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Dual Diploma Criminology

Lucy Schroeder #63369

What happens when you fine

a civil claim against another

What is a civil claim ?

A civil claim is a legal action brought by one party against another in a non-criminal
court, seeking damages or specific remedies for a perceived wrong or injury.

How to proceed ?

The plaintiff has to explain exactly how the accused injured them, with a structured text. The
plaintiff has to give a copy to the local court.

How will the case be processed ?

Both plaintiff and defendant have to provide evidence in order to proceed the case. These
evidence can be witnesses, documents, pictures, videos, materials etc.

1. First solution : the case comes to an agreement

Usually, the judges try to make the defendant and the plaintiff come to an agreement,
which can include money.

2. Second solution : the case doesn’t reach an agreement

In that case, the civil claim goes to a jury.

With the jury

This kind of trial follows the same process as criminal cases. Both parts present their evidence
to the judge.

Closing of the case

In the end, after getting all the evidence, the jury will discuss in order to come to a decision. If
the defendant is found guilty, the jury also has to determine what amount of money they’ll have
to pay.

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