Basketball 4.2-Group 1 (Diploma)

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Cocu No:


SESSION 202301

Kenneth Teoh Kar

Cheah Xiao Xuan Lim Chun Shen

22PBD08054 21PVD08993 21PVD07815

040922-07-0838 030821-07-0047 030612-07-0753

012-9080255 014-8520821 017-5656775

cheahxx-pb22@stu kennethtkh-pv21@s Limcs-pv21@stude


Personal Information

Name :

Student’s Reg. No :

I.C No :

Telephone No :

Part Marks Marks Marks

I. Rules and Regulations (25 marks)
II. Current Development and Issues (25
III. My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)
IV. Reflections (20 marks)
E-mail :

Course Programme:

Performance Evaluation
Throughout the practical session, the performance of all the students who enroll in the
co-curriculum course will be evaluated through marks and graded. However, the grades will
not contribute to the GPA and CGPA.
Games/Sports & Cultural courses are evaluated based on the following:
i. Attendance 20%
ii. Log Book 20%
iii. Involvement 10%
iv. Achievement 10%
v. Technical skills 40%

1. Students who are absent from the Co-curriculum course and present a letter/proof of the
reasons stated below will be considered absent with a remark:
a. Medical Certificate (MC)
b. Represent TAR University College for external events (RC)
c. Death of IMMEDIATE family member (DC)
d. Leave of absence approved by Faculty
e. Skip letter approved by Deputy Director of DSA or Branch Campus Head

2. Students who are absent with the reasons below will not be considered present:
a. Personal matters (PTPTN submission)

Course Content/ Lesson Plan

Lesson 1 Introduction of Rules & Regulations.

Introduction to Ball Handling & Passing

Lesson 2 Introduction to Dribbling

Lesson 3 Introduction to Defence

Lesson 4 Introduction to Shooting

Lesson 5 Introduction to Lay Up

Lesson 6 Introduction to Offense

Lesson 7 Fast break & 4 corner passing

Lesson 8 Revision of skills

Lesson 9 Individual Skills Test 1

Lesson 10 Individual Skills Test 2

Lesson 11 Preparations & Practise for Co-Curricular Day Activities

Lesson 12 Co-Curricular Day

I) Rules and Regulations (25 marks) (180 - 200 words)

To abstract the important rules and regulations of basketball in point form.

● The ball must stay in court. The opposing team takes possession of the basketball if
the offensive team loses it out of bounds.
● Basketball players are not allowed to kick or hit the ball with their fists.
● The offensive team is not allowed to back to the backcourt after crossing half-court.
It's referred to as a backcourt violation. The offensive team may legitimately recover
the ball if the defending team accidentally knocks it into the backcourt.
● While dribbling, the player's hand must be on top of the ball. The player will surrender
the ball to the other team if they carry it while dribbling and touch the bottom of the
● A basketball player can only dribble once in a row. In other words, a player cannot
resume dribbling once they have stopped. A player who begins dribbling once more is
penalised for double dribbling and forfeits the ball to the opposing side. Only once
another player from either team touches or seizes control of the basketball may a
player begin another dribble. Usually, this occurs after a shot or a pass.

( 182 words)

II) Current Development and Issues in Gym Workout (25 marks)

Choose an article on any current issue (6 months to date) regarding basketball. Discuss and
write your personal opinion regarding the issue in 180 – 200 words & attach the issue.
(newspaper / webpage screenshot in PDF) (180 - 200 words)
The discussion around the NBA play-in tournament is one contemporary basketball
problem that has been receiving media attention. The league will be implementing a new
system for the 2020-2021 season called the play-in tournament, which will provide clubs
who place seventh through tenth in each conference the opportunity to complete for the
remaining two playoff slots.
While some players and coaches have welcomed the play-in tournament for bringing
excitement and competition to the conclusion of the regular season, others have
condemned it for being unfair and upending the established playoff format. Others claim
that the pay-in tournament places too much focus on a few games at the end of the regular
season, and that clubs who finish in the top eight spots should automatically quality for
the playoffs.
In my opinion, I love NBA's play-in tournament. It gives more teams a chance to
make the playoffs and boosts regular season enthusiasm. It also boosts league revenue and
viewership by creating more meaningful games. While some teams may believe the play-in
tournament is unfair, it offers underperforming teams a chance to enter the playoffs. I hope
the NBA retains the play-in tournament on the schedule because its benefits outweigh its


( 200 words)

III) My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)

Name of student: CHEAH XIAO XUAN

Date Start & Duratio Activity Goal Confirmed by

End Time n Staff / Student

24/2/23 2pm-5pm 3hours Badminton To sweat and Lay Leng

increase physical

1/3/23 3pm-5pm 2hours Ping Pong To increase Rou Ying

technical skill

3/3/23 2pm-4pm 2hours Badminton To sweat and Lay Leng

increase physical

8/3/23 3pm-5pm 2hours Ping Pong To increase Rou Ying

technical skill

10/3/23 3pm-5pm 2hours Basketball Shooting Rou Ying

13/3/23 1pm-3pm 2hours Ping Pong To increase Rou Ying

technical skill

15/3/23 8pm-9pm 1hours Jogging To reduce pressure Rou Ying

17/3/23 3pm-5pm 2hours Basketball Shooting Rou Ying

21/3/23 3pm-5pm 2hours Ping Pong To increase Lay Leng

technical skill

24/3/23 2pm-5pm 3hours Badminton To sweat and Lay Leng

increase physical

27/3/23 8pm-9pm 1hours Jogging To reduce pressure Rou Ying

29/3/23 2pm-4pm 2hours Ping Pong To increase Lay Leng
technical skill

31/3/23 4pm-7pm 3hours Badminton To sweat and Lay Leng

increase physical

4/4/23 12pm-2pm 2hours Badminton To sweat and Lay Leng

increase physical

Total Duration 29hours


Each student is required to log their own learning time of not less than 28 hours (any activity
related to skills and physical fitness)


Ping Pong


III) My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)

Name of student: KENNETH TEOH KAR HAO

Date Start & Duratio Activity Goal Confirmed by

End Time n Staff / Student

6/3/23 4pm-6pm 2hours Gym Leg Day Ze Quan

7/3/23 4pm-10pm 6hours Basketball Basketball training Bo Xian

8/3/23 4pm-6pm 2hours Gym Upper Body Ze Quan

9/3/23 4pm-10pm 6hours Basketball Basketball training Bo Xian

10/3/23 4pm-6pm 2hours Gym Biometrics Ze Quan

12/3/23 9pm-11pm 2hours Badminton Try new sport Chun Sheng

13/3/23 4pm-6pm 2hours Gym Leg Day Ze Quan

14/3/23 6pm-10pm 4hours Basketball Basketball training Bo Xian

15/3/23 4pm-6pm 2hours Gym Upper Body Ze Quan

16/3/23 6pm-10pm 4hours Basketball Basketball training Bo Xian

17/3/23 4pm-6pm 2hours Gym Biometrics Ze Quan

19/3/23 9pm-11pm 2hours Badminton Try new sport Chun Sheng

6/4/23 5pm-7pm 2hours Basketball Friendly Cumulative Wei Yao

Match Experience

Total Duration 38hours


Each student is required to log their own learning time of not less than 28 hours (any activity
related to skills and physical fitness)




III) My Personal Activity Log (30 marks)

Name of student: LIM CHUN SHEN

Date Start & Duratio Activity Goal Confirmed by

End Time n Staff / Student

24/2/23 5pm-7pm 2hours combat training 5 vs 5 Kenneth

27/2/23 8pm-10p 2hours Training basketball Offense Lim Jia Zhe


3/3/23 5pm-7pm 2hours combat training 5 vs 5 Kenneth

4/3/23 8pm-10p 2hours Training basketball Offense Lim Jia Zhe


5/3/23 8pm-10p 2hours Training basketball Defence Lim Jia Zhe


10/3/23 8pm-10p 2hours Training basketball Defence Lim Jia Zhe


12/3/23 5pm-7pm 2hours combat training 4 vs 4 Kenneth

14/3/23 4pm-7pm 3hours combat training 4 vs 4 Kenneth

17/3/23 5pm-7pm 2hours combat training 5 vs 5 Kenneth

20/3/23 8pm-10p 2hours Training basketball Defence Lim Jia Zhe


24/3/23 5pm-7pm 2hours combat training 5 vs 5 Kenneth

26/3/23 8am-10am 2hours Training basketball Shooting Lim Jia Zhe

28/3/23 5pm-7pm 2hours combat training 5 vs 5 Kenneth

31/3/23 5pm-7pm 2hours combat training Lay out Kenneth

Total Duration 29hours


Each student is required to log their own learning time of not less than 28 hours (any activity
related to skills and physical fitness)


Lay out

IV) Reflections (20 marks)

What did we learn from this course? (10 marks)

Basketball teaches us how to be a good team player and can be a great social sport.
Basketball makes us understand the importance of the team, because basketball is a
team sport not an individual sport. It is requires players to work together and help to
communicate effectively to achieve a common goal. Each basketball player has a distinct
duty to perform, thus it's critical for the team to function well as a whole in order to
succeed. Besides, basketball may help us to develop a variety of technical skills such as
dribbling, passing, shooting, lay up and more.

What should we do to further develop my soft skills and technical skills? (10 marks)
● Prioritize training the ball. The easiest way to improve as a basketball player is to
learn to dribble more powerfully and consistently.
● Improve our physical fitness. Basketball players need good endurance to run the
court for an entire game.
● We could take up new skills and approaches through watching basketball games
that are employed by professionals.
● Basketball players must have a lot of physical stamina and strength. Make sure to
maintain our fitness by engaging in activities that enhance our flexibility, strength,
and speed.
● We could play basketball with friends more frequently to assist in strengthening our
technical talents while also enhancing my collaboration and communication skills.

Comments : (by staff)

( )

Marking Rubrics

Competency Level
1 2 3 4 5
Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent
Attendance and
Practice* Attend 10 Attend 11 Attend 12 Attend 13 Attend all
(*Must fulfill sessions sessions sessions sessions sessions of
80% class class
*MC more than
2 times ask to (60) (70) (80) (90) (100)
Sometimes Sometimes a A satisfactory A strong group A true team
chooses not to satisfactory group member member who member who
participate and group member who does most consistently contributes a lot
does not who does what of what is does what is of effort, and
Involvement complete is required. required. required. Other encourages and
(10%) assigned tasks. group members supports the
can count on efforts of others
this person. in the group.

(10 – 20) (21 – 40) (41 – 60) (61 – 80) (81 – 100)
Reach 2nd
Achievement in Present for the Participated in Semi-finalists Champion and
round or
Tournament Co-Curriculum competition of the runner-up of
–Co-Curriculu day competition the competition
of competition
m Day**
(10%) (40) (50) ( 70-80) (90 -100)
Log Book The report does The report The report The report The report
Report not refer to the explains some explains most explains all of explains all the
(20%) purpose of the of the purpose of the purpose the key purpose key purpose of
For late submission, practice. Some of the practice of the practice. of the practice. the practice and
there will be a
reduction of absolute points are not but miss key All points are All points are point out less
marks from the mark’s present, nor are purposes. Most present, but are present, in obvious one as
score submitted:
•Late 1 to 3 days after they together or points are either not order, and well. All points
deadline of in order present, but together or in together are present, in
submission: minus 10
they are order order, and
•Late 4 to 7 days after together or in together
deadline of order
submission: minus 20
•Late more than 7 (10 – 20) (21 – 40) (41 – 60) (61 – 80) (81 – 100)
days after deadline of
submission: 0 marks
Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class
Skills Test 1
(10-20) (21-40) (41-60) (61-80) (81-100)

Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class Explain in class
Skills Test 2
(10-20) (21-40) (41-60) (61-80) (81-100)

*Attendance below 80% (present less than 12 times) fail the co-curriculum program.

**Co-Curriculum day is compulsory for all students of the class.


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