Worksheet 4.7 LOOPBACK 4

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Loopback 4
Worksheet 4.7

New vocabulary
Read the definitions of the terms below and make sure you understand all
of them.

● An endpoint is any device that is physically an end point on a network. Laptops,

desktops, mobile phones, tablets, servers, and virtual environments can all be
considered endpoints.
● In computer programming, a schema (pronounced SKEE-mah) is the organization or
structure for a database. The activity of data modeling leads to a schema. (The plural
form is schemata.)
● API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software
intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an
app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone,
you’re using an API.
● SOAP and REST are Web API services. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol
whereas REST stands for Representational State Transfer. SOAP is a protocol whereas
REST is an architectural pattern. SOAP uses service interfaces to expose its
functionality to client applications while REST uses Uniform Service locators to access
to the components on the hardware device.
● ICT policy framework is a set of principles and goals intended to govern the
development, implementation, adoption, monitoring, evaluation and application
of ICTs in organizations, institutions, societies or nations.
● In the computer world, the "backend" refers to any part of a website or software
program that users do not see.

Vocabulary practice
Read the definition and write the right answer.

1. ICT policy framework is a set of principles and goals intended to govern the
development, implementation, adoption, monitoring, evaluation and application of ICTs in
organizations, institutions, societies or nations.

2. Laptops, desktops, mobile phones, tablets, servers, and virtual environments can
all be considered endpoints .

3. REST uses Uniform Service locators to access the components on the hardware device.

4. API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.

5. SOAP uses service interfaces to expose its functionality to client applications.

6. A schema is the organization or structure for a database.

7. Any part of a website or software program that users do not see is called backend .

Read the following text. Ignore the gaps so far.

LoopBack 4

1. __Built for API developers

LoopBack is a champion, extensible, open-source framework based on Express. It helps you to

quickly create APIs and microservices composed from backend systems such as databases and
SOAP or REST services.
The diagram below demonstrates how LoopBack serves as a composition bridge between
incoming requests and outgoing integrations. It also shows the different personas who are
interested in various capabilities provided by LoopBack.

2. _Visión general

You can define your API endpoints and schemas using the OpenAPI standard. You can also write
your endpoints in modern JavaScript using different modules. Finally, you can use your defined
endpoints and schemas as the source of truth without generating code.

3. _Built for teams

LoopBack 4 allows your teams to review changes to API endpoints without using JavaScript. It
permits you to maintain consistency by automating the validation of your endpoints and schemas.
LoopBack 4 provides you with first class support for TypeScript (strongly typed JavaScript).

4. Built for your platform

You can use LoopBack as a starting point for your own framework or platform. It also allows you to
build libraries of reusable components in a standardized way. It also gives you an option to
integrate with databases, web services, and other platforms using connectors.

5. How is our documentation organized?

We use the the Diátaxis documentation authoring framework which organizes technical
documentation into a system based on four quadrants:

Learning-oriented Tutorials provide practical lessons where users can learn the framework by

Problem-oriented How-to Guides provide recipes to solve specific goals you may encounter while
building a LoopBack project.

Understanding-oriented Concepts pages provide the explanation of architecture concepts, wider

view and deeper knowledge about the framework.

Information-oriented Reference guides provide technical description of the machinery and how to
use it.
Reading comprehension
Complete the gaps you saw in the text with the following titles.
How is our documentation organized? ( )

Built for API developers ( )

Built for your platform ( )

Overview ( )

Built for teams ( )

Complete the following self-evaluation section.

1. Entiendo en qué consiste la estrategia de activar el conocimiento anterior.

Si No Tal vez

2. La estrategia de activar el conocimiento anterior me ayuda a entender mejor

un texto.
Si No Tal vez

3. Entiendo qué es LoopBack 4 y sus características.

Si No Tal vez

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