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Section 1: Engineering Mathematics:

Linear Algebra (Aatices and Determinants, Inverse and Rank of matrx. Systems of lnear
equations, Eiget values and Eigen vectors Cayley-Hamilton Theorem)
K Caiculus/Limit, contnuity and differentubility. Partal Derivatives Mean value theorems,
Indetermiate forms and L' Hospital's rule, Maxima and minia, Taylor's theorem, Sequences
and senies. Test for comvergence) Fourier series
4) Vector Calculus Gradient. Dvergence and Curl, Lne, surtace and volume Calalw Iwyn
integrals, Stokes, Neele
Gauss and Green's theorems.
)Ditferential Equations: Linear and non-lnear first order ODEs, Higher order Iineat
constant coetficients,s Cauchy's and Euler's equations
OProbability and Statistics Measures at cental tendengy and dspersicon(hypothesis tlesting AA
Binomial, Poisson. exponential and normal distributions: Correlation and regression analysís
Omerical Methods Solutions of linear algebrac equations: Interpolation, Integration of
trapezoidal and Smpson's rule. Single and multi-step methods for differential equations.
Onit :(c-v) LT
Section 2: Mining Geology, Mine Development andSurveying:
Minng Geology: Mnerals, Rocks and their Ongin, Classfication, Ore Geness,

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