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Introduction for AutoCAD® P&ID

Ursula Sadiq – Autodesk

Stephanie Flower – Autodesk

PD114-1 This class will provide an introduction to AutoCAD P&ID 2010. The class will
focus on how this software can improve your productivity when creating and editing drawings in
a P&ID project. Covered topics include graphical drawing creation and working with the
accompanying data. The newest features in the 2010 release will also be highlighted.

About the Speaker:

Ursula Sadiq is a senior product manager at Autodesk, working on plant design applications for
the process manufacturing and power generation industries. She previously spent a decade as
a trainer and consultant supporting AutoPLANT® software at REBIS and then at Bentley
Systems. Before that, she worked for Schlumberger as an offshore wireline engineer in the
Gulf of Mexico. Ursula has a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of
Delaware and master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science from
Carnegie Mellon University.

Stephanie Flower is a Technical Sales Engineer at Autodesk working on Process & Power
applications. She previously spent two year as a trainer and consultant in the process industry
supporting AutoPLANT and PlantSpace software at Bentley Systems. Before that, she worked
as a 2D designer for several Oil and Gas companies in Houston. She has a bachelor's degree
from Texas A&M University in Environmental Design.
Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

This session covers how to use AutoCAD P&ID 2010 to draw intelligent Piping and
Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs). At the end of the session you will understand how
AutoCAD P&ID 2010 leverages standard AutoCAD productivity tools to quickly and easily create
and edit P&ID drawings in ways not possible using base AutoCAD. You will receive step-by-step
instructions on how to make a typical P&ID, all the while you will be ensured that all components
maintain expected connectivity and inheritance.

In this session we will create the P&ID (shown below), to provide a general idea of how to use
AutoCAD P&ID to create production P&IDs. In particular, we will cover these items in this order:

A. Drawing equipment & assigning tags

B. Connecting equipment with process lines
C. Placing hand valves, reducers and control valves
D. Placing instrumentation
E. Entering pipeline data and placing pipeline annotations
F. Entering equipment data and placing equipment annotations
G. Data management via the Data manger Interface
H. Placing off page connectors
I. Validation
J. Publishing drawing and data

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

1. Launching AutoCAD P&ID 2010

As with other AutoCAD based products, you can launch P&ID from either the desktop
icon or from the program start menu. This will invoke AutoCAD in the P&ID workspace.
The environment should be familiar as it is leveraging standard AutoCAD. The most
important elements of P&ID workspace to become familiar with are:
 the P&ID workspace ribbon
 the Tool Palette
 the Data Manager
 the Project Manager

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

What’s new in P&ID 2010?

 The Ribbon

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

 Curved Schematic Lines – you can draw curve

 Inline Equipment - Equipment that orients to the flow and breaks line.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

 End connections on Control Valves, Relief Valves and Inline Instruments (as well as
Hand Valves)

 Project specific tool palette designation – you can select what tool project all user of the
project will see.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

 Project Security – ability to use Windows user rights to prevent project setup access.

 Awareness of Plant 3D

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

2. In AutoCAD P&ID 2010 you will create P&IDs in a project environment, so the
first task is to create a project. This is an administrative task not typically done
by all users – and in a change from previous releases is now a Wizard. A New
Project will be created from the PIP Standard, and named Zig 1 as shown. We
will run with the default settings so you can uncheck the launch project setup

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

3. Now we will make a P&ID drawing. This is done by selecting the project, right-
clicking and selecting the NEW Drawing menu option. We will call the new
drawing PID100. When making a new drawing, it is important to fill out DWG
Number, since that is displayed frequently in the UI.

FAQ: Why did I get this DWT? Because this is the DWT selected for this project. It
can be changed in the Project Setup dialog. If you are interested in configuring project
settings, please attend one of the P&ID course that cover setup (such as PD208-1 or

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

4. We now have a new blank P&ID, with a title-block and nothing else. One can
draw in model tab or the layout tab. In this course we draw in Model space.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

5. We will draw 6 pieces of equipment from the Equipment tab on the Tool Palette.
These pieces of equipment are as follows:
 Open Top Tank TK-300 (middle top)
 Dome Roof Tank TK-100 (on the left)
 Dome Roof Tank TK-050 (on the right)
 Spiral Heat Exchanger E-150
 Vertical Inline Pump P-100

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

6. Now we will pipe up these equipment items as shown. First, all the MAJOR
lines. The direction that you draw is used for the initial flow direction. However,
this can be changed at any time. If it’s easier, you can draw the line in the
reverse direction and then correct it later.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Next, the 3 minor lines (show in Magenta here for clarity, but they appear more blue in
out-of-the-box defaults. The colors are configurable in project setup. )

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

New in 2010 is the ability to turn a curved line into a Schematic Line. Using the pline,
say we draw a feed to the open top tank.

Selecting the PLINE, we can pick Convert to P&ID Object . . .

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

This turns the curved pline into a SLINE like any native P&ID item.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Now, using this similar technique, you can change any AutoCAD block or graphics into a
item tracked just like any native P&ID item.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

7. Now we’ll add some inline items, namely valves, control valves and reducers

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Notice that you can substitute one valve for another via the “substitute grip” if you need
to update it after it has been placed. Also notice you can set the Open/Closed state and
the end codes for the valves.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

8. Add instrumentation. We will add a temperature control and a flow control loop.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Tagging and Annotations

9. Now, we will tag some of the lines. After entering the data, we will annotate the
lines. When it comes to tagging, you have a number of choices. These ways for
tagging are valid for all tagged components, not just lines:
10. Right-click Assign Tag
11. Tag Tool from Ribbon
12. Properties Palette
13. Annotate then Edit the Annotation
14. Data Manager Edits

We will tag the flow control valve section to be 6”-CS150-AV-300. The pipe on the other
side of the reducers will be 8”-CS150-AV-300. The bypass will be 4”-CS150-AV-300.
Notice how the inline items automatically inherit the values of the pipe.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

15. We will now add some more data against the Equipment Items. We will annotate
our drawing with infotags for each. As with all annotations, one accesses the info
tag annotations via the right click menu.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Again, one can fill out the data against the equipment in various ways – Properties
Palette, Data Manager, or Editing an annotation. Here is seems easiest to edit the

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

16. Another way to view and enter item data is via the AutoCAD Properties Palette.
Here we will look at the properties palette for the first gate valve we inserted
earlier. Notice some properties are marked with a lightning bolt to indicate this is
an inherited property.

The inherited values can be changed by setting the property into “override mode”. This
may be done, for example, if the valve had a different spec than the pipeline to which it was

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Data Manager is the UI for handling data values in P&ID. Data Manager is a good way to
efficiently look at and to enter a lot of data. So if I’m bulk tagging, I might choose to do it though
the Data Manager interface instead of one of the other ways. Open Data Manager using the
ribbon icon or by typing DATAMANAGER on the command line. First, we will spend a minute
investigating how to use this interface. The type of item to edit is selected from the tree on the
left. The data for this sort of item is then displayed in the panel on the right. You have tools to
filter, sort and reorder columns of data. Copy & Paste is also supported.

17. Using Data Manager, we will enter some data for the line segments.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

For example, if we wanted to enter CS150 to be the spec for all lines, we could simply
copy and paste it into all the Spec cells. Notice how the line segment TAGS, which
include the spec designation, also instantly update.

Quickly, using copy & paste, we will set the line sizes to be 10” for all the un-size primary lines,
and 3” for the un-sized secondary lines.

We have assigned physical values to the physical pipe segments. We can also assign Service
and Number to the lines as a whole. This is done in the Pipe Line Group node. This is also a

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

good time to notice that the first column can be used to zoom into the item described by that
row. Here we’ve clicked in the second row, and the intake to TK-100 is centered, zoomed to,
and highlighted.

We’ll spend a few moments tagging the rest of these lines with Line Numbers and

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Switching back to the segment view, we see that the tags have updated with these new
values also.

18. Next, we can take a look at the Import/Export ability in AutoCAD P&ID 2010.
Using Export, you can create a copy of the data into an excel file. If desired,
changes made in excel can be imported back into the P&ID.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

During the Import, all the proposed changes are highlighted which you can now accept
or reject. There is also the accept/reject all options. Notice that when an update is
accepted, any annotation containing that value is also updated.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Accepting end condition or normally status changes will update the graphics too.

You can even update tags through the import. Any Non-unique tag will stop the update
and produce this alert dialog.


19. Now we will add OFF PAGE CONNECTORS. First we will add one new line
which we will run through TK-050 and add a gap. We will tag this line 4”-CS300-

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

20. We will add off page connection arrows on each of the 6 lines that go offpage.
Pipeline Tag annotations have also been added to the P&ID drawing

21. After placement, use the Properties Palette or the Data Manager to enter
Connector Number & Origin/Destination data.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

22. This isn’t interesting unless there is some other connector arrow on some other
drawing to connect to --- so let’s make another drawing. From Project Manager,
right click and select New Drawing, and create drawing 200

23. Create furnace F-512 on P&ID 200 and draw a process line to feed this tank.
Instead of using one of the P&ID blocks, we could draw something ourselves, or
place any block from a block library. Here we’ve drawn something using basic
AutoCAD drafting commands.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

24. Then select the items, right click and pick Convert to P&ID Object.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

25. In the presented dialog, we pick what kind of item this is. In this case, we’ll pick
Equipment – Furnace – Fired Heater.

26. Now we can tag the furnace F-512 and place annotation on the page. Then we
will draw a line feeding the furnace, and place an off page connector on the feed

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

27. For the feedline, add Origin/Destination data.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

28. To connect this arrow to connector 04 from the other P&ID, we again use the
right-click menu. From the right click menu, and select connect.

29. To match this drawing with connector 01 on the first P&ID.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Then select the matching arrow (arrow 04) on the other drawing. Notice how the
service, connector number and drawing number automatically fill out. And also, notice
that if you annotate the line, it has the same values as from the other side of the arrow.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID


30. Validation: AutoCAD P&ID 2010 has the ability to check your project for certain
states that might indicate problems. The user can then choose to fix or to ignore
each issue.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

31. First, the Validation Settings allows you to select what conditions to validate.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

32. Then Run Validation will show the results of the check.


33. Export to AutoCAD: if you want to make a pure un-intelligent version of a P&ID
dwg, you can use the “export to AutoCAD” function. This is a one-way export to
make a vanilla AutoCAD file.

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID

34. DWF Publishing: you can publish to DWF all the drawings in the project via the
Publish option on the FILE menu. This gives you one file with all the drawings,
which can also include and data that is tracked against the components

You (or anyone else) can open this DWF in the free viewer DESIGN REVIEW. One of
the more interesting use cases with DWF and DESIGN REVIEW involves taking
advantage of the Compare feature, where changes between versions of a DWF are

Introduction to AutoCAD® P&ID


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