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Air Way Assessment And

Airway assessment and management are critical aspects of patient care, especially in emergency
situations. It involves ensuring a clear, unobstructed airway for proper oxygenation and ventilation.
This includes the identification and management of various airway-related challenges and

Done by Sara Jarrar & Rawd Bashir

Airway Airway Difficult Airway Difficult
Management Intubation
The extrapulmonary The clinical situation
air passage, It involves in which an If a normally trained
consisting of the maintaining a anesthesiologist anesthesiologist
nasal and oral patent airway, which experiences needs more than 3
cavities, pharynx, is essential for difficulty with mask attempts or more
larynx, trachea, and adequate ventilation, tracheal than 10 minutes for
large bronchi. oxygenation and intubation, or both. a successful
ventilation. Failure endotracheal
to maintain a patent intubation.
airway can be life-
Management of the Patient's Airway

1 Bag Mask Ventilation 2 Laryngoscopy

BMV is usually the first step in airway A medical procedure used to obtain a
management and an essential rescue view of the vocal folds and the glottis.
maneuver when the attempt at
Laryngoscopy performed to facilitate
intubation fails.
tracheal intubation during general

3 Endotracheal Intubation 4 The Laryngeal Mask Airway

It involves the insertion of a tube into the (LMA)
trachea to maintain an open airway. An alternative airway management
device used to maintain a patent airway
without tracheal intubation.
1. Bag Mask Ventilation
Procedure Method Variations Contraindications
BMV is performed using a One-hand ventilation and Full stomach
face mask before, during, two-hand ventilation
Long procedures
and after loss of techniques are commonly
consciousness at anesthetic used for BMV, offering Complete upper airway
induction. different approaches for obstruction
maintaining effective
positive-pressure ventilation. Increased risk of aspiration
after paralysis and induction
cardiac arrest .
One-hand ventilation Two-hand-ventilation
The mask is held with the left hand of the The provider uses two hands to provide jaw
provider and placed against the face by thrust and create a mask seal similarly to the
downward pressure on the mask by the left one-hand technique, while an assistant
thumb and index finger (pressure should be provides positive-pressure ventilation with the
placed on the bony mandible (not on the soft breathing bag.
tissues)) while the right hand gives positive-
pressure ventilation with the breathing bag.
Head-Tilt/Chin-Lift and Emergency
Rescue Breathing
1 Procedure
The head-tilt/chin-lift is a procedure used to prevent the tongue from obstructing
the upper airways, essential for restoring upper airway patency.

2 Emergency Use
Part of pre-intubation and emergency rescue breathing procedures in patients with
compromised airways.
2. Laryngoscopy
Laryngoscopy performed to facilitate tracheal intubation during general anesthesia.

It is carried out (usually) with the patient lying on his or her back.

This procedure is done in an operation theatre with full preparation for resuscitative measures to
deal with respiratory distress.

There are at least ten different types of laryngoscope used for this procedure.

It is extremely uncomfortable and is not typically performed on conscious patients, or on patients

with an intact gag reflex.
Types of Laryngoscopy
Direct Fiberoptic Indirect Conventional
Laryngoscopy Laryngoscopy Laryngoscopy Laryngoscopy
Performed to see Flexible fiberoptic Performed when the The vast majority of
the vocal cords bronchoscope or vocal cords are tracheal intubations
directly. rhinoscope used for observed through involve the use of
office-based mirrors. the conventional
diagnostics or for laryngoscope.
tracheal intubation.
consists of a handle
containing batteries
with a light source,
and a set of
Direct Laryngoscopy
Performed to see the vocal cords directly and
facilitate tracheal intubation during general
Fiberoptic Laryngoscopy
Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope or rhinoscope is used for office-
based diagnostics or tracheal intubation.

Patient Comfort
The patient can remain conscious during the procedure, observing
vocal folds during phonation.

Surgical Procedures
Surgical instruments can be passed through the scope for
procedures such as biopsies or difficult intubation.
Indirect Laryngoscopy
Is performed when we see the vocal cords through mirrors.
Curved Blade Straight Blade
The Macintosh blade is the most widely used. The Miller blade is the most popular style of
straight blade.
1 2 3

Sizes Uses Other types

Both Miller and Macintosh The straight blade is difficult There are other types of
laryngoscope blades are to control in adult humans curved and straight blades
available in sizes 0 and can cause pressure on (e.g., Phillips, Robertshaw,
(neonatal) through 4 (large the vagus nerve, which can Sykes, Wisconsin, Wis-
adult). cause unexpected cardiac Hipple, etc.) with
arrhythmias. accessories such as mirrors
for enlarging the field of
The Miller, Wisconsin, Wis-
view and even ports for the
Hipple, and Robertshaw
administration of oxygen.
blades are commonly used
for infants. It is easier to These specialty blades are
visualize the glottis using primarily designed for use by
these blades than the anesthetists, most
Macintosh blade in infants, commonly in the operating
due to the larger size of the room.
epiglottis relative to that of
the glottis.
Conventional laryngoscope
The Macintosh blade is positioned in the vallecula, anterior to the epiglottis, lifting it out of the
visual pathway, while the Miller blade is positioned posterior to the epiglottis, trapping it while
exposing the glottis and vocal folds.

Incorrect usage can cause trauma to the front incisors; the correct technique is to displace the chin
upwards and forward at the same time, not to use the blade as a lever with the teeth serving as the

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