Assignment 5

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Assignment 5

1. Explain the Display campaign with its features and types.

ANS.1 A Display campaign is a type of online advertising campaign that targets users through visual
ads on websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms across the Google Display Network (GDN)
or other ad networks.


1. Visual Ads: Display campaigns primarily feature visual advertisements, including images,
animations, and videos, to engage users visually.

2. Targeting Options: Display campaigns offer various targeting options to reach specific
audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and online activities.

3. Placement Targeting: Advertisers can choose specific websites, apps, or placements within
the GDN to display their ads, ensuring they reach relevant audiences.

4. Contextual Targeting: Ads can be shown on websites or apps based on the context of the
content, matching ads with relevant topics or keywords.

5. Performance Tracking: Display campaigns provide comprehensive analytics and reporting

tools to track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and return on investment

Types of Display Campaigns:

There are many types of display ads, the most common being:

 Banner ads: Simple image-based ads commonly placed on websites or apps.

 Native ads: Seamlessly integrated ads that match the style and format of the platform they
appear on.

 GIF ads: Animated image ads are typically used to capture attention and convey a message.

 Interactive ads: Ads that engage users by allowing them to interact with the content,
enhancing user experience.

 Video ads: Ads presented in video format, offering a dynamic and engaging way to deliver
marketing messages.

 Expandable ads: Ads that expand or reveal more content when clicked, providing additional
information without leaving the current page.

 Interstitial ads: Full-screen ads that appear between content transitions, grabbing users'
attention with immersive visuals.

 Shoppable Ads: Ads enable users to directly purchase advertised products by adding them to
a shopping cart, streamlining the path to purchase.
2. Differentiate between search and display campaign settings.

3. What do you mean by bidding strategy? Explain its types

ANS. A Bidding Strategy refers to the method used by advertisers to determine how much they are
willing to pay for ad placements and how they will compete in ad auctions.

It plays a crucial role in determining which ads get displayed and where they appear.

Here are some common types of bidding strategies:

1. Cost Per Click (CPC):

 This strategy is suitable for campaigns focused on driving website traffic or conversions since
advertisers only pay for actual clicks.

2. Cost Per Mille (CPM):

 This strategy is beneficial for campaigns aimed at increasing brand awareness or reaching a
broad audience.

3. Cost Per Acquisition/Action (CPA):

 This strategy is ideal for performance-driven campaigns where the primary goal is to drive
measurable actions or conversions.

4. Target Cost-Per-Acquisition (Target CPA):

 This strategy is suitable for advertisers who want to maximize conversions while maintaining
a specific cost-per-acquisition goal.

5. Maximize Clicks:

 This strategy is ideal for advertisers focused on driving traffic to their website without setting
specific CPC bids.

6. Maximize Conversions:
 Advertisers set a daily budget, and the platform optimizes bids to drive the highest number
of conversions possible. These strategies are suitable for advertisers prioritizing conversions
over clicks or impressions.

7. Viewable Cost Per Thousand Impressions (vCPM):

 This strategy is beneficial for campaigns where viewability is a key metric, such as brand
awareness or engagement campaigns.

4. Short note on advanced-level bid strategy.

ANS. Advanced bid strategies in digital advertising utilize cutting-edge technologies like machine
learning and predictive analytics to optimize bidding decisions.

These strategies automatically adjust bids based on real-time data and user behavior, maximizing
campaign performance and ROI.

They often incorporate attribution modeling and cross-channel optimization to ensure a holistic
approach across multiple advertising platforms, driving superior results in the competitive digital

5. How do you measure the ROI of online advertising?

ANS. Return on investment simply compares the profit that results from a digital marketing
campaign to how much the campaign costs to create and deploy. Ideally, you want as high an ROI as

The basic ROI calculation is:

ROI = (Net Profit/Total Cost)x100

The return on investment calculation, however, won’t mean much if you don’t have any objectives or
goals, have inaccurate numbers and data in your calculations, measure the wrong key performance
indicators (KPIs), or are uncertain about what you’re measuring.

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