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Phomnacuical Quauly AMnonu BPo6T

Qualiky Audi Dr.Parjanya 8huhla

inhon Dr. M.P. 8tngh Clasns

examinahion to
"A AyAfmaic and indpendank
delrminwhlhir quality ochivily and Julalad
HOdts comply oih hu plonn1d orrongemenls
and whuy tkos orongemunls ovs impimanfd
fechivaly ond aBuitablu to
achiov objuchives"

Cuabity Qudils or
tybirally pevormid al duyinad intvas
Any dailuru in Keiv implumantaion may bi pubbishud
Dubbir y and may uad too

aevocahon quabty taviicahon

es Audits-
A iTa boay audt on
audit onbArormud by an

V(intavna auclit) Organizaion ihelf

c o n d bary audik on audit Pompanyby yauT
Supplian audit) employaots) to aCompanyor which
Auppus your compony wih a produe
Customir employu () audit your Company.
(Extavnal aud't)

A hird harky audil is on aud by on indupendent

(Rogulator aúdit) Orqoni2ahon okr hon tki customur
or Auppiir.

Audi Sub Tybs

Complianu SyAkam houw Produc
do os comply H pachu
wih standord
Obischives O Kasons foy uali Audi hing Dr. Parjanya Shukla

Int nal Audit Dr. M.P.

Singh Clasee
Dataminu o tompliana
Bwld comid1nu in Cmp 0nd A System.
Quild intidipov/munBal trust, undurstonding and eommun icakon
Datay minng miauT nIUWary to improv

YimisA, equipmunf, environmunt, opIrahHons

acHons, TOudurAN , PeTAOnngJ training
hovidus a AtmulsOT improwmank
*Ritommand cOTTRCH achoM
Monitor improvemunt.

Extnal Audi
Establish and monitor cababiuky od Auppliy or cmhattor
to dabivar. qoods and Anvicus

tha oT } lor purþona (on Hmu and qualiy

Bwild mutual eonidenu
Promota undurstanding and Communicalion b/ R
arHs involvXd.
And in genunal, as b'atud or intanal audit

Stapa to parfom quality

a Audit

Plan and
HapOTA Avranqr and
follow-u Gnnaunuu

tomal xubort oth Arivi af sita audit

U commandaHon mu, oxplain þuvpasa
Infonnal oral Pav om
suport d indine
Audil Mahods Tachngu Dr. Parjanya Shukla
(A) Horizontal Audiking Dr. M. P. Singh Classes

nvolvas oxaminahon d gach unchonal ara o an

OTgonigahion to voity

Odsquaty and implumentahon oQuali

x Uaad for intrna systsm audikng and, astond & tird forky
asomunB whun it nLusoy
to htahlish basic Gms has bheen inatallud and is
baing Implsmanted and ma'ntainud.
EachncHona OTAa s check1d oT con formanu wik
to hat
9ualy Aystam ugwramunts oppbicahl aua

Vavhcal Audiking
4 44 involvas xamin'ng unchonalJ 01as o an organigaHon
ha 0TA ochvely cm i buhing to
o speaic work pockage or Cmachual uquiramant.

)Random Auding
xamins K variaus aspe cha aon organi3ahon
operahon by Ks au ditor a nuds d to Jozuly
xomina a
orHaulor achvity
x onually tasB R AyaBam in o 7andom manngr
Audi Chack
Dr. Parjanya Shukla
Doumuntakion work Dr. M.P. 8ingh
A C î
SOP Manuals
Building and failihs
fajlur nvaHgahon
Prous vali dakon hrogram
Mastar Ritords
Produch on and n-þrous conols.
Pockaging and Jabalu'ng o AP1u and Intarmudiatus.
Equpmint housing.
Storag and Dishibion.
Material Monagemunt
Houa kupking foulik
Raporking Audt finding-
x Aludi xuhorBs. shoudd contain compluts dakah of K
program datached.
CoracHve ochon taken to sliminats roklkma

T h 0rw two tmbortonB suborking phasas -

) reliminary uborb duw'ng audit.

(final Jubot to Ka managemunt.
By-D. Mohend ro Phalab St'ngh

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