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National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences

EE1001: Linear Circuit Analysis

(Spring 2024)
[Marks: 20 x 5 =100]

Submit Date:
Instructor: Dr. Shahzad Saleem Launch:
Friday, April 26, 2024
Dr. Niaz Ahmed Thursday, April 18, 2024
11: 30 AM

CLO-03: Analyze the simple ideal OP-AMP based circuits (inverting, non-inverting, summing,
difference, differentiating and integrating amplifiers)

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assessments. First plagiarism case gets zero. Subsequent plagiarism cases get
ZERO in all assignments. A gross violation may be reported to the Department
Discipline Committee (DDC).

Assignment Submission: Terms & Conditions

1. This is a graded assignment; students are advised to revise all concepts before attempting.
2. Assignment to be done on A-4 sheets.
3. Questions should be attempted in order.
4. Late submission not accepted.
5. Be sure to fill and checkmark the agreement in the submission box. If not filled or checked,
submission not accepted.

Linear Circuit Analysis (EE1001) / Sp’24 / Secs A,B,C / A-03 / CLO-03

Assignment Problems:
Q1: For the circuit given below,
a) Calculate 𝑣" if 𝑣# =1𝑉 and 𝑣& =0𝑉.
b) Repeat (a) for 𝑣" if 𝑣# =1𝑉 and 𝑣& =2𝑉.
c) If 𝑣# =1.5 𝑉, specify the range of 𝑣& that avoids amplifier saturation.

Q2: Organize the circuit of Summing amplifier such that it gives an output 𝑣" =
−(3𝑣# + 2𝑣& + 4𝑣2 ). Label all components if VCC = ± 10 V and Rf = 12 kΩ.

Q3. Review the comparator circuit studied in class to reorganize such that, it provides
a 12 V output if a certain voltage 𝑣4567#8 exceeds 0 V, and a −2 V output otherwise.

Q4: The temperature alarm circuit given below utilizes a temperature sensor whose
resistance changes according to R = 80[1 + α(T − 25)] Ω, where T is the temperature in
Celsius and α is the temperature sensitivity with a value of 0.004/°∆C. Calculate the
output 𝑣9:; as a function of temperature.

Linear Circuit Analysis (EE1001) / Sp’23 / A-04 / CLO-04 Page 2 of 3

Q5: For the circuit below, Calculate the value of 𝑅= that will result in a value of 𝑣9:;
= 10 V.

The following two questions are just for Practice, submission of these questions
are NOT required in Assignment no. 3.
Q1. Op amp in figure below is ideal. If va = 18V, vb = 6V and vd = 8V find the range
of vc such that the op amp operates within its linear region.
vc vb va


- +
600k vd
16V -16V

+ vo -
180k 27k
Q2: The op amps in the circuit are ideal. Find I1, I2, I3 and V1.

- 30K

1.98V -6V 20K

2 +

3.3K I1 I2
-6V -

Linear Circuit Analysis (EE1001) / Sp’23 / A-04 / CLO-04 Page 3 of 3

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