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● Maria Alejandra Quintero Rodriguez

● Paula Niño
● Sara Jacobo

1.Make a text using the image, with simple present with verb to be, simple
present with others verbs and present continuous. Minimum half page,
máximum one page.

The supermarket that is close to María's house has been there for more than 50
years, it is well-known, reliable, beautiful and all the neighbors visit it but it is not as
cheap as she would like, however she always goes to “Organic food”, because she
finds everything she needs for her meals for the entire month, in addition to being
very fresh, organic and almost never is full .Today she took her 9-year-old son to
teach him how to choose different types of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and
many other things and they were lucky that today there were exclusive discounts in
all the store, so Maria and her son have bought onions, tomatoes, garlic, apples,
lettuce,strawberries, bananas, oranges, meat,milk,rice…. and many more things.
The cart they were carrying was already so full that the son of Mary could not carry it
anymore, but they continued buying. After spending two hours in the supermarket,
they were so happy with everything they got that they already went to pay for
everything. Maria almost had a heart attack when she saw her account, but Martín
had a surprise for her on her first day checking, he took her savings to help her
mother pay for the house purchases. Maria feels lucky to have a son like him and
Maria's son is such a gentleman.

2.Make a dialogue, choice a part of the paint using different characters and
make mínimum five interventions for each characters, máximum ten.

(Daniel): Hey guys, thanks for coming out today! The weather couldn't be better for a
picnic in the park.

(Irene): Absolutely, Daniel! Thanks for organizing this. I brought some sandwiches
and a bottle of wine to share.

(Gabriel): Nice choice, Irene! I brought some fresh fruits and a loaf of bread. Let's
make some delicious sandwiches together.

(Benjamin): Sounds great, Gabriel! I brought some cheese and crackers to add to
the mix. Can't have a picnic without cheese, right?

(Amelia): Hey everyone, sorry I'm a bit late. Traffic was crazy, but I brought some
homemade brownies for dessert.
(Daniel): No worries, Amelia! We're just getting started. Your brownies always steal
the show.

(Irene): Definitely! Now that we have everything set up, how about we relax and
enjoy our food for a bit?

(Gabriel): Agreed, Irene. It's so nice to have a break from the hustle and bustle of
everyday life.

(Benjamin): Absolutely. Plus, the park is so peaceful. I could sit here all day and just
soak in the atmosphere.

(Amelia): Me too, Benjamin. There's something about being surrounded by nature

that's so rejuvenating.

(Daniel): Alright, so after we eat, what should we do? Anyone up for a game of
frisbee or soccer?

(Irene): That sounds fun, Daniel! Or we could go for a walk and explore more of the

(Gabriel): I'm up for either. Maybe we could split into teams for a friendly game of
frisbee and then go for a walk?

(Benjamin): Sounds like a plan! And we can finish off with a stroll around the lake. I
heard there are some beautiful swans there.

(Amelia): Sounds perfect to me! Let's finish up our picnic and then head off for some
fun activities.

(Daniel): Great idea, Amelia! But before we move on, I have to say, this picnic
spread is incredible. Thanks, everyone, for bringing such delicious food.

(Irene): It really is. And the wine adds a nice touch of sophistication. Thanks for
bringing it, Irene.

(Gabriel): Yeah, thanks, Irene. I'll definitely be having a glass or two.

(Benjamin): Cheers to that! And Gabriel, your fruit selection is so fresh. It's like a
burst of flavor in every bite.

(Amelia): Thanks, Benjamin! I'm glad you like it. But I have to say, Daniel, you
picked the perfect spot for this picnic. The view here is breathtaking.
(Daniel): Thanks, Amelia! I thought you all would appreciate it. Now, who's ready for
some friendly competition? Frisbee, soccer, or both?

(Irene): I'm up for frisbee! It's been ages since I've played.

(Gabriel): Frisbee sounds great! But maybe we can start with soccer and switch it up

(Benjamin): Works for me. Let's kick things off with a soccer match. Daniel, you're
on my team!

(Amelia): Alright, let the games begin! But before we get too competitive, can we
take a moment to appreciate this beautiful day and the wonderful company we're in?

(Daniel): Absolutely, Amelia. Let's make the most of this day together, enjoying each
other's company and the beauty of nature.

(Irene): Let’s go friends!

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