Catching A Vampire - Year 1 Comprehension

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Have you ever heard the evil cackle of a vile vampire late at night?

Do you have nightmares

about these horrible beasts? If so, do not panic. Just read these simple instructions and you will
know how to defeat them.

What you need:

- a really dark room

- a small bowl
- some tasty raspberries the colour of blood
- a huge net
- a strong cage

What you do:

1. First, crush the tasty raspberries in the small bowl until they are nice and juicy.

2. Next, place the bowl in a dark room (because dark places are the vampire’s favourite).

3. After that, wait in the corner where the vampire won’t see you.

4. Soon, the vampire will spot the bowl and he will think the raspberries are blood!
Blood is the vampires favourite food, so it won’t be long until he comes to eat it up.

5. As he is eating, swoop your huge net on top of the vampire and lock him in the
cage forever.
1. Find and copy one word that is used to describe the vampire.

2. Who do you think this writing is for? Tick the correct answer.

people who can’t sleep

people who don’t like vampires

really old people

people who don’t like ghosts

3. Look at the ‘What you need’ section.

Draw a picture of all the things you will need to catch a vampire.

4. Why do you think we need to use raspberries to catch a vampire?

5. What do we need to use the huge net for?

6. This writing is a set of instructions. Write down three features of instructions that
you can see.



1. Find and copy one word that is used to describe the vampire.
evil / vile / horrible

2. Who do you think this writing is for? Tick the correct answer.

people who can’t sleep

people who don’t like vampires

really old people

people who don’t like ghosts

3. Look at the ‘What you need’ section.

Draw a picture of all the things you will need to catch a vampire.

Accept any image which includes: a bowl, a dark room, raspberries, a net and a cage.

4. Why do you think we need to use raspberries to catch a vampire?

Raspberries are the same colour as blood, and blood is a vampire’s favourite food, so he will come
and get it.

5. What do we need to use the huge net for?

To swoop on top of the vampire

6. This writing is a set of instructions. Write down three features of instructions that
you can see.

1. Accept: commands, numbers, bullet points, time connectives, imperative (bossy) verbs, or any
alternative feature of instruction texts.


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