ASM Inglés Sem 14

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Anual UNI Práctica dirigida de Filosofía


Future Be Going to
I am going to buy a new car.

Going to is not a tense. It is a special structure that we use to talk about the future.

The structure of going to is:

subject + be + going + to-infinitive

The verb be is conjugated. Look at these examples:

subject be not going to-infinitive

I am going to buy a new car.

I ‘m going to go swimming.

He is not going to take the exam.

It is n’t going to rain.

Are you going to paint the house?

How do we use be going to?

Be going to for intention

We use going to when we have the intention to do something before we speak. We have already made a
decision before speaking. Look at these examples:

• Jo has won the lottery. He says he’s going to buy a Porsche.

• We’re not going to paint our bedroom tomorrow.
• When are you going to go on holiday?

In these examples, we had an intention or plan before speaking. The decision was made before

Academia ADUNI

Be going to for prediction

We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on present evidence.
We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples:

• The sky is very black. It’s going to snow.

• It’s 8.30! You’re going to miss your train!
• I crashed the company car. My boss isn’t going to be very happy!

In these examples, the present situation (black sky, the time, damaged car) gives us a good idea of what
is going to happen.

Note that we can also use going to with be in other tenses, for example:

• I was going to tell him but I forgot.

• I had been going to fix the car for ages.

Text 1: 2. One may conclude from the passage that

Charles Dickens was born on the South coast
of England , near Portsmouth , in 1812 . He began A) some of Dickens’ novels aren’t present on
writing in his early twenties and wrote his first the shelves of the bookstores today
novel , The Pickwick Papers , in 1836 . He always
B) Great Expectations is the best novel of Charles
saw himself as a crusading novelist . He had great
sympathy for the poor and downtrodden and
many of his books highlight the injustices to be C) Charles Dickens wrote a lot of short stories
found in the society of the time . Charles Dickens and dramas concerning political issues
was perhaps the greatest novelist of the D) the fact that most of Dickens' novels have
nineteenth century . All his novels are still in print been applied for the screen displays the
and they present a rich canvas of life and behavior strength and immortality of his literary works
at all levels of contemporary society , many of his E) Dickens’ first novel, The Pickwick Papers,
works , such as Oliver Twist , Great Expectations , didn't have impact on the literature world as
David Copperfield , A Tale of Two Cities and A much as Oliver Twist did
Christmas Carol , have been filmed , televised and
presented as both straight plays and musicals , 3. It is stated in the passage that Charles Dickens
revealing the power and timelessness of his ’ novels
A) weren’t sold much in the nineteenth century
1. As mentioned in the passage, Charles Dickens
B) didn’t help him prevent from being forgotten
A) emphasized the societal unfairness of the era C) exemplify a lot of scenes from the society that
can be observed in the people's lifestyles and
in most of his books
behaviors in the real-life
B) was undeniably the most eminent novelist of
D) are still in print but not easy to buy because of
the nineteenth century
their high prices
C) was regarded as a crusading writer by his
E) were too complex and long to be filmed ,
readers televised or presented as plays and musicals
D) had a little interest in the people leading
miserable lives in the society of his time
E) was the only child of a poor family living in
4. It is clear in the passage that
6. The passage is mainly concerned with
A) Dickens’ novels can only be found on the
web A) how people can cope with the bad effects
B) Charles Dickens started to write when he was
of stress on their bodies .
a teenager
B) the relationship between stress and asthma,
C) just a few of his work has been filmed
allergies and high cholesterol
D) he wrote science fiction and poems
E) Charles Dickens was the biggest novelist of C) why people are under the risk of feeling stress
in their workplaces
the 19th century
D) The Delaware River and the Atlantic Ocean. D) the adverse impacts of the chronic stress on
human health
5. According to the passage, what is the closest E) how people can suffer from a cardiovascular
meaning to downtrodden?
7. It is asserted in the passage that what makes
A) successful stress a common issue being talked about these
B) oppressed days
C) distracted
D) depressed A) is because it has become an irritating
E) illness affliction for both active managers and teenagers
B) is that it is a hidden enemy that makes the body
Text 2: The Legends of Monument Park
worn out without a proper disease
Stress has become a scourge afflicting not
C) is a question that the researchers have been
only busy executives but also teenagers . What
makes it such a common conversation piece these trying to answer for decades
days is the fact that it's not a proper disease but a D) is because it has evolved over the millennia
silent debilitator that takes its toll on the body over as the body’s physical and emotional response
years or decades. Chronic Stress, researchers have accelerated
come to agree; can lead to cardiovascular disease,
diabetes , impaired cognitive function and a E) is a reason why researchers are looking for a
weakened immune system recent study by British vaccine
researchers at University College London reported
that elevated chronic stress levels at the 8. It can be inferred from the passage that
workplace lead to an increased risk of obesity , according to one of the researches,
insulin intolerance and high cholesterol . Other
research has shown a correlation between chronic
stress and asthma, allergies, even the time it takes A) the duration of the recuperation of an injury
for wounds to heal. may change according to the levels of chronic
B) not all kinds of stress are bad
C) the more stressed you are the quicker you
D) the main reason of obesity may be the
chronic stress levels in the workplaces
E) stress has become very popular between
young women

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9. It is clear in the passage that 10. According to the passage, what is the closest
meaning to lead?
A) the conflicts about chronic stress among the
researchers A) control
B) assist
B) chronic stress weakens the immune system
C) guide
C) stress is a popular matter of discussion
D) conclude
among the experts
E) assist
D) there is only a little correlation between
chronic stress and cardiovascular disease
E) stress is disappearing between population

01- A 03- C 05- B 07- B 09- B

4 02- D 04- E 06- D 08- A 10- C

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