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Official FAQ & Errata

Resource/Worker Limits (p.2)
This has been updated in the second printing: "In the unlikely case the general supply runs out of Water or a
Resource/Worker type, use a suitable substitute for that resource/worker. The resources and workers are unlimited."

Path Markers and Free Actions (pg. 10)

Path Markers are an unlimited resource. If you run out of path markers, use a suitable substitute. Ignore the sentence
on pg. 10 in the Free Actions box that says, "If a player runs out of Path markers, he may not take any more Free
Actions during that Era."

Clean up Phase (p. 11)

Unused powered suits should not be removed until step 6D (Next Era), after the check for game end. This allows
unused exosuits to be used to fulfill the outstanding exosuit warp tile during the "Untangle the Continuum" end game

Chronobot (p. 25)

The cost to remove an anomaly for the chronobot is 2 T/U/G and 2W or 1N and 2W as displayed on the board. The
rule book is incorrect. (The priority order is T>G>U>N)

Building 113 (p.27)

This should read "Any Worker, spend x T/U/G (minimum 1). Set focus to a Timeline tile up to x Eras before the
current Era's tile. Receive x VPs. You may use labs 401 and/or 402 to set focus further back than x, but you
still only receive x VPs."

Frequently Asked Questions

1. May I still take free actions after I have passed?
A. No. Once you have passed you may no longer take actions for that era. However, you may take any number of free
actions on your final turn before passing. For example, you could use Shepherd Caratacus's free action to remove a
paradox for 2W and then pass.

2. What happens when a resource is unavailable from the supply?

A. As noted on page 2: "In the unlikely case the general supply runs out of Water or a Resource/Worker type,
consider it unavailable until the general supply is replenished. If an unavailable Resource or Worker would have to be
placed in the Recruit or Mine pool, leave its spot empty instead." This has been updated in the second printing: "In
the unlikely case the general supply runs out of Water or a Resource/Worker type, use a suitable substitute for that
resource/worker. The resources and workers are unlimited."

1. How is the starting breakthrough determined for the Path of Progress?
A. Randomly roll the breakthrough dice at start up to determine the breakthrough. If a ? is rolled, then reroll the die.

2a. On Harmony B-Side, when you get 3 paradoxes, you can remove a building instead of taking an anomaly. Do I get
to retrieve a warp tile if I remove a building instead of taking an anomaly?
A. No. You only get to retrieve a warp tile when you get an anomaly, not when you choose to remove a building
2b. What happens if I chose to remove a building that has a worker on it (This could happen if you receive a 3rd
paradox from building 414, or some other effect during phase 5)?
A. Place the building and worker off your board until the end of phase 5. During retrieve workers during phase 6,
return the worker to the appropriate column and place the building on the bottom of the primary stack of the
corresponding type.
Paradox Rolls
1. Do removed warp tiles during the paradox phase affect who rolls for each tile?
A. No. You should determine the number of rolls for each player at the beginning of the phase. A player will stop
rolling if they receive enough paradoxes for an anomaly. After all players have rolled for paradoxes, players who
receive anomalies remove warp tiles in turn order.

2. When gaining an anomaly, do I have to remove a warp tile?

A. No, removing a warp tile is optional. You may want to try to pay it back using focus later and receiving the time
travel points.

1. Is the Impact Tile a Timeline Tile?
A. The Impact Tile does not count as a timeline tile. It does not have a superproject above it, nor does it count as an
era when setting focus.

2. Can I stack my time travel ranges, i.e. use a power plant with range two and a power plant with range 1 to go back
3 eras?
A. No, time travel range is always counted from the present era.

3. Can I build a superproject in the present after setting focus in the past?
A. No. You may only build the superproject that is currently in focus for you.

4. How do I get my focus back to the present after using a power plant?
A. Once you use a power plant to set focus, you cannot return focus to the present during that era. At the end of the
era, all path markers are returned to the current era and then advanced to the following era.

5. If I already have focus in the past, can I set focus to the same era in the past?
A. Yes, time travel range is counted from the current era. You may use a power plant to set focus to the same past
era (if, for example, you wanted to pay back another warp tile).

6. Can I build a superproject when I use a power plant?

A. Not in the same action. The power plant sets your focus. In a subsequent turn you may take a construct action and
build the superproject in focus.

7. How is the current round tracked?

A. The current round is tracked using the superprojects. The second face up superproject from the right represents
the current round, except in the final era.

8. If I warp in a worker on the parallel timeline spot on the alternate timelines, do I pay 1W or 2W? What if I don't
have 2W?
A. You must pay 2W. If you only have one water, you may only warp in one worker, and the bonus is wasted. You
may use warped in water to pay this cost.

9. Can I pay back two warp tiles when setting focus?

A. No, you may only clear one warp tile per time-travel action.

10a. Can I use a Power Plant to pay and remove a warp tile from the present?
A. No. You can never set Focus to the present.
10b. What if it's the beginning of the turn and my focus is still in the present?
A. Still no. You can only pay when you set the focus, and as we said, you can't set Focus to present.
10c. But can I use "retrieve warp" abilities (anomaly, Power Plant 111, Lab 407, or Continuum Stabilizer SP) to
remove from the present?
A. Yes, but remember that doesn't advance the time travel track.

11. When I retrieve a warp tile without setting focus, for example when I receive an anomaly, do I pay its cost or I do
I retrieve it for free?
A. You receive it for free without paying the cost, nor gaining the points on the Time Travel track.
12a. Can you time travel without paying back a warp tile?
A. Yes.
12b. Do you get a track advancement for it?
A. No. You would only want to do this to set your focus to build a superproject (or experiment, if playing w

1. After impact, can an Exosuit obtained in the Warp Phase be placed on an unavailable hex on your player board?
A. Yes (see page 10). Unavailable hexes only restrict your ability to power up suits during Phase 3. Any exosuits
obtained in later phases may be placed on unavailable hex spaces.

2) After impact, for Building 403, the super project Uranium Cores, or the Deserted Carrier adventure reward, can the
obtained Exosuit be placed on an unavailable hex on your player board?
A. Yes. Unavailable hexes only restrict your ability to power up suits during Phase 3. Any exosuits obtained in later
phases may be placed on unavailable hex spaces.

Trade with Nomads

1. Can I mix and match materials for the 2 T/U/G part of the trade wheel?
A. Yes.

2. When using an admin, can I take two different types of trade actions?
A. Yes

1. Can building 114 be used to payback two warp tiles on the same timeline?
A. Yes, this building allows you to set focus twice, paying back a warp tile, if you choose, with each action. This power
plant's range is only three. For example, in era 5, you can send back a total of 2 things to eras 2, 3, or 4, including
two into the same era.

2. Does building 114 count as 3 or 6 towards the sum of time travel ranges end game condition?
A. It counts as 3.

3. How do buildings 401 and 402 contribute towards the sum of time travel ranges end game condition?
A. They count as 1 and 2, respectively.

4. What does building 405 do?

A. This building provides an additional slot for paradoxes that you receive, allowing you to receive 1 more paradox
before receiving an anomaly.

5. Do I advance my morale token when using building 408?

A. No, you only move your workers.

6. When I construct building 111, can I remove a warp tile from the current era?
A. Yes.

7a. Can I use labs 401 and/or 402 with building 113 to set my focus without spending resources?
A. No, you must spend at least one resource minimum on building 113 (see errata).
7b. If I spend 1 resource on building 113 and use building 402 to set my focus back three eras, do I get 1VP or 3VP?
A. You only get 1 VP. The range extension of the labs only allows you to set focus to a later era than x, not to gain
additional VPs.

8. Do the abilities of life supports 311 and 312 stack?

A. Yes. If you build both buildings then you can cut your supply costs in half (rounded up) twice. Supply costs from 5
to 8 would become 2 and costs 4 or below would become 1 with both buildings.

1. Do I pay the asset cost and/or breakthrough cost when building a superproject?
A. Both.

2a. Do superprojects count towards the base conditions that require 3 of a building type?
A. No. You must build three of that building type.
2b. How about Harmony-B base evacuation condition of 6 building slots covered?
A. Yes, Superprojects would count for covering two slots towards this base evacuation condition.

3. How does Archive of the Eras scoring work?

A. Each step on the track is +1VP. For example, on the A side of each board, this would increase the VP rewards to 3-

4a. For Dark Matter Converter, can the worker come from my tired column?
A. Yes
4b. Does a genius created by the Dark Matter Converter go to the tired or active column?
A. Active column, regardless of whether the worker came from the tired or active column.

5. What actions benefit from the discount of the Grand Reservoir?

A. Grand Reservoir applies to your total action cost in a single turn. If you take free action(s) (such as Shepherd
Caratacus) and a worker action in a single round, you only receive 1 water discount total. It does apply to Librarian
Cornella's ability when taking a research action. Grand Reservoir does not apply to any trading such as Trade with
Nomads, Building 215, or Captain Wolfe, or abilities outside Phase 5 (like warping workers, Zaida, Samira)

6. If a Path of Progress Player (B-Side) uses the Quantum Chameleon to copy a power plant, factory, or lab, does the
genius return motivated?
A. Only if the player is copying their own power plant, factory or lab. If the player copies another player's building,
their genius would follow the retrieval rules of that particular building and will not benefit from the Path of Progress
retrieval ability.

7. If I use the Quantum Chameleon to use another player's building, can he still use it? Can I use a building that has
already been used?
A. Yes and yes. Quantum Chameleon simply copies the building action as if you had that same tile on your board.

8. What is the benefit of the Exocrawler Superproject?

A. The benefit is that it is a free action. To use this superproject, you place an exosuit with a worker as a free action,
and then it is still your turn. You may then place another worker, essentially receiving a double turn.

9. Can I get a neutronium with the Tectonic Drill?

A. No, you may only get an additional titanium, uranium, or gold from the supply when taking a Mine action.

10. Can Superprojects be turned sideways and put on multiple rows?

A. No. They must be put on a single row in the leftmost spot on your player board. You may choose the row to place
the Superproject if two rows are tied. Exception: Dominance B Side allows you to place a Superproject on any two
empty slots in the same row.

11. When I build a superproject, are the breakthrough tiles discarded from the game or put back into the tile pool?
A. They are returned to the tile pool.

Leader Abilities
1. Can Treasure Hunter Samira get a neutronium with her ability?
A. No, she may only get a titanium, uranium, or gold.

2. Does Patron Valerian's action allow me to place two exosuits in one turn?
A. No, the free action of Valerian effectively provides a free, one-time use scientist for use in a previously powered-up
Exosuit to be used on the main board as your action for the turn. Proceeding to use the empty Exosuit (with the "free
scientist") is your Action for the turn.

1. Is the Impact Tile a Timeline Tile?
A. The Impact Tile does not count as a timeline tile. It does not have a superproject above it, nor does it count as an
era when setting focus.

2. Can I take any more actions after I do the evacuation action?

A. Yes. The evacuation action may be only taken once, but the game continues. You are only evacuating people from
the capital to your path city, not leaving Earth.

3. How many times may I take the evacuation action?

A. Once per game. Your path marker signifies that you have taken the action.

4. What happens to my exosuit on the evacuation action?

A. This exosuit is returned to your supply at the end of the round like all other exosuits.

5. Do I still have to pay 1W or 2W for the bottom one/two hexes in the capital after impact?
A. No, the water costs are covered up by the collapsing capital tiles.

6. Is there any way to take a construct action after the collapsing capital tiles have been flipped?
A. Yes, you may still use the world council spaces to take any standard capital action once the respective Capital
Action has no free Hex spots left. You can use the world council spaces to do the standard actions, even if the
"destroyed" markers have been flipped.

Evacuation Conditions
1. Do geniuses count towards my evacuation condition if I require scientists, admins, or engineers?
A. No, geniuses may only be used as any kind of worker when placed on action spaces. They get the profession-
specific bonuses of action spaces except for the evacuation-specific conditions. Geniuses don’t count when you have
to spend a specific worker for a superproject or time travel.

2. Can a superproject be used to satisfy the base conditions that require 3 of a building type?
A. No. You must build three of that building type.

3. Do superprojects count towards the Harmony-B Evacuation Condition "Nature's Resurgence"?

A. Superprojects (and anomalies) count towards fulfilling the base condition of the Harmony-B evacuation, which
requires the player to have at least 6 building spots occupied in order to evacuate. However, only buildings (neither
superprojects nor anomalies) count towards the additional reward of Building and Administrator pairs.

End Game
1. How is it possible to pay back unused exosuits when untangling the continuum when these exosuits are removed
before end game check?
A. Please refer to the Errata about the Clean up Phase. The written rules do state that unused power suits should be
removed in phase 6A, but this has been moved to phase 6D to allow players to fulfill the outstanding exosuit warp tile
during the "Untangle the Continuum" end game step.

2. How does each building contribute to the time travel range end game condition?
A. Buildings 101, 112, 113, 401 = 1
Buildings 102, 103, 104, 108, 402 = 2
Buildings 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 114, 115, Temporal Tourism SP = 3
Building 110 = 4

3. Do anomalies and superprojects count towards the most occupied building spots?
A. Yes.
Doomsday Module
1. If Earth is saved, do we still untangle the continuum?
A. Yes, proceed to end game phase as normal, including untangling the continuum.

Pioneers of New Earth Module

1. Do breakthrough tokens on my exosuit count towards the breakthrough+scientist evacuation condition or towards
the breakthrough end game condition?
A. No, these breakthroughs are considered spent. They do not count towards evacuation or end game scoring.

2. If I receive additional actions from an adventure's rewards (Data Archives, Secret Tunnels, Hostile Nomads, Ice-
bound Cryochamber, Adrenaline Shots, Rogue AI), do I use additional workers and exosuits?
A. No. When you take an additional action as a result of any Adventure, you take it with the Worker you sent on that
Adventure - you don't need to send another Exosuit/Worker or occupy that Action's space. Worker restrictions do
apply for these actions. For example, an admin or engineer cannot perform the research actions of Data Archives or
Rogue AI, and a scientist would not be able to recruit with the rewards from Ice-bound Cryochamber.

3. For Adrenaline shots (reward = Receive 3W, take up to 2 more adventure actions) - do you need to use
exosuits/workers and pay for the actions? Or do you take up to two more adventure actions with the same suit and
use whatever your existing bonus/penalty is when take the two actions?
A. You use the same worker and exosuit to take the adventure actions. Your power value is equal to your power value
for the initial adventure. For each adventure you must pay the appropriate water cost for that deck (1W for 5+ and
2W for 10+), select an adventure and roll the power die.

1. Do I receive an extra water as a starting bonus since I'm second player?
A. Yes.

2. What does the chronobot do when it takes the Supply/Recruit action and it is already at the end of its morale track?
A. If the chronobot has at least 7W, it takes 2W and 1 VP (since it can't advance the morale track). If it has less than
7W, then it takes a recruit action. If unable to recruit, it takes 2W and 1VP. (Harder Variant: If the chronobot has 7W,
it pays 7W to supply and receives 2VP).

3. What does the chronobot do if it rolls a construct action and both spots are taken?
A. The chronobot will go to the left World Council action, if available, take starting player, and take a construct action.
If unavailable, it will go to the right World Council spot and take a construct action. If both are unavailable, it will take
2W and 1VP.

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