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Dhanamanjuri University Dhanamanjuri University
B.A. 3e Sem Examination,2023 (December) B.A.3sen Examination, 2023 (December)
Subject Gnvirn mrta Sciera Subject GwiYmal Scienu

Paper Title ...nwiYonimenta Ghudes-i Paper Title ..SMASAKO..sudiea.-I

Paper Code ... Paper Code .ASS...Nal.

Date of Examination ......sAaAat.. Date of Examination....o.a..3.A2.0...
Examination Roll No (in figure)
22 1o 25
(in words) Teety too lakh tem th sand
bhree hwnde tewenty iue
Registration No...i339t.9.6.
Name (in Block letters)

o/o4/2 0244 Hijm Poi tam Hecle

Date of Examination Signature
Enwivonm ental mamagement is a broad and
Compyehensie ield fo wced on the vespon silble
Over sicght cno eteard ehio of natural vesouyas cund
the ewironm en. It encompasses the pracsces ,
strat eqies,cnd poiies aumned ct pot ecting, conserving>
and sUst aunadbly using the enwiyonment and its

erach Bharucha's lbook, Enwironmenal Stdies
Goy Undergraclcse Corses rovideg an in-depth
ploraticn ai khe inmpoytane , scope , and nesd foY
enwironmencl manaqemn ent. T hrem thiS seminel
tet, the siopigicaunce oj enwiron menjad momagemen
Is ticolat e as an e s n i yeoponse to the gscming
ewiromente chalenges aced lobally , such s
cimate chenge biodiversity \oss, pollut ic, am
YeocUYce depleion.

Importone ct Enwironmene Maneyemen

The importamie n enwironment mamagement
Ges in its pot enicl to adávess nd nmitigad e ths
acveyse eeccs ot hnan aivitie cn the enwiren nen.

IE is vitad joY:
i)cO Sustauring Eco syst em Services: Ensuring tret
4h nat ural srvics ecosy tems povide , nh as
water ur and jertile soil , ne mainain
Gor juture genreione
i) Bi oivereily ConSey vcion: rotecing tho vaniely a
cn Eanth, cuhih s enenia foY ecosystem
esilienco ael hunnan wel- bSng.

ci) Ensuring Sustanable Devlopm en: Balanng

economic cmth with enwironmen potecion
ancl odal eavity to meot thu necds oi the presert
itheut cemprom sing the ility o future gnatiene
to meet their own neodS

Scope o Enuionnena Mancgener&:

The scape ot enwironmemtas mamagemert is vast
an in eriso plinany , covenng
) Na rc Resorce Managenert: Tho susteunable
utii 2aion ot lano , waten , miea reo r s , anol
) Pol otion Contsol : Roclcing enissicmns to air, coe
and soil to prot ect heman hclth an the ewirnmo

Ci) Enwironmertal Policy and

egislcion: Deyelepin
ana enjcng laws aund Yemulicns thot govern
humn in eractin with tho ewironmer.

av) Erwionment Edcoim and Awarenen, Elceb

4he pulbic a r t erwiron meral issues cun
pUOmo ting bhwors thot conioule to
Cmwironmensa ustainability.
Necd tey nvionment d Mameqeme:
The neoUY eninNmens co vncuncoe non has rwwer

becm more Caliccl As Bhaucha emphnas2ee:

()Repid EnviYemmentad neqadai n. Acc derating

l0ss ot bioversity polloticn ycnd hatbitet deotuci on
emand wreyen actin.
cii) Globcl Enwi Yemmenal chall enges: Cirnede Unngrs
c2ne layer epleti cn, and qlobad cwarmin are
bansbeoary isues reouiring corrdinaed inernhen
reopm Sea

i) RoSrce Scanity ith qrUwing populct Icns one

ecenomic dendopmerd, ths sustainable mamayent t
nou reoceo is neicd to psevet confics cnd
ong-te availooility:
iu) Pubie Health enwirommeral ceradotter iyectly
impads hwmcn heath 1 wh ar and coatey
pollutin food seuity i5sues , an emeqins 'seases
Ans: Ghlcbcl Ucumirs is a phenonunen chanaceized
by the cpacua incyease in Eanthis avescoe suacs
temerae poimay de to ths accunwlain t
in the atmosphe udh as coben
mothane and n i t s ods, Thuse oases
braup haot Srem the sm, reening it tremn
back into Spa, and thwS, cicrming ths
Exach Bhanuchars Ce 6nvirnments Studies fr
Uhdesade Corses shecds Liht ejeds o
global cwrming and Sugeeote vaioUs Soluti ns to
thiS oUre preing emwirom ment tssue.

The eects o globa warni are vst an

int erinke aecing ecosystems hunan Socieie, cnd
ecenies wolddwie:

in climete change cnd Eaxtrem wecthey Everde,

Inene ed tempretues lead to more jreoyuent amd
&eere wechey eents SUch as
hiricanes, rmgns
heat cUwes and heawy reunjal, covsing iclespad
deotucion nd Loss t Gie,
ci) Halting Ice Ceups and
Rising Get Sea Levels
Ths aurming ot ths plan leeds to the meling ot
polar ice coups ar lacies, cenibutin to vising sca
levele nd poSing o threct to cOstc Cm nwniteo



qii) Los ot Biodiveyeity: Tho chenging cimce aecs

hatcts gloally, leading to shifts in biocdiveysity
no tho etincim ot nany Specieo thoo cam

cannet adopt owickly engh.

i ) Aogicultral Impad : climcte chang aeds crop
yielde, leocing to joud insecrity. Chnano in precipithen
paterne and increses peots ar di seaoe pot
tthen ctoeur on agricultunel ou put.

Selutions to Rocuo the Prollem ot Glolocl warming:

Adceseoing obal waming euireo multitacded
ppoocch , cemoining poicy, teemeloey, and ndivicyc
acin. haUch's oook sugyeots several shreegieo:
i) fodc fossil fuel Use; euitioning to renadsle
Such a uind , Solar , ond y ro eleie
per Can Simiiicantly redwce cabn emiss ione.
poomoting enery fyiciet eicienty across al seyc
is co uciaJ.

cii) A,oY etoion and Rotoret aiomi plaroing treo and

reotering jneis can otrb CO2 Joem the ctonosheve
making Uteeotehon amd rejovestebion eeciue shocdesie
tur canbo &eoUeoto adion.

Qi) Sust cinae hegricultei Ahopting susteonalle

ceoricwltrepoachices SUh as

terming, uno etoert wcder use, can recwe molho

e Ss ion anl enhanee catbon seaNestocdioy.

Cond.. ,

) foicy and Lecgisl<in: Ipl emeting a i enjring

policiey that Grnit ovbn emssi croB, (pamnote reen
COerve naoral habitas a e
techno lcogieo,
enenticl. This incudes Ccaom poi c£ng mechenusmsy
SUch as caybm taes cayp- a n - toce Systems.
O2cne Qenleicom

Postic ed the stcosphee and pluys a cntical role

In yooot e ching th SUYjac the Suns har mtul
Ulbaviolet CUV) adiaion, Tnis phuremernen han

bees imaily altibute toh n a r - made chemi ale,

hotaloly chloroluovo abons CFCS), helons, an

othes 2n - clepleing SUbstamces CoDS).

Mechaisms ot O2ons Depleion:

The pimany muchaism inwoed inozons
the releose t choring an omins atonst m
Oons-depleiny sbstanus, The poo co is as jolous:
s Rolease ot chine and ormine; ODS, Suh cAS

CPCS ard hadone, rel ease cheine r bremin ams

cuhen ihey are reck lso ken deUr by aviold ignt
in the cosetOsphere
oi) O2onu Deotudion ayce, The reecsed chloi Cunc
catalyze chan reacticn tha deoOYe
C2 ons molecules. A single chlerine c m
Ahous an thoUSards ot O2Cne
molecoleo befoe
it is remoed m the stozosphene,
dis f r maticn ot the O2one Hoe : h mest domihc
eccmple o depleyioru iS the cmwcd zoe Lioe
Oner Arderchca
, o d each epying in hu Coutl

Heisphore. Thus phwemr

Polas vcytex cold IemerdUree, arnd the presne of
polar shatocpheic clevds thod facilitete ths
atchloy ing amd broins n humcn- nado cande.

Steps to Pooted tho O2ore. Lcyer:

Erach bhar cha's «e Envinmuntal Shudie fur
Unolerosaduce Conrse 93 emyphao29 th imyprt cnce ot
loba cepereton and poicy meaowes to putect th
e2one layer. The book ugopsts several key steps,
ci) phase Out at O2oe - Depleiny Substnees:
-The most crucicd etep hao beem the glool agreemerd
to phae out the prodion cm Use o o0S, pimernly
thrvh the Het Montreal Protoc ej cm Substaneo
thas Oeplete the O2cn Layer, signud in 1987,
i) Poootion at 020ne- fiendly Alternetiyeo;
Gncorain the use ot aternoiveo to 0DS in indushieg
retigerclen , ouY conditioning, and aerosed
propelants. Hydrojleapbns CH Fcs),cshovg not
020ra- depleing are pot er 0Teorhoie a e , &o theiy
(1se is cUbo being adee ner (hi kiqei Amend n
to tho Mentoec) Pootocol.
aii) ehergt hering Legislaj ion md Reguletion;
1 mplemering stnct segulo iers on {he remcÜrin
Ve a O0S cnd mritoring illecacu tolo in thoe
Substanceo. Stoengthering natioed ard inelicmcl
wirenmrba lus Can rth eey ooi ect 4h lae.
(U) blic warens ane Gduohon:
Rausing caeneo brt t ho impastune o th
O2ere layes r tho impac cat hunan aciens n ite.
haalth is vital. Edccicnal ampai e con encovcoye
yeoponoi de Convsmers choic ad ronote ths
adep ticn ot -friery poocwts amo psachicao

ho- The Chipko ovemer, ws hiri osrsed in Crach

Bhauchas nwiemroral Shudies jor Unlerorsdyae
Corseo, isasemino caple a a oGsC Tods
ewionmenle campaiGn in I nia, emphasi zig
poner at colleciue acien in conservticn etots.
Ovicginaly in th eany 1970s in ths timal aycn
reoicn ot Utaakhand the ovemer a a veopoe
to tho ecoloia an ecCnonic
large-cele dotaion paches o tho time,

Loco ill eonere, led prede minanty by coomen, inihded

ent theiY teing
the pocie ot hwgging toees to rev miar rto
by contactrs. The temchipko itsel
emoac Do eto hug in Hindi, reflecing ths
oteot method Used by the villcaene,
Sigccrbly ivapreel a le by wironmeralis srh
as Gureng Sundeyld bchugn, cho emphAsi2ed the
impotana o tor eeo to the ewirm mert, econem,cr
the kocal comnnitie' subs istono

Chipko seud nel cn Geceess Sucaemul

enwirnmenc moweme thad led to tho Ceevcic
tureoted lare bul ao inopircion sjuluve
aNOSS th ebe. 14
hihea eal ths invdeproonio hmcuns nd4

hatsa) enwicn mert, adw oCaing jor Sust cçnaye

manage merd a nav revscoo. Thu hnwvemot

Scce led to a n o.
1eicnS and lauc
Owihcm poicies cu poerctio in Inoia
Ans- Th Silerd Vally novemer, s cis cusse in
Gach Ghaudha's ConvicVmerta Studies jor Unsssde
Corrses," is a landmark eer in I n i s enwircmsnt
hi stury emdemnatie o ths powe publve odyoccucy
(n toevain, The moVemer ained to poted th
Silent vay ndiste aintoveg in ths Palakked
distre oj Kenala, rom tho t reat posel by a proposed
byoroesdic project that ld hane (ed tots dammis
ot thu Kurdhipuzha Ries eting in dhe simersion c
the teyt an loss c its unice biodivesity.
1niha e in the lae l97Os, the campi n cgcunst
the hydso elchic poje gaino mamerm thregh the
eHoste t local reoid erts, Sienists, ane
oho hfricprded th ecclocgial sigrujicee o tho
Silert Vall, whichS hone to cOio nrcuyctlo
and faura, indying many endemi aml end
Speje Ths meemer shon Cased he coic beles
denelopmnt and enwiYonmental comJeveiem.

ta1983 uhe the Geennn Gt 1nlic, leci

public ovtey suenihic acice , cleciclod te

pyistin ecosstem. This de cisi cn mayked a signijicot

mileotms in lndia's enwironwta movenent Setinga
Conserr vaicrn eots Curl the
impotara ot ecoleiceJ cenidrion in cepmet

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