent states. Since July 1929, the Dow
Jones Industrial Average has exhibited non-stationary state transition behavior, including: (1)
mean regressive behavior during crisis situations during the Great Depression of the 1930s and
again in the crisis of 2008 when the availability of credit was interrupted; (2) strongly bifurcated,
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or trend persistent behavior from the 1940s through 1975; and (3) more efficient behavior since
1975. The bifurcation dynamic evident in the pre-1975 era is somewhat enhanced by conditional
volume and moderate volatility. The bifurcation model is used to develop a quantitative measure
of the degree of market efficiency, which indicates that the market has become more efficient, i.e.
less trend persistent, since 1975 with the advent of negotiated commissions and computerized
trading techniques. Similar findings are presented for the S&P 500 index and the CRSP Value
Weighted Index, which represent large capitalization markets. Results for the CRSP Equal Weight
Index are found to be significantly less efficient and more trend persistent than the larger capitali-
zation CRSP Value Weighted Index.

Keywords: Bifurcation; Adaptive systems; Complexity in finance; Disequilibrium macroeconomics;

Market dynamics; Empirical finance; Evolutionary finance; Nonequilibrium systems
JEL Classification: B5, B52, G1, G14, N2, N22

1. Introduction move in response to the business cycle. Nawrocki (1995,

1996) and Chauvet (1998a,b) propose and find a dynamic
Studies concerned with nonlinear serial dependence in stock relationship between stock market fluctuations and business
returns date back to Alexander (1961). The reason for the cycles. Perez-Quiros and Timmermann (2000) find asymme-
nonlinear serial dependence is that the speed of information tries in the conditional mean and volatility of excess stock
dissemination is finite and noisy (Black 1976, Grossman returns around business cycle turning points. Chauvet and
and Stiglitz 1976, Beja and Hakansson 1977, Beja and Potter (2000, 2001) suggest a nonlinear risk measure that
Goldman 1980). Morse (1980) argues further that the speed allows for the risk–return relationship not to be constant
of information dissemination, while finite, is not constant, over Markov states (bull or bear) or over time. Perez-Quiros
and varies with the amount of new information. With the and Timmermann (2001) also find support for a Markov
arrival of new information, the greater the disparity between switching model with time-varying means and variances.
the equilibrium price and the actual price, the more inves- Finally, Avramov and Chordia (2006) find that business
tors want to trade, and increasing trading volume increases cycle variables can help predict stock market returns.
the market’s speed of information dissemination. Because The purpose of this study is to develop a quantitative
of the aforementioned restrictions affecting the speed of measure of market efficiency and to assess different market
information dissemination, greater dependence in security states. Nicolis and Prigogine (1977) utilize bifurcation the-
returns also occurs during this period. Morse’s results indi- ory and find that stable states exist far from equilibrium in
cate a positive relationship between trading volume and physical systems. Here we find empirical evidence of
serial correlations for daily data for a mixture of NYSE, dynamic market return equilibrium states far from the mar-
AMEX and OTC stocks. ket’s long-term average daily return (0.024% from July,
The nonlinear nature of stock market returns has been 1929 to December, 2010). Market equilibrium states with
found in studies of the business cycle. Whitelaw (1994) returns much greater than the long-term average return are
reports that both expected returns and conditional volatility designated ‘bull’ states while states with much lower than

*Corresponding author. Email:

Ó 2013 Taylor & Francis
2 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

average returns are designated ‘bear’ states. In addition to (1998). Hong and Stein (1999) suggest that positive correla-
bull and bear states, we also find mean regressive behavior, tions in returns are due to the slow dissemination of informa-
often in crisis market situations when the normal flow of tion. Wyart and Bouchaud (2007) propose that feedback
credit may be interrupted. dynamics among a subset of market agents are sufficient to
The relevance of bifurcation theory to economic pro- create trends in the anticipation of correlations. Dopfer
cesses has been noted by Boulding (1981a,b) and Nawrocki (2005) offers unifying principles to the evolutionary
(1984, 1995). The use of concepts such as entropy theory approach to economics, and includes contributions by Haken
and bifurcation theory is extensive in the finance and and Prigogine. It should be noted that it is the bifurcation
economics literature (Murphy 1965, Georgescu-Roegen process between trending and mean regressive states (Barbe-
1971, Cozzolino and Zahner 1973, Majthay 1980). Vaga ris et al. 1998) that is of main interest to this paper.
(1990) proposed a state transition model for the financial The structure of the paper is as follows. First, Haken’s
markets based on Weidlich (1971), Callen and Shapero general evolutionary model of state transitions is used to
(1974) and Haken (1975) where markets may be in equilib- describe bifurcations in market return states. Then, empirical
rium states of true random walk, periods of instability, or evidence in support of the bifurcation model is presented and
coherent and chaotic markets in which there are trend per- discussed. Finally, summary and conclusions are offered.
sistent drifts toward bull or bear states far from the market’s
long-term average return. The empirical evidence of trend
persistent drifts towards bull and bear states far from 2. A bifurcation model of market equilibrium
equilibrium confirms that the market has not always been
efficient, although since 1975 the market has become more A simple bifurcation model of equilibrium states in a wide
efficient. variety of complex systems from various disciplines outside
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In recent years, many questions have been raised regard- of finance is provided by Haken (1975). Haken’s approach
ing the assumptions underlying the Efficient Market Hypoth- is based on the Fokker Planck equation, a nonlinear exten-
esis (EMH) in work such as Shiller (2000) and Schliefer sion of the Langevin equation for Brownian motion. Haken
(2000). Alternating trending and mean reverting investor employs a double bottom (quartic) potential well to illus-
sentiment models have been proposed by Barberis et al. trate transitions from a single equilibrium state to bifurcated

Figure 1. Bifurcated equilibrium states (nonlinear force and quartic potential function).

Figure 2. Single equilibrium state (linear force and quadratic potential).

A bifurcation model of market returns 3

equilibria in complex systems. Weidlich (1971) uses a simi-


lar approach based on the Ising Model to describe states of
polarized opinion in social systems. Nicolis and Prigogine
(1977) utilize bifurcation processes to describe their theory
of dissipative structures whereby stable states exist far from


To apply Haken’s approach to financial markets, we
model the market return Rðt þ 1Þ following a prior return


RðtÞ as

Rðt þ 1Þ ¼ k½RðtÞ þ f ðtÞ; ð1Þ


where k½RðtÞ ¼  i ai RðtÞi is a deterministic function of
prior return RðtÞ while f ðtÞ represents the random new
information arrival process. We assume the random forces


are standard, independently distributed Gaussian noise and
concentrate on the deterministic term. The function k½RðtÞ
is the amount of undisseminated information after a prior

return, RðtÞ, that may either ‘push’ the market return,



Rðt þ 1Þ, in the same direction as the prior market return
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RðtÞ, representing a trend persistence effect following

under-reaction by market agents, or it may be a mean


Table 1. DJIA Conditional Return Map (CRM).

regressive force moving the returns back towards the mean
after over-reaction to prior news.
Following Haken (1975) we define a quartic potential

function, V ðRÞ, such that kðRÞ ¼ @V ðRÞÞ=@R, and for


kðRÞ ¼ a0  a1 R  a2 R2  a3 R3 ; ð2Þ


the potential function is the integral of kðRÞ as follows:

V ðRÞ ¼  kðRÞdR 0.00069


¼ a0 R þ 1=2a1 R2 þ 1=3a2 R3 þ 1=4a3 R4 ; ð3Þ

where the constant of integration has been set to zero.



Equation (3) is essentially the same as the phase transition

model of Vaga (1990), Wyart and Bouchaud (2007) and

Schoebel and Veith (2006). The parameters of the model
determine the conditions under which market equilibrium


bifurcates from a single state to bimodal states.

Figure 1 illustrates kðRÞ and V ðRÞ for the case when the
control parameters ða3 ¼ 168:18; a2 ¼ 2:2316 and a1 ¼
0:1355R and a0 ¼ 0:0002Þ are in a range where market


stability bifurcates into two equilibrium states. Equilibrium

occurs where the conditional return map crosses zero with a
negative slope. Note that the force, kðRÞ, is zero at the
potential function minima and local maximum points.


Figure 2 illustrates both kðRÞ and V ðRÞ for the case when
the control parameters (a0 ¼ 0:0002; a1 ¼ 0:1037 and the
other parameters are all zero) produce a single equilibrium

point and the market force is mean regressing toward this



In general, the coefficients a0 ; a1 ; a2 , and a3 can be deter-
mined by a third-order polynomial regression analysis of
>95% Not Null
Return, R(t)

the conditional return map for a market of interest. These


parameters can then be used in equation (3) to determine

Prior Day

the potential function associated with the force, kðRÞ. The


coefficients also determine stable states far from the

4 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

Figure 3. Conditional return map and potential function for the Dow Jones Industrial Average exhibits bi-stable, trend persistent
behavior for July 1929 through December 2010.

long-term average rate of return, and the values of RðtÞ towards either the bull or bear state, which may be far from
where conditional returns are at a maximum or minimum. the long-term average return.
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In equation (2) (when a3 [0 and a1 [0) the slope of the The conditional returns for the DJIA from July 1929 to
deterministic force, kðRÞ is everywhere negative. This December 2010 are summarized in table 1 as a function of
implies that negative returns are followed by positive prior day returns for fifteen 0.5% increments in the range –
returns and positive returns are followed by negative 3.75% to +3.75%.† Table 1 summarizes the mean next day
returns, i.e. regression towards the long-term mean. A tran- return after prior day returns in each 0.5% increment and a
sition occurs when a1 ¼ 0, a bifurcation point, where the t-test, which compares the conditional return sample with
market’s long-term average return is no longer a stable the total sample to rule out the null hypothesis. For simplic-
equilibrium point. ity of notation, prior day returns, RðtÞ, within an interval,
The bifurcation results in two new equilibrium states. For e.g. 0.75%\RðtÞ\1:25%, are listed in the table as 1.0%,
small values of a0 , one new stable state is at the center of the interval. The data show statistically signifi-
cant (at the 5% level; T -test, p  0:0003) trend persistent
Rbull ¼ ½a2 þ ða22  4a1 a3 Þ =2a3 ; ð4Þ behavior, on average, for the DJIA over the sample period
in the regions of moderate positive and negative returns
while the other stable state is at (within the –1.25% to +1.25% region). This region includes
83.9% of all the data. Moderate positive returns are fol-
Rbear ¼ ½a2  ða22  4a1 a3 Þ
=2a3 : ð5Þ lowed, on average, by further positive returns; moderate
negative returns are followed, on average, by further nega-
In general, these states may be far from the market’s tive returns. It should be noted that a null (insignificant p-
long-term rate of return and may be affected by the value) result is expected for the conditional return map in
prevailing economic and market conditions. Empirical the neighborhood –0.25% \RðtÞ\ þ 0:25% for either a
evidence suggests that markets do in fact transition single equilibrium market or bifurcated market states. A
between mean regressive and bifurcated trend persistent null result is also expected at bifurcated Rbull and Rbear
states. states far from the long-term equilibrium point at RðtÞ  0.
Figure 3 illustrates the conditional return map for the
data summarized in table 1 for the region –3.75% to
+3.75% (which includes 98.6% of the data). A polynomial
3. Empirical evidence fit to the data is also shown in figure 3, which has the form
expected from equation (2) for conditional returns for
We examine conditional market returns, Rðt þ 1 day), as a bifurcated market states. The polynomial fit ðRðt þ 1Þ ¼
function of prior day returns, RðtÞ. The average conditional 152:46R3 þ 1:6554R2 þ 0:1035R  0:0001Þ to the data
return \Rðt þ 1ÞjRðtÞ[ is expected to be proportional to shows an r-square of 0.851. Using the coefficients of the
the deterministic ‘force’ or residual undisseminated informa- polynomial fit to calculate equations (4) and (5) yields
tion after a prior return, RðtÞ, following equation (2). The Rbull ¼ þ3:20% and Rbear ¼ 2:1%. The persistent drift
daily mean return has been 0.024% for the Dow Jones towards the bull and bear equilibrium states (rather than the
Industrial Average since July 1929. If there is a single sta- simple mean regression) is evidenced by the positive slope
tionary equilibrium state, conditional returns should regress,
on average, towards the long-term mean. If the market
behaves more as a bifurcated, bi-stable equilibrium system, †The analysis in this paper was also performed on the S&P 500
then conditional returns would exhibit a persistent drift and CRSP indices, which also exhibit bifurcated state behavior.
A bifurcation model of market returns 5

of the conditional return map in the region near the mar-


ket’s long-term average return.
The maximum and minimum of the polynomial fit can
be found by setting the derivative of the polynomial with

respect to R to zero and solving for R. The maximum trend


persistence for moderate positive returns, Rmax ðtÞ, occurs
after prior returns of 1.91% with an average daily return on
the subsequent day of slightly more than 0.142%. Trend


persistence for moderate negative returns, Rmin ðtÞ, is great-
est after prior day returns of –1.19% at –0.084%. For large
returns in either direction (beyond the stable bull and bear

states, respectively), conditional returns become regressive


towards the bull and bear equilibrium states. The r-squared

statistic, the regression coefficients and state characteristics
ðRbull ; Rbear ; Rmax and Rmin Þ are summarized, where applica-


ble, for each of the conditions specified in tables 1 through

20 in table 21.
It is noted that a null is expected in the T -test p-values in

table 1 when the conditional return map crosses zero, indi-


cating an equilibrium state. This occurs in the long-term

equilibrium region (–0.25%\RðtÞ\ þ 0:25%) for each of
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the cases evaluated and may also be expected at bull and



bear equilibrium states. It is further noted that when a1

Table 2. DJIA CRM with Conditional Volume > 0.

approaches zero, the conditional return map is expected to

flatten out over a wider range for RðtÞ, and the T -test


p-value in table 1 would not be expected to rule out the

null hypothesis. Finally, all cases are limited to conditional
returns after prior day returns within the region of –3.75%

to +3.75%. Returns of magnitude greater than 3.75% are



considered outliers. Conditional returns for RðtÞ\  3:75%

are 0.095% with a standard deviation of 3.97%; returns

following RðtÞ[ þ 3:75% are +0.027% with a standard

deviation of 2.64%. Neither result rejects the null hypothesis.


3.1. Conditional volume



Table 2 and figure 4 present the conditional return map

for market periods following prior day rising volume.

A polynomial fit ðRðt þ 1Þ ¼ 155:42R3 þ 1:3192R2 þ
0:1427R  5E  05Þ to the data shows an r-square of


0.785. Using the coefficients of the polynomial fit to calcu-

late equations (4) and (5) yields Rbull ¼ þ3:48% and
Rbear ¼ 2:64%. Thus the bifurcated bull and bear equilib-

rium states have widened (moved further from equilibrium



at R  0Þ based on positive conditional volume. The market

has met the rising volume condition 50% of the time.
The polynomial fit in figure 4 suggests that the peak in

trend persistence for moderate positive returns, Rmax ðtÞ,



occurs approximately after prior returns of 2.06% with an

average daily return on the subsequent day of more than
0.209% and the drift is towards a stable bull state near


+3.48% where the positive side of the conditional return

map passes through zero. Trend persistence for moderate
negative returns, Rmin ðtÞ, is greatest after prior day returns
of –1.49% at –0.137%.
Prior Day Return, R(t)
Conditional Return,

Table 3 and figure 4 present the conditional return map

T-Test (p of Null)
>95% Not Null

for periods following a prior day decline in volume. The


conditional return map is consistent with a single equilib-

rium, mean regressive market. A polynomial fit ðRðt þ 1Þ ¼
158:7R3 þ 2:44189R2 þ 0:0252R þ 0:0003Þ to the data
6 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

Figure 4. Conditional return map following prior day volume change >0% enhances bifurcated, trend persistent states which vanish with
declining volume.

shows an r-square of 0.794. Using the coefficients of the apparent as annualized volatility increases beyond 25% for
polynomial fit to calculate equations (4) and (5) yields the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Rbull ¼ þ2:25% and Rbear ¼ 0:71%. The peak in trend
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persistence for moderate positive returns, Rmax ðtÞ, occurs

approximately after prior returns of 1.4% with an average 3.3. Bifurcation parameter and unstable transition
daily return on the subsequent day of 0.010%. Trend persis- threshold
tence for moderate negative returns vanishes as it is greatest We examine the slope of the conditional return map for
after prior day returns of about –0.38% at –0.035%. The moderate returns around the neighborhood of long-term
T -test p-values in table 3 also suggest that the data may not equilibrium, at RðtÞ  0, to define a bifurcation parameter.
be significantly different than expected from the null If the market is in a mean regressive equilibrium state, the
hypothesis, so we conclude that trend persistence and the slope near zero should be negative ða1 [0Þ while if
bull and bear equilibrium state structure contract with bifurcated, trend persistent states exist, the slope near zero
declining volume over the period examined. This result is should be positive ða1 \0Þ. To specify a bifurcation
consistent with the concept of the market being an open parameter, we use a 200-day sum of the conditional returns
system that requires a flow of energy (money) to maintain in the region of moderate positive prior day returns
its dynamic structure. Declining volume is an indication (0:025%\RðtÞ\2:25%) and subtract the 200-day sum of
that the flow of money has dropped below levels needed to moderate negative prior day returns (0:025%[RðtÞ[
dynamically maintain a bifurcated structure. The market has 2:25%). If the slope of the conditional return map near
met the declining volume condition 50% of the time. This zero is positive, as expected in bi-stable, trend persistent
result is consistent with the results obtained by Morse markets, then the sum of returns after moderate positive
(1980). returns should also be positive. Moderate negative returns
should be followed, on average, by further negative trend
persistence. Therefore a positive bifurcation parameter indi-
3.2. Volatility
cates a bi-stable market and a negative bifurcation parame-
Tables 4 and 5 and figure 5 present the conditional return ter indicates a single equilibrium state market.
maps for market periods following 200-day annualized vol- By using the sum instead of the average conditional
atility of less than 25% and for periods when volatility was return, we also have a metric of an idealized, cost-free, trad-
greater than 25%. Polynomial fit r-square statistics are sum- ing strategy that is long after positive prior day returns and
marized in table 21 along with state variables as applicable. short after negative prior day returns. The bifurcation
The bifurcated bull and bear equilibrium states are clearly parameter can therefore be viewed as a diagnostic test of
evident for volatility below 25%. However, above 25% vol- market efficiency. The larger the bifurcation parameter, the
atility the bifurcated bull and bear state structure vanishes greater the degree of trend persistence or coherence in the
and gives way to a mean regressive dynamic. market while the closer the bifurcation parameter is to zero,
The result that the market’s bifurcation structure vanishes the more efficiently the market is discounting the arrival of
with increasing volatility is consistent with phase transitions new information. A negative value for the bifurcation
in physics. For example, the ordered magnetic state of a bar parameter means that a strategy that takes advantage of
of iron vanishes above a critical temperature as the random mean regressive conditional returns would be profitable.
thermal forces become larger than the cooperative forces Hence the further the bifurcation parameter moves from
that tend to align individual molecules. In general, the posi- zero in either direction, the less efficient the market.
tive feedback forces that create the dynamic equilibrium Figure 6 summarizes the bifurcation parameter for the
states must be larger than the random disordering forces. In Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1929. The most signifi-
financial markets, the random disordering forces are cant periods of ‘mean regressive state’ with negative
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Table 3. DJIA CRM with Conditional Volume < 0.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.67% 0.80% 0.45% 0.03% –0.06% –0.06% –0.03% 0.01% 0.06% 0.06% –0.16% –0.16% 0.25% –0.17% –0.40%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.17212 0.15446 0.19695 0.97986 0.42319 0.04989 0.01279 0.56489 0.10610 0.41298 0.06426 0.33962 0.36212 0.51238 0.64545
⁄ ⁄ ⁄
>95% Not Null

Table 4. DJIA CRM with Volatility < 25%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.44% 0.13% 0.03% –0.08% –0.19% –0.09% –0.04% 0.03% 0.09% 0.12% 0.11% 0.19% 0.18% 0.29% 0.13%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.13125 0.59145 0.99272 0.19439 0.00002 0.00001 0.00028 0.85794 0.00003 0.00001 0.02205 0.00794 0.10362 0.12378 0.81577
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
>95% Not Null

Table 5. DJIA CRM wiith Conditional Volatility > 25%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.49% 0.37% 0.24% 0.01% 0.07% 0.03% 0.00% 0.00% –0.06% 0.03% –0.20% –0.50% 0.22% 0.01% –0.29%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.34239 0.30233 0.47007 0.93764 0.83092 0.95238 0.87704 0.88040 0.56858 0.96276 0.25111 0.02487 0.50300 0.95936 0.37505

>95% Not Null
A bifurcation model of market returns

Table 6. DJIA, Bifurcation Parameter > 5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.46% 0.28% 0.13% –0.07% –0.28% –0.12% –0.05% 0.03% 0.12% 0.15% 0.11% 0.24% 0.09% 0.22% 0.00%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.26384 0.33788 0.50224 0.39670 0.00000 0.00003 0.00010 0.76611 0.00000 0.00000 0.07303 0.01881 0.58987 0.38531 0.92147
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
>95% Not Null
8 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

bifurcation parameter occurred following the crash of 1929. ior. Beginning in the mid-1970s the bifurcation indicator
During the 1930s there was also a great deal of volatility in decreased, on average, from prior decades. This suggests
this indicator. In contrast, for many decades after the 1930s that the markets have become more efficient since the
the market enjoyed strong bi-stable, trend persistent behav- advent of negotiated commissions and computer trading
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Figure 5. Conditional return map with moderate annualized volatility enhances bifurcated, trend persistent states which vanish with high

Figure 6. Dow Jones Industrial Average bifurcation parameter for July 1929 to December 2010.

Figure 7. Dow Jones Industrial Average conditional return map with transition between mean regressive state and bifurcated trend
persistent states.
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Table 7. DJIA, –5% < Bifurcation Parameter < 5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> –0.11% 0.01% 0.08% –0.10% 0.02% 0.00% –0.02% 0.04% 0.02% 0.06% 0.12% 0.10% 0.86% 0.59% 0.77%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.80334 0.96527 0.83322 0.45002 0.97207 0.62653 0.23733 0.52735 0.93905 0.51145 0.25461 0.61594 0.08208 0.10520 0.52154
>95% Not Null

Table 8. DJIA, Bifurcation Parameter < –5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.61% 0.33% 0.04% 0.02% 0.14% 0.01% 0.04% –0.02% –0.02% 0.01% –0.12% –0.61% –0.03% –0.19% –0.49%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.32550 0.42868 0.96050 0.99834 0.50797 0.86528 0.86450 0.33168 0.44013 0.88410 0.30579 0.00360 0.83256 0.48690 0.34482

>95% Not Null

Table 9. DJIA CRM 1929 – 1975.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.64% 0.31% –0.07% 0.02% –0.20% –0.15% –0.09% 0.01% 0.11% 0.17% 0.00% –0.04% 0.24% 0.13% –0.15%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.132213722 0.260073989 0.639377383 0.933545434 2.10E–02 2.85E–04 4.91E–05 0.980012312 1.16E–05 2.26E–05 0.9192948 0.693437299 0.336948775 0.64723712 0.634654425
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
>95% Not Null
A bifurcation model of market returns

Table 10. DJIA CRM 1975 – 2010.

Conditional Return, <R(t
+1)|R(t)> 0.06% 0.13% 0.31% –0.13% –0.08% 0.00% 0.03% 0.04% 0.04% 0.06% 0.11% 0.04% 0.15% 0.15% –0.22%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.961217394 0.715573376 0.20451759 0.114365839 1.20E–01 3.04E–01 8.59E–01 0.842268979 9.33E–01 5.16E–01 0.127594679 0.99490159 0.320484075 0.575910093 0.636356396
>95% Not Null
10 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

techniques. More specifically, for the period from 1940 to tions appears at high positive RðtÞ where the return map
1975 the bifurcation parameter had a high degree of coher- shows unstable trend persistence. In this transition area,
ence with a yearly mean of 20% and standard deviation of both bifurcated and single equilibrium points become irrele-
9%. In contrast, the post-1975 period exhibited a yearly vant and the market may become globally unstable.
mean of only 5% with a standard deviation of 15%. The The case of a negative bifurcation parameter (BP < –5%)
1929 to 1940 period had a yearly mean of –6% with a stan- is summarized in table 8 and shown in figure 7. This
dard deviation of 28%. A t-test of the difference of yearly includes the crisis of 2008. When the BP < –5%, the market
means for the 1940–2010 and 1975–2010 periods is signifi- is in the over-reaction, mean regressive equilibrium state.
cant at the 5% level ð p ¼ 0:016Þ. This result indicates that Volatility is very high in this state and large negative rever-
the market became more efficient after 1975. sals after positive RðtÞ are evident. The DJIA entered an
We examine conditional returns for three cases of the over-reaction, mean regressive market state as the crisis of
bifurcation parameter. Table 6 and figure 7 present the con- 2008 unfolded. The conditional return map suggests that
ditional return map for the DJIA from May 1929 through the market over-reacts during crises and that a strategy of
December 2010 for the case of the bifurcation parameter shorting after a price rise may be effective.
(BP > + 5%). For this case the conditional return map is
clearly bifurcated.
3.4. Post-1975 market efficiency
Table 7 and figure 7 present the conditional return map
when the bifurcation parameter is within a narrow interval Tables 9 and 10 and figure 8 present the conditional return
around the bifurcation transition threshold (–5% < BP < maps for the Dow Jones Industrial Average from the period
+5%). For this case, the map flattens out and the magnitude from May 1975 to December 2010 and the period before
of conditional returns is very small, producing an efficient May 1975. The period since 1975 corresponds to the advent
Downloaded by [] at 15:37 25 June 2013

market state over a wide range of RðtÞ. However, the bifur- of negotiated commissions and increasing use of computer
cation point is a singularity or critical point at which large trading techniques and the bifurcation parameter suggests
fluctuations may occur. Some evidence of critical fluctua- that the markets have been more efficient and less coherent.

Figure 8. Conditional return map indicates increased efficiency in the post-1975 period.

Figure 9. The conditional return map for the CRSP S&P 500 index indicates a significant bifurcation process over the period from 1962
to 2010.
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Table 11. S&P 500, BP > 5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> –0.38% –0.05% –0.15% –0.11% –0.21% –0.20% –0.04% 0.04% 0.08% 0.20% 0.18% 0.17% 0.52% 0.32% 0.54%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.465569163 0.850182644 0.468101308 0.255030671 8.40E–04 1.45E–08 5.14E–03 0.533650169 1.43E–02 9.79E–07 0.015488728 0.061459084 0.002947042 0.218701009 0.290454935
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
>95% Not Null

Table 12. S&P 500, –5% < BP < 5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.29% 0.17% 0.14% 0.05% 0.17% 0.09% 0.06% 0.02% –0.03% –0.11% 0.14% –0.09% –0.28% 0.35% 0.41%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.4940146 0.91416457 0.382454112 0.317622251 8.22E–01 9.65E–01 3.04E–01 0.13142042 9.87E–02 2.25E–01 0.658726652 0.651555806 0.403768482 0.626617478 0.108967501
>95% Not Null
A bifurcation model of market returns

Table 13. S&P 500, BP < –5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> –0.01% 0.27% 0.23% 0.16% 0.16% 0.09% 0.13% 0.02% –0.06% –0.21% 0.18% –0.18% –0.21% 0.29% 0.41%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.957190455 0.769614286 0.514378109 0.665594769 2.74E–01 6.38E–01 1.45E–01 0.865307352 1.29E–01 1.24E–02 0.253786288 0.258471131 0.368277134 0.235703193 0.525281481

>95% Not Null
12 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

It is noted that the T -test for cases examined in the post- ditions except when RðtÞ\  0:5%. These conditions
1975 period shown in tables 9 and 10 does not meet the occurred for the S&P500 index 45% of the time and
95% confidence level except in isolated situations. This is yielded a pre-cost daily return of 0.166% with standard
consistent with the observation that the market has become deviation of 0.987% compared with a buy and hold over
more efficient and the bifurcated state structure less evident the same period of 0.029% with a standard deviation of
than has historically been the case. 1.023% ð p ¼ 7:34E  13Þ. Trading costs may substantially
reduce the net return and this trading specification may not
necessarily be effective in the future.
3.5. CRSP S&P 500 (1962–2010)
Other market averages also show deviations from the
3.6. CRSP Equal Weighted Index Including Dividends
efficient market state. Figure 9 illustrates the data in tables
11, 12 and 13 for the conditional return maps for the S&P
500 from 1962 through December 2010 for three cases of The CRSP All Three Market Index includes all companies
the bifurcation parameter corresponding to bifurcated, trading on the NYSE and AMEX from 1926 to 1972 and
transition and mean regressive states. The trend persistent NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ from 1972 to 2010. The equal
state with positive bifurcation parameter is highly statisti- weight favors small capitalization companies. Figure 10 pre-
cally significant for moderate returns. The transition state sents the conditional return maps in tables 14 and 15 for
has a flat map within the range of moderate RðtÞ as the CRSP EWIID from 1926 through December 2010 for
expected in an efficient market state. The mean regressive two cases of the bifurcation parameter corresponding to
state exhibits a conditional return map with negative slope, bifurcated and transition states. The EWIID does not have
but the high volatility and modest slope suggest that the enough data in the single equilibrium, mean regressive state
Downloaded by [] at 15:37 25 June 2013

efficient market state cannot be ruled out. to provide a meaningful conditional return map. The trend
It is noted that, for large values of RðtÞ, there is relatively persistent state with positive bifurcation parameter is highly
little data and outliers can have a large effect on the statistically significant for moderate returns. The conditional
estimate of bull and bear equilibrium points. Therefore, return map is also trend persistent for large returns. This is
the main determining factor for the trend persistent state is a potentially unstable situation where large moves in either
the statistically significant slope of the conditional return direction are followed by further large moves in the same
map in the region of moderate RðtÞ. For the S&P500 over direction.
the period shown, the trend persistence extends to relatively The EWIID shows by far the greatest degree of trend
large RðtÞ so an estimate of bull and bear state equilibrium persistence and the least mean regressive behavior among
points must be based on extrapolation of kðRÞ using the the indices examined. It is again noted that, for large values
regression parameters summarized in table 21, which yield of RðtÞ, there is relatively little data and outliers can have a
Rbull ¼ 5:2% and Rbear ¼ 3:2%. Since these equilibrium large effect so we limit the plots to moderate RðtÞ values
points are beyond most daily returns, we conclude that this for the transition state. The main determining factor for the
market is trend persistent for virtually all values of RðtÞ. trend persistent state is the slope of the conditional return
The maximum positive trend persistence of 0.372% occurs map in the region of moderate RðtÞ. Over the period shown,
at Rmax ¼ 3:1%, while the minimum or negative trend per- the trend persistence extends to relatively large RðtÞ so
sistence of –0.172% occurs at Rmin ¼ 1:8%. there are no bull and bear state equilibrium points for the
A trading strategy to take advantage of trend persistence EWIID, suggesting that the smaller capitalization stocks are
can be specified as follows: hold long when the bifurcation trend persistent for virtually all values of RðtÞ. There is also
parameter is greater than +5%, annualized volatility is less no peak in trend persistence as the coefficient of the cubic
than 25%, and RðtÞ[0:5%, and short under the same con- term (summarized in table 21) is negative and adds to trend

Figure 10. The conditional return map for the CRSP Equal Weight Index Including Dividends (EWIID) indicates strongly bifurcated
states but no significant mean regressive states over the period from 1926 to 2010.
A bifurcation model of market returns 13

persistence for large RðtÞ rather than acting as a stabilizing




3.50% A trading strategy to take advantage of trend persistence
can be specified as follows: hold long when the bifurcation

parameter is greater than +5%, annualized volatility is less



than 25%, and RðtÞ[0:5%, and short under the same con-

ditions except when RðtÞ\  0:5%. These conditions


occurred for the CRSP EWIID 32.5% of the time and


yielded a pre-cost daily average return of 0.313% with stan-

dard deviation of 0.948% compared with a buy and hold


over the same period of 0.087% with a standard deviation

0.95% of 1.053% ð p ¼ 1:72E  64Þ. Trading costs may substan-

tially reduce the net return and this trading specification


0.19606 may not necessarily be effective in the future.




3.7. CRSP Value Weighted Index Including Dividends



The CRSP All Three Market Index value weighted indexes



are weighted by company market capitalization. This index

favors large capitalization companies while equal-weighted

Downloaded by [] at 15:37 25 June 2013

Table 15. CRSP EWIID, –5%< Bifurcation Parameter <5%.


indexes give every company an equal weight regardless of


Table 14. CRSP EWIID, Bifurcation Parameter > 5%.


size. Figure 11 presents the conditional return maps in


tables 16, 17 and 18 for the CRSP VWIID from 1926

through December 2010 for the same three cases of the


bifurcation parameter corresponding to bifurcated, transition




and mean regressive market states. The trend persistent state

with positive bifurcation parameter is highly statistically

significant for moderate returns. For large negative returns,




there is evidence of mean regression towards a bearish

equilibrium point. However, for large positive RðtÞ there is

only evidence of trend persistence. It is again noted that,


for large values of RðtÞ, there is relatively little data and



outliers can have a large effect on the estimate of bull and

bear equilibrium points. Therefore, the main determining
factor for the trend persistent state is the slope of the condi-




tional return map in the region of moderate RðtÞ.

Over the period shown, the trend persistence extends to

relatively large RðtÞ so an estimate of bull and bear state

equilibrium points must be based on extrapolation of kðRÞ




using the regression parameters summarized in table 21,

which yield Rbull ¼ 6:6% and Rbear ¼ 2:4%. Since the bull
equilibrium point is beyond most daily returns, we




conclude that this market is trend persistent for virtually all

positive values of RðtÞ. The maximum positive trend

persistence of 0.568% occurs at Rmax ¼ 4:1% while the
minimum or negative trend persistence of –0.131% occurs




at Rmin ¼ 1:3%.

The transition state is evident in the flat conditional

return map when the bifurcation parameter is within 1.5%
of zero. This corresponds to an efficient market state over a



wide range of RðtÞ. The mean regressive state exhibits a


conditional return map with negative slope, in the region of

moderate RðtÞ. However, the high volatility and modest
Prior Day Return, R(t)

slope suggest that the efficient market state cannot be ruled

Conditional Return,
Prior Day Return, R(t)

T-Test (p of Null)

out in the over-reaction case.

Conditional Return,

>95% Not Null

T-Test (p of Null)


A trading strategy to take advantage of trend persistence

>95% Not Null

can be specified as before: hold long when the bifurcation

parameter is greater than +5%, annualized volatility is less
than 25%, and RðtÞ[0:5%, and short under the same
14 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

Figure 11. The conditional return map for the CRSP Value Weighted Index Including Dividends (VWIID) indicates a significant
bifurcation process over the period from 1926 to 2010.

conditions except when RðtÞ\  0:5%. These conditions 4. Discussion of results relative to market efficiency
occurred for the CRSP VWIID 32.2% of the time and
Downloaded by [] at 15:37 25 June 2013

yielded a pre-cost daily average return of 0.18% with Within the context of the bifurcation model of conditional
standard deviation of 0.936% compared with a buy and market returns, an efficient market occurs at the equilibrium
hold over the same period of 0.038% with a standard devia- points Rbull and Rbear . At these points the average condi-
tion of 1.079% ð p ¼ 1:72E  26Þ. Trading costs may sub- tional return is equal to zero and, on a short-term basis,
stantially reduce the net return and this trading specification conditional returns fluctuate in a random walk around zero
may not necessarily be effective in the future. due to the new information arrival process. This is where
These results from the CRSP equal and market cap there is no undisseminated information. The market neither
weighted indexes support Groth (1979), who suggested over-reacts, nor under-reacts. It is neither mean regressive
that there are information-rich (large cap) and information- nor trend persistent at these dynamic equilibrium points,
poor (small cap) markets (possibly depending on the where conditional returns operate as a random walk in
number of analysts following a company) based on market response to new information arrival (zero mean). However,
capitalization. an efficient market is not a binary concept, i.e. it is efficient
or inefficient. We do have information, transaction, and
analysis costs in the real world. As a result, when the mar-
ket is far away from these equilibrium points, returns exe-
3.8. Bifurcation parameter in the crisis of 2008
cute a biased random walk where the mean return is
The behavior of the bifurcation parameter is presented in specified by the conditional return map. If this mean return
figure 12 for the period 1995 to 2010. The DJIA was in an exceeds the associated costs, the markets may offer profit-
over-reaction (mean regressive) phase throughout the able trading opportunities.
financial crisis of 2008. The DJIA Bifurcation Parameter The efficient capital market (ECM) hypothesis is consis-
(DJIA-BP) reached negative levels not seen since the Great tent with this world of costs. As long as the profits avail-
Depression Era of the 1930s. The S&P 500 and the VWIID able from taking advantage of mispricing in the market
were also in an over-reaction (mean regressive) phase (market disequilibrium) do not exceed the costs (informa-
throughout the financial crisis of 2008. The S&P 500 tion, transaction and analysis), then the market is efficient.
Bifurcation Parameter (S&P500-BP) reached extreme nega- This is the concept that is embodied in the statement “you
tive levels, indicating a strong deviation from the rational, cannot beat the market.” Within the context of the bifurca-
efficient market state. The VWIID Bifurcation Parameter tion model of conditional market returns, as returns deviate
(VWIID-BP) also reached extreme negative levels, suggest- from Rbull and Rbear there is undisseminated information in
ing a strong deviation from the efficient market state. the form of over-reaction by market agents with returns
However, due to the extreme volatility and fairly limited greater than Rbull or less than Rbear , and under-reaction
amount of data, the null hypothesis (i.e. efficient market otherwise, resulting in predictable drifts toward these equi-
state) cannot be rejected. librium states. In this case, market efficiency and profitable
While the major market indices all registered over- arbitrage opportunities depend on transaction costs relative
reactive behavior, the EWIID, which reflects the behavior to the magnitude of the predictable component of condi-
of small capitalization stocks, showed the least over- tional returns. A summary of the bull and bear equilibrium
reaction and mean regression. The small capitalization states along with the maximum and minimum rate of drift
stock index is clearly furthest from equilibrium (efficient toward these equilibrium points is presented in table 21.
market state) with a strong predisposition towards trend These states only apply to bifurcated states; single equilib-
persistence. rium and unstable states are designated as N/A.
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Table 16. CRSP VWIID, Bifurcation Parameter > 5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.30% 0.25% –0.07% –0.22% –0.15% –0.17% –0.07% 0.03% 0.15% 0.21% 0.25% 0.30% 0.16% 0.52% 0.64%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.35516 0.27803 0.46111 0.00509 0.00087 0.00000 0.00000 0.25008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00162 0.39047 0.02488 0.01662
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
>95% Not Null

Table 17. CRSP VWIID, –5%< Bifurcation Parameter <5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> –0.18% 0.81% –0.78% –0.38% –0.05% –0.01% –0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.06% –0.03% 0.17% 0.72% 1.85% 0.34%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.83775 0.22416 0.13950 0.28105 0.50893 0.54515 0.35767 0.55800 0.33202 0.77129 0.65974 0.29483 0.01700 0.41377 0.61615

>95% Not Null
A bifurcation model of market returns

Table 18. CRSP VWIID, Bifurcation Parameter <–5%.

Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> –0.42% –0.45% 0.37% –0.11% 0.18% –0.01% 0.15% –0.12% 0.00% –0.03% –0.10% 0.35% –0.24% 0.47% –0.01%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.47372 0.20246 0.16907 0.50265 0.30203 0.74316 0.22273 0.01531 0.51327 0.50152 0.30372 0.24279 0.26348 0.35135 0.93827

>95% Not Null
16 D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

Figure 12. The bifurcation parameter indicates increasing market efficiency for the major market indexes following the technology boom
of the 1990s and a severe over-reaction market during the crisis of 2008.
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Figure 13. The DJIA conditional return map exhibits a mean regressive state when the bifurcation parameter is less than –5% and
annualized volatility is above 25% as can occur in highly inefficient crisis markets.

If we allow arbitrage profits to exceed costs, then the The over-reaction market is quite infrequent, highly vola-
market may be described as an effective market. In this tile and at times has been the least efficient market state, as
market, arbitrage opportunities do exist that allow the inves- measured by the bifurcation parameter’s deviation from
tor to ‘beat the market’. This also means that somebody in zero. In order to further characterize this market state, we
the market is foregoing the opportunity and is losing consider the case of the bifurcation parameter less than –
money, which increases their costs. Why would people con- 5% and market volatility above 25%. Figure 13 summarizes
tinue to participate in this market? They participate because, the conditional return map in table 19 for this combination
overall, the market system provides a better allocation of of conditions (which only occurs 5% of the time). It also
resources (allocational efficiency) at a lower operating cost shows the conditional return map for the balance of the
(operating efficiency) than any alternative system such as time (table 20) when the volatility, or the bifurcation param-
barter or communism. When the mispricing costs become eter, does not fall within the specified range. While there
too severe and people lose confidence in the market as a are numerous ‘whipsaw’ periods of short duration, the three
viable way to allocate resources, then people will leave the longest periods for the DJIA in this state have occurred in
market causing it to collapse. As long as a market is able to crisis market conditions, including two periods for a total of
attract people and capital, it will be effective and will sur- 29 months during the Great Depression and 11 months dur-
vive. If people perceive the market as being grossly unfair ing the crisis of 2008.
to them, then they will take their capital and leave the During the crisis market periods, reversals after positive
market. Without people and capital, the market will RðtÞ of any magnitude would have yielded a daily return of
collapse. Within the context of the bifurcation model of –0.24% with a standard deviation of 2.47%. This return
market returns, the equilibrium states, Rbull and Rbear , col- occurred for 2.7% of the time and is statistically significant
lapse under crisis market conditions (when the normal flow ð p ¼ 1:35%). When these conditions are not in effect, the
of market capital is disrupted), resulting in a single equilib- return after any positive RðtÞ was 0.087% with a standard
rium market state, sometimes with negative mean, as deviation of 0.93%. This occurred 49.3% of the time and is
market agents are willing to accept losses in order to leave statistically significant ð p ¼ 2:45E  07Þ. The buy and hold
the market. over the same period yielded 0.024% with a standard
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Table 19. DJIA, Bifurcation Parameter <–5% AND Volatility > 25%.
Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.70% 0.44% 0.21% –0.11% 0.27% 0.01% –0.13% –0.20% –0.01% –0.04% –0.22% –1.45% –0.23% –0.31% –0.33%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.30929 0.40222 0.68027 0.69376 0.54380 0.95648 0.51622 0.19891 0.87998 0.79169 0.45104 0.00063 0.51590 0.37912 0.53771

>95% Not Null
A bifurcation model of market returns

Table 20. DJIA, Bifurcation Parameter > –5% OR Volatility < 25%.
Conditional Return,
<R(t+1)|R(t)> 0.34% 0.28% 0.07% –0.14% –0.30% –0.11% –0.05% 0.03% 0.10% 0.14% 0.10% 0.25% 0.15% 0.27% 0.11%

Prior Day Return, R(t) –3.50% –3.00% –2.50% –2.00% –1.50% –1.00% –0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
T-Test (p of Null) 0.39264 0.28898 0.74523 0.10828 0.00000 0.00003 0.00007 0.97768 0.00001 0.00001 0.07425 0.00778 0.27153 0.21402 0.75992
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
>95% Not Null
Downloaded by [] at 15:37 25 June 2013


Table 21. k(R) Parameters and State Characteristics.

r2 a0 a1 a2 a3 Rbull Rbear Rmax Rmax(t+1) Rmin Rmin(t+1)

Table 1. DJIA Conditional Return Map (CRM)

R(t+1) = –152.46R3 + 1.6554R2 + 0.1035R – 0.0001 0.85 0.0001 -0.1035 –1.6554 152.46 3.204% –2.119% 1.909% 0.142% –1.185% –0.084%
Table 2. DJIA CRM with Conditional Volume > 0
R(t+1) = –155.42R3 + 1.3192R2 + 0.1427R – 5E–05 0.78 5.00E–05 –0.1427 –1.3192 155.42 3.484% –2.635% 2.055% 0.209% –1.489% –0.137%
Table 3. DJIA CRM with Conditional Volume < 0
R(t+1) = –158.7R3 + 2.4418R2 + 0.0252R – 0.0003 0.79 3.00E–04 –0.0252 –2.4418 158.7 2.246% –0.707% 1.403% 0.010% –0.377% –0.035%
Table 4. DJIA CRM with Annualized Volatility < 25%
R(t+1) = –133.16R3 + 2.3638R2 + 0.1262R – 0.0002 0.92 0.0002 –0.1262 –2.3638 133.16 4.092% –2.316% 2.465% 0.235% –1.282% –0.115%
Table 5. DJIA CRM wiith Conditional Volatility > 25%
R(t+1) = –45.482R3 + 1.7673R2 – 0.0384R – 0.0005 0.59 0.0005 0.0384 –1.7673 45.482 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 6. DJIA CRM with Bifurcation Parameter > 5%
R(t+1) = -168.18R3 + 2.2316R2 + 0.1355R – 0.0002 0.84 0.0002 –0.1355 –2.2316 168.18 3.578% –2.252% 2.140% 0.207% –1.255% –0.122%
Table 7. DJIA CRM with –5% < Bifurcation Parameter < 5%
R(t+1) = 64.769R3 + 3.2245R2 + 0.0518R + 0.0001 0.81 –0.0001 –0.0518 –3.2245 –64.769 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 8. DJIA CRM with Bifurcation Parameter < –5%
R(t+1) = –84.409R3 + 0.7372R2 – 0.0332R – 0.0005 0.72 0.0005 0.0332 –0.7372 84.409 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 9. DJIA CRM 1929 – 1975
R(t+1) = –190.97R3 + 2.4032R2 + 0.132R – 0.0005 0.8 0.0005 –0.132 –2.403 190.97 3.332% –2.074% 1.994% 0.157% –1.155% –0.141%
Table 10. DJIA CRM 1975 – 2010
R(t+1) = –75.134R3 – 0.0126R2 + 0.0537R + 0.0005 0.25 –0.0005 –0.0537 0.0126 75.134 2.665% –2.682% 1.538% 0.105% –1.549% –0.006%
Table 11. S&P 500, Bifurcation Parameter > 5%
R(t+1) = –94.402R3 + 1.8522R2 + 0.1557R – 7E–05 0.88 0.00007 –0.1557 –1.8522 94.402 5.159% –3.197% 3.088% 0.372% –1.780% –0.172%
Table 12. S&P 500, –5% < Bifurcation Parameter < 5%
R(t+1) = 0.0064R + 0.0003 0.02 –0.0003 –0.0064 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 13. S&P 500, Bifurcation Parameter < –5%
D. Nawrocki and T. Vaga

R(t+1) = –0.0545R + 0.0004 0.17 –0.0004 0.0545 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 14. CRSP EWIID, Bifurcation Parameter > 5%
R(t+1) = 141.36R3 + 2.3172R2 + 0.175R + 0.0004 0.97 –0.0004 –0.175 –2.3172 –141.36 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 15. CRSP EWIID, –5% < Bifurcation Parameter < 5%
R(t+1) = 0.0979R + 0.0004 0.21 0.0004 –0.0979 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 16. CRSP VWIID, Bifurcation Parameter > 5%
R(t+1) = –89.839R3 + 3.7791R2 + 0.1419R – 0.0003 0.85 0.0003 –0.1419 –3.7791 89.839 6.600% –2.393% 4.091% 0.568% –1.287% –0.131%
Table 17. CRSP VWIID, –5% < Bifurcation Parameter < 5%
R(t+1) = 0.0157R – 4E–05 0.24 0.00004 –0.0157 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 18. CRSP VWIID, Bifurcation Parameter < –5%
R(t+1) = –0.0743R + 8E–05 0.48 0.00008 –0.0743 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 19. DJIA, BP <–5% AND Volatility > 25%
R(t+1) = –0.1493R – 0.001 0.48 0.001 0.1493 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 20. DJIA, Bifurcation Parameter > –5% OR Volatility < 25%
R(t+1) = –137.2R3 + 1.6602R2 + 0.1262R + 8E–05 0.79 –8.00E–05 –0.1262 –1.6602 137.2 3.698% –2.488% 2.200% 0.220% –1.394% –0.098%
A bifurcation model of market returns 19

deviation of 1.16%. Therefore, the bifurcation model offers market equilibrium states far from the market’s long-term
a specific, testable trading strategy that can potentially out- average return. Empirical evidence confirms the relevance
perform the market (subject to trading costs) by taking of the evolutionary concepts of Nicolis and Prigogine
advantage of either the over-reaction or under-reaction mar- (1977) to the financial markets as noted by Nawrocki
ket inefficiencies. However, there is no assurance that these (1984). The methods proposed by Haken (1975) provide
criteria for market inefficiency will be effective for all mar- useful insights into financial market dynamics and empirical
kets or future market conditions. evidence confirms the relevance of phase transition models
to the financial markets. Further research is recommended
to determine more precisely the economic and business
5. Summary and conclusions cycle factors that govern the bifurcation of market equilib-
rium states and the dynamics of bull and bear states far
Empirical evidence suggests that, historically, the stock mar- from equilibrium.
ket has deviated from the efficient market state, primarily in
an under-reaction, trend persistent state, drifting towards
either a bull state equilibrium point or bear state equilib- Acknowledgements
rium. A long-term positive bias in economic fundamentals
shifts the bull and bear state equilibrium points toward posi- The authors wish to thank William Carter, George
tive returns. Returns following days with increasing volume Phillipatos, Fred Viole, and anonymous referees for their
and in periods of moderate volatility have, on average, comments on this paper. All remaining errors are the
wider dynamic equilibrium points. Conditional returns fol- responsibility of the authors.
lowing prior day volume declines or periods of annualized
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