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Experiment# 8

Energy Conservation in 2 Dimensions

1) Introduction
Energy conservation is a cornerstone idea in all of science. In this experiment, we will verify
this basic principle by observing the collision of two objects who are moving in a two-
dimensional plane.

Conservation of Energy, Newton's Third Law, Projectile, Rod Type Physical Pendulum.
2) Conceptual Objectives
In this experiment, we will,
a) Understand the concept of energy conservation,
b) Create and observe a fully-translational collision,
c) Quantitatively demonstrate the near-elasticity of a collision,
d) Learn how to compare theoretical predictions with experimental observations and
e) Run through a complete cycle of experiment, data generation, analysis and presentation.

3) Questions to be Prepared Before Coming to the Lab

a) How can you conserve energy?
b) How range of a projectile is affected by changing the angle?
c) Is range depending on the height of the object?
4) Theory
If the zero of mechanical energy is taken as the situation when both balls are motionless and
in contact at the bottom of the pendulum’s arc, the initial energy of the system, Eo, is just the
potential energy of the motionless pendulum ball when the pendulum is pulled an angle θ
above its lowest position. Thus,
E o=mgL (1−Cosθ) (1)
When the balls collide, if the collision is elastic, this energy is fully transferred as kinetic
energy to the struck ball as E1, where
1 2
E1= mv (2)
and v is the horizontal velocity of the struck ball. It is presumed here that m is the identical
mass of both of the balls. The struck ball will leave the apparatus horizontally at a height h
above the floor and will arrive at the floor at a time t, where simple kinematics allows one to
1 2
h= g t (3)
Exploiting energy conservation as expressed in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) and using the time
determined from Eq. (3), one can predict dp, the horizontal distance the struck ball will travel
as it lands on the ground is given by;
d=d p=2 √ hL(1−Cosθ) (4)
Where h is the height of the collision point from the platform, L is the length of pendulum
and the angle from the vertical above which the swinging balls pendulum is positioned.
These quantities are illustrated in Fig. 1 (c).
The accuracy to which mechanical energy is conserved in this experiment can be ascertained
by comparing the predicted distance dp as determined using the initial condition (the angle
θ), to the measured distance dm directly determined upon performing the experiment.
5) The Experiment
In the experimental set-up, only two balls of nearly equal mass are involved. The apparatus
consists of a ball attached with a thin stainless rod connected with a bearing to form a
relatively low-loss pendulum. By construction, the pendulum ball follows a circular arc and
is not allowed to twist as it swings through the arc. The pendulum ball is held at its highest
position by a thread strung over a pulley like attachment and is shown in Fig. 1 (b). To start
the ball in motion either a match can be used to sever the thread or the thread can be pulled
and released manually by hand from the desired position.
Figure 1 (a) The Experimental Setup; (b) labelled side view of the pendulum and struck ball;
(c) Illustration of quantities: The length of the pendulum L; height of collision point h; angle
from the vertical; horizontal distance from plumb ball d.
In order to achieve pure translational motion of the projectile ball, the balls must touch at the
exact bottom of the swinging ball's arc in such a way that the line connecting the center of
the two balls at collision is in both the plane of the arc and in a horizontal plane. To achieve
this precision, a screw adjusts the height of fulcrum to ensure that struck ball leaves the tee
along an initially horizontal path.
The ball lies on the setup and drops to the floor on a platform where its position is recorded
when it strikes a piece of carbon paper, leaving a small dot on the graph paper.
1. The parameters that are measured before the experiment is performed are L and h.
Variables measured during the experiment include, the angle swinging ball pendulum
is positioned at 15°, 25°, 30°, 45°, 55° & 60° and d, the horizontal distance the struck
ball travels before hitting the floor.
2. The linear distances are measured with a meter-stick and the angle is determined
from the protractor attached to the apparatus.
3. The horizontal distance of the ball will be determined experimentally and compared
with the theoretical prediction.
4. Measure the horizontal distance of ball using meter-stick after performing the
5. Calculate the percentage error between the predicted and measured distances.
|d m−d p|
% Error= ×100
6. Discuss reasons to why there is a difference between the predicted and measured
7. You are required to present your data graphically. Choose your axes and variables.
8. Plot the uncertainties as well. You will be given points for (a) selecting the most
suitable variables for plotting, (b) calculating uncertainties in the variables, (c)
comparing a best t to your data and the predicted curves.
9. Compare a best fit of your data with a graph for the predicted outcome. Use these
two graphs to estimate the energy lost in a collision.
National University of Technology
Initial Lab Report
Course: Applied Physics Lab (PHY1304)
Batch: Fall 2023
Department: Mechanical Engineering

Initial Lab Report

Experiment No. 8 Date:

Experiment Title:

Name: _______________________________

NUTECH ID: _________________________

Instructor: ____________________________

Signature (Instructor):

1. Experiment Objectives:

2. Basic Equations of Experiment Theory:

3. Observations and Calculations:
Radius of Pendulum Ball = m
Length of Rod = m
Mass of Steel Ball = kg
Table 1: The predicted and measured values of horizontal distances “d” at various angles of
swinging ball’s pendulum.
Angle 1-cos (θ) Measured Measure Predicted Predicted Error (%)
(θ) dm (m) d d2m (m) dp (m) d2p (m)

Calculate the percentage error between the predicted and measured distances.
|d m−d p|
% Error= ×100
Note: Plot the graphs between d2m (m) vs. 1-cos (θ) and d2p (m) vs. 1-cos (θ)
4. Results and Analysis:
Final Lab Report Template
Title Page
The title page of your Lab report should include the following information:
a) NUTECH Logo
b) No. and Name of the Experiment
c) Submitted To: Name of the Instructor
d) Submitted By: Individual Member Name with respective registration No.s
e) Date of Experiment Performed

1. Objective:
Objective of the practical will be explained in this section. For example, this practical is used to
determine different types of strength.
2. Apparatus:
Write the name of the apparatus used in the experiment.
3. Theoretical Explanation:
Explain the theory behind the practical or experiment. It can include ideal diagrams used in theory and
graphs etc.
4. Explanation of Procedure:
Pre explanation of the practical
5. Observations and Calculations:
The Calculation and observation during the experiment which includes reading and noting down the
measurements, draw concerned tables shown in the demonstration and class lecture.
6. Results and Analysis:
In this portion, you will describe what is achieved during experiment. Analyze and discuss the
practical. Use graphical representation if any. All calculation using formulas and demonstration of
graphical portion of the practical should be explained in this section.
7. Precautions:
Note the necessary precautions of respective practical.
a) Comments about the result.
b) Whether we have achieved the desire result or not. Deduction of the practical.
c) Conclusion of the practical.

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