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Chapter 7

Lorin M. Bachmann and W. Greg Miller
Department of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, United States

Learning objectives or plasma) or from molecules that emit light when stimu-
After reviewing this chapter, the reader will be able to: lated by a chemical reaction (chemiluminescence).
G Explain the principles of spectrophotometric measurement. The energy state of the molecular orbitals of the
G Describe the sources of error in spectrophotometric organic molecules can be represented as illustrated in
measurement. Fig. 7.1. At typical laboratory temperatures, the electrons
G Discuss the calibration of spectrophotometric methods. are in the ground (lowest energy) state, but the energy is
G Explain the principles of related optical measurement tech- distributed among several vibrational and rotational
nologies such as fluorescence, chemiluminescence, and energy levels. A molecule can transition to an excited-
atomic emission.
state electron orbital distribution if sufficient energy is
available for the transition. For molecules with an appro-
Principles of light absorption and priate molecular orbital electron distribution, absorption
of radiation in the 2001000-nm wavelength range can
emission cause a transition to a stable higher energy orbital. Such a
Spectrophotometry is the measurement of the absorption transition is illustrated in Fig. 7.1. The arrows represent
of electromagnetic radiation, in the wavelength range of electrons going from ground-state energy levels to
ultraviolet (UV), visible, and near-infrared (IR) light, by excited-state levels. Absorption of radiation is quantized
an atom or a molecule to determine the quantity or iden- between specific electronic, vibrational, and rotational
tity of the substance present. In clinical chemistry, this energy levels, which means that only the exact quantity of
analytical technique is used to measure the quantity of an energy required for a transition to a given higher energy
analyte present in a body fluid sample. In most cases, an level will be absorbed. Because of quantized absorption, a
analyte of clinical interest participates in a chemical reac- molecule absorbs specific wavelengths corresponding to
tion resulting in the formation of a product, called a chro- the energy required for a transition. The individual quan-
mogen (or chromophore), which absorbs light at a tized transitions are not resolved at typical laboratory
specific measuring wavelength. The measuring wave- temperatures, because there are many transitions with
length is selected based on the wavelength, or wavelength similar energy because of multiple vibrational and rota-
range, at which the chromogen exhibits peak absorbance. tional states. For this reason, it is typical to observe rela-
The quantity of chromogen produced in the reaction is tively broad chromogen absorption bands (absorbance of
proportional to the quantity of analyte, and therefore the multiple wavelengths within a given wavelength range) in
amount of light absorbed by the chromogen is propor- liquids at ambient temperatures.
tional to analyte concentration in the clinical sample. After absorption of radiation, the excited-state mole-
Spectrophotometry measures the amount of light absorbed cule can dissipate the energy in several ways. One is for
to quantitate the chromogen. A related analytical tech- the excited state to undergo a photochemical reaction
nique measures the light emitted as fluorescence. In fluo- with another molecule to produce a new compound; this
rescent measurement techniques, a specific wavelength of process is not discussed in this chapter. In spectrophoto-
light is absorbed by a chromogen, called a fluorophore, metric applications, thermal transfer primarily dissipates
and the subsequent emission of a longer wavelength of the energy through collision with other molecules in the
light is measured. Other complimentary photometric tech- liquid solution. Therefore no energy in the form of
niques measure light emitted from atoms when stimulated photons is emitted. In fluorescence applications, the
by nonelectromagnetic energy sources (e.g., a gas flame excited state emits radiation at a longer wavelength
Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815499-1.00007-7
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 119
120 Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry

analyte-specific chemical reaction results in product forma-

tion that is coupled to the reduction of NAD1 to NADH or
oxidation of NADH to NAD1. As shown in Fig. 7.2,
NAD1 and NADH absorb light at 250280 nm because of
absorption by the adenine base. However, an absorbance
specific for NADH also occurs at approximately 340 nm
because of the orbital distribution of the electrons in the
dihydronicotinamide ring of NADH. In contrast, NAD1
exhibits minimal absorbance at 340 nm. An example of an
analyte reaction with the NAD1/NADH redox pair is the
hexokinase method for measuring glucose.
FIGURE 7.1 Diagram showing relative energy distribution of electrons
among rotational and vibrational levels in a ground state and a first
Glucose 1 ATP-glucose-6-phosphate 1 ADP (7.i)
excited state of an orbital, and quantized energy absorption or loss
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase:
(arrows) when an electron transitions between the states.
Glucose-6-phosphate 1 NAD1 -6-phosphogluconate
1 NADH ðabsorbance at 340 nmÞ
During the second step of the reaction, enzymatic con-
version of glucose-6-phosphate to 6-phosphogluconate is
coupled to the reduction of NAD1 to NADH, and absor-
bance is measured at 340 nm. The resulting increase in
absorbance due to NADH formation is directly proportional
to the concentration of glucose in the sample. It is important
to note that consumption of a chromogen is also utilized in
some spectrophotometric reactions. If the reaction mecha-
nism results in the oxidation of NADH to NAD1, the chro-
mogen (NADH) is converted into a nonchromogenic
FIGURE 7.2 Absorption spectrum of the NAD1/NADH chromogens.
product at 340 nm (NAD1), as shown in a method for mea-
suring lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity.
(lower energy), as it relaxes to the ground state. Not
shown in Fig. 7.1, and infrequently used in clinical chemistry, Pyruvate 1 NADH ðabsorbance at 340 nmÞ-lactate
is the possibility for singlet excited-state electrons to undergo 1 NAD1
further electronic orbital transitions to a triplet excited state
and emit radiation at a longer wavelength, called phosphores- (7.iii)
cence, which persists for a longer time interval. In this case, absorbance decreases in proportion to
Typical chromogens that are absorbed in the pyruvate concentration conversion to lactate by LDH.
UVvisibleIR wavelength range are organic molecules Other methods of chromogen production include dye-
with highly conjugated C 5 C, C 5 O, C 5 N, and other binding reactions, chemical conversion of an analyte to a
double bonds and/or aromatic rings that have molecular chromogen, and enzyme-mediated conversion of an analyte
orbital electron distributions that can transition to an excited to a chromogen. In the dye-binding methods, direct binding
state at the energies available in these wavelength ranges. of an analyte to a precursor compound in the reagent leads
Metallic atoms can also absorb energy in this wavelength to the formation of a colored complex that absorbs light at a
range to produce excited-state electronic orbitals. specific wavelength. An example of a dye-binding reaction
The absorption spectrum describes chromogen absor- is a commonly used method for measuring total calcium.
bance vs. the wavelength range of light passing through a
cuvette that contains a solution of the chromogen. Fig. 7.2 Ca21 1 arsenazo III-Ca:arsenazo III complex
shows an absorption spectrum for the oxidized and reduced ðabsorbance at 660 nmÞ
forms of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD1 and (7.iv)
NADH, respectively). Many spectrophotometric assay reac-
tion mechanisms utilize the absorptive properties of the Dye-binding reactions are used for many analytes,
NAD1/NADH redox pair. In this reaction scheme, an including orthocresolphthalein complexone for calcium,
Spectrophotometry Chapter | 7 121

pyrogallol red and Coumassie brilliant blue for total A 5 log10 1=T 5  log10 T (7.2)
serum protein, and bromcresol green and bromcresol pur-
Beer’s law describes the linear relationship between
ple for serum albumin.
absorbance and concentration.
For quantitation of analytes using spectrophotometric
procedures, it is typical to select a single wavelength to A 5 ðεÞ ðbÞ ðCÞ (7.3)
measure the amount of light energy absorbed by the chro-
where A is absorbance, ε is molar absorptivity
mogen. The wavelength corresponding to the maximum
[L/(molGcm)] of the chromogen, b is path length (cm) of
absorbance is usually used to optimize the analytical sen-
light through the cuvette, and C is concentration (mol/L)
sitivity of the measurement. However, the influence of
of the chromogen in the solution in the cuvette. The molar
interfering substances is a consideration when selecting a
absorptivity is a physical property of the chromogen. This
measuring wavelength as discussed in a later section.
property is defined as the amount of light, at a specified
wavelength, that a 1 mol/L concentration of the chromo-
Principles of spectrophotometric gen absorbs assuming the cuvette path length is 1 cm.
The molar absorptivity can be affected by the tempera-
measurement ture, pH, and matrix of the solution containing the chro-
Fig. 7.3 illustrates a spectrophotometric measurement sys- mogen. Variations in temperature, pH, and matrix (e.g.,
tem. Light of the desired wavelength impinges on a pho- ionic strength, protein content, and surfactants), as well as
todetector that converts the light energy into an electrical errors in wavelength and bandpass, can cause an error
signal. A container, called a cuvette, is placed in the light when calculating concentration using Beer’s law. For
path of the spectrophotometer. The cuvette is filled with a these reasons, many methods correct for such variations
blank solution that, ideally, contains all reaction compo- by calibration, which will be discussed in more detail
nents except the chromogen, and the amount of light hit- later in the chapter.
ting the photodetector is measured (called I0). The cuvette It is important to remember that a spectrophotometric
is then filled with a solution that contains all reaction measurement is a ratio of I to I0, because it is the intensity
components, including the chromogen, and the light hit- of light hitting the photodetector that limits the measuring
ting the photodetector is measured again (called I). The range for a chromogen concentration. An absorbance of
amount of light hitting the photodetector is reduced by 0.0 is 100%T; an absorbance of 1.0 corresponds to 10%T,
the absorbance of light by the chromogen. The amount of which means the chromogen has absorbed 90% of the
chromogen produced by the reaction and the correspond- incident light energy. Similarly, an absorbance of 2.0 cor-
ing magnitude of absorbance are proportional to the responds to 1%T, which means the chromogen has
amount of analyte present in the cuvette. A spectrophoto- absorbed 99% of the incident light energy. Consequently,
metric measurement is the ratio of I to I0 and is called the the concentration change that causes an absorbance
transmittance (T) or the percent transmittance (%T) when change from 0 to 1 will use 90% of the measurement
the ratio is multiplied by 100. The formula is range of the spectrophotometer; doubling the concentra-
tion will cause the absorbance to change from 1 to 2 but
T 5 I=I0 (7.1)
will only use 9% of the measurement range of the spec-
The transmittance ratio has an inverse, semilogarith- trophotometer. The progressively smaller change in the
mic relationship to the concentration of the chromogen. ratio of I to I0 as concentration increases and the corre-
The transmittance is more commonly converted into sponding increasing contribution of noise sources to the
absorbance (A), which has a linear relationship to concen- signal become a limiting factor in the ability of a spectro-
tration to make it more convenient to use. It should be photometer to measure accurately the concentration of a
noted that transmittance is the parameter actually being chromogen. For this reason, the optimal measurement
measured and that the corresponding absorbance is a cal- range for most spectrophotometers is between 0 and 1.0A.
culated value. The formula is Some instruments can make acceptable measurements at
larger A values, but there will be a progressive decrease
in precision and accuracy at higher values.

Configuration of spectrophotometers
Figs. 7.3 and 7.4 show two common configurations for a
single-beam spectrophotometric measurement system. A
FIGURE 7.3 Diagram showing major components and configuration of wavelength selection device can be placed before the
a typical single-beam spectrophotometric system. cuvette as in Fig. 7.3 or after the cuvette as in Fig. 7.4,
122 Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry

FIGURE 7.4 Diagram showing the configuration of a diode array

spectrophotometric system.

depending on the design of the spectrophotometer. In alternating between the two cuvettes is typically fast
Fig. 7.3, the specific wavelength of interest is isolated, enough to permit the measurement of transmittance over
passes through the cuvette, and hits the detector. This a range of wavelengths to obtain an absorption spectrum.
configuration can use a monochromator or an interference
filter to isolate the wavelength of interest. In Fig. 7.4,
the broad spectrum of wavelengths passes through the Critical operating parameters: accuracy
cuvette, is diffracted by a grating monochromator, and
hits a series of individual diode detectors (called a diode
array configuration). Each diode in the array is impinged Spectral bandpass (bandwidth) refers to the range of
by a very narrow band of wavelengths such that many dif- wavelengths that pass through the cuvette when the
ferent wavelengths can be measured simultaneously. The monochromator precedes the cuvette or can be isolated to
diode array configuration has no moving parts to go out impinge on an individual detector in a diode array config-
of alignment. Diode array configurations are common in uration. The intensity of light isolated at a specific wave-
automated analyzers because of their stability and the length will be most intense at the nominal selected
ability to measure simultaneously multiple wavelengths. wavelength, but a range of wavelengths with progres-
Research-grade diode array spectrophotometers can mea- sively decreasing intensity will also be transmitted. The
sure in wavelength increments of 1 nm. However, many bandpass is defined as the range of wavelengths at the
clinical laboratory instruments are restricted to specific point of half-intensity of transmitted light. Consequently,
intervals of wavelengths that may limit flexibility for a range of wavelengths is actually measured by the detec-
development of new assays. tor. If the molar absorptivity of the chromogen changes
Absorbance is measured by placing a cuvette contain- over the bandpass of the instrument, which is common,
ing the solution without chromogen in the light path mea- there will be less absorbance observed than expected for
suring I0. The solution in the cuvette is then replaced with the concentration of chromogen present. This condition
a solution containing the chromogen and I is measured. results in a lower than expected absorbance, because the
Alternatively, the chromogen-containing solution could observed absorbance is the integral of absorbance over
be in a separate cuvette with a path length identical to the band of wavelengths passing through the cuvette and
that of the one used for I0 measurement. This configura- hitting the detector. If the conversion of absorbance to
tion can easily be incorporated into a typical random concentration is based on the molar absorptivity (e.g., in
access automated analyzer in which a single reference methods that measure enzyme activity), there will be an
cuvette is used for the I0 measurement. A series of cuv- error in the concentration measured unless the molar
ettes that contain the analyte-specific chromogens is mea- absorptivity is corrected for the actual bandwidth of a spe-
sured to obtain I for a series of clinical samples. The ratio cific spectrophotometer.
of I/I0 for each cuvette/reference combination is then used For example, the NADH chromogen shown in Fig. 7.2
to determine the absorbance for each sample. In addition exhibits a change in absorbance vs. wavelength. If a spec-
to providing an I0 value for a specific set of measure- trophotometer with a wavelength bandpass of 1 nm was
ments, the reference channel can also be used to monitor used to measure NADH, there would be little absorbance
the stability of the spectrophotometric system over time error, because 1 nm is small enough to isolate functionally
and to correct for optical or electronic signal drift. the peak absorbance at which the molar absorptivity was
Another common configuration for a spectrophotome- determined. However, if a spectrophotometer with 10-nm
ter is called a double-beam system, in which the light bandpass was used, some of the wavelengths would not
path is split with mirrors and is directed alternately be measuring the peak absorbance, the integrated absor-
through each of two cuvettes, one used for the I0 and one bance over the bandpass would be less than that expected,
for the I measurements. The frequency of the light and the concentration calculated from the molar
Spectrophotometry Chapter | 7 123

absorptivity would be erroneously low. For NADH, a from the monochromator or wavelength isolation device
10-nm bandpass would produce an absorbance that is because of optical defects. Contemporary holographic grat-
approximately 1% lower than the correct value and a 20- ing monochromators have reduced stray light to insignifi-
nm bandpass would produce an absorbance that is approx- cant levels for many applications, but this source of error
imately 3% lower than the correct value. Bandpass has a can be an issue when interference filters are used. Some
greater influence for chromogens with a narrower absorp- spectrophotometric systems have incorporated automated
tion spectrum and a smaller influence for those with a multiwavelength stray light correction algorithms, which
broader absorption spectrum. A bandpass of , 8 nm has are effective for some types of optical defects.
been recommended when measuring NADH in enzyme Stray light can be measured as residual absorbance
assays that determine activity on the basis of molar when measuring a solution or a filter that absorbs . 4A
absorptivity [1]. (0.01 %T) at the wavelength of interest but passes most
When a relatively wide bandpass instrument is used, it other wavelengths. A signal observed in these conditions
is necessary to correct for the condition by determining a is due to stray light reaching the detector. Note that only
functional molar absorptivity value specific for that potential stray light at wavelengths that are not blocked
instrument. Instrument manufacturers have various names by the filter or solution used to detect stray light will be
(e.g., filter factor) for such instrument-specific molar identified by this procedure. Two or more test filters or
absorptivity values. When interference filters are used, solutions are typically needed to cover a range of wave-
the instrument-specific molar absorptivity values must be lengths. Therefore stray light checks should be performed
verified periodically, because the devices are subject to as part of routine instrument performance assessment.
deterioration over time. Alternatively, an instrument- Use of a pulsed-frequency xenon lamp as the spectropho-
specific calibration can be established using a calibrator tometer source lamp is a common technique used to
with known concentration (or activity) to establish the reduce the effects of light leaks. The light from the xenon
relationship between absorbance and concentration (or lamp is pulsed at a frequency much faster (e.g., 1000 Hz)
activity) for that instrument. than that of the overhead fluorescent lights (60 Hz) and is
synchronized with the photodetector. This approach
reduces the error contribution of minor amounts of envi-
Stray light ronmental light contamination.
Stray light is the light at wavelengths other than the mea-
suring wavelength that reaches the detector and is not
Wavelength accuracy
absorbed by the chromogen. Stray light causes the mea-
sured absorbance to be lower than it would be in the The wavelength selected by the monochromator or other
absence of the stray light. Consider the equation for trans- device must be verified to be correct as indicated. If the
mittance when a stray light component (IS) is present. wavelength is not as indicated, the molar absorptivity used
to calculate concentration will be incorrect for the actual
I 1 IS
T5 (7.4) wavelength in use, corrections for interfering substances
I0 1 IS
may not be accurate, or the analytical sensitivity of the
The intensity of light hitting the detector has the stray measurement may not be as expected. Wavelength accuracy
light added to it. IS is usually an insignificant fraction of can be verified by scanning and identifying the peak absor-
I0, but as I gets small due to large absorbance by the chro- bances for known substances such as holmium oxide in
mogen, IS becomes a significant fraction of I, which solution [National Institute of Standards and Technology
causes T to be larger (and A to be lower) than what would Standard Reference Material (NIST SRM) 2034] or in
be expected based on the concentration of chromogen. glass, or by removing wavelength-isolating filters from an
Consequently, the relationship between absorbance and instrument and scanning them in a calibrated spectropho-
concentration becomes nonlinear, as stray light becomes a tometer. Some spectrophotometers have a provision to use
greater percentage of the total light hitting the detector. sharp line emissions from deuterium or mercury lamps used
For example, if stray light is 0.1% of the total hitting the as UV light sources. Verifying wavelength accuracy is the
detector, the absorbance will have a 1% error at approxi- responsibility of the clinical chemist for a stand-alone spec-
mately 1.5A, and if stray light is 0.5%, the absorbance trophotometer, but is the responsibility of the manufacturer
will have a 1% error at approximately 0.6A. for a spectrophotometer built into a diagnostic instrument.
Stray light can be caused by light leaks in the instru-
ment, degradation of the source lamp, and, rarely, fluores-
Absorbance accuracy
cence or phosphorescence from endogenous substances or
drug metabolites in the sample. However, the most common The absorbance measured by the spectrophotometer must
source of stray light is undesired wavelengths originating be verified to be correct whenever results are based on
124 Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry

molar absorptivity. Verification of absorbance accuracy important to control when Beer’s law is used to calculate
can be accomplished by measuring a set of certified enzyme activity or analyte concentration.
absorbance standards. Liquid solutions with a known con-
centration of chromogen with a known molar absorptivity Molar absorptivity
can be used. A set of liquid solutions for the range
When concentration is calculated from the molar absorp-
302678 nm (SRM 931h) and solid potassium dichro-
tivity, it is imperative that the pipette, absorbance, wave-
mate (SRM 136f) can be obtained from NIST to create
length and temperature accuracy, bandpass, and stray
liquid solutions for use at wavelengths 235350 nm.
light have been verified. Each of these variables can
Another approach (useful for automated analyzers for
affect the chemical reaction(s) and the observed molar
which it is difficult to add solutions directly into cuvettes)
absorptivity of the chromogen in the cuvette. Any vari-
is to generate quantitatively NADH, for which the molar
able that can influence the matrix of the solution in the
absorptivity is known at 340 nm, from pure glucose
cuvette (e.g., pH, ionic strength, surfactants, and tempera-
(NIST SRM 917c) using the hexokinase reaction.
ture) must be controlled to ensure the chromogen is in the
Verifying absorbance accuracy is the responsibility of the
same matrix conditions as when the molar absorptivity
clinical chemist for a stand-alone spectrophotometer but
was determined. Note that it is acceptable and recom-
is the responsibility of the manufacturer for a spectropho-
mended to establish the molar absorptivity of the chromo-
tometer built into a diagnostic instrument.
gen for the unique conditions of a specific method and
spectrophotometric system. Note that some automated
analyzers may not permit the user to make changes to
Chromogen limitations
molar absorptivity settings. A measurement system-
The measured chromogen is usually generated by a chem- specific molar absorptivity can be established by prepar-
ical reaction that converts the amount of analyte present ing a series of solutions containing various amounts of
in a biological sample into a proportional amount of the pure chromogen dissolved in the reaction buffer for the
chromogen. The proportionality of the chemical conver- method. The molar absorptivity is calculated as the absor-
sion can be affected by defects in the reagents or by an bance per mole per liter of chromogen in the cuvette for a
inadequate amount of one or more reagents that may limit range of concentrations.
the completeness of the chemical reaction(s). The chro-
mogen, at higher concentrations, may form complexes or Calibration relationship
adducts with itself or with other components of the reac-
A calibration relationship can be established by measuring
tion that can change the molar absorptivity and thus the
a series of concentrations of calibrators (also called stan-
ability to transform accurately the absorbance to the con-
dard solutions) and establishing the mathematical relation-
centration of the analyte.
ship between the absorbance and concentration of analyte
in the calibrator solutions. The calibrator solutions are
measured in the same manner as the clinical samples and
Calibration of spectrophotometric measurements
must have a matrix that is appropriate for the clinical
Calibration establishes the mathematical relationship samples that will be quantitated using the calibration rela-
between the analytical response and the chromogen con- tionship. The term “standard curve” or “calibration curve”
centration in the solution in the cuvette. The concentration is used to refer to a calibration relationship even when the
of the analyte in the biological sample is typically directly relationship is a straight line. For most spectrophotometric
proportional to the analytical response of the chromogen. assays, the relationship between absorbance and concen-
Spectrophotometric measurements are based on the molar tration is linear, although the relationship between trans-
absorptivity of the chromogen or on a calibration relation- mittance (the actual measured quantity) and concentration
ship established by a calibrator that compensates for the is semilogarithmic. If the absorbance relationship is not
unique conditions of an instrument. It is a common prac- linear, several concentrations of the calibrator are required
tice to calibrate a spectrophotometric assay using the cali- to describe accurately the calibration relationship over the
bration solutions of known analyte concentration, which analytical measurement range.
are assayed in the same manner as the clinical samples, in Establishing a calibration relationship eliminates or
which case the calculated concentration of an analyte in substantially reduces the influences of biases in pipette,
an unknown sample is not reliant on knowing the molar wavelength, and absorbance accuracy, bandpass, and stray
absorptivity. However, spectrophotometric assays for light, because these variables are compensated for by hav-
enzyme activity typically use the molar absorptivity of a ing the calibrators measured at the same spectrophotomet-
chromogen to calculate the activity as the rate of substrate ric conditions as the unknown samples. These variables
consumption. Errors related to the molar absorptivity are remain important for the measurement and must be at
Spectrophotometry Chapter | 7 125

settings appropriate for the reactions involved, but nomi- root of the number of independent measurements (e.g., the
nal differences from specifications can be tolerated as mean of nine measurements reduces imprecision by a
long as they remain constant for calibrators and unknown factor of 3; 100 measurements reduces imprecision by a
samples. The need for temperature accuracy is eliminated factor of 10).
as far as its effect on the molar absorptivity of the chro- The precision of a spectrophotometric measurement
mogen but the role of temperature on the chemical reac- can be validated in several ways depending on the acces-
tion that generates the chromogen may still be important. sibility of the cuvette. A dye can be measured in replicate
Precision of the various steps in the assay remains an in a single cuvette or in multiple cuvettes. When multiple
important variable to control. The matrix of the calibrator cuvettes are used, minor differences in path length among
solutions must be appropriate for the clinical samples to cuvettes will be included in the imprecision value. For
be assayed to ensure there is no bias introduced by a dif- automated systems, it is frequently adequate to measure
ference in the extent of the chemical reactions involved in the combined effects of pipette and absorbance variation
generating the chromogen or in the final matrix of the on the precision using a dye (which removes any influ-
solution in the cuvette that might differently affect the ence of a chemical reaction) or with a chemical reaction
molar absorptivity of the chromogen, depending on to generate a chromogen that may also include reagent
whether it originated from the calibrator or from the clini- formulation variability and temperature effects.
cal sample. The matrix should also be taken into consider-
ation when diluting a sample. The selected diluent should
possess matrix characteristics similar to the sample to
avoid measurement biases due to matrix differences. The absorbance of a substance other than the chromogen
One of the critical factors affecting measurement accu- derived from the analyte of interest will cause interfer-
racy is the target value assignment of the calibrator materi- ence in the measurement, unless the signal from the inter-
als. The calibrator value assignment should be traceable to fering substance is removed from the total absorbance.
a higher order reference measurement procedure, if one is Absorbance from the reagents used in a reaction can be
available, or to a commutable certified reference material measured before adding the sample and subtracted from
when available and no reference measurement procedure the total absorbance of the reagent plus chromogen. This
exists. Reference measurement procedures and reference process is called a reagent blank correction. Clinical sam-
materials can be found in the database of the Joint ples such as serum or urine frequently contain substances
Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine that may absorb light at the wavelength used to measure
(JCTLM) [2]. Many of the reference materials listed by the analyte-specific chromogen and cause spectral inter-
JCTLM are intended for use as trueness controls with refer- ference. The effects of spectral interferences can be
ence measurement procedures and are not commutable with reduced in several ways, including the use of a sample
clinical samples when used with routine clinical laboratory blank, use of a kinetic reaction-rate method, and correc-
methods. Use of noncommutable reference materials as tion using wavelengths at which the interfering substances
calibrators for routine clinical laboratory methods can cause absorb.
miscalibration and erroneous results for clinical samples Measurement of a sample blank can correct for spec-
[3,4]. See Chapter 17, Harmonization of results among lab- tral interferences in spectrophotometric end-point meth-
oratories, for additional information on calibration ods. In an end-point reaction (Fig. 7.5), the absorbance
traceability. value is obtained at a time point after the reaction has
proceeded to completion (when all of the analyte has
reacted with the reagents to produce a chromogen). To
Critical operating parameters: precision correct for spectral interferences, a “sample blank” absor-
The precision of a spectrophotometric measurement varies bance reading at the measuring wavelength is taken after
with design of the instrument system. At low absorbance mixing the sample with all of the reagents, except those
(high %T), the precision is limited by mechanical, optical, that cause chromogen production. The reagent that trig-
and electronic stabilities. At high absorbance (low %T), gers production of chromogen is added, and the reaction
the precision is also limited by stray light and detector is allowed to proceed to completion. The total absorbance
background electronic noise, as these sources of error is measured at the completion of the reaction. The absor-
become a larger fraction of the measured signal. Maximum bance of the sample blank, corrected for the volume of
precision is generally obtained when the absorbance is the added second reagent, is then subtracted from the total
0.11.0A. Contemporary automated spectrophotometers absorbance to yield the corrected chromogen-specific
typically make multiple independent absorbance measure- absorbance. This method of correction is subject to error
ments and average the results to reduce the effects of if the absorbance of the spectral interferant is of such a
imprecision. Precision improves proportional to the square large magnitude that the chromogen-specific contribution
126 Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry

H2 O2 1 dye-chromogen ðanalyte-specific absorbanceÞ


H2 O2 1 bilirubin-nonchromogen
ðdecrease in total absorbanceÞ
Note that the interference from bilirubin has two
mechanisms. First, some H2O2 that would otherwise be
available to react with the dye to produce chromogen
instead reacts with bilirubin and is not converted into the
analyte-specific chromogen, thus resulting in a falsely
low absorbance. Second, bilirubin itself can absorb light
and may contribute to the total absorbance. The interfer-
ing absorbance from bilirubin decreases in magnitude
over the time course of the reaction. As the bilirubin
FIGURE 7.5 Spectrophotometric end-point and rate reactions. The first reacts with H2O2, the absorbance from bilirubin no longer
inflection on each graph represents the addition of reagents required for contributes to the total absorbance. Dynamic interferences
chromogen production. Note: Equations are simplified examples; auto- must be controlled by modifying the reaction system to
mated instruments typically include polychromatic corrections for inter- remove the interfering substance independently from the
fering substances, sample volume corrections, and averaging of many
reaction that generates the analyte-specific chromogen.
measurements to improve precision.
For example, inactivating agents such as sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS) or potassium ferricyanide can be added to
to the total absorbance is small. It also is important to
the reagent to reduce the interference of bilirubin for reac-
note that sample or reagent blanks can only correct for
tion methods that use peroxide to produce the chromogen
interfering absorbances that remain constant during the
such as those based on the Trinder reaction. In some
reaction. The magnitude of the correction will be errone-
instances, the interfering substance exhibits different reac-
ous if an absorbing interferant reacts with any component
tion kinetics than the reaction of the analyte. In these
of the reaction mixture.
cases, the time points at which absorbance readings are
Another procedure to correct for spectral interferences
obtained can be modified to reduce the effect of the
is by utilization of a kinetic (rate) reaction (Fig. 7.5).
Rather than calculating the analyte concentration on
Another limitation in the spectrophotometric methods,
the basis of total absorbance at the end of a reaction, the
as in all methods, is caused by the nonspecificity of the
absorbance is measured at multiple time points during the
reaction for the analyte of interest. In this case, interfering
reaction. The change in absorbance vs. time is then used
substances react to produce the same chromogen that
to calculate analyte concentration. Measurement of the
is produced from the analyte of interest. For example,
change in absorbance over time corrects for the absor-
acetoacetic acid can react with alkaline picrate used in
bance of interfering substances that do not change during
some creatinine methods to produce a chromogen that
the course of the reaction. As is the case with sample
cannot be discriminated from that produced from creati-
blanking, this correction method will not work if the
nine. Method nonspecificity must be corrected by modify-
interfering substance causes a large absorbance, such that
ing the method to include additional separation steps to
the change in absorbance due to the analyte-specific chro-
remove interfering substances or to change the chemical
mogen cannot be accurately measured.
mechanism to be more specific for the analyte. When
An important limitation to the preceding correction
interferences exist in a method, they must be documented
techniques occurs when the absorbance from an interfer-
as limitations in method specificity.
ing substance changes during the time of the reaction.
Examples of dynamic absorbance interference include
clearing of turbidity due to dispersion of triglyceride by
surfactants and reaction of an interfering chromogen such Bichromatic and polychromatic measurements
as bilirubin in peroxide-coupled reactions as shown in the Measuring absorbance at a second wavelength at which
following example: no change in absorbance occurs during the reaction can
Glucose oxidase:
be used as a reference point to correct the spectrophoto-
Glucose 1 O2 -H2 O2 1 products (7.v) metric system for drift in the measurement signal. Two or
Spectrophotometry Chapter | 7 127

more wavelengths can also be used to correct for some can be simultaneously solved for C1 and C2, one of which
types of absorbance interferences. A simple case occurs is the concentration of the analyte of interest.
when an interfering substance absorbs light at the same Note that more than one interfering substance can be
wavelength as the analyte-specific chromogen (primary corrected using a bichromatic (two wavelengths) tech-
wavelength) but also absorbs light at a second wavelength nique as long as the substances have similar molar
at which the analyte-specific chromogen does not absorb. absorptivities at the two wavelengths used. For example,
The ratio of molar absorptivities of the interfering sub- bilirubin and hemoglobin have very similar absorbance
stance at the two wavelengths can be used to predict the spectra at several wavelengths and can frequently be ade-
absorbance due to the interfering substance at the primary quately corrected using bichromatic measurements.
wavelength from its absorbance at the second wavelength. However, interfering substances that have different molar
This value can then be subtracted from the total absor- absorptivity ratios at the two wavelengths cannot be cor-
bance at the primary wavelength to obtain the net absor- rected using bichromatic measurements. For example, tur-
bance due to the analyte-specific chromogen. This bidity from triglyceride-rich lipoproteins has a very
correction approach has been referred to as the Allen different absorption spectrum than bilirubin and hemoglo-
correction. bin; thus a bichromatic technique cannot simultaneously
A more complex situation occurs when the analyte- correct for each of these sources of spectrophotometric
specific chromogen and an interfering substance both interference. Three (trichromatic) or more wavelengths
absorb light at all wavelengths available for measurement. can be used to correct for more complex interferences or
This situation is shown in Fig. 7.6. When the molar to measure simultaneously multiple analytes, such as in
absorptivities of the analyte-specific chromogen and the cooximetry (COOX) determination of hemoglobin spe-
interfering substance(s) are different and are known at cies. Imprecision of a final result will increase as more
two wavelengths, two equations with two unknowns can individual absorbance measurements are used and must
be written to describe the total absorbance at each of the be accommodated in the total error budget of the
two wavelengths. This correction method has been measurement.
referred to as bichromatic correction. A is the absorbance;
λ1 and λ2 are the two respective wavelengths; ε1 and ε2
are the molar absorptivities of substances 1 and 2, respec- Other applications of spectrophotometric
tively, at each of the two wavelengths; and C1 and C2 are or light emission measurements
the concentrations of substances 1 and 2, respectively.
At wavelength 1:
  COOX is the measurement of blood total hemoglobin and
Aðλ1Þ 5 ε1ðλ1Þ 3 C1 1 ε2ðλ1Þ 3 C2 (7.5)
the relative percentages of hemoglobin derivatives includ-
At wavelength 2: ing oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb), deoxyhemoglobin (HHb),
  carboxyhemoglobin (COHb), and methemoglobin
Aðλ2Þ 5 ε1ðλ2Þ 3 C1 1 ε2ðλ2Þ 3 C2 (7.6) (MetHb). COOX instrumentation may be integrated with
All arguments in the two equations are known or can routine blood gas analyzers or function as stand-alone
be measured except C1 and C2. Thus the two equations analyzers. O2Hb, HHb, COHb, and MetHb each exhibit
characteristic spectrophotometric absorbance profiles over
the wavelength range of 422695 nm. The absorbances at
the measuring wavelengths are obtained for venous or
arterial whole blood samples, and a series of algorithms
based on the absorbance spectrum for each molecule is
used to identify and quantify each hemoglobin derivative.
Total hemoglobin is quantified using conductivity or the
sum of the spectrophotometric measurements of O2Hb,
HHb, COHb, and MetHb. Due to similar absorbance spec-
tra, sulfhemoglobinemia from medications containing
sulfonamides can cause interference with MetHb mea-
surements and fetal hemoglobin can cause interference
with COHb measurements. Therefore COOX instruments
employ additional algorithms for qualitative spectrophoto-
FIGURE 7.6 Absorption spectra illustrating bichromatic measurement metric detection of sulfhemoglobin and fetal hemoglobin
to correct for an interfering substance that has absorption at all wave- to alert the user of elevated concentrations of these deri-
lengths available to measure a chromogen. vatives. Although different combinations of instrument
128 Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry

optics and measuring wavelengths are used to reduce the this configuration as absorbance, because scattered light
effects of interferences, high concentrations of bilirubin, does not reach the photodetector and causes a decrease in
intralipid, or methylene blue can also cause errors in I0 (increase in absorbance), just as does absorbance by a
COOX measurements. More information on the use and chromogen. This mechanism is the reason for which tur-
interpretation of COOX measurements can be found in bidity causes interference in spectrophotometric measure-
Chapter 35, Contemporary practice in clinical chemistry: ments. Nephelometry measures the intensity of light
blood gas and critical care testing. scattered at an angle away from the incident light path.
Nephelometry is not a measurement of the ratio of light
intensity in the absence and presence of scattering mole-
Reflectance spectrophotometry cules but is a measure of absolute intensity of light caused
Reflectance refers to a configuration in which the incident by scattering molecules. Nephelometry is capable of mea-
light impinges on the chromogen contained in a thin coat- suring orders of magnitude lower concentrations of scat-
ing on a surface, and the light is reflected from the rear tering molecules than turbidity. Nephelometers frequently
surface of the coating support to make a second pass use laser light sources, because the increased intensity can
through the chromogen matrix. Examples include dry produce increased intensity of scattered light and lower
slide chemistry analyzers and urinalysis dipstick readers. detection limits. In addition, optics and optical filters are
In these applications, the path length is small and mea- used to focus the scattered light and reduce the contribu-
surement precision is influenced by the uniformity of the tion of stray light to improve the analytical sensitivity of
coating containing reagent(s) and chromogen. Reflectance the measurement.
is characterized by increased influence of scatter at each Light is scattered by molecules large enough that their
reagent layer surface that has a change in the index of hydrated diameter is of similar magnitude to the wave-
refraction. Consequently, a diffuse reflectance measure- length of the incident light [5]. Light scatter is typically
ment typically has a nonlinear relationship with concen- used to quantitate antibody complexes of protein analytes,
tration and appropriate calibration algorithms are used. because these complexes are large enough to scatter light.
Light scatter is a complex process that depends on the
size and index of refraction of the scattering molecular
Densitometry complex. Light scatter is typically greater at shorter wave-
Densitometry measures absorbance by passing light lengths, with the intensity being approximately propor-
through a solid support material on which the chromogen tional to the inverse of the wavelength to the fourth
is contained by absorption or adsorption to the solid (or power (1/λ4). Light scatter is not symmetrical; the inten-
gel) layer. Thin-layer chromatography and electrophoresis sity of scatter at a given angle from incident varies with
are typical examples. Accuracy and precision are limited the size of the complex. As the scattering complex gets
by variations in path length due to inconsistent thickness larger, a greater proportion of light is scattered at angles
of the medium, scatter from components in the solid .90 degrees from the incident (called forward scatter).
medium, and exceed the limited dynamic range of the Nephelometers typically measure scatter at forward angles
detector caused by too high of a concentration of the from the incident to improve sensitivity for immune com-
chromogen in the medium. plexes and similar sized molecular aggregates. It is com-
mon to control the size of immune complexes by the use
of surfactants and polymers (e.g., polyethylene glycol) to
Turbidimetry and nephelometry optimize conditions for quantitation of complexes of dif-
Turbidimetry and nephelometry are the techniques to ferent sizes that may be produced by analytes at different
measure concentration on the basis of light scatter, as concentrations. Measurement of light scatter can be used
illustrated in Fig. 7.7. Conventional spectrophotometers to measure amylase and lipase hydrolysis of starch or tri-
measure light transmitted at 180 degrees from (or in line glycerides, respectively, and for assays based on the
with) the incident light source. Turbidity is measured in aggregation of latex particles coated with various sub-
stances, including antibodies. Flow cytometry measures
scatter of light by cells (typically larger than the molecu-
lar aggregates) at small forward angles to determine the
size and concentration of the cells.
The response of turbidimetry and nephelometry is not
linear with the concentration of analyte because of the
variable size of scattering complexes formed at different
FIGURE 7.7 Configuration used to measure light scatter by turbidime- analyte concentrations. When the scattering complexes
try or by nephelometry. are formed by the classical antibodyantigen reaction,
Spectrophotometry Chapter | 7 129

the complex size is susceptible to antigen-excess condi- ionization of metals must be avoided maintaining the
tions. Antigen excess may cause falsely low results at atoms in the ground state.
very high concentrations of analyte (called the “high-dose Atomic electron transitions have very narrow band-
hook effect” or “prozone effect”). To detect a high-dose widths that require specialized light sources with very nar-
hook effect, the absorbance of the undiluted sample is row bandpass (a few angstroms or tenths of nanometers).
compared with the absorbance of a sample that has been Hollow cathode lamps have an electrode coated with the
diluted. If the absorbance of the diluted sample is greater metal to be measured and use an electronic discharge to
than the undiluted sample, a prozone effect is present. generate an emission wavelength from the metal that is at
Most modern spectrophotometers and nephelometers the correct wavelength to be absorbed by the ground-state
automatically analyze the kinetics of antigenantibody atoms in the cuvette. A high intensity of stray light is pro-
complex formation to increase the probability of prozone duced by incandescence of sample materials in the flame
effect detection and alert the user. or furnace that necessitates placing the monochromator
Nephelometry and turbidimetry are sensitive to inter- after the cuvette in the light path to the detector. A very
ferences from light scatter due to triglyceride-rich lipopro- narrow bandpass monochromator is used to isolate the
teins (lipemia). The effects of interfering lipoproteins may wavelength of interest for the metal from the stray
be partially reduced by ultracentrifugation and removal of light. Because of the stray light, linearity of atomic absorp-
the lipid particles. Because turbidimetric methods are tion is frequently limited to a small range of absorbance
based on the measurement of transmitted light, they are (e.g., 00.3). Background absorbance and light scatter
also sensitive to the absorbance of colored substances from sample components can also interfere and can be cor-
such as hemoglobin and bilirubin in the sample. rected by specialized bichromatic (Zeeman effect) or poly-
Antibodies are often utilized as detection reagents, and chromatic (deuterium lamp or Hieftje) techniques. Atomic
therefore the presence of cross-reacting substances or absorption can be used for accurate assay of many metals
interfering antibodies (e.g., rheumatoid factor or hetero- in body fluid and tissue samples, because most sample
phile antibodies) can be a source of measurement error. interferences can be eliminated by correct choice of instru-
ment and thermal conditions.

Atomic absorption Atomic emission

Atomic absorption is a special application in which Atomic emission is a photometric technique in which
ground-state atoms of metals absorb light at very specific thermal energy is used similarly to atomic absorption,
wavelengths corresponding to the energy needed to cause except that, in this technique, the thermal energy is ade-
electronic transitions in their electron orbitals. Fig. 7.8 quate to create excited-state atoms, which then emit light
shows the configuration of an atomic absorption spectro- as they relax back to the ground state. Atomic emission
photometer. The atoms are created by heating the sample offers the possibility to measure simultaneously several
in an acetylene gas flame or a cylindrical graphite tube different atomic species and can have lower limits of
furnace to a temperature that burns off most of the quantitation than atomic absorption. The emitted light is
organic matrix and produces ground-state atoms of at wavelengths specific to the metals present. Flame pho-
the metal to be measured. The “cuvette” is the flame or tometry using propane gas provides the reference mea-
the center of the graphite tube, and the atoms are in the surement procedures for sodium, potassium, and lithium
gas state. The population of atoms is relatively short-lived in clinical samples. An inductively coupled argon ion
in the light path, and rapid measurements are necessary. plasma (ICP) can be used to create excited-state atoms for
The thermal energy must be carefully controlled and many metals. The ICP is much hotter than propane or
acetylene flames and thus produces more complete com-
bustion of potential interfering organic substances. The
hotter plasma also produces more emission lines from
metals and requires a more sophisticated optical system to
isolate wavelengths of interest. ICP methods are used for
toxic and trace metal measurements from body fluid and
tissue samples.

FIGURE 7.8 Diagram showing major components and configuration of Fluorescence is the light emitted from an excited-state
an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. molecular orbital as it relaxes to the ground state by
130 Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry

FIGURE 7.9 Diagram showing major components and typical configu-

ration to measure fluorescence.
FIGURE 7.10 Time course of fluorescence emission after a pulse of
excitation light.
emitting a photon of light. Fluorescent molecules, called
fluorophores, are characterized by the extended conjuga-
tion of double bonds with aromatic resonance that allows returned to the ground state. When longer lifetime fluoro-
the lifetime of the excited state to persist long enough for phores are used, this characteristic can be exploited to
relaxation to occur by the emission of light. The excited eliminate interferences from substances that contribute
state is produced by the absorption of light that has background fluorescence emission and to improve the
greater energy (shorter wavelength) than that of the emit- limit of quantitation. Fig. 7.10 illustrates a time-resolved
ted light. The emitted light is always at a longer wave- fluorescence measurement when a relatively long-lifetime
length (lower energy), because the excited-state electrons fluorophore is used. A pulse of light is used for excitation;
rapidly lose thermal energy to reach a minimal energy when the pulse ends, the background fluorescence decays
excited state before the emission of light to relax to the to 0 in 30 ns, but the fluorescence from the long-lifetime
ground state. The difference in wavelength between the fluorophore persists and can be measured against a zero-
excitation and emission wavelengths is called the Stokes signal background at 40 ns.
shift. Fig. 7.9 shows a fluorescence measurement configu-
ration. Fluorescent light is emitted with equal intensity in Fluorescence polarization (depolarization)
all directions, which allows for various optical configura- If a fluorescent molecule absorbs polarized light (i.e., all
tions. Fluorescence intensity is measured at an angle and electromagnetic waves are oriented in the same direction)
using a wavelength selection device that excludes the to produce the excited state, then the fluorescence emis-
excitation light. The fluorescence intensity is directly pro- sion will have the same polarization as long as the fluoro-
portional to the concentration of a fluorophore in the phore does not rotate during the lifetime of the excited
cuvette. The quantum yield is the fraction of absorbed state. If the fluorophore rotates before the fluorescence
energy that is emitted by the fluorophore and is a measure emission takes place, the emission will be depolarized
of the efficiency of molecular fluorescence. proportional to the degree of rotation before the light
Fluorescence typically provides a 100-fold to 1000- emission. This property has been the basis for fluores-
fold increase in concentration sensitivity compared with cence polarization (more correctly depolarization) immu-
absorbance measurements. For maximum sensitivity, the noassay for low-molecular-weight haptens. In this
detection system must be able to measure the fluorescence application, a fluorescent analog of the analyte and the
emission without any background signal from the excita- analyte from the sample are mixed and compete for
tion light (i.e., measure the signal against a zero back- analyte-binding sites on a fixed number of antibodies. If
ground). Potential interferences are from substances in the analyte is absent, the fluorescent analog binds to the anti-
sample that can quench the excited-state molecule before bodies and rotates in solution at the rate of the antibodies.
fluorescent light is emitted or that can absorb the emitted Because an antibody is a large protein, it rotates relatively
light in the cuvette before it reaches the detector (called slowly compared with the low-molecular-weight fluores-
an inner filter effect). cent analyte analog, such that there is little change in
position during the lifetime of the excited state.
Consequently, the fluorescence polarization of the emitted
Fluorescence lifetime light is not changed from that of the excitation light. If
Fluorescence emission typically persists for 10100 ns analyte is present, it binds to some of the antibody mole-
after excitation to the excited state, depending on the cules, which leaves some of the fluorescent analog
fluorophore, until all of the excited-state molecules have unbound to antibodies and free in solution. Because the
Spectrophotometry Chapter | 7 131

fluorescent analog is small, it rotates relatively quickly, sensitivity of chemiluminescent reactions is improved by
such that its orientation changes during the lifetime of the the inclusion of a second molecule (sometimes called an
excited state before fluorescent light is emitted. intensifier agent) that can amplify the intensity of emitted
Consequently, the fluorescence polarization of the emitted light by a nonradiative energy transfer mechanism or
light is randomized or depolarized. The amount of depo- stabilize the excited state to optimize light emission.
larization or the ratio of polarized to depolarized signal is Common sources of error in clinical practice include the
the basis to quantitate the analyte. Historically, the fluo- development of light leaks in the luminometer and insuffi-
rescence polarization approach was used in several immu- cient removal of unbound chemiluminescent label because
noassay instruments but is not used in current practice. of defects in the wash system. Like fluorescence, potential
interferences include molecules that can quench the
excited state before light emission and molecules that can
Chemiluminescence absorb the emitted light in the cuvette before it reaches
the detector.
Chemiluminescence is related to fluorescence in that light
emitted from a molecular orbital excited state is measured
and is proportional to the concentration of the chemilumi- References
nescent substance. In this technique, the excited state is
produced by a chemical reaction rather than by absorption [1] Guidelines for photometric instruments for measuring enzyme reac-
of light, as in fluorescence excitation. The excited chemi- tion rates. Clin. Chem.23 (1977) 21602162.
[2] Joint Commission on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine
luminescent compound emits light as it relaxes to a
Database. ,https://www.bipm.org/jctlm/. (accessed 13.11.18).
ground electronic energy state. Many precursor com-
[3] W.G. Miller, G.L. Myers, R. Rej, Why commutability matters,
pounds used in chemiluminescent reactions (e.g., acridi- Clin. Chem. 52 (2006) 553554.
nium ester, luminol, and luciferin analogs) are activated [4] H.W. Vesper, W.G. Miller, G.L. Myers, Reference materials and
to emit light upon oxidation. In the presence of an oxidiz- commutability, Clin. Biochem. Rev. 28 (2007) 139147.
ing agent, metal ions or enzymes (e.g., horseradish perox- [5] G. Sittampalam, G.S. Wilson, Theory of light scattering measure-
idase or alkaline phosphatase) mediate oxidation of the ments as applied to immunoprecipitation reactions, Anal. Chem. 56
precursor compounds. Chemiluminescent reactions often (1984) 21762180.
have a wide dynamic range and can have greater sensitiv-
ity to low concentrations than absorption or fluorescence,
because the measurements are made against a zero-signal Suggested reading
J.R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Springer, New
The most common applications for chemiluminescent York, 2006. 954pp.
measurement are immunoassay methods, in which the H.A. Strobel, W.R. Heineman, Chemical Instrumentation: A Systematic
chemiluminescent compound or enzyme mediator func- Approach, third ed., Wiley, New York, 1989. 1210 pp.
tions as part of the detection label. Light emission is H.H. Willard, L.L. Merritt, J.A. Dean, F.A. Settle, Instrumental Methods
detected by a luminometer, in which emitted photons are of Analysis, seventh ed., Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA,
detected to produce a measurement signal. The analytical 1988. 895 pp.
132 Contemporary Practice in Clinical Chemistry

Self-assessment questions b. kinetic measurement

c. bichromatic measurement for a sample with
(More than one answer may be correct for each question.) hemoglobin and turbidity
1. What is actually measured to determine the absor- d. rapid absorbance measurement
bance of a chromogen? 9. What type of interference cannot be corrected with a
a. light energy hitting a detector bichromatic measurement?
b. decrease in light intensity hitting a detector a. bilirubin
c. increase in light intensity hitting a detector b. turbidity
d. ratio of light intensity hitting a detector between c. bilirubin and turbidity in the same sample
the chromogen and the blank d. nonchromogenic drugs
2. Which of the following reaction types can be used to 10. What is the relationship between turbidimetric and
produce chromogens that absorb light? nephelometric measurements?
a. redox reactions a. Nephelometry is the inverse of turbidimetry.
b. chemiluminescent reactions b. Turbidimetry is more sensitive.
c. dye-binding reactions c. Nephelometry can be measured with a conven-
d. enzyme-mediated reactions tional spectrophotometer.
3. What can cause the relationship between absorbance d. Both measure light scatter.
and concentration to be nonlinear? 11. How can the presence of a prozone effect in an
a. stray light immunoturbidimetric assay be detected?
b. too large of a bandpass a. measuring the absorbance after ultracentrifugation
c. chromogen complexation b. measuring the absorbance after concentrating
d. wavelength calibration error sample
4. Why is 0.11.0 the most precise measurement range c. measuring the absorbance after diluting the
for absorbance? sample
a. Effects of stray light are minimized. d. measuring the absorbance after treating the sam-
b. The proportion of light intensity change with con- ple with SDS
centration decreases at larger A values. 12. How does atomic absorption spectrophotometry dif-
c. The noise of the detector becomes dominant at fer from solution-phase measurements?
low A values. a. The chromogen has broad absorbance bands in
d. The noise of the detector becomes dominant at atomic absorption.
high A values. b. Stray light is more significant in atomic absorption.
5. What can cause the apparent molar absorptivity to be c. The chromogen is short-lived in atomic absorption.
different from theoretical? d. The flame or furnace in atomic absorption pro-
a. too large of a bandpass duces a more stable chromogen.
b. stray light 13. How does fluorescence polarization immunoassay
c. inner filter effect discriminate between free and bound fluorescent
d. miscalibrated wavelength analogs?
6. What type of calibration can make molar absorptivity a. The bound fluorescent analog emits polarized
unimportant? light in all directions.
a. calibration relationship using calibrator solutions b. The bound fluorescent analog emits polarized
b. correct wavelength calibration light with the same orientation as that of the light
c. bracketing with standards absorbed.
d. use of a filter factor c. Free fluorescent analog rotates during the lifetime
7. What sources of bias or error can be corrected for by of fluorescence and depolarizes the emitted light.
calibration? d. Fluorescent-labeled analog and native analyte
a. wavelength inaccuracy compete for antibody-binding sites.
b. autopipettor imprecision 14. Which of the following are sources of error in
c. absorbance inaccuracy chemiluminescent assays?
d. spectrophotometric interferences a. insufficient wash
8. How can the absorbance from an interfering sub- b. presence of substances that quench emission
stance be corrected? c. presence of light leaks
a. sample blank before final reagent addition d. lamp deterioration
Spectrophotometry Chapter | 7 133


1. d
2. a, c, d
3. a, c
4. a, b, d
5. a, b, d
6. a, c
7. a, c
8. a, b, d
9. c
10. d
11. c
12. b, c
13. b, c
14. a, b, c

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