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M. Pârlog,1, 2, H. Hamrita,2 B. Borderie,2 L. Lavergne,2 M. F. Rivet,2 and J. P. Wieleczko1
1 GANIL, CEA et IN2P3-CNRS, B.P. 55027, F-14076 Caen Cedex5, France.
2 Institut de Physique Nucléaire, IN2P3-CNRS, F-91406 Orsay Cedex, France.
The polarization of the electron-hole pairs induced by 80 MeV 12 C in a silicon detector was considered
and connected to the relative dielectric permittivity, locally increased. The exact coordinate dependence
of the modified electric field - inside and outside the ion range - was found as the solution of the one
dimension Poisson’s equation for the electric potential in this inhomogeneous medium. The improvement
of the signal simulation is encouraging, as compared to an undisturbed electric field case.

1. INTRODUCTION thickness; in the expression of the depletion bias

We attempt to exploit the sensitivity of the en- voltage Vd = eND d2 =2r 0 (Vd < V ) enter also
tire current pulse shape in solid state detectors the electron charge magnitude e, the volume con-
to the carrier density along the ionization track, centration of donors ND and the silicon dielectric
and thus to the charge (Z ), mass (A) and en- permittivity  = r 0 written as the product of its
ergy (E ) of the detected ion. This fact becomes relative dielectric permittivity r (for silicon r =
possible with the advent of modern current sen- 11.7) and the vacuum permittivity 0 . An ioniz-
sitive preamplifiers, giving access to the nearly ing light charged particle (lcp) induces low con-
undisturbed current flowing inside the detector centration carriers. Driven by the electric field,
[1]. The perfect simulation of the experimen- they drift towards the electrodes. Every moving
tal signal produced by a given ion (Z A E ) ap- charge - electron (e) or hole (h) - contributes to
pears to be of major interest in relation with Pulse the electric current [2]. The pulse of, e.g., 5 MeV
Shape Discrimination technique too. The first protons is very well reproduced [1] by this ”stan-
step - approached in the following - is to consider dard model”. Conversely, the same model com-
the electric field distortion, if any, due to the pres- pletely fails in case of 80 MeV 12 C - Fig. 1.
ence of the ionized track. 0 10 20
t (ns)
30 40 50
The silicon detectors used in this work are −10
overdepleted abrupt p-n junctions with a 300 m −20
n-type bulk compared to a negligible-thin p-type
U (mV)

−30 12

zone; p, d and 12 C of known energies were im- −40

80 MeV
pinging on the n-type rear side, in order to get −50
a higher sensitivity to the particle nature. En- −60
ergy measurements using charge preamplifiers −70
showed that charge collection was complete in
all cases, i.e., no pulse height defect has been ob- Fig. 1: The experimental current signal induced by a 80
served. MeV 12 C ion impinging on the rear side of a silicon detec-

For x considered from the rear side, the electric tor [1] - full line; the simulation using a linear electric field
field reads: F (x) = 2Vd x=d2 ; (Vd ; V )=d. V - dashed line - completely fails.
is the applied bias voltage and d is the detector What makes lcp and carbon ion so differ-
ent? The answer is: the mean stopping power
e-mail:parlog@ganil.fr; Permanent address: Nat. (E=Range), which greatly varies as shown in
Inst. for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest- column 3 of Table I. As a consequence, the mean
Măgurele, Romania. electron-hole (e-h) pair concentration - column 4
- is at least one order of magnitude higher in case patible with a conductor while the silicon is, in
of carbon:  1017, but still far below the free the framework of the electrodynamics, a dielec-
electron concentration in a conductor, of the or- tric.
der of Avogadro’s number. A cylinder radius rc = Actually, the alternative to this ”conductor”
750 nm was considered for our estimation [3, 4]. scenario is the dielectric one, in which the e-h
pairs - induced by ionization - are considered as
dipoles ”oriented” by the initial electric field in
Table I: Mean values of stopping power and carrier pair such a way that the barycentres of the negative
concentration for 5 MeV protons and 80 MeV 12 C (see text and positive charges inside the ion range l are
for explanations). slightly shifted: the dielectric polarization. Con-
ion E E=Range concentration sequently, as we shall show in the next section,
the electric field strength at any position x inside
[MeV/(mg/cm2 )] [cm;3 ]
the plasma column Fin(x) will be lower than the
3:6 1015
p 5 0.10
standard value F (x) in the same point, but not
12C 9:6 1016
80 2.62 completely cancelled out: 0 < Fin (x) < F (x).
Albeit diminished, Fin (x) may immediately drive
Historically, this difference, associated to a the carriers, or at least part of them, towards the
slower carrier collection for heavy ions (HI), was two electrodes of the detector. The diffusion,
quantified as a plasma delay HI pd . This would even if present and playing a role in the disso-
be one of the main components (besides the ciation of the closest e-h pairs, is no more seen as
preamplifier rise-time) of the current signal rise- a necessary stage to set in the charge collection.
time,  r , experimentally measured: HIr > r
lcp As a consequence of the dielectric polarization,
[3, 5–7]. Should be considered a linear [8] or a the local dielectric permittivity (x) inside the
quadratic [9] composition of these components? ionization track will increase in comparison with
The question becomes obsolete when the whole the usual silicon permittivity : (x) >  for
signal is examined. x  l. This enhancement is quantified in the fol-
lowing by connecting it, in the framework of an
2. DIELECTRIC POLARIZATION exact, infinitesimal treatment, to the local energy
Traditionally, the plasma delay scenario is loss -(dE /dx) of the ionizing particle. In the an-
based on the analogy with a conductor placed in cient ”conductor + diffusion” vision, a change of
an external electric field, or eventually with an the dielectric constant was crudely considered in
electronic tube. The plasma of separated nega- the early nineties [11].
tive and positive charges, polarized by the exter- The electric field induced by a free charge den-
nal electric field, acts as an electric shield: in- sity free in a dielectric is given by the third equa-
side, the electric field cancels out (F = 0), which tion of Maxwell:
is equivalent to an infinite dielectric permittivity
( ! 1). Then, the plasma undergoes an erosion r F~ + P = free () rF~ = free + pol :
due to the diffusion of the carriers. The electric 0 0 0
field is finally restored and the carriers may start
their drift towards the electrodes. But, the delay Here P~ is the dielectric polarization vector and
time involved by the diffusion process is two or the term pol = ;rP~ is the polarization charge
three orders of magnitude longer [10] than the ex- density given by the product of the dipole electric
perimentally measured rise times. To overcome charge e and the dipole volume concentration N :
these short-comings, one had to resort to artifices jpolj = Ne. P = erN has the physical meaning
as, for example, to allow the penetration of the of dipolar moment of the volume unit, r being the
external electric field into a thin sheet of plasma, mean relative distance between individual dipole
in order to speed up its erosion [8]. charges.
The above image has a basic difficulty: electric In the first order approximation: P~ = 0F~ ,
shielding and hence infinite permittivity are com- being the dielectric susceptibility, r = 1 + and
the above equation becomes: is: n0 = 1=( rc2 w )jdE=dxj, with the energy per
h i free   free e-h pair at 300 K w = 3.62 keV, rc being the fidu-
r (1 + ~
)F = () r  F~ = : r cial cylinder radius.
0 0 For the rear side entrance, the charge distribu-
In an homogeneous medium (r = constant): tion (x) = free in the overdepleted reverse bi-
ased junction reads:
rF~ = free
 () r ~ = free :
F  (1) 
0 < x  xn
(x) = ;eN
r 0 D
eNA xn < x  xn + xp
By introducing the electric potential ': F~ =
;r', eq. (1) becomes the Poisson’s equation: where NA is the acceptor concentration in the
r2' = ; free : (2)
thin p-type part of thickness xp and xn is the
thickness of the n-type zone. We deal with a
cylindrical, longitudinal geometry and the Pois-
When the dipole concentration varies from N to son’s equation (2) may be considered in one di-
N 0 = N + n, the polarization varies from P to mension, with the boundary conditions: '(0) =
P 0 = erN + er0n, where we supposed different V and '(xn + xp ) = 0. One get its solu-
mean relative distances r0 6= r - both of them pro- tion by making use of the mathematical induc-
portional to the electric field - for the supplemen- tion method and also of the continuity condition
tary n and the previous N dipoles, respectively. of the normal component F of the electric in-
Some algebra leads to the relation between the duction D ~ = 0 F~ + P~ at each separation surface
relative permittivities in the two cases: between two homogeneous infinitesimal zones.
0r = r + a1n (3)
which will be used to connect the new dielectric From the charge conservation condition, imply-
constant in the ionized column to the carrier con- ing: ND xn = NA xp and because in our detectors
centration n via the constant a1 - our model pa- NA  ND , one get xp xn and xn  d =
rameter. Just after the ionization, the local con- xn + xp. Thus, the electric field strength inside
centration in an infinitesimal cylindrical slice dx and outside the ion range may be written:

0 (x) dx + 2 (d ; l ) ; V
x eND 2 2
Fin = eN D x ;  eND <xl
(x) (x) R 0
 0l dx(x) + d ; l
Rl x dx ; eND (d2 ; l2 ) ; V
eND 0 (x)
Fout = eN D x ; R l dx
 0 (x) + d ; l

Both expressions depend on the same parameter x. The discontinuity appears at x = l. The mod-
a1 (including rc ) from the permittivity eq. (3). ified field is lower than the standard one inside
the ion range but higher outside it. In both cases
The corresponding curve for 80 MeV 12 C ions the integral along the detector thickness d is the
impinging on the rear side of the detector of 2500 same: V . The distorted field values correspond to
 cm resistivity (ND  1:9 1012 atoms/cm3 ) is
the initial e-h pairs density, calculated by means
plotted in Fig. 2 a) as a function of the coordinate
1500 500
field. This procedure implies, of course, a second
parameter for the rate of the carrier extraction and
it will be addressed elsewhere.

F (kV/m)
F (kV/m) 300

(a) (b)
In conclusion, we have considered the polariza-
tion - in the electric field existing in a reverse bi-
0 100
X (µm)
200 300
0 100
X (µm)
200 300 ased silicon junction - of the e-h pairs induced by
Fig. 2: a) The distorted electric field strength inside the an ionizing particle in a cylinder along its path,
silicon detector, due to the ionized column induced by 80 parallel to the field. The carrier concentration
MeV 12 C - dotted curve. b) The same for protons of 5 MeV was connected to the local stopping power in-
- dotted curve. For comparison, the standard electric field side the particle range. We gave an exact solution
is plotted too - dashed straight line. to the Poisson’s equation for the electric poten-
tial in this inhomogeneous medium. In this in-
of the stopping power tables in ref. [12]. The finitesimal treatment, we established the expres-
parameter a1 was adjusted to reproduce - for this sions of the modified electric field strength, in-
field curve - the amplitude of the experimental side and outside the ion range. The influence of
signal - Fig. 3. this field distortion on the shape of the pulse in-
0 20
t (ns)
40 60
duced by 80 MeV 12 C was found to be dominant.
The comparison with the experimental signal has
−5 shown an important improvement of the simu-
−10 12
lation result compared to the undisturbed, linear
C electric field strength case. A time dependent ap-
U (mV)

−15 80 MeV
proach, towards a complete description, is under
[1] H. Hamrita et al., in Proc. Int. Workshop on Multi-
Fig. 3: The experimental current signal induced by a 80
fragmentation 2003, Caen, France, 2003 .
MeV 12 C ion impinging on the rear side of a silicon detec-
[2] E.Gatti and P. F. Manfredi, Revista del Nuovo Ci-
tor [1] - full line; the simulation using a distorted electric
mento Vol. 9, N. 1 (1986) 1.
field - dotted line.
[3] W. Seibt, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 113 (1973) 317.
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tector of 12700  cm resistivity (ND  3:7 1011 and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 482 (2000) 674.
atoms/cm3 ) is slightly distorted and only in a thin [5] H. O. Neidel and H. Henschel, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
zone corresponding to the peak of Bragg - Fig. 2 178 (1980) 137.
b). This fact explains why the standard descrip- [6] W. Bohne et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res.
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case. [7] J. B. England, G. M. Field, T. R. Ophel, Nucl. Instr.
and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 280 (1989) 291.
[8] P. A. Tove, W. Seibt and. W. Leitz, Nucl. Instr. and
In the framework of the simulation shown in
Meth. 51 (1967) 304.
Fig. 3, the drift of all the carriers was instan-
[9] A. Alberigi Quaranta, A. Taroni, G. Zanarini, IEEE
taneously allowed in the modified electric field
Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-15 (1968) 373.
plotted in Fig. 2a). In fact, this field was kept
frozen during the whole transit time. However, [10] G. Dearnaley and. D. C. Northrop, Semiconductor
once the dipole charges are separated (n = 0), the counters for nuclear radiation, 2-nd ed. 1966 .
electric field should be restored. The alternative [11] I. Kanno, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 353
is the following: the e-h pairs are progessively (1994) 93, and references therein.
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tant with a progressive restoration of the electric Matter (SRIM), Pergamon Press, New York 1985.

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