1st Sem - Chapter 3,4&5

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This chapter presents the research design, time, and place of the study, research

instrument, data collection and data analysis.

Research Design

This study will utilize quantitative experimental type of research. The Banana (Musa

acuminata) peelings were collected from the vendor of Banana cue in Binuntucan, Pontevedra,

Capiz. For treatment A, 25% of banana peelings was placed in the blender and blended with two

cups of water for 15 minutes, the same process was also done to, 50%, 75% of banana peelings

for treatments B, and C respectively. Then the recycled paper was then placed in the blender and

added with two cups of water, having 75% of recycled paper for treatment A, 50%, 25%, of

paper for treatments B, and C. The blended banana peelings was mixed with shredded recycled

paper and stirred occasionally. Every treatment will have different amount of banana peelings

and different amount of recycled paper. The mixture of banana peelings and recycled paper was

put on each silkscreen and then left to dry or until the water has evaporated.

Locale and Time of the Study

This study was conducted at Barangay Hipona Pontevedra, Capiz during the month of

October 2019.
Materials/ Equipment’s

The materials that were used in this study for the Production of Particle Board made of

Banana (Musa acuminata) Peelings and Recycled Paper are the following:


Bowls 1 100mL

Spoon 2 Pieces

Blender 2 100mL

Silkscreen 2 Pieces

Sharp knife 2 Pieces

Pot 1 Piece

Large plastic basin 2 Pieces

Large damp cloth 2 Pieces

Materials Quantity Specification

Banana Peelings 150 Grams

Shredded recycled paper 150 Grams

Procedural Design

Collection of Banana Peelings

Boiling of Banana Peelings

Preparation for Making Particle Board

Production of Particle Board

Preparation of Treatments

Gathering and Recording of all tested Data

General Procedure

Collection of Banana peeling

The banana (Musa acuminata) peelings were collected from the vendor of banana cue in

the different areas in the community of Barangay Pontevedra, Capiz. The banana (Musa

acuminate) peel were washed and put on a clean bowl.

Boiling of Banana peelings

The banana (Musa acuminata) peelings were placed on the boiling water. The material

was allowed to soften for about 15 to 20 minutes and stirred occasionally.

Preparation for Making Particle Board

The different grams of shredded recycled paper coming from trash bins were placed into

a blender along with two (2) cups of water. Covered securely and blended until gray tinged

slurry formed and then it was placed in a clear container. Then, each amount of boiled banana

peelings was placed into a blender along with two (2) cups of water. The slurry mixture of

recycled paper was then added to banana mixture were blended together until it all comes in

texture and consistency.

Production of Particle Board

The mixture was the placed into a molder at the bottom of the plastic basin with the glass

frame facing up and slowly pressed with a little amount of pressure to remove excess water.

After a few minutes, using a large damp cloth that covers the table, the mold was placed on the

top so that the frame can be immediately. The solid sheet of recycled banana skin-paper was then
leaved for 24 hours to dry or until the water has evaporated.

Research Instruments

As an experimental research, the researchers used experimental approach as the

instrument to gather the needed information. It was composed of two parts. In first part, gathered

information from the stress test while the second part is composed of the results from the tensile

test and other necessary data for the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The solid sheet of recycled paper and banana peelings was then left for 24 hours to dry or

until the water had evaporated. The data were then gathered after all the resulting products were

dried and were subjected to stress and tensile using different amount of weight or force in order

to determine which type of mixture is stronger and capable of withstanding a greater amount of


Data Analysis Procedure

The data were analysed through One Factor ANOVA in Statistical Package for the Social

Science or SPSS using mean, Standard Deviation, and ANOVA at 5% level of significance.


This chapter consists of presentation, analyses, and interpretation of data on the production

of particle board made of banana (Musa acuminata) peelings and recycled paper.


Table 1: Results of the Stress Test using different percentage of Banana peelings and

recycled paper

Treatments Replication 1 Replication 2 Replication 3 Mean

25% Banana 3.5kg 3kg 2kg 2.8 kg

peelings- 75%
Recycled Paper

50% Banana 4.5kg 4kg 4.2kg 4.2kg

peelings– 50%

Recycled Paper

75% Banana 3kg 2kg 2.5kg 2.5kg

peelings- 25%

Recycled Paper

Table 1 shows the result of the Stress test using different percentage of Banana peelings

and recycled paper. The percentage of the banana peelings and recycled paper with the highest
mean was the 50% Banana peelings and 50% recycled paper, which means it can withstand a

great amount of weight compared to other percentage.

Table 2: Results of the tensile strength using different percentage of Banana peelings and

recycled paper

Treatments Replication 1 Replication 2 Replication 3 Mean

25% Banana 18N 14N 10N 14N

peelings- 75%
Recycled Paper

50% Banana 20N 15N 10N 15N

peelings– 50%

Recycled Paper

75% Banana 15N 12N 9N 12N

peelings- 25%

Recycled Paper

Table 2 shows the result of the tensile test using different percentage of Banana peelings

and recycled paper. The percentage of the banana peelings and recycled paper with the highest

mean was the 50% Banana peelings and 50% recycled paper, which means it can withstand a

great amount of force compared to other composition of treatment.

Mean Square F Sig.
Stress Test 25% Banana peelings- 75%
Recycled Paper 2.538 8.491 .018
50% Banana peelings- 50% .299
Recycled Paper
75% Banana peelings- 25%
Recycled paper

Table 3: Difference in the stress test using 3 different percentages of Banana peelings and

recycled paper

Table 3 shows One factor ANOVA Analysis of variance in terms of the amount of

weights, therefore the data revealed that there was a significant difference in the percentage of

banana peelings and recycled paper since the sig. value of .018 is lower than the significance

level of 0.05. this means that the 50% banana peelings and 50% recycled paper has the most

potential to be used as particle board.

Table 4: Difference in the tensile test using 3 different percentages of Banana peelings and

recycled paper

Mean Square F Sig.

Tensile Test 25% Banana peelings- 75%
Recycled Paper 7.000 .420 .675
50% Banana peelings- 50% 16.667
Recycled Paper
75% Banana peelings- 25%
Recycled paper
Table 4 shows One factor ANOVA Analysis of variance in terms of the amount of force

applied, therefore the data revealed that there was no significant difference with a sig. value

of .675 which means that treatments A, B, and C are not significantly different from one another

in terms of the tensile test at 5% level of significance.



This chapter consists of conclusion and recommendation of the researchers in the

production of particle board made of banana (Musa acuminata) peelings and recycled paper.


The ever growing population is exploiting nature’s resources to the maximum. The green

cover of the earth is declining drastically and suitable substitutes for wood like banana peel will

go a long way in healing the world. Manufacturing paper from banana peel trims down the

demand for cutting of tree. This in turn has several environment benefits such as reduction of air

pollution, hindering global warming and maintaining the ecological balance.

Musa acuminate and recycled paper particle board is made from vegetable and human

waste. The ingredients used are simple, harmless yet effective in their purpose. It will also be

economically viable due to its undemanding process of manufacture. Looking beyond the

benefits provided to the environment of the world, manufacture of particle board form Musa

acuminate and recycled paper opens up new industry and provides employment opportunities to

both skilled and non-skilled workers in Philippines. This can help boost our country economy

and environment at the same time.

Musa acuminata and recycled paper can be used to make papers, notepads and even

notebooks if manufactured in an engineered method. Based on its thickness it can be utilized as

paper, rough paper, gift paper or even cardboard for covering notebooks.

In table 1, data revealed that the percentage of the banana peelings and recycled paper with

the highest mean was the 50% Banana peelings and 50% recycled paper percentage got the most

durable outcome using 3 different treatments. Which means it can withstand a great amount of

weight compared to other percentages.

In table 2, data revealed that using 3 different percentages of Banana peelings and recycled

paper. The percentage of the banana peelings and recycled paper with the highest mean of 15N

was the 50% Banana peelings and 50% recycled paper, which means it can withstand a great

amount of force compared to other percentage.

In table 3, data revealed that after applying the stress test there was a significant difference

amongst the 3 different percentages of Banana peelings and recycled paper, using the One factor

ANOVA Analysis of variance with a 5% level of significance.

In table 4, data revealed that there is no significant difference amongst the 3 different

percentages of Banana peelings and recycled paper in terms of the tensile test, using the One

factor ANOVA Analysis of variance with a 5% level of significance.


Therefore, the researchers conclude that Musa acuminata (banana) peelings can be made

as particle board. The researchers help to lessen declining of tress and minimized the pollution

brought by factories of paper. Thus, made the researcher realize that the peelings of banana are

not just trashes but it can be made as particle board. The material of the researcher used to make

this project can be found in short period of time within 1 hour. By making this particle board,
people don’t have to waste too much energy. No need to cut tress used in paper. The researchers

made this project to make alternative particle board from recycled things.


The researchers recommend this investigatory project to the future researcher to expand

this project and make it more convenient. Hey also wanted the future ones to improve this

research. This research will serve as their guideline in making their investigatory project.

The researcher wants to recommend this to citizens so that they will learn how to recycled

and make something out of trashes. This can help us save mare tress and lessen the trashes and

pollution in our environment.






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