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Austin Clark


ENC 1102

February 18, 2024

The panel I saw was “Global Black Rhetoric Unleashed”, in this panel we looked at the rhetoric

shown through different means in black culture. They talked about it with people in different

cultures, tv shows, language and even in beliefs.

One writing was talking about people who pass on knowledge through the way of mouth.

This brings to the attention that if we do not document this information, we will continue to lose

information about different groups. The next speaker talked about her own parent's experience

with how dark their skin was and how that connected with music. The third speaker talked about

the tv show the “Boondocks” and spoke on how the show brings light to actual issues in the real

world in a way that would not be used in a real discussion. The next speaker talked about

different dances and music types around the country and how they were used to respond to

oppression. The fifth speaker talked about the connection between the Kromanti and Asante Twi

and how one is a dying language in the Caribbean, but it shows connection to a country in

Africa. The final speaker talked about the power of Nommo, a belief in the soul that gives Afro

disaspora the resilience to empower cultures and communities beyond their own.

I personally did not relate to the ideas, but I learned a lot about cultures and ideas I would

not have thought about on my own. With this it showed me that research does not have to be

presented in just one way, and the way to research it can be very different than just finding

articles. It gave me the idea to use nontraditional ways of research like watching movies and

analyzing them as one of my own.

Academically you are able to show what youj have learned about your subject. You are

also able to format it in a way to teach to others. Professionally you can gain experience

presenting in large groups of people. It shows you can get out of your comfort zone and work in

uncomfortable conditions for yourself.

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