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WTemplate NB Types 14

1. Opinion - To what extent do you agree or disagree? - Make your opinion clear by giving both sides or by
supporting only one side
2. Opinion - What is your opinion on this? - Make your opinion clear by giving both sides or by supporting
only one side
3. Opinion - Do you agree or disagree? - Make your opinion clear by giving both sides or by supporting only
one side
4. Opinion - Is this a positive or negative development? - Make your opinion clear by giving both sides or by
supporting only one side
5. Discussion - Discuss both views - Discuss both sides, but do not give your opinion about which side you
agree with
6. Discussion - What are the advantages and disadvantages? - Discuss both sides, but do not give your opinion
about which side you agree with
7. Discussion - What are the benefits and drawbacks? - Discuss both sides, but do not give your opinion about
which side you agree with
8. Discussion - Explain the positives and negatives of this development - Discuss both sides, but do not give
your opinion about which side you agree with
9. Discussion and Opinion - Discuss both views and give your opinion - Discuss both sides and make your
opinion clear too
10. Discussion and Opinion - Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? - Discuss both sides and make
your opinion clear too
11. Discussion and Opinion - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion - Discuss
both sides and make your opinion clear too
12. Problems and Effects plus Solutions - What problems will this cause for - Suggest some measures that
13. Reasons and Causes plus Solutions - Describe some reasons for this problem and suggest some solutions
14. Two part question - Why - What factors
15. Conclusion - Opinion - For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that - repeat your opinion
16. Conclusion - Discussion and Opinion - In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against
(topic), but I believe that (if the question asks for your opinion)
17. Conclusion - Discussion - Advantages and Disadvantages - In conclusion, I would argue that the benefits of
(topic) outweigh the drawbacks
18. Conclusion - Problem and Solution - In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for (topic), and
steps need to be taken to tackle this problem
Introduction - REMEMBER - Just write 2 sentences - one to introduce the topic, and one to give a basic answer
1. Opinion (Topic) It is true that - It is argued that - Many people argue - consider - believe - content - claim -
agree - accept that - People have different views whether or not (Completely agree) Personally, I completely
agree with the view that
2. Opinion (Topic) It is true that - It is argued that - Many people argue - consider - believe - content - claim -
agree - accept that - People have different views whether or not (Completely agree) While I accept that this
appears logical, I believe that this is a very narrow perspective, and I completely disagree with the
3. Opinion (Topic) It is true that - It is argued that - Many people argue - consider - believe - content - claim -
agree - accept that - People have different views whether or not - Completely disagree - However, I strongly
disagree with the opinion given, because - While some argue that, I believe that this is rarely the case
4. Opinion (Topic) It is true that - It is argued that - Many people argue - consider - believe - content - claim -
agree - accept that - People have different views whether or not - Partly agree - disagree - While I agree -
accept that - I would argue - believe - claim that
5. Opinion (Topic) It is true that - It is argued that - Many people argue - consider - believe - content - claim -
agree - accept that - People have different views whether or not - Partly agree - disagree - While some argue
that, I only partly agree with this view, because
6. Opinion (Topic) It is true that - It is argued that - Many people argue - consider - believe - content - claim -
agree - accept that - People have different views whether or not - Partly agree - disagree - While I partly
agree with this view, I also consider that
7. Opinion (Topic) It is true that - It is argued that - Many people argue - consider - believe - content - claim -
agree - accept that - People have different views whether or not - Partly agree - disagree - To a certain
extent, I agree that - However, I also believe that
8. Opinion (Partly agree) It is true that school children are at an impressionable age, and two strong
influences on their intelligence and social development are teachers and parents While I accept that
teachers may have more influence on the intelligence of their pupils, I would argue that parents probably
exert a greater influence on the social development of their children
9. Opinion (Partly agree) It is true that an increasing number of people have serious weight problems While
some argue that raising the price of fattening foods might help to solve the problem, I only partly agree
with this view
10. Opinion (Partly agree) It is argued that news coverage should focus more on good news While I partly
agree with this view, I also consider that bad news should continue to be reported when necessary
11. Opinion (Completely agree) At present, scientific research across the world is carried out and controlled
sometimes by governments, sometimes by private companies While there are some arguments in favor of
scientific research by corporations, I agree with the view that this should be funded and supervised by the
12. Opinion (Completely disagree) It is true that in countries which are suffering from high rates of
unemployment, it seems hardly worthwhile to offer education beyond primary level to most pupils While I
accept that this appears logical, I believe that this is a very narrow perspective, and I completely
disagree with the statement
13. Opinion - Completely disagree - While there is so much human suffering, the spending of resources to
protect wild animals presents an ethical dilemma However, I disagree with the opinion given, because it
is possible to allocate resources intelligently to benefit both the animal and the human population
14. Opinion (Completely disagree) Many people consider that the function of a building should be the
primary consideration at the design stage The appearance of the building from the outside is a relatively
unimportant factor While a building must serve its intended purpose, I disagree that this is necessarily the
most important factor in the design
15. Opinion - Completely disagree - It is true that stricter punishments will deter many motorists from
driving dangerously or carelessly on the roads However, I strongly disagree that this is the only way to
improve road safety, because there are alternative measures which would also be effective
16. Opinion - Completely disagree - It is true that nobody can escape the power of advertising these days,
whether this is commercial or online advertising, or even telemarketing While some argue that it is a
positive part of our lives, I believe that this is rarely the case
17. Opinion - Completely disagree - People have different views about whether or not governments should
help senior citizens I completely disagree with the idea that elderly people should receive no support
from the state
18. Discussion - It is true that succeeding in major sports teams offers greater financial stability than going
into important jobs - careers like lawyers and bankers While some people think this is unfair, there are
good reasons why professional athletes deserve the money they make
19. Discussion - Officials in many cities are keen to develop efficient public transport systems While public
transport has many benefits, there are also some drawbacks which are worth considering
20. Discussion - It is true that, although some university students are able to live with their families while
studying in their home town, others are forced to live away from home in order to pursue their studies
There are advantages and disadvantages of both these situations
21. Discussion and Opinion - It is true that sports stars often earn huge salaries While there are some good
reasons why this is the case, I personally believe that it is wrong for these people to be paid more than
other professionals
22. Discussion and Opinion - It is true that some minority languages may disappear in the near future
Although it can be argued that governments could save money by allowing this to happen, I believe that
these languages should be protected and preserved
23. Discussion and Opinion - It is true that many aspects of culture are becoming increasingly similar
throughout the world Although this trend has some benefits, I would argue that there are more
24. Discussion and Opinion - It is true that in contemporary life people in many parts of the world are able to
do their shopping, work and communicate with each other via the internet While there are clear positive
aspects of this trend, there are also negative aspects of having less face-to-face contact with other people
1. Introduction - REMEMBER - Just write 2 sentences - one to introduce the topic, and one to give a basic
2. Problems and Solutions - Topic - It is true that - It is undeniable that - There are several causes of this
(alarming) trend - phenomenon - tendency - There are number of reasons behind this - But a number of
measures could be taken to tackle - solve - address the problem - And several solutions should be adopted
to improve the situation
3. Problems and Solutions - It is true that wildlife habitats are being destroyed and whole species of plants
and animals are disappearing There are several causes of this alarming trend, but measures could
certainly be taken to tackle the problem
4. Problems and Solutions - It is true that cities generally experience higher levels of criminality than towns
or villages There are various reasons for this phenomenon, but measures could be taken to tackle the
5. Two part question - It is true that some people know from an early age what career they want to pursue,
and they are happy to spend the rest of their lives in the same profession While I accept that this may suit
many people, I believe that others enjoy changing careers or seeking job satisfaction in different ways
6. Two part question - It is true that new technologies have had an influence on communication between
people Technology has affected relationships in various ways, and in my opinion there are both positive
and negative effects
7. Two part question - It is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world Music is
a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more
important than modern, international music
Body - Sequences Firstly secondly, finally - To begin, First of all, Next, Also - Moreover - In addition -
Additionally - Furthermore - Besides - Another N The main reason why I believe () is - One problem is that -
Another argument is - From a business perspective - In terms of education - From a social point of view
Body - Contrast - But - However - Nevertheless - By contrast - On the contrary - Instead - On the one hand - On
the other hand
Body - Result - Consequently - As a result - As a consequence - Thus - Hence - Therefore
Body - Clarification - In other words - That is to say - In fact - Indeed - To be specific
Body - Example - For example - For instance - To illustrate
Body - Reason - This is mainly because - One reason is that - The reason for this is that

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