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Mary Joy J.

Monneca M. Marquez
Clarence M. Nagutom
Cyrus M. Saliendres
BSEd 3- Social Studies
“Representing Women through a Flick”
A movie is a recording of moving images that tells a story and that people watch on a screen or
television (Meriam Webster, n.d.) The purpose of a movie is to entertain, educate, enlighten and
inspire viewers by delivering a story in various genres such as action, drama, horror, comedy, thriller,
and romance. Movies became part of our daily life. We used television not just to be updated through
watching the news but also to watch movies aired on it for the common reason which is to entertain
ourselves, particularly during our free time. According to Understanding Media and Culture (n.d.),
movies mirror and shape culture. By means of a movie, it reflects cultural attitudes and customs that
its audiences may learn to adopt from what they watched on screen.
Our way of life has been linked to the film in some manner. Movie industry
continually reflect and influenced your sense of style, conduct, eating habits,
family life, and worldview (Makamani, 2009). Hence, this makes movies part of
our pop culture and at least one movie can change the landscape of our popular
culture as well as can change our world in some way.
In connection to this, our group has chosen the movie as pop culture to be analyzed using
Feminism and Feminist Theory. Through this theory, we will analyze certain movies which
represent women and their roles play in society as well as the issues and challenges that women
encountered within society. In the succeeding slides, we will discuss and elaborate on some main
ideas that we’ve formed by analysis.
Main Idea of Analysis
Movie title: Maleficent (Fantasy, Adventure, and Action)
The character of the malevolent fairy godmother from Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault and the
villain from Little Briar Rose by the Brothers Grimm served as the inspiration for Maleficent. Marc Davis
created the animation of Maleficent. In "Maleficent," a feminist-revisionist adaptation of the Sleeping Beauty
fable, Angelina Jolie portrays the evil fairy from the tale, a once-happy winged sprite who, driven by heartbreak
and retaliation, curses a baby princess. Maleficent and Stefan's competing agendas were the root of the
internal struggle that arose between them. Maleficent wants to live in peace, while Stefan's desire is to rule
over the human realm and the Moors.
Pure evil is symbolized by Maleficent. She has a dark, cunning, and
merciless personality and will use any means necessary to further her nefarious
intentions. Furthermore, she is exceedingly shady, as evidenced by the taunts she
directs at Prince Phillip after capturing him. Particularly in the instance of Maleficent,
the way in which she is shown as both a strong, independent woman with great
mental fortitude and a person who is loving and caring is empowering; particularly in
the patriarchal world that we currently live in.
A political, cultural, or economic movement focused at giving
women equal rights and legal protection is referred to as feminism
(Prakash & Mishra,2015). Mother Nature was frequently associated with
the nurturing and creative abilities of women. One of the key
components of eco feminism is the naturalization of women and the
feminization of nature. Another meaning of this saying is that women are
as fragile and untamed as flowers and require males to protect them.
The Disney princess tales, in which a prince rescues the
princess from the villain or an evil witch, gave rise to a similar concept.
In contrast to Disney stories, Maleficent portrays a feministic
interpretation of the narrative of The Sleeping Beauty by adding a twist
to the conventional plot and by making Maleficent the defender and
curser of the princess, Aurora. To put it another way, the story of
This part of the movie when Maleficent helped and
Maleficent supports the notion of "woman helping woman.“ saved Aurora from the curse.
Similarly, in the film, Maleficent is presented as harsh and
kind concurrently even after losing her wings which represent for her
dignity and strength. Ecological feminism criticizes this code of
conduct by promoting the idea that "women can be a mother and
powerful at the same time."

This part of the movie when Maleficent passed her

crown to Aurora.
Main Idea of Analysis
Movie title: DARNA (Drama, Action and Fantasy)

Darna is a representation of the generosity and power of

women. Darna would be seen defending the helpless against both
common criminals and more powerful bad forces in comic books
as well as in film and TV adaptations.

Our Amazing Warrior Maiden was created by Mars

Ravelo, who was inspired by the US character Man of Steel as a
symbol of "truth, justice, and the American way," because he
wanted the Philippines to have its own hero, a representation of
the Filipino ideals of compassion and empathy. Ravelo drew
courage and character from his mother, who raised him by
herself, to model for Darna. The transformation of Narda into a Superhero known
as Darna.
Darna's exposed body in her recognizable red outfit
with gold stars is a celebration of the female body for the
modern woman, she says in another statement. Simply
because society's patriarchal worldview claims that it is
disrespectful to expose one's body does not mean we have to
hide it or feel embarrassed of it. Who is to argue that Darna
shouldn't battle bad men in a bikini if she feels amazing doing it
and can move more effectively?

Darna wearing her bikini while battling with criminals

and bad guys and saving people.
It can also be suggested that the Filipinos' affection for Darna stems from our pre-colonial civilization,
in which women played equally significant roles to those played by men. Male superheroes outnumber female
ones in the Philippines. We have Pedro Penduko, Panday, Gagamboy, Lastikman, Captain Barbell, and more.
However, none are as well-known, adored, and honored as our Darna. With her symbolic status as a woman of
justice, hope, and strength for Filipinos, Darna has steadily grown into a formidable icon ever since Mars
Ravelo originally invented her in the 1930s and had her exploits begin getting published in the 1940s.

However, Darna, who is regarded as the most well-known and renowned

Filipino superhero of all time, reaches its pinnacle when her feminist identity comes
into focus and shines when she accepts the position of being a symbol of equality.
Thus, Darna is largely recognized as a feminist icon, and her functions in the
empowerment of women and the pursuit of gender equality cannot be much more
limited when used as a political motivator.
Main Idea of Analysis
Movie title: Wonder Woman (Action and Fantasy)

One of the most prominent female role models in

existence is Wonder Woman. She exemplifies the power and
independence that many women aspire to. She and the other
women on Themyscira are the perfect example of the
sisterhood and support that the feminist movement promotes.
She personifies the idea that balance is the key to equality, this
superhero continues to be regarded as a feminist icon decades
after her creation. One of the most well-known and potent
superheroines is Wonder Woman. She is a symbol of feminism
and the power of women, having been created from feminist
beliefs and ideas. The woman of the 1940s was inspired by
Wonder Woman because she embodied both feminine and
masculine qualities in equal measure—strength and empathy.
Wonder Women together with her male allied.
Main Idea of Analysis
Movie title: Mulan ( Action/ Fantasy)

Mulan saved all of China, but what remains important

to her family is solely bringing honour to the family by becoming
a bride. As a woman, her heroic efforts were not appreciated;
but as a bride, she brings honour to the family. This highlights
that even if women can be successful in masculine terms, what
really matters overall is conforming to their feminine gender
roles. This reminds women of their stereotypical role in society,
and gives the message that deviating from these set roles is
useless, suggesting how deeply entrenched in society these
stereotypes are. A critical explanation for these sexist
stereotypes is that the dominant male class maintain them to
keep females oppressed (Mack and Ott 180).
The film Mulan also reinforces that gender roles are Mulan in the middle of the battle field, showing braveness and
resilient and very difficult to break out of. reinforce that gender roles is resilient.
The movie conveys the idea that finding a partner,
getting married, and taking care of the home should be a
woman's top priorities. Girls who watch this movie are deterred
from attempting to pursue careers at a young age and are
instead inspired to prioritize falling in love and getting married.
Mulan reinforces female gender roles in the song, “You’ll bring
honour to us all” in which Mulan is preparing to see the
matchmaker who will turn her into a bride. She portrays
femininity as the binary opposite of masculinity.
Mulan challenged gender stereotypes by
demonstrating that women are capable of enduring the suffering
and sacrifice males experienced during combat. She disputed
the notion of what constitutes a guy. Mulan battled for her father
and for herself at the same time because she wanted to show
that she was more than just a housewife. Mulan reinforces the female gender roles while challenged the
gender stereotypes.
Mulan seems to be a feminist film encouraging the
individual empowerment of women. Also, she serves as a
reminder that women can be courageous in the face of danger,
that they can fight valiantly alongside men, and that displaying
such heroism is the genuine mark of a morally upright person.

Mulan in the middle of battle field alongside men.

Main Idea of Analysis
Movie title: Black Widow (Action/ Science Fiction)

Black Widow is easily the most feminist Marvel Cinematic

Universe movie, with an abundance of scenes affirming female
experiences and exploring female relationships. The movie itself
also centers around the liberation of women, as Natasha and
Yelena embark on a mission to destroy the Red Room. The
chemical agent's antidote, which neutralizes it, is another feature
that encourages female bonding. By releasing Antonia from her
father's pharmacological and cage manipulation toward the
conclusion, the movie reaches the pinnacle of its feminist
ecosystem. A promising movie, Black Widow provides its audience
with a fun experience.
The real story of "Black Widow" is one of women's
liberation, and family — biological or not — in all its loving,
The portrayal of Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson.
dysfunctional forms.
"Black Widow" a highly satisfying female revenge fantasy,
not when the movie goes to great lengths to treat its male, human
trafficking antagonist as a small and ultimately unimportant man. It
is the story of the physical liberation of the Widows. The movie
also tells a story of liberation from society's narrow definition of
womanhood, and women's worth and morality as tied to
reproduction. The Black Widow program is specifically gendered;
it not only takes advantage of how patriarchy treats women
without families as societally useless and expendable, but also
takes this misogynistic conception to an extreme wherein women's
bodies are "natural resources."

Black Widow as taking her revenge from the villain.

This paper's discussion of feminist theory and popular culture has primarily focused on the purpose
and positioning of female characters in films. In popular culture, representation is a topic that is discussed in
terms of identity and intersectionality. Feminist film theory is concerned with the structures of women's
narratives in film and how women are portrayed. For a long period of time, the position of a woman in the
society has been debated. Social and political movements, mainly far left and moderate left, struggled to
achieve equality for women in society or to provide them with additional rights. The idea to depict the
inequality of women on the screen was to be expected, and it is not a surprise to observe a number of films
that tell stories about women.
These Movies; The Maleficent, Darna, Wonder Woman, Mulan and Black
Widow can hardly be found in the same category because all of them discuss
different topics and spheres of life and deliver different messages to spectators. On
the other hand, all of them have women as main characters. Despite the differences
in genres and directing methods, most of them depict women in non-traditional
ways; this feature dictated our logic of their selection describe the challenges that
they are forced to face. Much is still to be learned about the impact of pop culture
on feminism and, because culture is ever-evolving, so will theories of feminism.
“Representing Women
through a Flick”

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