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Essay 3

Our town, unfortunately, is so dirty. Every park, street, stream has a lot of rubbish, such as:
bottles, papers, personal hygiene products and things like that. Sadly, our town is not the one
with this problem. So what we do to solve this problem?
I see this problem for years, from my childhood, my parents always told me to throw the
rubbish to the bin, and not on the street and now Im grateful for it. I had grown up to the teenage
years, a year ago I decided to organize a little event in company of my friends. We chose the day,
time and place where we will begin. So, at Saturday 10 am, we started to do this job. All of my
friends and of course my family supported me to do it. Therefore, we start from the beach and
river near our houses. We collected trash during the day, in the end we had 4 bags, then go
straight to the city dump with this sacks.
This experience was impacted positively not only on me, but also on people and nature in our
city. Our town became cleaner. And me and my friends became more cheerful, because now we
are very pleasant, when we go along this place and see clean stream with a beautiful beach. it
was important, because now I appreciate cleaning more and more, and always put trash in my
pocket to the nearest trash bin. From this experience i have learned, that many people in my
town, and in all in our world don’t think about our planet and throw rubbish on the streets, lawns.
As a result, those actions are making our earth terribly dirty. Therefore, we still have a lot of
problems. I think, we will repeat.

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