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Name: Clara

Comparing Fisheries - Case Studies

Two fisheries need to be considered and compared for how they were managed, or not, sustainably. Two
suggested cod fisheries are those of Newfoundland and Iceland.

Watch the two videos linked below and identify the management strategies which have been used in each
system, including:

● Use of quotas
● Designation of marine protected areas (exclusion zones)
● Restriction on types and size of fishing gear (including mesh size of nets)

Your answers should be written in paragraph form, with one paragraph for Newfoundland and one paragraph
for Iceland.

Video 1: State of the Planet’s Oceans: Decimation of the Atlantic Cod Fishery

Video 2: Icelandic Cod Fisheries From Catch to Consumer


400 years ago, Newfoundland was where the world’s largest fishing fleet set for America. It was a rich cod
fishery that became overexploited into the 20th century. By the end of the 20th century, it collapsed as a result.
Now. the species is on the verge of extinction. Averroes' economy also collapsed. No quotas or specific
designations are employed or discussed in the video.


Iceland is an important supplier of fish around the world, especially cod. Especially renowned for its
sustainability. The Icelandic waters offer optimal conditions, and the processing offers modern solutions. Fish
is caught, then loaded into containers, and loaded into cold storage to be distributed. Have met sustainability
requirements from independent third-party organizations. A chain of certification programs allows buyers of
Icelandic fish to pinpoint the source. They use an electronic log book to ensure this transparency to their
customers. By law, all catches are weighed and registered in the database of the director of fisheries.
Information is public and made available within 24 hours.

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