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In addition, adverts for tobacco, alcohol or cigarette have long been a

controversial issue. It is quite possible that encourages youth to consume

First and foremost
the adv.ertising industry hires famous celebrities as brand ambassador

they foolishly fall into the trap.

We as customers are always surrounded by ads for different things
through channels like Social Media, TV, E-mail, Bill boards, etc.
According to research people bought products by celebrities
fake sell so that they can provide the right products to satisfy the
demand of the targeted markets.
In the era that technology is thriving like nowadays,

It is believed that, nowadays the top sales of the common customer purchasers are
affected by the power of promoting and not necessary desires of the people who
they are traded. I equally agree and disagree with this statement and this essay will
detail the reason why
On the one hand, advertising has a great impact on society by means of mass
media in modern life and we are seeing ads at everywehere such as tv, magazines,
sales pages, bill board, social media and etc.There are a great number of
advertising agencies which are promoting their products only in a perfect side for
increasing their sales and manupilating the consumers that buying a product will
make them happier. They show adverts at prime time to get their target audiences
and especially aim their marketing at children. Children can easily be influenced
by advertisments and put pressure on parents to buy them things. Moreover it is
obvious that social medias became the main source of compaigns where they hires
famous people as a brand ambassador. For example there was a research in
which consumers of beauty brand were surveyed why they bought this product, 60
percent of them said that their favorite influencer sponsored it.

On the other hand, advertising is a key of modern business and a form of

modern art which enjoys people. Companies need to advert their product and
without advertisements we would have less choice and higher unemployment .
To sum up, there is no doubt commercials has a dramatic role in sales and it
can make people be aware of item with ideal product presenting

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