DIEGO Project Ideas

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Good afternoon teacher and classmates

In first place, we’ll be talking about how to use money wisely.

To start, I think it is needless to say, but still, it’s worth noting that either you want it or not,
money is essential for living, necessary for getting by.

That being said, the first thing you should do in order to manage in a better way your incomes
is to cut back on your expenses, especially the small ones. It might not affect you immediately,
but it will definitely have long-term effects.

The second thing you should do is to pay off all of your debts, no matter how small they are,
you will never be capable of properly managing your money if you still owe some to others. So,
that’s very important for you to bear in mind.

Finally, it is always a good idea to save up a small part of your incomes each month, so as to
both buy some not-so-cheap stuff and have a back-up budget for any kind of sudden

On the other hand, the one thing you should never do is to fork out on gimmick, because then
you will be squandering your money for no reason. Even though, they may seem appealing,
the price of these kind of products aren’t worth it, so think it through before paying $500 for a
useless brand-new device.

In second place, avoid as much as you can taking out a loan, unless it is completely necessary,
since, at the end of the day, they often end up getting you into debt. Instead, if needed, try to
borrow some money from a close relative who won’t ask you to pay an interest rate.

And last but not least, you have to be careful with being ripped off. Even large well-known
companies use this strategy in order to get more profits. So, you must watch out!

As for what you can buy with money, well there are plenty of different products out there. In
my case, the two items I like the most are on the one hand, records and on the other,
videogames consoles. Records are usually thin rounded black plastic objects that contain a
certain single or album that can be played by using a turntable. I’m such a fan of music, so
that’s why I have always been into getting as many as possible.

Regarding video games consoles, they are high tech metallic devices that often catch the
attention of teenagers. They have been a commercial success since their invention years ago
and are so useful whenever you want to free your mind for a while.

Before finishing this presentation, I would like to talk about a phenomenon that mainly affects
graduated students from college: underemployment. Even though, they have achieved their
studies satisfactorily, they are not being hired for professional jobs which may affect the way
they cover their cost of living.

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