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Engoo / Materials / English for Kids

A Visit to Spain: The Magic of Barcelona

4 Intermediate

Emily and Grandpa Gus are in Spain. They're exploring Barcelona!

Your tutor will read each sentence in the story. Repeat after them and ask questions if
you're unsure about anything. Make sure that you understand the Key Words!
Exercise 1
The Sagrada Família

Emily and Grandpa Gus first go to see the Sagrada Família.

Hey, Grandpa, what's this big, pointy building over there? Is it a giant
sandcastle? Or a candy factory?

Neither! It's actually a church, believe it or not.


Really? I've never seen a church like that! It looks like it was built by

Yeah, it's quite unusual. They started building it over 100 years ago,
and guess what? They're still working on it!
Wow! Why is it taking so much time?


Well, the man who designed it, Antoni Gaudí, had a lot of interesting
ideas about how each part should look. That's why it's taking so long —
Gus they want to build everything just right.

pointy factory alien

Key Words

Exercise 2
Park Güell
Emily and Granda Gus go for a walk around Park Güell.

Look at all these colors, Grandpa! It's like a rainbow exploded into a
million little pieces, and they all fell here!

Indeed! This is also the work of Gaudí, who loved using many different
colors and shapes!

I love it! I wish I could come here every day!


You'd find something exciting each time, too! There's a really cool lizard
statue that's also a fountain, and a long bench that looks like a giant
Gus snake, among other things!

It's like a magic playground!

explode lizard bench

Key Words

Exercise 3
Barcelona Aquarium

Emily and Grandpa Gus are exploring Barcelona Aquarium.

This tunnel is so cool! It's like we're part of this underwater world!

Yep, this is as close as we can get to that world, without getting wet

Just look at all the fish — they're so colorful! Do you think there are any
sharks in here? I'd love to see one up close!

There might be! Did you know that sharks have been around since
before the dinosaurs?

Really? Sharks are that old?


It's true! They've have been swimming in our oceans for over 400
million years! That's long before dinosaurs walked the Earth.

wet shark dinosaur

Key Words

Exercise 4
The Magic Fountain
Just before it gets dark, Emily and Grandpa Gus arrive at the Magic Fountain.

Oh, it looks like we're right on time for the most amazing show in town!


What are you talking about, Grandpa? What show?


Behind us is the Magic Fountain, Emily. Every night, it puts on a show

with lots of water, bright lights, and music!

That sounds super fun! How does it work, though?


Well, the water starts spraying in all sorts of crazy directions and looks
like its dancing to the music! And the water can go as high as 50 meters
Gus into the air!
Wow! I can't wait to see it now!


show spray directions

Key Words

Exercise 5
Let's Talk!

Time to talk! Answer the questions and ask your teacher some questions as well.

1. What's the best playground you've been to? Why did you like it so much?

2. Do you know much about dinosaurs? Do you have a favorite one?

3. Have you ever seen a shark up close? What animal do you think is the scariest?

Exercise 6
Spot the Differences
Look at the images and try to find all of the differences!
There are four differences in total. See if you can spot them all!

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