Inca Adventures - Discovering Machu Picchu - Engoo

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Engoo / Materials / English for Kids

Inca Adventures: Discovering Machu Picchu

4 Intermediate

Emily and Grandpa Gus have traveled to Peru to explore the area around Machu

Your tutor will read each sentence in the story. Repeat after them and ask questions if
you're unsure about anything. Make sure that you understand the Key Words!
Exercise 1

Emily and Grandpa Gus arrive in Cusco — a city high up in the mountains.

This place is amazing — we're almost touching the clouds! And there
are mountains everywhere you look!

Yep, Cusco is one of the highest cities in the world. And it's very old, too
— it's been here since the Inca times.

Who were the Incas, Grandpa?


People who lived here a long, long time ago. They were great builders.
They could shape rocks into pieces that fit perfectly together like a
Gus puzzle!
Oh, I bet they'd like playing Tetris if they were around today!


touch rock puzzle

Key Words

Exercise 2
Machu Picchu
Emily and Grandpa Gus make it to Machu Picchu — "The Lost City of the Incas."

There it is, Emily! That's Machu Picchu — a city built by the Incas that
was lost for hundreds of years.

But how did the entire city get lost?


Well, after the Incas left, forests grew all around it. So it was hidden by
trees and mountains.

Oh, I see. And how did they get those rocks all the way up here anyway?


They actually carried them all by hand...


Oh wow, and I thought my backpack was heavy!


carry hand backpack

Key Words
Exercise 3
Alpaca Farm

Next, Emily and Grandpa Gus make a visit to an alpaca farm.

What are those funny looking sheep, Grandpa? Look how fluffy they

Those are alpacas. They actually belong to the same family as camels!


Oh, really? But they couldn't stay in a desert for very long with all that

You're right! That's why they live high up in the mountains.

Oh they look so soft! Can we pet them, Grandpa?


Sure, they're very friendly! Just be careful not to scare them away.


fluffy wool pet

Key Words

Exercise 4
Rainbow Mountain
Emily and Grandpa Gus go horseback riding to the famous Rainbow Mountain.

Here we are at last! This is Vinicunca — the Rainbow Mountain I was

telling you about.

It really does look like a huge rainbow!


People only found it in 2015. Before that, it was covered in ice and
snow, so nobody even knew it was here!

A lost city, and now a secret mountain... I bet there's more crazy stuff
around here! Maybe a magic waterfall! Or a cave full of candy!

Yep. The world is full of surprises!

cover cave candy

Key Words

Exercise 5
Let's Talk!

Time to talk! Answer the questions and ask your teacher some questions as well.

1. Have you ever played Tetris? What are your favorite video games?

2. Would you rather have a camel, an alpaca, or a sheep as a pet?

3. What's your favorite type of candy?

Exercise 6
Spot the Differences

Look at the images and try to find all of the differences!

There are four differences in total. See if you can spot them all!
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