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1.1 Background
According to (Joel & Edeh, 2015) the importance of road in the development of any nation
can hardly be over-emphasized, as it plays a strategically important role in the
transportation of good and services. This is commonly achieved through the vast network
of roads that connect the rural and urban centres. Efforts at achieving the construction of
more roads are delayed by the high cost of building new roads, which is attributable to non
availability of sound quality road building materials within the environment of many road
Worldwide, the availability of natural construction materials within reasonable distance is
one of the major factors that have a direct impact on the investment cost of road projects.
In areas where natural construction materials are readily available, roads can be constructed
on sound economic basis. However, in some regions, natural construction materials are
either not available or do not fulfill the quality requirements of road building materials.
Problems associated with these construction materials have been reported in Africa,
Australia, Europe, India, and South America, the United States as well as some regions in
Road structural design believed that the minimum specified pavement structural quality
fulfilled for each layer in the pavement structural system. In the pavement system all layers
should resist shearing, avoid extreme deflections that leads to fatigue cracking within the
pavement system, and then protect from extreme permanent deflection. When the quality
of pavement layers is increased, the load distribution systems through each layer over the
Stabilization of Weak Sub grade soil Using Maize cob ash mixed with cement
greater area increases so that the required thickness in the pavement system significantly
decreased. Commonly, improvement attained from soil stabilization can be summarized
in(Guyer, 2011). Frequently used methods of stabilizing soils are stabilization by
compaction (mechanical) or stabilization by chemical additives. Pozzolana is defined as a
siliceous or alumina-siliceous material that, in finely divided form and the presence of
moisture, chemically reacts at ordinary room temperature with calcium hydroxide, released
by the hydration of Portland cement, to form compounds possessing cement properties.
The pozzolanic reactions are silica reactions in the occurrence of calcium hydroxide and H2o
to produce
calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H). C-S-H produces a denser microstructure that used to
increases strength, decrease the permeability of concrete and improves its resistance to
chemical attack. The addition of pozzolanas reduces pore sizes and porosity leading to
increased strength.
The need to bring down the growing cost of soil stabilizers and the cost of waste disposal
has led to intense global research towards economic utilization of industrial and
agricultural wastes for engineering purposes. The over dependence on industrially
manufactured soil improving additives like cement, lime and others have kept the cost of
construction of stabilized road financially high.
This continued to deter the underdeveloped and of the world from providing
accessible roads to meet the need of their rural dwellers who constitute large percentage of
their population which are mostly rural farmers. Thus, the possible use of agricultural
wastes, such as Maize cob ash will considerably reduce the cost of construction
and as well as or eliminate the environmental hazards caused by such manufactured soil
improving additives.
1.2 Statement of problem`
Clayey soil present in its natural state at construction site sometimes may not have the
suitable strength. It may have swell and shrinkage distinctiveness and causes significant
damage to pavement structures. This damage could be attributed to moisture fluctuations
caused by seasonal discrepancies. Volumetric changes weaken the subgrade by inducing -
cracking which meets out damage to the overlying structures. For imparting high amount
of strength and stability soil thus needs to be stabilized (Somal, Singh, & Walia, 2017).
Problems associated with these construction materials have been reported in Africa,
Australia, Europe, India, and South America, the United States as well as some regions in
Canada. In the United States alone, expansive clays have been estimated to produce at least
two billion dollars of damage annually. In many areas of the tropics especially Africa and
India, tropical expansive soils often known as black cotton soils are the major problematic
The above problems are extensively occurring in Kenya. The aerial coverage of
expansive soils in Kenya is estimated to be more than 25% total country. As a result,
Pavement failure in Kenya is becoming a common problem and great challenge,
consuming a lot of money. According to Expansive clay soil is available in
different parts of Kenya. However, utilization of such soil in the construction of road is
limited due to their substandard qualities. Especially in urban areas, borrow earthen soil is
not easily available which has to be hauled from Long distance. To utilize such expansive
soils conventional stabilizing agents commonly used in expensive soil and replacement of
the inferior subgrade soils by borrow materials are fairly expensive and also, about 7% of
Co2 released into the atmosphere is normally during the process of cement production,
which is responsible for global warming(Ogunribido, 2011).In line with the foregoing,
replacing proportions of the Portland cement in Soil Stabilization with agricultural wastes
material like Maize Cob Ash will go a long way in mitigating the harsh effects of increased
Portland cement production and costs.
Since most soils which is found in coast region have high plastic index and low CBR
value. These soils are a consequence for expansive and unstable subgrade soil. As a result,
they make pavement structure failure. The aim of this study was utilization of maize cob
ash as stabilizer to improve the properties of weak soils for subgrade in road construction.
Stabilization of Weak Sub grade soil Using Maize cob ash mixed with cement
1.3 Research Questions
The research aims to answer the following research questions:
1. How to determine the pozzolanity property of maize cob ash (MCA) and compare
with ASTM standard specification?
2. What are the effects of maize cob ash on properties of weak sub grade materials?
3. How is it possible to stabilize weak sub grade soils with Maize cob ash?
4. what amount of the stabilizing agent does the substandard soil can be used as road
sub grade material based on ERA specification?
1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 General objectives
The general objective of this research is to stabilize of weak sub grade soil using maize
cob ash mixed with cement to be used as subgrade materials.
1.4.2 Specific objectives

✓ To determine the pozzolanic property of maize cob ash (MCA) according to ASTM.

✓ To investigate effects of maize cob ash on engineering properties of weak sub grade
soils stabilizing at different percentage of maize cob ash and cement.

✓ To determine the possibility of using the maize cob ash in soil stabilization.

✓ To recommend on the appropriate percentage by weight of maize cob ash and

cement, required to improve weak sub grade soils to meet the specification.
1.5 Significance of the study
The production of industrially manufactured stabilizers, such as cement and lime released
C02 into the atmosphere during the process production, which is responsible for global
warming. So, it is important to find another option which is environmentally friendly and
cost advantage.
On the other hand, the extraction of substantial amount of non-renewable natural resources
for construction projects creates significant damaging impacts on the local environment
and its inhabitants. Therefore, construction techniques implemented to solve the
socioeconomic problems need to found not only time and cost effective but also
environmentally friendly.
The research will serve as a reference guide for practicing civil engineers and researchers
that practice in the area of study. This is useful in the sense that, it will cut down initial cost
of new projects which are to commence and add our knowledge on the behaviours of
expansive soils. As Kenya, maize production is one of the major crops, this study also
enables many construction companies to stabilize expansive soils using this stabilizing
agent which will be cheaper and abundant ever and also it creates a means of income source
for societies/farmers.
1.6 Scope of the study
This study was supported by different types of literatures and a series of laboratory
experiments. However, the findings of the research were limited to the two weak soil
samples to conduct this study. The results are also specific to the percent of additives used
in the experimental work. This study was covering the stabilization of materials, which is
not appropriate for road subgrade construction with naturally occurring weak/soft soil
materials through using mechanical, physical and chemical stabilization of different mix
proportion of samples by conducting laboratory test. The relevant laboratory tests
include grain size analysis, Atterberg limit, Compaction, CBR and Free swell test. Then
the study will compare the results with ERA, AASHTO and ASTM specification
likewise, a recommendation will be drawn and forwarded.
2.1 Expansive soil
Expansive soil is a soil that has the possibility for swelling and shrinking due to fluctuating
moisture condition. Expansive reasons for soils cause more damage to constructions
particularly pavements and light buildings than any other natural hazard, including
earthquakes and floods. It has been reported that the damage caused by these soils contribute
significantly to the burden that the natural hazard poses on the economy of countries where
the occurrence of these soils is significant. Kenya is one the list of countries where the
occurrence and spatial distribution is known as significant. Expansive soils could be found
everyplace in the world but they are basically restricted to semi– arid and arid regions. These
areas are obviously characterized by marked dry and wet seasons with low rainfall, poor
drainage and exceedingly great heat. The climate condition is such that the annual evapo-
transpiration exceeds the precipitations.
The two groups of parent materials have been associated with for cause as formation of
expansive soils.
2.1.1 Origin of Expansive Soil
The source of expansive soils is related to a combination of conditions and processes that
result in the formation of clay minerals having a particular chemical makeup which, when
in contact with water, expands. Differences in the conditions and processes could also form
other clay minerals, most of which are non-expansive. The conditions or processes, which
determine the clay mineralogy, include the composition of the parent material and degree
of physical and chemical weathering to which the materials are subjected

2.1.2 Distribution of Expansive Soil

Expansive soils are widespread in the African continent, occurring in South Africa,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Morocco, Ghana, Nigeria, etc. In other parts of the world
case of expansive soils have been widely reported in countries like USA, Australia,
Canada, India, Spain, Israel, Turkey, Argentina and Venezuela (Tilahun, 2004)
2.1.3 Identification and Classification of Expansive Soil
Investigation of expansive soils normally consists of two important stages. The first is the
recognition and identification of the soil as expansive and the second is sampling and
measurement of material properties to be used as the basis for design. The theme of this
topic is to discuss tests and classification procedures that are commonly used to identify
expansion potential

2.1.4 Classification Methods

Parameters determined from expansive soil identification tests have been combined in a
number of different classification schemes. The classification system used for expansive
soils are based on indirect and direct prediction of swell potential as well as combinations
to arrive at a rating

2.2 Soil Stabilization

Soil stabilization is the process of modification on one or more soil properties, by
mechanical or chemical stabilization, to create an improved soil material possessing the
desired engineering properties. The process may include blending of soils to achieve a
desired gradation or mixing with easily accessible additives that can modify the gradation,
texture or plasticity, or act as a binder for cementation of the soil(Guyer, 2011)
Stabilization of Weak Sub grade soil Using Maize cob ash mixed with cement

2.3 Uses of Stabilization

Pavement structural design is based on believed that the minimum specified pavement
structural quality will be full fill for each layer in the pavement system. In the pavement
system all layers should resist shearing, avoid extreme deflections that leads to fatigue
cracking within the pavement system, and then protect from extreme permanent deflection.
When the quality of pavement layers is increased, the load distribution systems through
each layer over the greater area increase so that the required thickness in the pavement
system significantly decreased. Commonly, soil improvement achieved from soil
stabilization can be summarized.
Quality improvement: through soil stabilization most common improvements are attained
include decrease of plasticity index or swelling potential, and increases in strength and
durability with a better soil gradation. In wet weather, improvement may also be used to
offer a working plat form for construction processes.
Thickness reduction: the strength and stiffness of the layer could be upgraded through the
use of additives to allow a reduction in design thickness of the improved material relative
with an unsterilized or unbound material. The layer thickness can be decreased if the
strength, constancy and durability condition of pavement is indicated to suitable by further
analysis (Guyer, 2011).

2.4 Mechanisms of Stabilization

The stabilization mechanism could vary generally from the formation of new compounds
binding the finer soil particles for coating particle surfaces by the additive to decease the
moisture sensitivity. Then, the basic understanding of stabilization mechanisms involved
with each additive is required before selecting an effective stabilizer suited for a specific
application. Chemical stabilization involves mixing or inserting the soil with chemically
active compounds such as Portland cement, lime, fly ash, calcium or sodium chloride or
with viscoelastic materials such as bitumen. Chemical stabilizers can be broadly divided in
to three groups: Traditional stabilizers such as hydrated lime, Portland cement and Fly ash;
Non-traditional stabilizers comprised of sulphated oils, ammonium chloride, enzymes,
polymers, and potassium compounds; and By-product stabilizers which include cement
kiln dust, lime kiln dust and others. Among these, the most widely used chemical additives
are lime, Portland cement and fly ash(Petry & Little, 2002). Although stabilization with fly
Stabilization of Weak Sub grade soil Using Maize cob ash mixed with cement ash could be
more economical as compared to the other two, the composition of fly ash
can be highly variable.

2.5 Types of Soil Stabilization

There are number of methods which can be used for soil stabilization; however, thus
methods are fall into two broad categories. They are: Mechanical stabilization and
Chemical stabilization. But Some stabilization procedures use a combination of these two
2.6. Previous attempts on Stabilization of Maize cob ash
An application of corn cob (an abundant agricultural waste) in construction will rid our
environment of the nuisance associated with their improper disposal and may free some
landfill space. Aside being more economical and environment-friendly than cement
treatment, CCA stabilization has the potential for long-term strength development or
increased ultimate strength that results from the high content of pozzolanic materials (SiO2,
Al2O3 and Fe2O3) in corncob ash.
There are some literatures on maize cob which investigates corn cob ash (CCA) as a
stabilizer. Here are some of them
The study by Akinwumi and Aidomojie (1915) had studied on lateritic soil stabilized with
cement-corncob ash (CCA) to ascertain its suitability for use as a pavement layer material.
They were performing serious of laboratory tests by varying from 0 to 12%, were carried
out. Results showed that addition of CCA to the soil generally reduced its plasticity, swell
potential and permeability; and increased its strength. CCA-treatment, aside being more
economical and environment-friendly relative to cement stabilization, improved the
geotechnical properties of the soil for pavement layer material application. Thus, was
recommended for use in pavement layers.

2.6.1 Characterization of MCA

Chemical composition of MCA reported by different researchers from different countries
in the world is shown in table below. As can be seen, main chemical ingredient of MCA is
SiO2 which is approximately 64% to 68% of the total composition. Second chemical
compound is Al2O3 which is around 6% to 12% and Fe2O3 have 3% to 6% of MCA
chemical composition.

Chemical composition Typical range (%)

SiO2 63.5 - 67.85
Al2O3 5.8 - 11.21
Fe2O3 2.95 - 5.19
CaO 3.5 - 10.24
MgO 1.82 - 2.55
SO3 1.1 - 2.53
K2O 4.20 - 8.42
Na2O 0.39 - 0.45


3.1 Study Area
Collection of samples in Kitengela located Kajiado county just 30 kilometres south of
Nairobi. The Geographical condition of the town approximately 1°27'N Latitude and 36°58'E
Longitude. The town has a temperature of 19-29°C with an average annual rainfall 744-
1700mm. The town is found in an area of the altitude of 1700m above sea level and characterized
by gender slopes. It lies in the climatic zone locally known as savanna climate or tropical wet and dry
which is considered ideal for agriculture as well as human settlement. According to the, the total
projection of population of the town is 154460 having tripled its population since 2007.

3.2 Materials

3.2.1 Sub grade soil

The weak sub grade soil samples used for this research will be collected from Kitengela town. The
soil is Dark gray and black in color respectively. According to ERA, the depth of any pit should in no
case be less than 1.5m unless rocks or other material impossible to excavate by hand is encountered.
Due to reference of ERA, the samples will be disturbed collected at a depth of blow 1.5m. Full
properties of the soil is addressed in the methodology section.

3.2.2 Maize cob ash (MCA)

The maize cob used for this study will be obtained from Githunguri, Kiambu Regional state after

the harvest season, the maize cobs will be sun dried. The collected samples will then be burnt

until it turns to ash by open burning on a metal sheet to protect the ash from mixing of

dusts. The burnt maize cob Grounded after cooling using manual method and the burnt

ashes sieved through 425µm

3.2.3 Cement

Kenya commercially available type I Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) will be used for this

research. This cement has specific gravity of 3.15 and 42.5R grade. Cement stabilization

to produce hardened mixture carried out by adding cement to a pulverized soil, and

allowing the mixture to harden by hydration of the cement. The physical properties of the

soil-cement are affected by a number of factors. There are different types of cement but for

this study OPC was used, because it has a high sulphate resistance capacity (Guyer, 2011).
And it is also simply available in Kenya.

3.3 Study design

The research followed the experimental type of study which began collecting samples.

The stages involved in the study include: -

Information gathering and Investigating the study area

Taking sample

Preparation of sample for each laboratory tests

Laboratory tests on pozzolanity properties of maize cob ash

Process of mixing maize cob ash with cement

Find out maximum replacement amount that satisfies requirement of the standard


3.3.1 Soil Investigation and Description

Field investigations of the soil included field description of the soil and collection of representative
soil samples for laboratory tests. From the visual inspection of the site, the study area was covered
with red and dark grey soil and it is also sticky in behaviour, which is usually considered as unsuitable
road sub grade material

3.4 Sample collection

Gathering information and Field investigations, samples of sub grade soils will taken from different
locations in Kitengela town. From those, the most weak soils will be selected by observations and
free swell index tests, because the intention of the study is to determine the suitability of maize cob
ash as subgrade stabilizers.

3.5 Study Variable

There are two types of variables will be taken into consideration both independent and

dependent variables.

a) Independent variables

✓ Grain Size Analysis

✓ Soil Classification

✓ Atterberg limits

✓ Free Swell Index

✓ Specific gravity

✓ Compaction


✓ Dosage of MCA and cement

b) Dependent variables

Stabilization of sub grade soil

3.6 Sources of data

Use of Both primary data and secondary data sources. Primary data for this study is laboratory
experiment output. Secondary data needed for this research collection will be from different
journals, book, website and manuals.

3.7 Sampling techniques

The sampling technique include purposive sampling which is non probability method, because it
involves the experimental investigation particularly on the weak subgrade soil samples, since this
study pick out the samples in relation to some criterion, which are considered important for the
particular study.

3.8 Laboratory Testing and Analysis

Tests for soil classification include hydrometer analysis, Atterberg limits, wet sieve

analysis, specific gravity, moisture density relation, free swell, CBR and percent swell of

CBR to fully characterize and attain the objective of the research.


1) AASHTO (2001): Standard Specification for Transportation Materials and Methods of

Sampling and Testing, part II tests. American Association of State Highway and Transportation

Officials, Washington, DC.

2) ASTM C618–03 (2005). “Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolanas

for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete,” American Society for Testing

and Materials, Vol.04.02,

3) ASTM, (2004). Special Procedures for Testing Soil and Rock for Civil Engineering

Purpose, U.S. America.

4) Başer, O. (2009). Stabilization of Expansive Soils Using Waste Marble Dust, Published

M.Sc. Thesis,

5) Bhavanna Rao D.V. (2005). Adverse effects of using natural gravel in sub base, base

and Water Bound Macadam.

6) Canadian Standards Association, (2000)."CAN/CSA A2900-98," in Cementitious

Materials Compendium, p. 183.

7) Chen, F.H., (1988). “Foundation on expansive soils,” Elsevier, Amsterdam.

8) Daita, K.R., Drnevich, V.P., and Kim, D. (2005). Family of Compaction Curves for

Chemically Modified Soils. Publication FHWA/IN/JTRP-2005/07. Joint

Transportation Research Program, INDOT and Purdue University, West Lafayette,

Indiana, US.

9) EL NIÑO (1997-1998). The Pan-American Health organization OPS –part of WHO-, through

their “Chronicle of Disasters” series, carried out an analysis in the health sector in regards to

the phenomena EL NIÑO, South Oscillation (ENOS).

10) Kenya Roads Authority . “Pavement Design Manual,”

11) Euro Soil Stab (2002). Development of Design and Construction Methods to Stabilize

Soft Organic Soils: Design Guide for soft soil stabilization. CT97-0351,

Europea.Commission, Industrial and Materials Technologies Programme (Rite-EuRam

III) Bryssel.

12) Guyer, J. P. (2011). "Introduction to Soil Stabilization in Pavements", New York.

13) Hewlett P., (2004). Lea's Chemistry of Cement and Concrete. 4th, Ed., Elsevier.


24) Mitchell. J. K. and Soga. K. (2005). Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 3rd Edition, John

New York: Wiley and Sons Inc.

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