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Soran University / Faculty of Law, Political Science

and Management
Business Management Department
3rd Stage students
6th Semester

Lecturer: Murad M. Hamze

Year: 2023-2024

Overview Last Session
 Mobile Marketing
 How Mobile Marketing Works
 Types of mobile marketing
 Mobile Marketing Methods
 Messenger Marketing
 How does messenger marketing work?
 Viral Marketing
 How does messenger marketing work?
 What is viral marketing example?
 Why is viral marketing important?
 How Does Viral Marketing Works?
 Content Marketing
 Types of content marketing

 Online Advertising
 Native advertising
 Display advertising
 Difference between Display advertising and Native Advertising
 Radio Advertising
 Television Advertising
 Video advertising

10. Online Advertising
 Online advertising, also called internet advertising, web advertising, or
digital advertising, refers to ads that appear on websites, in emails or
other platforms on the internet.

 Online Advertising is the art of using the internet as a medium to deliver

marketing messages to an identified and intended audience.

 Some common delivery methods of online advertising include:
 Display advertising
 Email marketing
 Affiliate marketing
 Social media marketing
 Content marketing and so on…..

11. Native advertising

 Native advertising, also called sponsored content, is a type of paid

advertising that matches the form and function of the platform upon which
it appears.

 Simply put, it’s ads that “fit in” to a website, app or publication.

 Native advertising is paid media designed to match the content of a

media source.

Why is it called native advertising?

 The word native refers to this coherence of the content with the other
media that appear on the platform.

 These ads reduce a consumers' ad recognition by blending the ad into the

native content of the platform, even if it is labeled as "sponsored" or
"branded" content.

Native Advertising Examples
Here’s a good example of native
advertising on Facebook:

 This is one of the many examples of

native ads I’ve found in my Facebook
desktop feed.

 As you can see, the post is marked

as Sponsored.

 Also, instead of taking the visitor to

the enquiry page for one of the
company’s services, it takes the
visitor to a landing page where they
are offered to download a free
Categories Or Types of Native Advertising

12. Display advertising

 The first display ad graced the internet on October 27, 1994, on Hotwired,
and it looked like this:

 A type of online advertisement that combines text, images, and a URL

that links to a website where a customer can learn more about or buy

 Display advertising refers to the process of advertising a product or service

through visuals like images and videos on networks of publisher websites
such as the Google Display Network and Facebook etc.

Types of Display Advertising

1. Banner ads:
 Banner ads are image-based rather than text-based and are a popular
form of online advertising.

2. Rich Media Ads

 Rich media ads, also referred to as interactive ads, include videos, GIFs,
audio, and more.

 These ads engage the audience in video games and surveys.

 They are creative and visually impressive ad forms.

3. Interstitial ads:
 Interstitial ads are full-screen images that cover the interface of their host
site or app.

 They’re typically displayed in the middle of content flow, such as between

the levels in a game or the middle of activities.

 On these ads, viewers have the option to continue with the ad or simply
close the ad and proceed with the content.

4. Text Ads

 Text ads are used across Google Ad Network to promote the products or
services of any brand.

 They appear on Google result pages, search networks, and display

Difference between Display advertising and Native Advertising
Native ads Display Ads
High CTR (average 0.2%))Click-through rate ( Low CTR (average 0.05%)
Ideal for driving traffic to your website Ideal for retargeting campaigns
Campaigns on premium publisher Campaigns on common websites generate
websites generate higher quality traffic lower quality traffic
More expensive cost per click Cheaper cost per click
More effective on mobile More effective on desktop


Which one is better and why?

1. Radio ads
2. TV ads
3. Video ads

Time: 10 m

13. Radio Advertising

 Radio advertising can be appropriately called word of mouth advertising.

 It is a different medium that attract us through sound.

 Radio advertising is the promotion of products or services during

radio commercials or programs.

Types of Radio Advertisements
1. Live read:
 A format where you can hear commercials read in real-time online by a
radio announcer, a type of commercial also known as a live read.

2. Sponsorship:

 Many radio stations implement sponsorships for certain types of radio

segments, such as traffic, weather, or sports scores during the halftime
of a big game.

3. Produced spot:

 A spot is 'produced' if the radio station or an advertising agency record it

for the client.

 Produced commercial formats include: straight read with sound effects

or background music.
14. Television Advertising

 It refers to the process of creating and airing commercials on television

with the aim to promote a product or service.

 TV advertising is one of the most common and effective ways to reach


 This is because it offers a wide reach and impact.

15. Video advertising

 Video advertising encompasses online display advertisements that have

video within them, but it is generally accepted that it refers to advertising
that occurs before, during and/or after a video stream on the internet.

Types of Video Advertising or what it looks like:


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