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Hello! My name is Rita. I’m

14 years old and today I want
to tell you and describe my
opinion about pranks. I agree
with this, because I think that
it is positive and funny for us.
We can make pranks and jokes
together with our friends or
classmates, but I think that we
can to make prank singly.
Once a day, when I was 8
years old, it was in the evening
and we celebrated the
Halloween. I hadn’t got dark
clothes, so I got a white dress.
It was interesting and amazing
at this holiday, because we had
got a lot of attractive and
useful competitions and tasks
for us.
Then, when we had got a time
for art and face art, I wanted to
draw a fire Bird.
After that, we waited for the
next competitions and tasks .
We needed to take candies
from the flour and it was hard,
but interesting. We wanted to
take a lot of candies, as much,
as possible, but it was a prank,
because candies were at the
flour and we had got a rope on
our stomach.
It was hard and difficult, but
really interesting and funny!

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