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e-ISSN: 2582-

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868

Anti-Counterfeit Product Identification System Using Blockchain

Varun Dhanawade*1, Sanket More*2, Rupesh Desai*3, Dashrath Magar*4
Student, Department Of Information Technology Saraswati College of Engineering, Kharghar, Navi
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706, India
Professor, Department Of Information Technology Saraswati College of Engineering, Kharghar, Navi

Mumbai, Maharashtra 400706, India

The proliferation of counterfeit products poses a significant threat to consumer safety, brand reputation, and market
integrity. Traditional anti-counterfeit measures often fall short of effectively addressing this challenge. In response,
this research study introduces an innovative approach that capitalizes on blockchain technology to establish a robust
Anti-Counterfeit Product Identification System (ACPIS). The proposed system leverages the inherent immutability
and transparency of blockchain to construct an inviolable ledger of product transactions, spanning from manufacturing
to consumption. Each product is endowed with a unique digital identity stored securely on the blockchain,
encapsulating critical information such as origin, manufacturing particulars, and the entire supply chain trajectory. By
employing cryptographic techniques, this information is meticulously recorded, ensuring secure access for pertinent
stakeholders, including manufacturers, retailers, and consumers.
Keywords: Blockchain, Anti-Counterfeiting, Supply Chain, Transparency, Smart Contracts, Decentralization
The Anti-Counterfeit Product Identification System using Blockchain represents an innovative and timely solution
poised to significantly impact the fight against counterfeit goods across diverse industries. In today’s interconnected
global marketplace, the proliferation of counterfeit products presents substantial challenges, including threats to
consumer safety, erosion of brand reputation, and potential economic instability. From pharmaceuticals and luxury
goods to electronics and automotive components, the pervasive presence of counterfeit items undermines trust,
disrupts supply chains, and even jeopardizes public health.
In this comprehensive research endeavor, we delve into the intricate convergence of cutting-edge technologies:
blockchain and product authentication. Our central objective is to construct a robust, secure, and transparent platform
that empowers key stakeholders—consumers, manufacturers, and distributors—to verify product authenticity with
unwavering confidence. By leveraging the immutable nature of blockchain and integrating it with QR codes, smart
contracts, and user-friendly interfaces, we embark on an exploration of the multifaceted facets of this transformative
system. Through rigorous analysis, implementation, and validation, we aim to revolutionize the landscape of anti-
counterfeiting efforts, fostering trust and integrity in global commerce.
1. Blockchain Technology: A Beacon of Trust and Transparency
Enter blockchain—the decentralized, immutable ledger that underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Its unique
features make it an ideal candidate for combating counterfeit products:
Decentralization: Blockchain operates without a central authority, ensuring transparency and reducing the risk of
Immutability: Once data is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted.
Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts automate processes, enabling secure transactions and verifiable actions.
Traceability: Blockchain allows us to trace the entire lifecycle of a product, from creation to consumption.
2. QR Codes: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds
QR (Quick Response) codes serve as the bridge between tangible products and their digital counterparts. These matrix
barcodes encode information that can be scanned by smartphones, granting instant access to relevant data. By @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868
integrating QR codes with blockchain technology, we create an overt and user-friendly method for verifying product
3. Smart Contracts: The Guardians of Trust
Smart contracts' autonomous, self-executing agreements play a pivotal role in our system: Product Creation: Upon
manufacturing, a smart contract records essential details (manufacturer, timestamp, location). Ownership Transfer: As
products move through the supply chain, smart contracts facilitate ownership transfer seamlessly.Product Status
Updates: Smart contracts update product status (authentic, suspected counterfeit) based on verifiable criteria
II. Literature Review

In this paper, a blockchain-based registry that securely records product information, such as serial numbers,
manufacturing details, and supply chain data, at each stage of the product's lifecycle is proposed, allowing
consumers, businesses, and other stakeholders to easily verify the authenticity of a product by accessing the
blockchain registry. The paper presents a novel approach for fake product detection using blockchain
technology. The proposed system securely records product information and allows verification of authenticity.
The paper discusses utilizing blockchain for anti-counterfeiting by converting product barcodes into digital
signatures stored in blockchain, enabling tamper-proof identification and verification without third-party
involvement the authors provide a review of several anti-counterfeiting strategies, as well as blockchain
technology and the features that make them particularly appealing for the use case of counterfeiting.
Blockchain technology can be used to eliminate counterfeit products. Combining blockchain with other
strategies can effectively reduce counterfeiting. Efficient digital copyright protection using blockchain
technology.Automatic management of digital rights life cycle on blockchain network. [2]
In this paper, the most significant problem affecting today's retail industry is product counterfeiting, and
various strategies, including RFID tags, artificial intelligence, machine learning, QR code-based systems, and
many more, have been used from time to time to prevent product counterfeit. The paper proposes a
blockchain-based system for identifying counterfeit products, enhancing product authenticity, supply chain
transparency, and customer trust in the retail industry. Counterfeiting is a major problem in the retail industry.
Blockchain technology can be used to prevent product counterfeiting. Enhances product authenticity, supply
chain transparency, and consumer trust. Reduces counterfeit risks, protects brand reputation, and aids in
The authors used blockchain technology for the identification of actual merchandise and the detection of faux
products, which can be used to store product info and generate particular codes of that product as blocks inside
the database. Blockchain is used to detect fake products in supply chain markets. QR codes linked to Blockchain
for product authenticity verification. The system allows end users to check the authenticity of products.
Blockchain technology helps in detecting and preventing fake products.[4]
A case study on how blockchain technology can be implemented to identify counterfeit pharmaceuticals, one of
the most critical areas of concern, was presented, which showed that blockchain technology could be a useful
tool in identifying counterfeit products, as it provides an immutable record of product provenance, enhances
traceability and reduces the risk of fraud. Blockchain technology can address counterfeit product issues. It
provides an immutable record of product provenance.[5]
The paper proposes an anti-counterfeiting system using Blockchain to track product supply chains, aiming to
reduce counterfeit products and promote genuine consumption. the authors proposed a solution, which will
track the supply chain of the product by leveraging blockchain technology, aiming to minimize the
counterfeiting of products and in turn, increase the consumption of genuine products. Counterfeiting of
products is a pressing problem in industries. Proposed solution: Track the supply chain using Blockchain to @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868
minimize counterfeiting. Protects copyright ownership on the blockchain with transparency and
credibility.Enables smart contracts for copyright business and profit share trade.[6]


Figure 1: System Model Diagram

The administrator, manufacturer, supplier, retailer, and customers are the five primary entities involved in the
system. Because of role-based access control, each user in our system has specific privileges.
The administrator is the single role with the greatest level of power and is in charge of creating and modifying
accounts to make sure they are all validated.
2)Manufacturer @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868
Manufacturers are in charge of registering and adding products to the blockchain, serving as the initial point of
contact for consumers. The system creates a QR code that must be placed onto the product after the block
containing the product information is added to the blockchain.
3) Supplier (Intermediaries)
The supplier role in our system represents the various intermediaries that the product is anticipated to pass
through. The ability to update the product data that our technology automatically captures and stores on the
blockchain is granted to suppliers.
4) Retailer
The last point of interaction for a product before it is sold to a customer is the retailer. Retailers get advantages
similar to those of suppliers, plus the ability to modify a product's status to indicate whether it has been sold.
5) Consumers
In our system, consumers do not possess accounts. Alternatively, users can immediately scan the product's QR
code with our system's QR scanner to ascertain its legitimacy.

Figure 2:System Workflow

Important Elements in Counterfeiting Combat:

Several aspects of our system are intended to thwart attempts at counterfeiting:
Duplicate QR Code Detection: By comparing a product's history on the blockchain, customers may confirm its
legitimacy. Contradictory location data, for example, raises suspicions about possible counterfeit goods.
Customers will be able to identify counterfeit goods, for example, if an accepted merchant reports a product's
location as merchant Shop ABC but the product's QR code is scanned at Retailer Shop XYZ. This feature @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868
prevents unapproved businesses from copying QR codes because it wouldn't be enough to prove that their fake
goods are real.
Incentives for Authenticity: Since there is no benefit to copying QR codes, authorized sellers have a motivation
to maintain authenticity. By keeping accurate records on the blockchain, they protect their reputations and
foster consumer trust.

Figure 3: System Architecture

Technical Implementation
Let's now talk about the technological components involved in creating our anti-counterfeiting solution:
Smart Contracts Development: We create our business logic in Solidity using tools like Hardhat, Foundry, or
Truffle. Functions for registering products, maintaining their history, and accessing data from the blockchain
are all included in our smart contract.
Installation on the Ethereum Testnet: We implement our smart contract on the Ethereum Testnet, like
Sepolia, to reduce cost. As a result, testing and development can go without any problems and without costing
the Mainnet.
Client-side Application: We provide an intuitive user interface for blockchain interaction using React. Users
may access and manage their transactions on the Sepolia Testnet with ease thanks to tools like ethers.js,
ensuring an excellent user experience. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868


The manufacturer logs this information into the system and registers the product on the blockchain and a QR code is
generated for the particular product. Next, CK Supplier receives the product and logs into the system to scan the QR
code. They update the product information with their personal details, current location, and timestamp. This process is
repeated when the RE Retailer receives the product. Lastly, when a customer purchases the product, the RE Retailer
updates the product’s status. If a customer scans the QR code of the product after purchasing it from RE Retailer, they
will see these results:

Figure 4: Scan the QR code

Figure 5: View the product details @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868

Figure 6: Connect the wallet to view the product details of the authentic product scanned.

The Anti-Counterfeit Product Identification System Using Blockchain is an innovative solution that leverages
blockchain technology to combat the global challenge of counterfeit products across various industries. By
harnessing the unique capabilities of blockchain, this system provides a secure and transparent platform for
tracking and verifying product authenticity. Key features include QR codes for product verification, smart
contracts for tamper-proof data handling, and the Ethereum network as a decentralized database. Through this
approach, the prevalence of counterfeit goods can be reduced, supply chain transparency enhanced, and trust
fostered among stakeholders. The project demonstrates the transformative potential of blockchain in
addressing critical supply chain issues.
Dashrath Magar -Writing original draft, supervision, project administration, methodology,
conceptualization.Varun Dhanawade, Sanket More, Rupesh Desai, -Writing original draft Validation,
Software, resources, methodology, investigation, formal analysis, conceptualization. Dashrath Magar- Writing-
original draft, review and editing, supervision, project administration, methodology, conceptualization.
[1] Mrudula, Gudadhe. (2023). Unveiling Fakes: A Blockchain-Backed Approach for Product Authentication.
International Journal For Science Technology And Engineering, Available from:
[2] Authentication of Product and Counterfeits Elimination Using Blockchain. International Journal For Science
Technology And Engineering, undefined (2023). doi: 10.22214/ijraset.2023.54462
[3] Fake Product Identification Using Blockchain Technology. International Journal For Science Technology
And Engineering, (2023). doi: 10.22214/ijraset.2023.52152
[4] Blockchain-Based Fake Item Identification System. (2023). doi: 10.1109/globconet56651.2023.10149933
[5] Nisha, Auti., Aarti, A., Patil., Atharva, Shinde. (2023). Fake Product Detection Using Blockchain Technology.
International Journal For Science Technology And Engineering, Available from:
10.22214/ijraset.2023.52440. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:06/Issue:04/April-2024 Impact Factor- 7.868
[6] Mohammad, Makki, Abbass, Bilal., R.P., Chaudhari. (2023). Anti-Counterfeiting of Products Using
Blockchain. International journal of scientific research in computer science, engineering, and information
technology, Available from: 10.32628/cseit2390234 @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science


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