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Financial Aid Reflection

1. Federal Financial Aid- What are the different types of federal financial aid
available to students? How do you apply for federal financial aid? What benefits
do students receive from this type of financial aid?
You can get grants, loans, and work study options. A grant is money you don't
have to pay back and loans you have to pay the government back. You have to
fill out a FAFSA application to be eligible.

2. State Financial Aid- What are the different types of state aid available to
students? How do you apply for state financial aid? What benefits do students
receive from this type of financial aid?
The Cal Grant is state financial aid. To get this aid, you have to submit a FAFSA
application. Some benefits are that you don't have to pay this one off.

3. School Specific Financial Aid- Which schools did you research? Describe one
grant or scholarship that is offered at each school. What benefits do students
receive from this type of financial aid? I
I researched City College and I found a scholarship that’s a grant of $500. To be
eligible, one must complete 12 units at city college and 2.5 GPA.

4. Private Scholarships- Describe two scholarships that you found interesting during
your research. What are the benefits of using this type of aid to fund your
The scholarship I found interesting is “A Balanced Life”. This scholarship helps
people find what they want in life. Another one I found interesting is A Better
Financial Future” scholarship which gives those who apply some money to pay
for college.

5. Military Financial Aid- Do you or your family plan to or have served in the
military? If so, describe at least one military financial aid program that is available
to you? What benefits do students receive from this type of financial aid?
No, I do not plan on joining the military after high school. A financial aid program
available to those in the military and their family is the G.I. Bill. One benefit is that
they help you reach your educational goals such as paying for tuition and books.

6. Personal Financial Aid Plan- After reviewing the different types of financial aid
available to students, what plan do you have for covering the costs of post-
secondary education? Write a paragraph that summarizes the total cost you
expect to pay for post-secondary education, the sources of aid you plan to use to
cover these costs, and when and how you plan to apply for each program. You
may also need to consider alternate sources of income such as a college fund or
savings plan that has already been set aside.
Upon reviewing the various types of financial aid available, my plan for covering
the costs of post-secondary education involves many different things. I know the
total cost to include tuition, fees, living expenses, and miscellaneous educational
expenses will be very expensive. To address these costs, I intend to apply for
federal student aid, including grants and loans, to alleviate the financial burden.
Additionally, I plan to explore scholarship opportunities from academic
institutions, private organizations, and other sources to secure additional funding.
To maximize my chances of receiving aid, I will fill out the FAFSA specific
scholarship application deadlines. I will also consider any college funds or
savings plans to help me save for college.

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