Chemistry Record (Experiment)

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iy be Stags af Wwe roy we e0) Mee Gall Schule Senne 4 ae pal a mehr Sab Sabuton Wee lonttmboa in estivating the wee ff wy any Vib Sal Sobibor WAIERIAL REPAIRED | i BacHe, Ppell, 200! Severe! Lack, Zab waa lsh, | Fenel , pareelaia th, stags aim kad, Scbstion ~JEORY 1 Can ee ee tp ale =) ee lao ‘ ; pomegsacate hlia Sn ttbe. tain’ de tis sacle teuows 1 ancy satadina ane! heames terut. inns Vignes fa bDlaby - { i t err alee sabe weal ee olecwe Leet lzh “ AS. 6H Snolcaler cara! aypeataaces of phe aa wh tabail ta Sibi. Shou fhe “apl 2 : me ile + 24,5, ———> Kh + ng? Hala) § 84g ld 2 2 etal Reali | Mol, + 4.52, + WbSplay a Neg inu| ey 7/1.) SHORT PROCEDURE _ Guretle Sodubion - KMoly Figelle Sedation ~ Stun ohio! FAS Content in laniceb flask ~ Zand of (AS + Zork of AW, Sle Tenprrolue — Lob lenpenbue Trdicated - Self Lndltabor End font ss Appeatonce eH pole ponent pok abut : Recuelion Half Reackinn 8 Me Bis —> M,”, ayn Oxidation Half Resolion + 5 he > he ® Over) Reaction 3 Ml? 81456 ——> "Ses Gh,0 formulA: Yoat,* “honty® “nay > Yas "as* Ys Strogth of Kn, = Moles Wass x Wobariy STAMDARDISATLOM OF FAS: Mus per tlre = Meburify x Mobo Mass of fas = Se x 392= 19-6 moss fa 250mi = gx 259 00h \\ Page No. N. (tows Fguasson): Redon Lab Leach eee — Outhhia Heb keadios ed Le ea a an eo _ | Our! keaton Mal, + 8H" Se” > Mp Spe + YD PRocL DURE oon lee et eel ey A iz _Doke. % / euros ornisa Sup LL antl pol it Shonolesd oe _ _ 2 All Wed ol ADS 5 the Shachid Uiassigze Lich, site waite EM th reaches 250mb mak inthe Lhask la) Sule He_mschure wel) LD 0 cher sebubaa 2: obtained! he qa Gp tenmus ammonsard Sulphate Sader = — Wet math: TABULALLON Slenohad FAS k ky theme \ Concern — “ vebume ! kM"nDy | | , 20-7 | | ij é 20! 21 i | 3 a} | | CALULAI TON : YY) Yara, * Pag vty as * "fys” Vs ~ 21x Mead, * 5: 0» ges J 1 Meme * yop5 * 2:009QS mf Strength of Kal = Mobs Mass x Mobeif = 88x 000995 1-S#) gh “eo Rise 0 ain) pipelle with unde tlhaed! id | fawus. amroniuae Sulphate Shir ____ aw (td _ton) LAD AS ecb wi Silda with bustlte Sobebiia, Shady pale poratocta’ ped ln hake 4 md of ee soon shia ble pte. ond pott tale a chan Dosh > Soscrntcr’ RESULT. thay ab Hh = 0-00 945. me gh eh ve Lad | waders s—aiahisa ate i becate 5 Let tons My by the Strenphr of Kin O 13°29 weae No, (ae) tebe Salt Sadubiven \ _ he eee mehr _salh Shiba "leo dazentalen a2 ___| 1 esate le Shezgh ll sng Llthe Sab. Solaliaa— 1 t | | } | 1 1 i i I wy TAL REQUIRED: ee i buckle, Ppelle, 2500) Shosbre! Desk, pina | nal parctla sa the, AD se Stan Laadatd Maby Sab SehuLia 1} | Kiel, Schule = - || I 1 H } | t | | } | 1 | } } Reals 101) Sebeer —te ale Sabules . on sulphate ; is »—teobs teacLiaa In Lacs reefer Leniaus. 2 Li@aly | ns att as | ll ad: “alse a gyeeiance al pabe oe (pub told ia | be Sabaleor? Show's be npn, of the _tealon | —_ [ins she +34" > Mh Shea's #40) | | AWELUAR Lutioty —__— _ 2h» 2450, — ye, _ | 28 i op 901485: — 4 50 ais 40 lad 2402 cla) , SHORT PRUE DURE Bbwelle Sobubon - Kale Prpelle hbo — Slaadard FAS Content bn Unica Mask — comb of Ls « comb of Mis Temperolare — lab temperature Spe cn oe cae oa Endl pot — Aypearunre of pale pormanent pork tobus Recicbion Holl keackon + Mn + 8H*+ 50 2 Vn” sty0 Qxidetion Holf Reaction + Re So Over) Reaction ¢ Mag + 8H" Be" FORMULA: O +é > nts Shee 4d Yorn . Matty’ nty = Yas as ys Shenglh of Kb, = Malas Mass x Mebriity STDNUOARDESATION OF fps ¢ Mess per Lie = Mobriity + hy thess of fas ee ee Mass toy Bomb: 9-8 2h veog wie Leubiio d= ee ee ee Maly + 8H"+ 2° - 2 Mn" opp _ Buihition Half Vy a ee eee > hy 2+ Shee GAD [i> ete a hae Xtal Castel ensuing Mish. + ___| les fake 2.655 ol ain Ben es tate Shmehi! meosutigy Lh “bai publ nl sf DAS ale Shashcal mevseing ish Ban LD| | tthe sober LILY ces Died mush 2 be Leck ___| (Sake the michre well LLL a hae eahbia 2 abiatse! he —| "pial Mdina Ven hatteus tamer isa Sulphole Seholeaa = ne 6 bose wa ee tun Lal, J | | polassicms »_petnnagonnte Shlan Med bi ing LDL D_| | Mad, Sabrina LL cele wathe _ TABULAL LON: onda FAS ik Krk, Volume FAS, y. Koyo, * Ph Oy * "yoy Vena, * as * "hs *h,. => 1B-8 x Nyy XS 2 Vigan .! Mhetite * sae = 0-0053 mb Shiagh Wb Koby = tubrly * aby Paes = 00053 x 159 > 0: 8376 ght a ph \\_ Page No. ahaa Lash Sows Lee t) ola (G9 ancerttoacrees wed late he igh i esing. eral. aera’ Sodutivs WMiERAL REQUIRED —Butelle. pipelle, tab Soraeoet Lhah. oe) vical Mash, bach, teseelria $e, ali _aciel Shit, Maly. Sobran 2 ee eaal sci atl Maly Shilin 5a seobr natin la Bb itatlba tothe a arial fom "2. _txidelin_shle”" b+ ees rae ” Laas yase tn Niall luterl fa +? fy +? arid 52 Via ee Mea al bcobt andl gpeotante of, A pmare (pink tabut, Shaws the 7 phhioa of teat lard - = £56g* Mah * be. PROCEDURE —E—e _ > Me ’ g-ge]) de Toke a ne Sheth! Densuding hask eh of uahtsebd al pal Us Le Shashro! Masai, a a La al Buiele Sohbio2 ~ Kiely Vigelle Schutter ~ Oxaht Meé! Content tn lento Mask - Bon olooe as Jo) 20Y Tenpenluie - WO Didialos — Af Id cated Lid fink Yppensance of, pole pemanerl pik tobyy _ Rediclion bl heachant C2) Mh bn"4 629 > hs ono Oxidation olf’ Rael int ES) -G4" —> 200, 1222 Leib beoclien § Pol, + bH*% Slo 2 PokMUL A : Vom 0, x Vethyy 4 Wingy 7 Grube eci! lake ous) ad Shrenglh of Kil = Mlotiy 4 Nob Mass STANDARDISATION OF OrAlit ALLO : ' i 1 1 1 1 i ' 1 I \ ' I { | > 2%°"+ Wh, + 840 Bedi aetd Nhnss per Ihre ~ Mbiity 4 Wehs Pass of arabe act 2 gt lbh: 21S Mss ter Bmb= pjgr 250 ep co Shake Be michae well tM a chur Sabutien 5 vhlebsed! This shbie..s Vee orale ect Shiba 8 Rinse. 0 Stab butelle with water Abwed. gg Mhby Sohboo _ a mae bl be butlenite ANaly Sbitien uple zero math ; |aTate eal ol walt wil wth, Le ka ill ma oa abt IDS - tthe bused Su 4. Lar, Sewhy 4 phe - pe Lhut 4 pes ene pace) IS . 7 p Raa cide Teacher's Sign : TABULA) jo Sloncloyel Owhe Aefo/ K ANd, 506° | ub atl |}——— vee Buell Sober al oe CALCUATLON + Nhe * agg, x "ty = bone 450, lily, 5 bi b* 2). - I t way ow H APPARATUS REQUIRED = —__—_— | ~ 1 | | __ 250mh_ beaket china: | Filler Liyes, toatl £ Tied ]__wsite gayge - _ "| GUMELALS. REQUIRED {o ___ hy 74gb “4 : | 4) 4 _ == SDH bly 2 25nd _| ssp sialon) Teacher's Sign : be beaket - lake So, ge lla] la yp nigh hapa y 4 3 qj ix N y ia al be_th contents w Dy he uyslob Stnnaiae may 1 Qestals of \ pe “ Lhosh oun \ Page No | oF pene cayshh of potash abn 1 inkagy Rosh ohm,’ 0 chubde sald of potarsiv Sulphile ano! aluminium Sedehale hos the fumuhs L654 lsa Ko) Lh A Commonly brown as bthea!” Z, “LL cao be pipetted ty elt entertraling an egutnclor pimlities bby aid Al) Spo _dlssehied fn hiole and bn cooling he resubigg Sloblia Lh Nigh go 640 —> ig ah ig), cio] [| aieiea ins REguiRED. beakers (280 mb). ghss ital, chino cith, tamed, Filer hyper, Shea! Trjpoe! » buinee |_| CHEM iLALS REQUICED gy og | ALG), 1840 = Mog —__ © phe 25g of phssium siphate i» desder ond seca *s iinum_guatlfe af dtl sab linuron. Teacher's Sign: . — eae 5 ol shim tue Sulp Mepsl 1-2rb] of fo C/A acre oe Mile in enolbes beakes , alld 6-5 4BSty end 25 mb of L2LLed wale 4 bsche Le soll Pier bel be shifins 2 2 Same china bth an) Feel _ tp YylMentin pont 5 packer) ee ee ee a ae, _ —hi_tyshlcabig Ae ots - Seedigg vay be Lene TL ne0den 6 leant ob Me mabat ser, such cytobs uth all maid ond | the ayshbs fo the tbls. of Libs pe aeduegh Bare 7717) a 1 lyystabe to be snshed ith tab umber ca Siedlig. may be cane te peed Y. be pools at, be ty stabs - en - o_sepante be “cbured . _ ef ate aad_bhue inks an ascend; pelt RS yabues — mnickial Répuineg — = Le __ Chinmate gi ely abe Tatokv: phe pyct, ghis us, mids dfs. orp puistal jn. the mike y ai cheemategraphy, bad -_ The_ pepe. chnnstygnphy 2 edu It % pessihlp a || te bs He distance travelleg) b, —_whytnce Spe hte cons kebsroblia nb] Its oleTvec! ax tee | lio of al’sfance travelled! by Substance tim the relevance component Tran velerente I: Ly coher fiom Where Ine ~ beseel ole! Vetenie ota | eb uhich Me ineliiliad conmpustat mig nigsalies bsrygh a_shelisnagy | Fi hue Fhe by Scheat tion pe w uae eon slece, mechan Wl of 2, L ahed tol nao). unled £0 tle puta ben pg _ ee (Zi anal. the eleaiazapagp| tll pif wih be sub fred» ayy Mae Vd east fous f estes Lied and __| _ | sat bouche Lee solar Plate th tad tehithed LB he malth shen —= || neal, t 22 eal yb Layee gpa | 16 Macure the — ol to Mrcot mused! and aft L eet —llaed Compass nents fie Loo plone 4 Line. ma

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