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Yet, we cannot get away from the very fact that, apart from the parents, schools play a

crucial role in shaping children´s education. Few people would dispute that a great variety of
sports classes are offered such as tennis, basketball, or gymnastics which encourage the
teamwork .Moreover, the majority of the extracurricular activities are focused on promoting a
healthy lifestyle.

Taking all this into consideration, our best must be done to address this ever-rising problem,
working together to bring it to an end.

Yet, we cannot get away from the very fact that, apart from the parents, schools play a
crucial role in shaping children´s education. Few people would dispute that a great variety of
sports classes are offered such as tennis, basketball, or gymnastics which encourage the
teamwork .Moreover, the majority of the extracurricular activities are focused on promoting a
healthy lifestyle.

Taking all this into consideration, our best must be done to address this ever-rising problem,
working together to bring it to an end.

Yet, we cannot get away from the very fact that, apart from the parents, schools play a
crucial role in shaping children´s education. Few people would dispute that a great variety of
sports classes are offered such as tennis, basketball, or gymnastics which encourage the
teamwork .Moreover, the majority of the extracurricular activities are focused on promoting a
healthy lifestyle.

Taking all this into consideration, our best must be done to address this ever-rising problem,
working together to bring it to an end.

Social media users enjoy uploading and sharing everyday photos wearing their best outfits
or showing off their fabulous makeup meanwhile others prefer to make faces. Yet, many
people claim, myself included, that this manner of expression reflects the social change
toward the narcissistic society we are coming across.

Selfie-posting on social networks such as Facebook or Instagram is supposed to be a great

way of expressing themselves and contrary to what we may think, this” immature habit” not
only is adopted by egotistic teenagers but also by reasonable adults.

At first glance, posting a selfie could mean feeling comfortable with your body and enjoying
your appearance. But not all that glitters is gold and underneath, they have to manage
low-steam problems. Taking into account that teenagers are the more vulnerable group,
society has to focus on protecting youngsters in order to make sure balanced growth.

Regarding the excessive importance of the image, it can bring along with eating disorders.
Anorexia along with bulimia are some of the issues that they go through due to
self-obsession, especially women.
To make things worse, there is a vast variety of apps that encourage users to apply filters,
and in the blink of an eye, your reflection changes, presenting a distorted image.

All the above things considered, I cannot help but mention that I take issue with obsessive
selfie-posting and it is of the utmost importance that we make the very society aware of it in
order to avoid far-reaching effects

Written mediation: Cycling in Cambridge In these graphics, we can see the English Cities
where citizens use the bike, at least, once a month, and what kind of people are. Cambridge
is, by far, the city where people ride the most, more than a half. Oxford is the second with
only one third. Women cycle less than men and there is a gradually increased tendency
throughout the ages until their fifties. However, the men´s tendency is not constant and it
reaches a maximum peak at the age of 45. Then, there is a downward direction as they get

Written mediation: Cycling in Cambridge In these graphics, we can see the English Cities
where citizens use the bike, at least, once a month, and what kind of people are. Cambridge
is, by far, the city where people ride the most, more than a half. Oxford is the second with
only one third. Women cycle less than men and there is a gradually increased tendency
throughout the ages until their fifties. However, the men´s tendency is not constant and it
reaches a maximum peak at the age of 45. Then, there is a downward direction as they get
Dear Mr. Sanchez, I am writing to you because I currently need to reduce my working hours.
The reason is that I decided to return to the university and finish my degree in Biology
Science. Therefore, I would like to work fewer hours. It would be great too, if you could
transfer me from rotating shifts to a morning shift for the purpose of attending afternoon
lectures regularly. I know you must be busy but I would like to discuss the possibility of
reducing my working time setting up a meeting in order to come to an agreement on my
salary and the rest of the above-mentioned modifications. I am looking forward to hearing for
you Your sincerely. Rosa Seija
We’re always hearing in the news about how more and more people are buying things on
the internet. It’s a big problem that fewer people are going shopping in physical shops
nowadays. But, what makes people decide where to shop? First, let’s look at convenience.
It’s true that shopping online is much easier than shopping in physical shops. You can buy
stuff on your computer and you can sit on your sofa, you don’t need to leave your house.
Also, the stuff gets sent to your house. When you go to the physical shop you have to take it
home yourself. Now I’ll talk about cost. Some people think that cost is the most important
thing people think about when they decide where to shop. For example, when the sales are
on people buy things in shops they don’t normally go to. But some people don’t care about
the price. It doesn’t matter if it’s expensive or not. In conclusion, looking at the facts, I think
that cost is the most important thing for most people because if you don’t have enough
money, you can’t buy it. Version 2 Find and underline the ways that the same ideas are
expressed in this version. Hardly a week goes by without another news report about the
recent dramatic increase in online shopping. The decline of the high street shop is
undoubtedly a major issue in this day and age. However, which aspect of shopping has the
biggest influence on where people shop? The first area to take into account is convenience.
It is undoubtedly the case that shopping online is much more convenient than shopping on
the high street. Not only can you make a purchase with the click of a button, but also you
can do it from the comfort of your sofa without setting foot outside your door. In addition, the
goods are delivered directly to your door whereas when you shop in physical shops you
have to carry it home yourself. Another aspect to consider is cost. There are those who
argue that cost has the biggest impact on where people decide to shop. This is illustrated by
the fact that during the sales many people buy things in shops they would not normally enter.
Nevertheless, for some people the cost is not an issue, they buy what they want to buy no
matter the price. In light of the above, weighing up all the evidence, it is probably true to say
that cost does indeed have the biggest influence on where people decide to shop due to the
fact that most of the time, if you cannot afford something then you will not be able to buy it.
We’re always hearing in the news about how more and more people are buying things on
the internet. It’s a big problem that fewer people are going shopping in physical shops
nowadays. But, what makes people decide where to shop? First, let’s look at convenience.
It’s true that shopping online is much easier than shopping in physical shops. You can buy
stuff on your computer and you can sit on your sofa, you don’t need to leave your house.
Also, the stuff gets sent to your house. When you go to the physical shop you have to take it
home yourself. Now I’ll talk about cost. Some people think that cost is the most important
thing people think about when they decide where to shop. For example, when the sales are
on people buy things in shops they don’t normally go to. But some people don’t care about
the price. It doesn’t matter if it’s expensive or not. In conclusion, looking at the facts, I think
that cost is the most important thing for most people because if you don’t have enough
money, you can’t buy it. Version 2 Find and underline the ways that the same ideas are
expressed in this version. Hardly a week goes by without another news report about the
recent dramatic increase in online shopping. The decline of the high street shop is
undoubtedly a major issue in this day and age. However, which aspect of shopping has the
biggest influence on where people shop? The first area to take into account is convenience.
It is undoubtedly the case that shopping online is much more convenient than shopping on
the high street. Not only can you make a purchase with the click of a button, but also you
can do it from the comfort of your sofa without setting foot outside your door. In addition, the
goods are delivered directly to your door whereas when you shop in physical shops you
have to carry it home yourself. Another aspect to consider is cost. There are those who
argue that cost has the biggest impact on where people decide to shop. This is illustrated by
the fact that during the sales many people buy things in shops they would not normally enter.
Nevertheless, for some people the cost is not an issue, they buy what they want to buy no
matter the price. In light of the above, weighing up all the evidence, it is probably true to say
that cost does indeed have the biggest influence on where people decide to shop due to the
fact that most of the time, if you cannot afford something then you will not be able to buy it.w

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