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Volume 11, Nomor 2, Bulan November, Tahun 2022

Hal. 95-108

Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Training: Improving Self-Regulated Learning

of First Year University Students

Ermida Simanjuntak
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Jl. Raya Kalisari Selatan No. 1, Surabaya, Indonesia 60112

Infromasi Artikel Abstrak

Tanggal masuk 07-06-2021 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek dari pelatihan self-regulated
Tanggal revisi 01-05-2021 learning strategy untuk meningkatkan self-regulated learning pada maha-
Tanggal diterima 02-06-2022 siswa tahun pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain one group pretest-
posttest. Pemilihan partisipan di pelatihan ini didasarkan pada skor yang
Kata Kunci: didapatkan mahasiswa tahun pertama pada Self-Regulatory Strategies Scales
mahasiswa tahun pertama; (SRSS). Partisipan pada pelatihan ini adalah sepuluh orang mahasiswa tahun
self-regulated learning; pertama yang memiliki skor yang rendah pada skala SRSS. Penelitian ini
pelatihan strategi. menggunakan tiga alat ukur, yaitu tes pemahaman materi self-regulated
learning strategies, SRSS, dan self-regulated learning behaviour checklist.
Data partisipan pada tes pemahaman dan self-regulated learning behaviour
checklist dianalisis menggunakan paired-sample t-test, sedangkan data SRSS
dianalisis menggunakan Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Tes pemahaman memiliki
t-value sama dengan 10,67, p sama dengan 0,000 (p kurang dari 0,05), self-
regulated learning behaviour checklist memiliki t-value sama dengan 9,861,
p sama dengan 0,000 (p kurang dari 0,05), dan SRSS memiliki nilai Z-value
sama dengan -2,092, p sama dengan 0,036 (p kurang dari 0,05). Ketiga hasil
tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor
pretest dan posttest partisipan pada ketiga alat ukur. Nilai posttest partisipan
meningkat dibandingkan nilai pretest. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan
bahwa pelatihan self-regulated learning strategy dapat meningkatkan self-
regulated learning pada mahasiswa tahun pertama.

Keywords: Abstract
first year students; The study aims to test the effects of self-regulated learning strategy training
self-regulated learning; to improve the self-regulated learning of first-year students. The study used
strategy training. one group pretest-posttest design and the participants in this training are se-
lected based on their scores on the Self-Regulatory Strategies Scale (SRSS).
Participants in this training were ten first-year students who had low scores
on SRSS. The study used three instruments: the test of knowledge about self-
regulated learning strategies, SRSS, and self-regulated learning behaviour
checklists. Participants’ data on the test of knowledge and self-regulated
learning behaviour checklist was analyzed using a paired-sample t-test while
SRSS data was analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The test of knowl-
edge has t-value equal to 10.67, p equal to 0.000 (p is less than 0.05), the
self-regulated learning behaviour checklist has t-value equal to 9,861, p
equal to 0.000 (p is less than 0.05), and the SRSS has Z-value equal to -2,092,
p equal to 0.036 (p is less than 0.05). All three results showed that there was
a significant difference between the participants’ pretest and posttest scores
on all three measuring instruments. The participants’ posttest increased com-
pared to the pretest. Thus, it can be concluded that self-regulated learning
strategy training can improve self-regulated learning in first-year students.
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First year students often experience problems (Danitz et al., 2016; Gunnell et al., 2017;
because the first year in universities is a transi- Paterson, 2017). Completing academic tasks are
tion period for individuals from high school often challenging for first year students because
students to students (Krasilnikov & Smirnova, they have to adjust to academic situations (De
2017; Kreniske, 2017; Santrock, 2018). Most of Wever et al., 2015; Fouché et al., 2017). Those
the first year students will face challenges in kind of problems are related to first year stu-
academic tasks that are more difficult than aca- dents’ self-regulated learning (Cazan, 2012;
demic tasks during their high school period (De Kitsantas, 2013).
Wever et al., 2015; Fouché et al., 2017; Self-regulated learning discusses how stu-
Santrock, 2018). It is because learning situations dents direct their cognition, affection and be-
in universities require more independence rather haviour towards learning goals (Schunk, 2012;
than in high school (Cazan, 2013; Krasilnikov & Schunk & Zimmerman, 2011). Students should
Smirnova, 2017). A survey conducted by The create their own learning goals and monitor their
University of California, Los Angeles, in 2014 actions in order to achieve those goals. Re-
with 10,170 participants mentioned that 52.2% searchers in area of education state that self-
of students had problems towards academic de- regulated learning as one of the important factors
mands and 61.5% of students were unable to that affect academic performance of university
manage time effectively (Higher Education Re- students (Abar & Loken, 2010; Pintrich, 2004;
search Institute, 2014). Cazan (2012) also men- Puzziferro, 2008; Zhu et al., 2016). A research
tioned that first year students tend to have adjust- with 280 first year students conducted by Cazan
ment problem with their studies. Most of the first (2012) mentioned that academic adjustment of
year students have difficulties in making plans to first year students related with their self-
study according to their course (van Den Hurk, regulated learning. High self-regulated learning
2006). First year students often have academic students are actively create strategies that en-
problems because of poor academic adjustment ables them to achieve their learning goals com-
(De Wever et al., 2015; Kreniske, 2017). pared to low self-regulated learning students.
Research conducted by Simanjuntak (2016) High self-regulated learning students tend to be
on 170 students showed that self-regulated flexible to create strategies that enable them to
learning was a problem experienced by some adjust with their learning environment to over-
students. Based on that research, there were 20% come learning challenges (Cazan, 2012; Lee &
of students find it difficult to do time man- Tsai, 2011; Santrock, 2011). High self-regulated
agement and 11% of students feel lazy to study. learning students also encourage to follow the
Those results were related to the aspects of self- course more on intrinsic motivation such as
regulated learning of the students (Simanjuntak, gaining knowledge of the course (Littlejohn et
2016). In addition, research conducted by al., 2016). On the contrary, low self-regulated
Febriana & Simanjuntak (2021) on 134 students learning students tend to focus on extrinsic mo-
showed that 46% of students had difficulty in tivation in the class and more focus to get the
time management and 10% of students had low certificate rather than understanding the course
learning motivation. Those kinds of difficulties material (Littlejohn et al., 2016). A study con-
were also related to the aspects of self-regulated ducted by Peng (2012) with first year Science
learning, namely effort regulation and motiva- students proved that students who apply self-
tion regulation (Febriana & Simanjuntak, 2021). regulated learning strategies, such as reading
Most of the academic problems of university their notes outside the classrooms, making a list
students occur in the first year of their studies of important things to do for their study, and
Jurnal Sains Psikologi, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022, hlm. 95-108 | 97

using various sources of literature, will have Kristiyani, 2008; Maulia, 2011; Priyambodo,
better academic achievement than students who 2015). Schunk & Zimmerman, (2011) men-
do not have self-regulated learning strategies. tioned that self-regulated learning is something
Self-regulated learning contains four steps, that can be learned like other skills. Instructors
which are self monitoring, goal setting and can teach self-regulated learning strategy when
strategic planning, strategy implementation and delivering course material in class. Students can
strategy outcome monitoring (Schunk, 2012; have feedback from their instructors towards
Schunk & Zimmerman, 2011; Zimmerman et al., their action to improve their self-regulated learn-
1996). The first step is self-monitoring, that is ing (Schunk, 2012). Peers with good self-regu-
self evaluation regarding students’ studying lated learning can be model for other students in
behaviour and students’ also try to find possible the course so that students will motivate to
solutions for their academic problems. Students’ improve their self-regulated learning (Schunk,
also do self-reflection by doing self-assesment 2012; Schunk & Zimmerman, 2011).
on their learning behaviour. The second step is Research conducted by van Den Hurk (2006)
goal setting and strategic planning in which described that most of the first year students do
discuss about formulating new goals in learning not have self-regulated learning strategies. First
and determine the right strategy to achieve these year students do not understand strategies that
goals. In this section, students also do an analy- they can use to achieve their learning goals
sis of the learning tasks they have and draw up a (Cazan, 2013; Maulia, 2011; Salamonson et al.,
plan to achieve the learning objectives. The third 2016). Regarding the academic tasks, first year
step is students’ strategy implementation to- students can not choose appropriate reading
wards learning strategies. In this step, students materials that can support their academic tasks
will implement the strategies that they have (Cazan, 2013). This condition will affect their
designed in the second step to achieve their preparation in learning and influence their aca-
learning goals. The fourth step is strategic out- demic performance (Najdanovic-Visak, 2017;
come monitoring in which students will evaluate Simanjuntak, 2015; van Den Hurk, 2006). Stu-
the results and adjust their actions based on the dents with high self-regulated learning perform
consequences they receive during strategy im- better in class compared to students with low
plementation. In this section, students will assess self-regulated learning (Dörrenbächer & Perels,
how effective their strategy to achieve their 2016; Kitsantas et al., 2008; Santrock, 2018).
learning goals (Schunk, 2012; Schunk & Cazan (2013) mentioned that first year stu-
Zimmerman, 2011). Students can give self rein- dents should be trained to have better under-
forcement if they achieve their targets or goals standing of self-regulated learning strategy. First
that they set in the second step. Self-reinforce- year students tend to have academic adjustment
ment is defined as giving rewards or reinforce- problems with university learning demands
ment for oneself after completing planned compare to their high school learning demands
learning activities (Kratochwill et al., 1999). (Cazan, 2013; Kreniske, 2017; Santrock, 2018).
Forms of self-reinforcement are encouragement It is because their problem is due to the transition
and praise oneself when learning targets have from high school to university level (Cazan,
been met or do activities that are fun for oneself 2013; Krasilnikov & Smirnova, 2017; Santrock,
(Kratochwill et al., 1999). 2018). Therefore, self-regulated learning train-
Researches shows that self-regulated learn- ing should be conducted for the first year stu-
ing strategy training can help students to regulate dents to improve their self-regulated learning.
themselves so that they can achieve their learn- Self-regulated learning training will help stu-
ing goals (Cazan, 2013; Cho & Cho, 2013; dents to enhance their self-regulated learning
98 | Simanjuntak - Self-Regulated Learning...

(Cho & Cho, 2013; Maulia, 2011; Peng, 2012; sion, video discussion, case study and individual
Priyambodo, 2015). Previous researches in Indo- project planning. After the training, participants
nesia show that self-regulated learning skill is a are required to do strategies that they had planned
problem experienced by students at universities during the session for two weeks and behaviour
which is manifested in the form of student check list is administered to see the effect of self-
difficulties in managing time, feeling lazy to regulated learning training to the participants’
study, and low motivation to learn (Febriana & self-regulated learning behaviour.
Simanjuntak, 2021; Simanjuntak, 2016). Based Training materials were developed based on
on this, the research question proposed in this four steps of self-regulated learning strategy by
study is, “Does self-regulated learning strategy Zimmerman et al. (1996) including self monitor-
training improve self-regulated learning for first- ing, goal setting and strategic planning, self-
year students?” The current study aims to exam- regulated learning strategy implementation, and
ine the effectiveness of self-regulated learning strategy outcome monitoring. All of the training
strategy training for first year university students materials have been evaluated from three expert
in order to improve self-regulated learning of the reviewers in the field of education and psychol-
students. ogy. There are five sessions for this training and
the training materials can be described below:
1. Introduction of self-regulated learning.
a. Making participants understand the ob-
Participants in this study are first year students
jectives of the training and the benefits of
in the Faculty of Psychology Widya Mandala
the training.
Catholic University Surabaya (N = 10). There
b. Establish participants’ commitment to at-
are five male participants and five female par-
tend the training and work on the assign-
ticipants, age ranged from 17–19 years old. The
participants are selected by their scores in Self-
c. Teaching participants the basic concept
Regulatory Strategies Scale (SRSS). At first,
of self-regulated learning for their stu-
there are 69 first year Psychology students who
dies. Instructor gives the characteristic of
filled SRSS. Then, ten students who score low in
self-regulated students and asking partic-
SRSS are selected to be the participants. Partici-
ipants to compare their studying behav-
pants join the self-regulation strategy training
iour with the characteristic of self-regu-
voluntarily and they filled informed consent be-
lated students.
fore participating the training. Research in the
d. Teaching participants four steps of self-
Faculty of Psychology at Widya Mandala
regulated learning for their studies.
Catholic University Surabaya shows that self-
2. Self-regulated learning strategy cycles.
regulated learning skill is one of the challenges
a. Self-monitoring: Understanding the use
faced by students in doing academic tasks
of self-monitoring as part of self-reg-
(Simanjuntak, 2016).
ulated learning. Participants will evaluate
Procedure their recent studying behaviour and try-
This study applies one group pretest-posttest ing to write steps for self-monitoring for
experimental design. This experimental design their future studying behaviour.
aims to compare the pretest and posttest scores of b. Goal setting & strategic planning: Un-
the participants after the participants received the derstanding goal setting and strategic
treatment given by the researcher. Treatment are planning as the second step for doing
applied for all participants by giving self-reg- self-regulated learning. In this session,
ulated learning strategy training for five sessions. participants do SMART (Specific, Mea-
Method of training are lectures, group discus-
Jurnal Sains Psikologi, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022, hlm. 95-108 | 99

sureable, Attainable, Realistic and Time) two Psychology lecturers who understand
assesment for themselves. Participants the concept of self-regulated learning in the
also try to set their own goals based on context of university students. Reliability
SMART assesment. Participants create test for the test of knowledge using
strategy to achieve their SMART goals. Cronbach’s alpha (α) = 0.613.
Goals are divided in three kinds of goals: 2. The self-regulated learning strategy scale or
short-term goals, medium-term goals, Self Regulatory Strategies Scale (SRSS) for
and long-term goals. measuring participants’ attitudes toward
c. Strategy implementation: Understanding self-regulated learning issues. Each of self-
strategy implementation as the third step regulatory strategy scale item has five op-
in self-regulated learning strategy. Partic- tions range from strongly agree, agree,
ipants try to set their self-reinforcement if neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree, ex-
they are success to achieve their goals. amples of items, “I have a study plan to
d. Strategic outcome monitoring: Partici- achieve my learning targets” and “I will look
pants will evaluate the effectiveness of for course references other than those given
their strategy in achieving their goals. by my lectures in order to understand dif-
They design some steps to monitor their ficult course materials”. SRSS consists of 25
strategic and the quality of the outcome items including seven aspects, motivation
after applying the strategy. regulation, planning, effort regulation, atten-
3. Implementation of self-regulated learning tion focusing, task strategies, using addition-
strategy. al resources, and self instruction. Validity
a. Participants make study plan and apply- test is using content validity with reviews
ing the steps in self-regulated learning from two Psychology lecturers who are ex-
strategy for their study plan. perts in educational psychology. Corrected
b. Participants evaluate the implementation total item correlation is also used to assure
of the study plan and redesign their strat- that all the items are valid. The value of
egy if they face some obstacles during corrected total item correlation ranging from
applying their study plan. 0.29–0.63. Cronbach’s alpha (α) for SRSS =
Instruments 0.887.
Participants’ scores will be compared based on 3. The self-regulated learning behaviour check-
pretest and posttest in the research instruments. list were applied in order to describe par-
There are three instruments used in this study: ticipants’ learning behaviour after receiving
1. The test of knowledge about self-regulated self-regulated learning training. The behav-
learning strategies in order to measure par- iour checklist consists of 28 items with three
ticipants’ knowledge before and after the options range from always, sometimes and
training. Test of self-regulated learning never. Examples of items, such as “I encour-
knowledge is a multiple choice test with four age myself when I have difficulties in doing
options, examples of items, “What is the de- the study plan that has been designed by
finition of self-regulated learning?” and myself” and “I give appreciation to myself
“What is the first step to do self-regulated when my learning plan can be achieved”.
learning?”. The test of participants’ knowl- Behaviour checklist scores are gathered from
edge in self-regulated learning has fourteen self report of the participants and one sig-
items with items’ discriminant values rang- nificant other of each participant such as
ing from 0.2–0.4. The validity of this study participants’ friends and family to see the
is content validity, based on the reviews of effect of training to their self-regulated
100 | Simanjuntak - Self-Regulated Learning...

learning behaviour. Behaviour checklist The data were analyzed using a paired-
items were reviewed by two Psychology lec- sample t-test for the three measuring instru-
turers who assess knowledge and SRSS ments, namely the self-regulated learning
scale. Content validity is applied to the be- knowledge, SRSS, and the self-regulated learn-
haviour checklist. The behaviour checklist is ing behavior check-list with SPSS for Windows.
administered after two weeks from the last
training sessions in order to see the con- The data met the criteria for the normality test
sistency of self-regulated learning behaviour and the homogeneity of variance test so that it
of the participants. Cronbach’s alpha (α) of can be continued with the paired sample t-test to
the behaviour checklist = 0.777.
test the difference in the pretest scores and post-
Participants are given those three instru- test scores of the participants. Result shows that
ments before the beginning of the training there are significant differences in three aspect
(pretest) and after the training (posttest). As in of knowledge, attitude, and behaviour of self-
the evaluation of training materials, all of re- regulated learning. Table 1 describes the results
search instruments have been also evaluated by of participants’ score in self-regulated learning
three expert judges in the field of psychology knowledge, SRSS, and self-regulated learning
and education. behaviour check list.

Table 1.
Results of Participants’ Score in Self-Regulated Learning
Aspect Condition M SD
Self-regulated learning Pretest 4.20 2.44
strategy knowledge Posttest 11.50 1.65
Self-regulated learning Pretest 69.40 2.95
strategy scale (SRSS) Posttest 77.40 8.79
Self-regulated learning Pretest 34.40 8.42
behaviour checklist Posttest 62.10 12.34

Normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov applied for knowledge data and behaviour check
show that significance value for each data is p = list data. Wilcoxon signed rank test is used to
0.20 (knowledge); p = 0.01 (SRSS); and p = 0.20 analyzed the self-regulated learning strategy
(behaviour checklist). The significance value of scale data.
the normality test for knowledge and behaviour The results show that participants’ mean in-
checklist met the normality assumptions because creased in every aspect of the instruments. Self-
the significance are above 0.05. Levene’s test of regulated learning knowledge shows t-value =
homogeneity of variance is also applied for those 10.67, p = 0.000 (p < 0.05) and it means that
data. The results of Levene’s test show that p = there is a significant difference between pretest
0.38 (knowledge); p = 0.009 (SRSS); and p = and posttest in the knowledge aspect. Regarding
0.424 (behaviour checklist). The results of the self-regulated learning strategy scale shows
Levene’s test describe that data of knowledge Z-value = -2.092, p = 0.036 (p < 0.05) which
and behaviour checklist are met the standard of means that there is a significant difference be-
homogeneity of variance because p value is tween pretest and posttest in attitude aspect.
higher than 0.05. For the SRSS, data did not Self-regulated learning behaviour checklist also
meet the standard of normality and homogeneity shows that significant difference is found be-
of variance. In that case paired-sample t-test are tween pretest and posttest in the aspect of self-
Jurnal Sains Psikologi, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022, hlm. 95-108 | 101

regulated learning skill (t-value = 9.861, p =

0.000 (p < 0.05). Figure 1 shows the increasing Figure 3 describes the increasing score of
score of participants’ knowledge of self-regu- participants in the aspect of self-regulated learn-
lated learning after receving the training. ing behaviour checklist. Participants score in the
behaviour checklist is significant increasing af-
ter receiving the training. It means that all par-
ticipants applied their knowledge into self-
regulated learning behaviour after the training.
Participants behaviour in self-regulated learning
are also confirmed by their significant other re-
garding the increasing score of behaviour check-
list in the posttest session.

Figure 1.
Participants Score in Self-Regulated
Learning Strategy Knowledge

Refer to the participants’ score in self-regu-

latory strategies scale, figure 2 shows that in-
creasing score of participants are also found in
the posttest session. Figure 3.
Participants Score in Self-Regulated
Learning Behaviour Checklist

Based on the result presented above, it can

be concluded that there are significant differ-
ences of participants scores between pretest and
posttest in the area of knowledge, attitude, and
skill of self-regulated learning strategy. In order
to get data about the participants study habits,
some interviews are conducted with the partic-
ipants’ significant others before and after the
training. Sample of interview results are pre-
Figure 2.
sented in table 2.
Participants Score in Self-Regulatory
Strategies Scale
102 | Simanjuntak - Self-Regulated Learning...

Table 2.
Sample of Interview Results of Participants Study Habits
Before and After the Training
Participants Before training After training
“She start making study plan.
“She never make study plan. If there Yesterday she studies Statistic quite
Student 1 are assignments, she tend to long and try encourage herself when
procrastinate her assignments.” she did not understand the course

“After the training, he made some

“Study is not his priority, he only
study plan but he only applies some of
Student 2 studies during tests such as mid-test or
his plans. Some study plans during the
training are still not done yet.”

“She does not have any strategies of

“She start to summarize from her
Student 3 study, she just study from her
lectures’s slides during her study.”
lecturers’ slides or her friends’ notes.”
“She tries to look for solutions to deal
“If she is in a bad mood, she tend not with her bad mood. She also contacts
Student 4
study.” her friends to discuss her difficulties
in studying.”
“She studies before the exams, she
also likes studying while browsing “After that training, she tries to put off
Student 5 with her gadget and finally she does her gadget during her study. She puts
chatting with friends using her her cellphone in the drawer.”
“He makes study reminder in his
“He does not have study plan and
cellphone and asks his friends to
Student 6 never encourage himself to do his
remind him also through his social
study plan.”
“He asks his friends to help him with
his study problems. He is auditory
“He studies spontaneously so he does learner and not visual learner so he
Student 7
not have any plan for his study.” prefers to listen to his friends’
explanation rather than reading the
books by himself.”
“He does not have any study plan or “He reads his books, made some
Student 8 strategy. If he has study problems, he important highlights especially for
will asks his friends for solutions.” some difficult terms.”
“She starts to make study schedules
“She does not make any plan for
such as course material reviews like
study. If she wants to study then she
Student 9 Statistic course. She also asked to
study if not then she does not study.
study together in order to complete her
She is not a study planner type.”
study plan.”
Jurnal Sains Psikologi, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022, hlm. 95-108 | 103

Participants Before training After training

“He tries to apply some study strategy
such as moving his seat to the front or
“He does not have any strategic plan
near some friends who understand the
Student 10 for studying. He also does not have
course material better. He also asks
any strategy to do his assignments.”
his friends if he does not understand
his course materials.”

Findings in this study shows that the self- regulated learning should be trained continously
regulated learning strategy training can improve in accordance to the educational level (Cazan,
participants self-regulated learning. Participants 2013). Most of first year students do not have
also apply the knowledge they received during skills for self-regulated learning because first
training into behaviour of self-regulated learning year is the period of adaptation to university
for the sake of their studies. academic life (Krasilnikov & Smirnova, 2017;
Kreniske, 2017). Students do not become self-
regulated learners automatically without training
Based on the results, self-regulated learning
from the learning environment (Cazan, 2012;
strategies training can improve self-regulated
Cho & Cho, 2013; Schunk & Zimmerman,
learning of participants. This finding supports
previous researches that self-regulated learning
The results of this study support research
strategy training are suitable for undergradute
conducted by Cazan (2013) who provides self-
students so that they can regulate their studies
regulated learning training for first year students
(Cazan, 2013; Cho & Cho, 2013; Kristiyani,
at the University of Brașov, Transylvania, and
2008; Maulia, 2011; Priyambodo, 2015;
Cho & Cho (2013) who also provides self-regu-
Zimmerman et al., 1996). This current research
lated learning training for first year students at
also supports Schunk & Zimmerman (2011) that
Midwestern University. Those studies show that
students who have difficulties in understanding
teaching self-regulated learning strategy tech-
reading materials can be trained in self-regulated
niques to first-year students is proven to be able
learning technique in order to improve their self-
to improve self-regulated learning for students
regulated learning. Students are trained to
(Cazan, 2013; Cho & Cho, 2013). Most students,
regulate their knowledge, attitude, and skill in
especially first year students, do not have the
self-regulated learning so that they can regulate
skills of self-regulated learning to undergo their
themselves to achieve their study goals (Cazan,
studies because the first year is a period of
2013; Schunk, 2012; Schunk & Zimmerman,
adjustment to campus life (Krasilnikov &
2011). The findings in this study also confirm
Smirnova, 2017; Kreniske, 2017; Salamonson et
that self-regulated learning as one of the im-
al., 2016; van Den Hurk, 2006). Therefore, first
portant factors in learning situation (Cazan,
year students are recommended to get self-regu-
2013; Cho & Cho, 2013; Kitsantas, 2013;
lated learning training during their studies (Cho
Santrock, 2011; Schunk, 2012; Schunk &
& Cho, 2013; van Den Hurk, 2006). Further-
Zimmerman, 2011; van Den Hurk, 2006).
more, training can include some tools such as
First year students should be taught some
ICT and websites to teach self-regulated learn-
strategies in self-regulated learning because
ing for students (Bellhäuser et al., 2016;
those strategies will help them to strengthen their
Bergamin et al., 2011). A study by Bellhäuser et
self-regulated learning (Cazan, 2012; Cho &
al. (2016) with 211 university students proved
Cho, 2013; Salamonson et al., 2016). Finding in
that web-based training (WBT) can improve the
this study can be used as evidence that self-
104 | Simanjuntak - Self-Regulated Learning...

participants’ competency in self-regulated learn- create planning, participants tried to apply the
ing. Participants of the WBT group show more planning they have designed for their studies.
positive self-regulated learning and behaviour During sharing session, all of the participants
compare to the control group. Another study also mentioned that some of their plans were success
proved that online collaborative learning also and it created positive attitude towards their self-
can be an option to teach self-regulated learning regulated learning. This result is consistent with
for university students (Bergamin et al., 2011). previous researches that teaching self-regulated
These studies supports the finding in this current learning strategy will make students eager to
research that sel-regulated learning can be apply self-regulated learning for their studies
trained for students with different kinds of and it also represents students positive attitude
methods. towards self-regulated learning strategy (Cazan,
Regarding the knowledge aspect, partici- 2013; Schunk, 2012; Schunk & Zimmerman,
pants score in self-regulated learning knowledge 2011; Zimmerman et al., 1996).
are increased after receiving the training. Par- Results in this study also proved that in-
ticipants are able to understand basic knowledge creasing in self-regulated learning knowledge is
of self-regulated learning and understand strat- followed by increasing in self-regulated learning
egies that they can use in their academic tasks. behavioural check list score. Refer to this result,
All participants in this study agreed that they do it can be concluded that students who have better
not have sufficient knowledge about self-regu- understanding in self-regulated learning tend to
lated learning strategy so that they were not able apply the self-regulated learning strategies in
to behave as self-regulated learners during their their academic settings (Cazan, 2013; Schunk &
studies. It is in line with research by Cho & Cho Zimmerman, 2011). Participants are asked to
(2013) and Dörrenbächer & Perels (2016) that make some planning for studying and consider
self-regulated learning skills are also applied for some strategies to do the planning. At the begin-
learning social network system. Cazan (2013) ning, participants thought that implementing
mentioned that psychology students should at- study planning will faced some challenges. On
tend self-regulated learning training and they average, participants did 30% of their study plan
will be able to understand self-regulated learning and it is explained by Zimmerman et al. (1996)
strategy such as reflection and literature reading. that implement self-regulated learning strategies
Another study by De Wever et al. (2015) men- is one of the hardest part in self-regulated learn-
tioned that self-regulated learning training can ing training. However before the training, most
improve students’ writing for academic tasks. of the participants do not have study planning
Those previous researches as well as this current but they managed to create studying planning
study proved that participants’ knowledge of during the training and tried to implement the
self-regulated learning increased after receiving planning after the training. After two weeks of
the training. Therefore, self-regulated learning training, some participants reported some ben-
strategy training are needed to improve the aca- efits following the training such as more focus
demic skills to finish their study tasks. and more enthusiastic in studying. Another par-
Based on the participants’ attitude in self- ticipants also reported that they did not feel any
regulatory strategies scale, it proved that par- significant changes after doing the planning.
ticipants have more positive attitude to apply the However, all participants reported that they have
self-regulated learning strategy after the train- to deal with problems such as mood and sur-
ing. At first, most of the participants admitted rounding environments when they tried to apply
that they did not like to do planning. However, the studying planning. Peng (2012) mentioned
after receiving explanation about strategy to that students who apply self-regulated learning
Jurnal Sains Psikologi, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2022, hlm. 95-108 | 105

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