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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of !

verbs in the box.

e plete
ai e
~ ai -~J
1 Could you remind John ~ me?
2 Would you prefer me~ now or later?
3 1 remember Patrick ~ 11.hat he was an
amazing cook.
4 We all need targets at work. They give us something
call for.
s lt's no use J¡ v¡(;t¿ about the problem ifyou'renot
going to do anything to fix it!
6 The grant was fantastic beca use it enabled me
(Jcv1... my studies.
7 The bumps in the r~a~ are supposed to discourage
people from t/tS1 too f9st.
8 1 can't stand people ~ &oise when l'mtrying
to sleep.

2 Choose the correct options to complete the e-mail.

Hi Emily,

1just wanted to let you 1to know / know

that Jacob's doing OK, though obviously
he's very upset about breaking up wií h
Isabel. l've called him every day this
Week because I want him 2knowing I to
know that l'm here tor him if he needs
me. 1tried to persuade him 3coming I to
come over tomorrow but he says he's
busy. l've invited him' to several events
recently, but, for now, 1think he'd want
us to leave / leaving him alone. l'rn
cert · 1 · tor a
ain Y going to stop calling hirn '(ig
While. There's no point 5to keep I keePd' 1
o • te·
n asking him if he's just not intere\ he
can't force him 6be / to be sociabl_
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