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Test Yourself

A. Tick (Z) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. number system is the only machine understandable number system.
Decimal Hexadecimal
2. The number of unique digits used in a number system is known as
3. There are
unique digits in Binary number system.
o position
4. All digital computers use
10 02 07
number system.
Binary Hexadecimal Both of these None of these
5. The base of hexadecimal number system is
16 08
B. Match the following.
1. (11)10 (a) Binarynumber system
2. (1001)2 (b) Decimal number system
3. 01 23 7 (c) Hexadecimal number system
4. 01 23 (d) Octal number system
C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.
F right left eight binary
1. The octal number system has unique digits.
2. The computers process the user's data after converting it into its form.
3. In hexadecimal number system, the number 15 is represented by
4. The value of each digit in a number depends upon its position from to

D. Answer in short.
1. Define radix or base.
2. Name the number system with 10 as base.
3. In which number system, letters A, B, C, D, E, and F are used?
4. Which number system uses only 0 and I digits?
5. Name the number system whose radix is 8.
E. Answer in detail.
1. What is a number system? Explain its types.
2. Write steps to convert a Binary number to Decimal number system. Give an example.
3. What is the output of the following:

binary numbers.
C0m eri the following decimal numbers into
1. 978 572 3.466
G. Cons€rt the follot' ing binary numbers into decimal
3. 1010101

S)lve the crossword with the help of clues given
1. Number system that contain only digits
from 0 to 7.
2 Number system which is made up of 10
3. Number system that has only two digits.
4. Number system that has 16 alphanumeric
5. It is the number of unique digits used in a
number system.

Application Based Question

1. Ritu is trying to cenvert a decimal number (10)10into a binary number. But she isconfigd
how to write the remainders. Help her in obtaining the binary number in correct forn
2. Rohan's computer teacher asked him to convert a binary number (1001)2into dea
number. Suggest him a method of converting the binary number into decimal number

Lab Time

Create a table in Word to represent the number 8146in Decimal number system.
Let us Summarize
• Cyber ethics deal with the moral principlesor the code
of conduct to be followedby
while using online services or accessing information on the
+ Plagiarism means stealing the ideas, thoughts or writings of other people and using them by your
name without the knowledge of the original author.
• A hacker is a person who possesses a high level of computer skills and has a good knowledge of
the machine and the operating system.
• A cracker is a person who is an expert in breaking the security of a system or network to steaJ
important information without the consent of its owner.
+ Phishing is one of the fraudulent processes to collect some secret information from the user like
his credit card number, net banking password, account data, etc. with the help of an authentic
looking e-mail.
Spam is the practice of sending unwanted e-mails or messages to a large number of people who
otherwise do not want to receive these messages.
• Privacy deals with the rights of an individualto keep his/her personal informationsecret from
others and disclose only the selective one.
Software piracy refers to the unauthorised duplicationand use of computer software.
Intellectual property refers to the creation of any individual's mind like inventions, artistic work
or literarywork.
Digital footprints are the traces or traits left behind by a user while performing online activities.

Test Yourself
A. Tick (v/) the correct answer and fill in the blank.
1. means stealing the ideas, thoughts or writings of other people and using then
by your name without the knowledge of the original author.
Phishing o Plagiarism o Privacy
2. are the traces left behind by a user while performing online activities.
Digital Footprint o IntellectualProperty

3. provide formulation rights to industries on their researched products.

Design rights
Trademarks Patents
4. Phishing is

a cybercrime a way of writing emails

updating an onlinejournal all of these

B. Vill in the blanks using the given words.
Spamming Hacking Intellectual Property Rights Software piracy Phishing

1. is the illegal copying, distribution or use of licensed software.

2. is unauthorized access to a computer and/or network resources.
3. is the Internet fraud that aims to trick people into revealing sensitive
information like their credit card numbers and passwords.
4. is when unwanted e-mail is sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists,
individuals or newsgroups.
5. refers to the creation of any individual's mindlike
inventions, artistic work or literary work.

C. Write T for true and F for false.

1. Hackers are more dangerous than crackers.
2. Phishing means sending authentic looking e-mails.
3. Never use incognito browser if you not want to the history to be stored.
4. Making copies of licensed software is not a cybercrime.
5. Using images from websites without permission is a crime of plagiarism.

D. Answer in short.
1. What is cybercrime?
2. What is spamming?
3. Define cracking.
4. What is copyright?
5. What is phishing?
6. What is digital footprint?
E. Answer in detail.
1. What are cyber ethics? State any five examples.
2. Explain any five safeguards using which you can avoid data violation.
3. What is plagiarism? Explain.
4. What is cyberbullying? Explain its preventive measures.
5. What do you understand by intellectual property rights?
6. What should you do if you face any cyberbullying?
Let us Summarize
+ A formula in Excel is an expression made up of data values or the cell references of the cells and
mathematical operators.
+ Cell reference refers to address of a cell or a range of cells.
+ Every cell has a name known as its address which is made up of a column letter and a row number.
+ When you copy a formula with relative reference, the address of the cells in the formulas change
according to the address of the destinationcell.
+ Absolute reference has dollar ($) sign along with the column letter and the row number in the
+ Mixed reference is when one part of the cell address is relative and the other is absolute.
+ Functions are predefined formulas used to perform some particular operations quickly.
+ Some of the functions in Excel are Sum, Average, Count, Min, Max, Sqrt and Today.
+ Sorting means to arrange data either in ascending or descending order.
+ Filtering is a process to extract the records from a worksheet that fulfill certain conditions.
+ Conditional formatting is used to format the cell values to a specific format if they follow certain

Test Yourself

A. Tick (I) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. function is used to find the square root of a value.
sqrt Sroot
2. The Insert Function command is available in the tab.
Formulas Tools
3. All functions have parts.

4. The default cell reference in a formula is

5. An absolute reference has a
o complex
sign along with the column letter
and row number in the cell.

B. Write T for true and F for false.

1. A cell address cannot be used in formula.
2. Functions are predefined formulas that can be used to perform some particular
3. Functions are used to perform calculations.

4. Records once hidden, cannot be displayed again in the worksheet.
5. AutoFilter hides the records in the cell range which does not satisfy the given criteria.

C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.

cell reference Fill handle Conditional formatting Count() Filtering
I. Formula can be copied using
2. function is used to count the number of non-empty cells.
3. Formula contributed with performs automatic recalculations.
4. allows to format the cell values as per the applied condition.
5. is a quick and easy way to find the records that meet certain criteria.
D. Match the following.
1. SUM() (a) to find the smallest value
2. MAX() (b) to add numbers
3. MIN() (c) to find square root of a value
4. TODAY() (d) to display current date
5. SQRT() to find the largest value
E. Answer in short.
1. What is a cell range?
2. Name the three types of cell references.
3. What do you mean by formula? Give an example.
4. What do you mean by function?
5. Name the option used to format the cells according to a specified condition.
6. What is the use of conditional formatting?
7. What is the use of filter drop buttons?
F. Answer in detail.
1. How do you select a range?
2. What is the difference between relative and absolute reference?
3. Explain the types of cell references in brief.
4. Write steps to rename a worksheet.
5. Write steps to name a range.
6. What is sorting? What are two types of sorting available in Excel?
7. How do you remove a filter?
8. Write steps to add a worksheet.

and also helps in improving digestion.
This exercise adds flexibility and strength to the body
hips. Your knees should be in line
Kneel on the yoga mat and place your hands on the
shoulders and the sole of your feet should be facing the
if being pulled from the navel.
As you inhale, draw in your tail-bone towards the pubis as
Simultaneously,arch your back and slide your palms
over your feet till the arms are straight.
Do not stain or flex your neck but keep it in a neutral
Stay in this posturefor a couple of breaths.
Breatheout and slowly come back to the initial pose.
Withdraw your hands and bring them back to your hips
as your straighten up.

Notefor Teacher: Explain the benefits of using charts for better analysis of data stored in the worksheet
Also tell the students how the various types of charts are useful in different situations by
giving suitable examples.

Let us Summarize
+ A pictorial representation of data values is called a chart or graph.
+ The main componentsof a chart are: Chart Area, Y-AxisNalue Axis, X-Axis/Category Axis, Plot
Area, Chart Title, Legend and Data Series.
+ In Excel, chart data and text are linked to the data and text in the worksheet from which the chart
is created.
+ You can format text, background, boundary color, size, axis and other properties of the
components of a chart.

Test Yourself

Tick (V) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. key is used to insert a chart quickly.

chart displays data in the form of a circle.
Pie Column Area
3. A chart that displays trends in data over a period of time is
Bar Line
Identify the type of chart.

C Fill in the blanks using the given words.

Design Column Legend value Format analyse

I. Charts are easier to understand and
2. Y-axis is also known as axis.
3. charts display data in the form of a vertical bars.
4. The two tabs that appear on creating a chart are and
5. helps to identify colors, patterns, symbols assigned to data series.
D. Write T for true and F for false.
I. Charts are useful tools for comparing data values.
2. A line chart represents changing trends in data over a period of time.
3. X-axis is also known as category axis.
4. Column charts can represent only one data series.
5. In a bar chart, categories are represented on the vertical axis and values are
represented on the horizontal axis.
E. Answer in short.
1. What are data series?
2. Which chart component helps to recognise different data series?
3. What is the use of Chart Styles option?
4. What is legend?
5. Write the shortcut key to insert a chart in Excel spreadsheet.

out ut

Let us Summarize
The <IMG> tag is used to add pictures in a web page.
+ The <A> tag (Anchor tag) uses HREF attribute to link the web pages.
+ The <OL> tag is used to define a sequentiallyarranged or numbered list of items.
+ The tag in used to define an unordered or bulleted list.
+ The < TABLE> tag is a basic structural tag that encloses the entire table information.
+ The<TR> tag is used to enclose the data of a single row in the table.
The <TD> tag is used to represent each cell entry of the table.
+ The <TH> tag can be used in place of <TD> tag if you want to show the associatedcellvalue
as a row or column heading.
+ The <MARQUEE> tag is used to add scrolling text in a web page.

Test Yourself

A. Tick (V) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. Bulleted list is an
ordered list unordered list numbered list none of these
2. The heading cells in a table are created using tag numbered list
<TD> both of these none of diese
3. is not an attribute of <IMG> tag.
HEIGHT BORDER None of dlese
4. The text can be moved by using tag.

5. tag is used to define a sequentially arranged list of items.

5 <UL> <OL>

Fill in the blanks using the given words.
left HREF numbered TR hyperlinks
1. An ordered list is also known as list.
2. Cell values in a table are aligned by default.
3. are the links in a web page which, when clicked, open another web page or
4. <A> tag with attribute allows to link the web pages.
5. The tag uses tag for creating table rows.
Match the following.
(a) Image source
(b) Cell value
3. SRC (c) Path of linked page
4. HREF (d) Ordered list
Unodered list
Answer in short.
I. Which tag can be used for creating table column headings?
2. Which tag is used to mark the individual list items?
3. What are the two types of lists that can be created in HTML document?
4. Name various image formats that are used in HTML.
5. What is Anchor tag?
6. Which tag is used to hyperlink a text or an image?
E. Answer in detail.
1. Write the HTML code to insert images in a HTML document.
2. What is the use of TYPE attribute in <OL> and <UL> tags?
3. What is the difference between <TD> and <TH> tags?
4. Name the different attributes of the <TABLE>tag. What are they used for?
5. Explain the use of tag.

Fun Time
Application Based Question
develop a web page on the topic of pollution. In his
I. Kamal, a student of class VIII, wants to
of pollution as an unordered list and also images
page, he wants to display different types
related to pollution. How can he do so?
on a web page. Help him write the code for it.
2. Arjun has to create the following table
Name Total Marks
Roll No.
Lalit 92
1. 99
2. Trilok

(Based on Excel and HTML)

A. Prepare a marksheet of the students of your class in Excel.


Roll English Maths Science S. St. Hindi TOTAL

2 j No Name (40) (40) (40) (40) (40) MARKS
3 t Ak•sh 38 40 35 go
4 2
s 8
7 S

• Enter marks of English, Maths, Science, S.St and Hindi.

• Find the sum of marks of all the subjects.

B. Create a worksheet and a pie chart based on it, as shown below.

Number of hours
i Advity_ Numberofhours
2 Slee 8
3 IPIay 2
4 School 10
5 Tuition 4

C. Create a web page as shown below. Create a hyperlink on each picture.

Write the HTMLcode
in your notebook.

Throughout history, the greatest scientific minds demystified the
world with
their discoveries.

•e(For Chapters 1-5)

Tick (V) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. right provides exclusive right to companies to identify and distinguish
their products.
Software Piracy o Industrial Design o Plagiarism o Privacy
2. is not a hexadecimal number.
3. attribute of <OL> or <UL> tag is used to change the numbering format of the list.
Number Bullet
Start o Type
4. tag is used to enclose the data of a single row in the table.
5. All functions have parts.
6. key is used to insert a chart quickly.
B. Name the following.
1. The traces or traits left behind by a user while performing online activities.
2. A mathematical expression used to solve problems.
3. The cell reference that has a dollar ($) sign along with the column letter and the
row number in the cell.
4. The main attribute of <IMG> tag.
C. Write the answers.
1. Cell Al contains the number 20 and Bl contains 3. What will be the contents of the cell Cl, if
the formula =A1+B1*2is entered in the cell Cl?
2. The contents of cell A5, B5, C5 & D5 are 23, 2, 15 & 12 respectively. What will be the value
displayed in cell E5 which contains the formula =MIN(A5:D5)?
3• Cell D3 contains the formula =$B$3+C3and this formula is copied to cell E3. What will be the
copied formula in the cell E3?
4• Cell D3 contains the formula =$B3+ C3 and this formula is copied to cell E3. What will be the
copied formula in the cell E3?

<HI> Types of Computers
COL type = "a" >


Computer is wonderful machine. <BR>

E. Perform the following conversions:

1. (110101)2
2. (56)10
F. Write code for the following.
Note: The HELLO in the first page is an image hyperlink.

G. Answer these questions.
1. What is the difference between relative and absolute reference?
2. What do you understand by charts? Write any two benefits of charts.
3. Suggest the Excel functions that can be used for carrying out following operations:
a. To calculate total marks of a student if the marks in five subjects are given.
b. To find out the marks of top scorer in a class.
c. To calculate average marks of the class.
d. To find out minimum marks scored in the class.
4. What is hyperlink? Explain the tag and attributes used to create a hyperlink.
5. Write the difference between <OL> and <UL> tag.
6. What is cyber ethics? State any five examples.

Out ut
Enter Description

'mart Tip

If the SELECTED attribute is not specified with any item in the drop-down list, the first itemis
shown selected by default.

Let us Summarize

<FORM> tag is used to create or define a form.

+ tag is used for getting the informationfrom the user in the form of text,
clickable button.
Text input control is used to enter data in form of letters, numbers, etc. in the form.
+ Radio control is used when there is only one option required to choose from severaJ
+ Checkbox control is used when more than one option is required to be selected.
Password control is a single line text input but it masks the character as soon as a user
+ Submit control is a command button used to submit the entered values to the web server.
+ Reset control is a command button that will refresh the form to enter new values.
Textarea input control is useful when we want to enter details in multiple lines.
<SELECT> tag is used to create a drop-down list in the form to choose an item from
expanded list.

Test Yourself

A. Tick (l) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. tag collects information from the user.
2. The COLS attribute is used with

3. tag is used to create text box, radio button and checkbox on the web page
all of these
4. attribute is used to select a particular checkbox by default.
Value Size Checked Option

6. (a) accepts the input in one line
1. checked
AREA> tag (b) specifies the value for the field to be stored
2. (TEXT
(c) makes a radio button pre-selected
(d) displays a command button
5. value (e) fields that display several text lines at a time

Fillin the blanks using the given words.

Password Form Reset Text Area
1. button will refresh the form to enter new values.
2. is useful when we want to enter details in multiple lines.
3. is text input that marks the character as soon as a user enters it.
4. tag is used to create or define a form.

D. WriteT for true and F for false.

1. You can create a form in HTML.
2. The SIZE attribute of <INPUT> tag is used to specify the width of the control
in terms of characters.
3. <TEXTAREA>tag is used to insert a single line input control on the form.
4. The <INPUT> tag is used to input clickable buttons on the form.
5. The <SELECT> tag is used to create a field on a form to display a list of choices.
6. The input field of password type is used to hide the characters that are entered
by the user.
E. Answerin short.
1. What is the use of password control in HTML forms?
2. What is the use of tag?
3. Name the different HTML form controls.
4. write the use of tag.
Answerin detail.
Explainthe different attributes values of <INPUT>tag to create clickablebuttons on the
2. Explain the different attributes of Radio control.
3. List the attributes of the <INPUT> tag.
HOWare radio and checkbox attributes of the <INPUT> tag different from each other?
5. What are the uses of the Submit and Reset buttons?
6. Differentiatebetween single line and multi-line text input.
Explainthe various attributes used for creating checkbox control.

line Comment
special character to start the
on we use # comment.
# This is just a comment.Anything written here is ignored by python
comment in Python, we use triple
Tohavea multi-line single quotes at the beginning and at the
the comment.
, "This is a

Let us Summarize
python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language.
+ Python is simple and easy to learn language.
+ In Python, you can work in two ways—interactive mode and Script mode.
+ You cannot save the commands in the interactive mode and you can execute only one command
at a time.
+ Interactive mode is used for small programs whereas Script mode is used for lengthy programs.
+ Variables are the named memory locations created in the main memory of a computer which
used to store data.
+ Data type represents the type of data stored in a variable.
other object to the screen. It is
+ print() function is used to print a specified message, string or any
also used to display the output of any instruction given by the user.
from the user.
input() function is used to accept a value for a variable


Tick(l) the correct answer and fill in the
programming language.
1. Python is a none of these
object-oriented both of these
high-level Python prompt.
command interpreter window that shows a
2. The Python mode
Python shell Script area
is used when an user wants to run one single line.
mode Both of these
Interactive mode Any of these
Script mode

4. Each variable can hold some
data value comments
5. The data type for 15.8should be
float char
6. In the Interactive mode, instructions are executed
o line by line o randomly all of once O all of
7. is a built-in function takes more than one argument.
input() print() enter ()
B. Write T for true and F for false.
1. The input() function in Python is used to accept the value of a variable from the user.
2. In Interactive mode, you can save the commands in the form of file.
3. A variable name consists of alphanumeric characters and underscore.
4. Python is a case-sensitive programming language.
C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.
portable Script print() 1991
1. The first version of Python was released and implemented in
2. Python is and can run equally on different platforms such as Windows, Linux,
3. function is used to print a specific message string or any other object on frie
4. In the mode, you can save the commands in the form of file.
D. Answer in short.
1. What are the different working modes in Python?
2. What is the use of print() function in Python?
3. What are variables?
4. What are data types?
E. Answer in detail.
1. Write a short note on Python programming language.
2. Write the naming rules for variable in Python.
3. State any three features of Python.
4. Explain the role of data types in Python.
5. Write a short note on:
a.input() b. print()
6. Explain the use of comments in Python with an example.


A. Tice the arn•et and fill in 'he blank.

1. is used to agi"i a value to a variable.
A%ignrnent Rela tional
coetator returns the integer value of the quotient by dumping the dips
Wdulus Division
3. other narne of Relational operators.
Arithmetic z Assignment
or•rator Firs two relations such that it returns true value
ex are tn,z.
all of
Vatrh the followin•e
(a) Arithmetic Operator
(b) LogjcaJOperator
3. and (c) Assigrrnent Operator
(d) Relational Operator
C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.
six + not Operators
1. are special symbols that carry out arithmetic or logical computatim
operator is to calculate the power of given number.
3. Pyt±vn types of relational operators.
4. is used to concatenateor join two strings.
5. (jperatr;r is used to reverse the truth value of a test expression.
D. Write T for true and F for
1. PepJiczticn is used to replicate a given string for the specified
nurrjbz•r of times.
Z P.eizticnzJ are to assign a vaJue to a variable.
3, (jperatrn are used to perform mathematical operations.
4. The order in which the operators are evaluated is called precedence of operators.
Answer in short.
understand by operators?
1. What do you
2. Name the arithmetic
3. What is the use of assignment operator?
4. Evaluate the following expressions:
a. 12+4 /2 b. 50-5*5

Answer in detail.
1. What do you understand by the term operator precedence?
2. Write a short note on the following topics:
a. String operators b. Logical operators
3. Why is Relational operator also known as comparison operator?
4. Explain in brief different operators available in Python.

Fun Time

Think and Write

Writethe output for the following code.

1. x
print (y* * 3)

print ("x > y is", x > y)

3. a 20

b 10
c 15
e (a + b) * c/d
print ("Value of (a+b) * c/d is", e)


correct answer and fill in the blank.

V) the
blocks are used to perform
In Scratch,
compare numeric values to determine arithmetic operations, generate random
mbers and their relationship with
Sensing one another.
Control Operators
O Events
blocks are used to control the actions
of the sprite when a
2. satisfied. specific condition is
Operators o Sensing Events Con trol
operator blocks are used to compare two
values or expressions.
Logical Relational
o Mathematical Control
blanks using the given words.
fillin the
Repeat until value Comparison Forever
1. Operatorsblock can easily be placed in the box of any other block.
2. Relationaloperators are also known as operators.
block repeats the enclosed stack of blocks until the specified condition
evaluatesto be true.
4. In Scratch, blocks is used for repetition till the Stop button is clicked.

C WriteT for true and F for false.

I. Wecannot compare two arithmetic values in Scratch.
2 UsingForever block, you can execute any block repeatedly.
3. Sensingblocks are used to control the actions of the sprite when a specific
condition is satisfied.
4. Operatorsblocks are used to control the execution of the script.
5. Thedefaultsettings of Random Operator block will produces a random number between 1 toll.

the function of each block in short.

zoo ruGn 10


5. stop •

Answerin short.
1. Whatis the use
of Sensing block?
2. Whatdo you
understand by repetition?
3. What do you understand by Random operator block in Scratch?
4. What do your understand by Relational operators?
F. Answer in detail.
1. Write a short note on Sensing blocks as Reporter blocks.
2. What do you understand by:
a. Repeat Block b. Forever Block
c. Repeat Until Block d. Wait Block
3. Explain Relational Operator blocks in brief.

Fun Time
Think and Ten
1. How many times does the sound "Xylo" play when you execute the blocks givenbelow?


play )ybl •

2. Here, three stack of blocks are given below. Each of which is supposed to makea sprite
play sound "Meow" 5 times when the green flag is clicked. Circle the stack of blocks
that will work, cross out the blocks that will fail. Also, explain your answer.

key •
Meow • unti done play sound • unNdone play stmjnd Meow • unu don 2

Lab Time
A. Write the following program in Scratchand observe the result carefully.

Calculate 2

2 2

• Now try to solve the equation 10+10/5+5-24*2

Test Yourself

A. Tick (v/) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

1. In Scratch, the position of a sprite is defined by
x,y position on a coordinate system location of the mouse pointer
both of these none of these
2. The Scratch Stage is pixels wide and pixels high.

3. coordinate determines the horizontal position of a sprite.

All of these

B. Fill in the blanks using the given words.

X-coordinate Glide Y-coordinate Surprise coordinates

1. The location of a sprite on the Stage is determined by a combination of two values

2. The determines the vertical location of the sprite.

3. block moves the sprite smoothly, from the current position on the Stageto
specified position, in the specified time.
4. option facilitates you to add random music in your scratch project.
5. The can range from 240 to —240.
C. Write T for true and F for false.
1. The Scratch Stage is 480 pixels wide and 360pixels high.
2. Animation is generally used to create an illusion of movement.
3. The exact location of a sprite is not important in some projects in Scratch.
4. Go to block sets the X-coordinateof the sprite to a specified position.
D. Answer in short.
1. Explain the role of coordinates.
2. What do you understand by animation?
3. What is the use of Point to Direction?

to share. Click on send
address of the receiverwith whom you
tep button.

Sh«e v•Åth Md groups


Let us Summarize
+ E-learningor Electronic learningmeans to learn anytime, anywhere using the Internet.
+ E-commerceor Electronic commerce means buying and selling products using the Internet.
+ Online reservation means booking tickets using the Internet.
+ An e-mail is a method of sending messages from one person to another using the Internet.
+ Chat refers to text messagesfrom sender to receiver while both sender and receiver are online
at the same time.
+ Blogsare often made on politicaltopics, sports, web design, gadgets, etc.
+ Podcastingis a method of using the Internet to create audio or video clips and make these available
for download.
+ Socialnetworkingis a facilitythat allows us to make connections with friends, family, classmates,
customers, clients, etc.
+ A videoconference
is a live,visualconversationbetweentwo or more people living in separate
+ Cloud storageis a networked storage or disk space, available
over the Internet.
+ Google Drive is a free data storage medium developed
by Google.

Test Yourself
Tick(V)the correct
answer and fill in the blank.
is a blogging websi
Tumblr Twitter Flipkart

2. Data stored on a can bc used from any location that has Internet access
cloud storage pen drive hard disk
3. is one of the most popular social networking sites.
Facebook Google Chrome
o 123grcetings o GoogleN
4. is one of the most popular cloud storage facilities.
GoogleDrive E-mail Facebook
o o
B. Classify the names of these websites and write them under correct boxes.
Sound cloud Google Drive Flipkart irctc 123grectings Google Meet Facebook

Cloud storage
Online shopping
Online reservation

C. Fill in the blanks using the given words.

blogger Cyberbullying social networking

1. Twitter is the most popular website.
2. is an act of intentionally threatening, humiliating or embarrassing som
over the Internet.
is someone who writes content for a blog.
D. Answer in short.
1. What is e-commerce?
2. What is the difference between chat and e-mail?
3. What is a blog? Give an example of a blogging website.
4. What is cloud storage? Give any two examples.
5. What is the use of Google Drive?
E. Answer in detail.
1. How is Internet useful in education and shopping?
2. Write any two disadvantages of social networking.
3. What are various online modes of payment? Explain in brief.
4. Write a short note on social networking.
5. Explain the difference between blogging and podcasting.

Practical Assessment -9)
(Based on HTML, Scratch and Python)

A. Write an HTML code to generate the following form.

ersonal Information


pk'E de

B. Make a traffic light using following clues.

C. Write a program in Python to convert a given length (in metres) into centimetresand inches•
[Hint: 1 m = 100 cm, 1 inch = 2.54 cm]

(For Chapters 6-11)

Tick (e/) the correct answer and fill in the blank.

3, button is used to submit the entered values to the web server.
o Enter o Submit o
2. There are modes to work in Python.
two three four
3. operator returns the integer value of the quotient by dumping the digits after
the decimal.
Floor Division Exponentiation Division Multiplication
o o
4. blocks are used to control the actions of the sprite when a specific condition
is satisfied.
Operators Sensing Control Events
5. is a blogging website.
Tumblr Twitter
o Flipkart Gmail
Matchthe following.
1. checked (a) accepts the input in one line
2. tag (b) specifiesthe value for the field to be stored
3. <INPUT (c) makes a radio button pre-selected

<INPUT (d) displaysa commandbutton

5. value fields that display several text lines at a time

WriteT for true and F for false.

The SIZE attribute of <INPUT> tag is used to specify the width of the control
in terms of characters.
2 A variable name consists of letters, digits or underscore.
3. Relational operators are used to assign a value to a variable.
4. The sprite can sense the input in Scratch.
5. Socialnetworking affects our health.


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