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Population and family as national problems: entrenching state interventions and producing differentiated

- Aging too rapidly
- Delayed marriage
- Below-replacement fertility
- Balance between “core” and “foreign” population
- gender, class, ethnicity and sexuality are key ‘principles of vision and division’
- access to public goods is dependent on his familial form and practices
the meaning for fertility: gender and class inflections
- women – privileges and disadvantages – is framed for decreasing fertility rates
- lee kuan yew: intelligent women have few or no children, regret at having given women too many
edu opportunities
- “talent for the future”: tax releases, cash rewards
- 1980s: having 3 or more, if you can afford it
- Family nucleus criterion = means to buy and sell lands which has 99-year lease
- CPF Housing Grant, Parenthood Priority Scheme, Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme,
Thrid-Child Priority Scheme
- Support for narrow familial forms: childcare support facilities, maternity and childcare leave
- Have children = more time off
- HOPE – target women of low socio-economic to have at most 2 children – to help them in taking
care of the children due to inability of afford substitute caregivers
- More aid for childcare support
Producing norms
- Public problems with private solutions: individualist orientations in a communitarian society –
individuals are more dependent on each other
- Discussion on how to take care of aged dependents (they want to handle on their own)

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