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1. Explain plugins, tags, pages, and sub-pages.

1. Plugins: Plugins are pieces of software that can be added to a CMS to extend its
functionality. They are typically designed to perform specific tasks or add features
that are not included in the core software. For example, there are plugins for SEO
optimization, contact forms, e-commerce functionality, security enhancements, and
much more.
2. Tags: Tags are keywords or labels assigned to content on a website to help organize
and categorize it. They are typically used to make content more discoverable and to
facilitate navigation for users. Tags can be applied to various types of content, such as
blog posts, articles, images, and videos.
For instance, a blog post about travel might be tagged with keywords like
"adventure," "Europe," "backpacking," etc.
3. Pages: Pages are individual sections or standalone pieces of content on a website
that are typically static and not time-sensitive like blog posts.
Common examples of pages include the homepage, about page, contact page,
services page, and so on. Pages often contain important information about the
website, its owner, or its offerings.
They are usually accessible from the website's navigation menu and serve as a way
for visitors to learn more about the site and its purpose.
4. Sub-pages: Sub-pages, also known as child pages or nested pages, are pages that
exist within or underneath another page.
They are used to organize content hierarchically and create a more structured
navigation system.
For example, if a website has a "Services" page, it might have sub-pages for each
specific service offered, such as "Web Design," "Graphic Design," and "SEO
2. Difference between SEO and SEM.
3. Explain the process of SEO monitoring.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) monitoring is an ongoing process of tracking and analyzing
various metrics to assess the performance and effectiveness of a website's SEO efforts.
1. Keyword Tracking:
 Identify relevant keywords for your website's content and target audience.
2. Website Traffic Analysis:
 Analyse traffic sources to understand where visitors are coming from and
which channels are driving the most traffic to your website.
3. Backlink Analysis:
 Monitor the quantity and quality of backlinks pointing to your website from
other websites. Identify new backlinks and track changes in the backlink
profile over time.
4. Technical SEO Audit:
 Identify and fix any technical issues that may affect search engine crawling
and indexing of your website's pages.
5. Content Analysis:
 Evaluate the quality and relevance of your website's content to its target
audience. Identify opportunities to optimize existing content and create new
content based on keyword research and user intent.
6. Competitor Analysis:
 Identify areas where competitors are outperforming your website and
develop strategies to close the gap.
7. Reporting and Optimization:
 Compile regular reports summarizing key SEO metrics and insights. Use data-
driven insights to make informed decisions and prioritize optimization efforts.
4. Difference between SEM and PPC.

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