Zedd Customer Solutions Electronic Assessment

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Zedd Customer Solutions Electronic Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate your problem solving skills and mathematical
abilities. Please reach the questions carefully and complete the form.
1. Your customer needs help solving a problem with his printer, but is not home and can’t
provide you with the model code. How do you proceed?

x☐ Direct the customer to the website to find the printer and provide you with the model code.
☐ Pass the call to your supervisor.
☐ Use your product knowledge by asking probing questions to determine the information you
need in order to answer his questions.
☐ Tell the customer to call back when he’s home.

2. You’re working in the customer care department for a cable company and you receive the
following email from a customer; Donald Trudeau.

“I’m extremely upset. I was told the technician would arrive between 12:00 and 5:00 PM. He
did not show up until 5:45 PM. I am very unsatisfied with your service and considering
cancelling. I deliberately took the afternoon off so I could have my service installed, and now I
won’t be getting paid for the time I was absent. This is no way to start a service with your new

You check the customer’s account and the notes which shows the correct installation time and
the technician got there at 5:45 PM because of heavy traffic from a car accident.

Please draft your response in the box below.

I would first apologize to the customer for the inconvenience and let him know that
the issue has been raised to higher authorities. After which, I would speak to the manager or
supervisor about the issue. There are often multiple departments that handle such cases such as the
grievance department that will further contact the customer and offer them the right solution to the

3. You receive a call from a customer who has insurance protection for a new sound system. She
explain the volume isn’t working even though she rebooted the system a couple times. She is
very frustrated because she has been waiting to connect with a representative for over 30
minutes. What is your initial response?

x☐ Introduce yourself, apologize for the wait time and ask how you can help using your product
knowledge to identify the correct insurance procedure.
☐ Explain to the customer you’re overwhelmed with calls, ask what they need help with and tell
her you will call her back after reading over the policy.
☐ Introduce yourself and look over the customer’s account notes.

4. Your customer purchased an internet package for $135.00 per month with additional cost of
$80.00 per month for their phone service. As a loyal customer they will receive a 20% credit
for the whole year. What is the customers total on their next billing cycle.

Please show your calculations below.

$135+$80= $215 (Per Month)
$215 * 12(MOnths) = $2580/ Total Billing Amount
20% of $2580 = $516 (Total Discount)
$516/12 = $43/ Month Discount
Therefore, $215 - $43 = $172

5. Please complete the typing assessment with the following instructions.

A. Please use the link the begin your test: https://www.typingtest.com
B. Please select “1 minute” and “Sentences”
C. Please select “Start Typing Test.”
D. When the time is up, please copy and paste your “typing speed, error, and adjusted speed
Please provide your score below.



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