Story Telling Maps Generated From Semantic Representations of Events

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Behaviour & Information Technology

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Story-telling maps generated from semantic

representations of events

Laura Tateosian, Michelle Glatz & Makiko Shukunobe

To cite this article: Laura Tateosian, Michelle Glatz & Makiko Shukunobe (2020) Story-telling
maps generated from semantic representations of events, Behaviour & Information Technology,
39:4, 391-413, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2019.1569162

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2020, VOL. 39, NO. 4, 391–413

Story-telling maps generated from semantic representations of events

Laura Tateosian, Michelle Glatz and Makiko Shukunobe
Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA


Narratives enable readers to assimilate disparate facts. Accompanying maps can make the Received 28 May 2018
narratives even more accessible. As work in computer science has begun to generate stories Accepted 30 December 2018
from low-level event/activity data, there is a need for systems that complement these tools to
generate maps illustrating spatial components of these stories. While traditional maps display Visualisation; maps; user
static spatial relationships, story maps need to not only dynamically display relationships based study
on the flow of the story but also display character perceptions and intentions. In this work, we
study cartographic illustrations of historical battles to design a map generation system for
reports produced from a multiplayer battle game log. We then create a story and ask viewers to
describe mapped events and rate their own descriptions relative to intended interpretations.
Some viewers received training prior to seeing the story, which was shown to be effective,
though training may have been unnecessary for certain map types. Self-rating correlated highly
with expert ratings, revealing an efficient proxy for expert analysis of map interpretability, a
shortcut for determining if training is needed for story-telling maps or other novel visualisation
techniques. The study’s semantic questions and feedback solicitation demonstrate a process for
identifying user-centric improvements to story-telling map design.

1. Introduction
natural, as discussed in the recent Cartography Journal
Narratives, such as news articles, history books, and special issue on ‘Cartography and Narratives’ (Caquard
blogs, enable us to assimilate disparate facts. Maps, and Cartwright 2014) and the book, ‘Literary Mapping
though not always included with the narratives, can in the Digital Age’ (Cooper, Donaldson, and Murrieta-
greatly improve comprehension of real-world or fictional Flores 2016). A human-centric visualisation approach
storylines. Stories have been recognised as a powerful should leverage this relationship (Huang 2014).
device to support and enable reflection and imagination. Typically, maps that illustrate stories are created by a
The narrative has a privileged status in the cognitive sys- specialist, a cartographer, graphic designer, or GIS tech-
tem. People read stories twice as fast as information texts nician. The map designer needs to read the story and
and recall rates are almost twice as high for story content interpret the events to be mapped. This process is
(Green, Strange, and Brock 2003). Likewise, maps are a time-consuming and requires special knowledge of map-
powerful shorthand for anchoring story actions in ping conventions and visualisation software. In the past,
space, providing the important context of geographic this has limited the number of maps that can be provided
location. Political alliances, terrain impediments, and with stories. Advances in the ability to automatically
proximity are often key story elements. Maps can har- extract spatial information from stories open new possi-
ness the human visual system to efficiently convey bilities for more plentiful illustration with automatically
location, movement, and spatial relationships and per- generated maps.
haps even to portray spatial notions, such as intended In light of the power of a narrative, artificial intelli-
movements and beliefs about the spatial world state. gence researchers are developing tools that create seman-
Minard’s custom visualisation which masterfully con- tic story representations from human or computer
veys the story of Napoleon’s march on Russia is a well- generated inputs (Meehan 1976; Elson and McKeown
known example of a story-telling map (Minard 1862). 2007; Martens et al. 2014; Eger, Barot, and Young
A student of the Napoleonic Wars might read a book 2015). Further, narrative discourse generation systems
to learn the details, but the map itself concisely captures take the semantic story representations and present nar-
the key events of this failed campaign in a single stylised ratives to the audience via maps, text, film, or interactive
map. The partnership between maps and stories is experiences (Barot et al. 2017; Young et al. 2013; Rishes

CONTACT Laura Tateosian Center for Geospatial Analytics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

et al. 2013; Cheong and Young 2015; O’Neill and Riedl stories with maps, story-telling maps designed by expert
2014). At the same time, natural language processing is map-makers provide rich examples of how maps can be
evolving to enable automatic extraction of spatial events used to enhance stories. To leverage this resource, we
from stories authored by humans (Li et al. 2006; Kord- selected a story illustrated with hundreds of maps and
jamshidi, Otterlo, and Moens 2011). Either of these conducted a detailed review. In Section 3, ‘Examining a
approaches can formulate spatial story events as seman- story told with maps’, discusses the mappable story
tic representations, systematic characterisations of elements identified through this study and how they
spatial events with a predefined format that can be pro- were displayed. We used this information to guide our
cessed programmatically. These capabilities present the implementation of a map generator, described in Section
opportunity to build applications that can generate 4. Some elements, such as character position and move-
maps to illustrate spatial story components. ment, were concrete and commonly portrayed in maps.
This technology will have numerous applications and Others such as the spatial intentions or beliefs of charac-
may improve geographic literacy by mapping more of ters were more abstract. We included both concrete and
the spatial events. For example, electronic textbooks on abstract visualisation capabilities in our implementation.
world cultures or history will be abundantly illustrated This section also introduces a battle game application we
with on-demand maps. Online news sources will be used to test our maps.
able to display or hide maps and set the level of detail With examples of our programmatically generated
based on a reader’s location. Another compelling appli- maps in hand, we are able to ask questions about effec-
cation is generating maps as discourse elements in auto- tiveness. Would viewers be able to interpret our maps
matically generated multi-media reports for intelligence as intended? Would they need training to do so?
analysts (Hossain et al. 2012), where the wreckage is dis- Would a small amount of training suffice? Furthermore,
covered, and the relative positions of geopolitical borders could viewers comprehend a story told with these maps?
and contested territories would likely play a central role To address these questions, we designed and conducted a
in analysing this story. Pertinent automatically generated user study. Through Amazon Mechanical Turk, we asked
maps to accompany such a story would be invaluable participants to peruse a story told mainly with maps and
time savers to augment analyst proficiency and expert respond to questions about the story. Some participants
knowledge of various regions and story characters. were provided with training in which they viewed and
In this work, we explore some fundamental questions described example maps before exposure to the story.
about generating maps to accompany stories. First, what After they entered descriptions, these participants were
work has been completed thus far in story-telling map asked to rate their own response relative to the intended
generation? Section 2 describes efforts to identify pictur- interpretation. The study design and results, detailed in
able story elements and select apt visual representations. Section 5, offer several useful insights. First, our efficient
A few of these efforts focused on generating maps to rep- approach to map training was effective overall. Second,
resent the routes taken by characters in the stories and we note that training may be helpful for certain map
some generate maps for way-finding, but these works types, but may not be needed for other types. Third,
rarely attempt to map additional spatial story elements. our analysis indicates that self-evaluation of map
This brings us to the second question: what kinds of interpretations may be used in lieu of expert grading, a
story elements can be visualised with a map? Recent particularly impactful result as this technique could
work by Mocnik and Fairbairn explored this question in also be applied to other forms of information visualisa-
depth (Mocnik and Fairbairn 2018). They compare the tion. A fourth observation came from reading the story
strengths of maps and texts for story-telling. Conven- map descriptions, which were often colourful and ani-
tional maps effectively display location, spatial relation- mated, potentially reflecting the capacity of programma-
ships, movements or itineraries, and spatial phenomena, tically generated maps to convey the momentum of a
such as weather patterns or disease spread. Stories, how- story and bring it to life for viewers. The study discussion
ever, may include additional spatial information. Charac- is followed by our conclusions in Section 6.
ters may have local interactions that explain their
movements. They may make plans to move or have beliefs
2. Related work
about the positions of others in a story. These events can
help to explain character behaviours. How to increase the To learn how others have approached related challenges,
capabilities of maps to express these kinds of ideas is an we surveyed work in automatic narrative illustration
open question (Mocnik and Fairbairn 2018). Though little with imagery and other media, automatic generation of
work has yet been done on automatically illustrating stand-alone maps, and semi-automatic generation of

maps to accompany stories. To inform our map design or fear in relation to her movements. STC paths were
and to determine approaches for evaluating them, we coloured based on a fear-safety spectrum.
also reviewed studies of comprehension and learning There has also been interest in the artificial intelli-
from texts accompanied by maps. gence community in developing systems to extract
information from narratives using NLP to parse
unstructured text and automatically illustrate narratives
2.1. Automatic narrative illustration and map
with maps or other media, such as 3D digital scenes,
photographs, and movies. Moncla et al. extracted
Various approaches have been developed for automati- place names and motion expressions from itinerary
cally generating maps for specific optimisation or way- descriptions and used minimum spanning tree algor-
finding applications. Domingo et al. generated street ithms to generated maps of trail hikes (Moncla, Gaio,
maps for electricity distribution in cities (2011). Since and Mustiere 2014). Others are extracting information
power lines follow street layouts in cities, the system from news articles and visualising the themes within an
can use the location of streets and power company cus- article, finding connections between articles, or weaving
tomer homes to plan an optimal layout for a power net- stories from collections of articles (Camacho Barranco,
work. A destination map generator, by Kopf et al., took Boedihardjo, and Hossain 2017; Shahaf and Guestrin
a destination address and an area of interest, selected a 2010; Shahaf, Guestrin, and Horvitz 2013). In contrast,
route and a set of essential roads to display and label our work assumes a semantic representation of a story
with a layout that ensures that all selected roads and has already been derived and focuses on generating
labels are visible (Kopf et al. 2010). The tourist map maps to accompany scenes in a story, as opposed to
generator, by Grabler et al., again used simplification creating an itinerary map to summarise movement.
techniques to omit information not relevant to a tour- In work related to one of our target applications, Eccles
ist, but it also automatically added information by et al. developed a system for intelligence analysts to
selecting important orienting landmarks to include interactively explore the spatial and temporal trajectory
on the map (Grabler et al. 2008). These systems took of storylines within an STC framework (Eccles et al.
a set of input features and use network analysis, gener- 2008). Though STC is a popular approach for display-
alisation techniques, and layout algorithms to create ing itineraries, we opted for two-dimensional views
maps that distill the pertinent information. Of course, without explicit temporal information for their relative
remote sensing devices along with image processing simplicity and suitability for illustrating a variety of
are also automatic (or assisted) map generators for spatial story elements.
Earth observation. On a smaller scale, robots have Animations and imagery have been selected to
been programmed to sense indoor environments to accompany various forms of narrative. In early work,
generate maps for their own use in navigating these Kahn developed animated movies from incomplete,
spaces (Althaus and Christensen 2003) and omnidirec- vague descriptions of films (Kahn 1979). More recently,
tional images from mobile devices have been used to WordsEye analysed unstructured text and extracted a
generate 2.5D indoor maps (Pintore et al. 2016). Our semantic representation, from which it rendered a 3D
work focuses on generating maps for story-telling scene with computer graphics libraries (Coyne and
rather than way-finding. Sproat 2001). WordsEye used cartoon-style bubbles to
Related work has linked maps and narratives, both in express characters’ thoughts, an approach that we
the sense of generating a map from a story and telling a adopted to visualise mappable thoughts. The Story Pic-
story with a map. Recently, human geographers and car- turing Engine by Joshi et al. selected images from an
tographers have developed semi-automated approaches annotated image database to illustrate narratives (Joshi,
to visualise narratives, in the form of oral histories, as Wang, and Li 2006). Jiang et al. used a similar approach
spatiotemporal data. Kwan and Ding created ‘geo-narra- to suggest imagery for instant message chats (Jiang, Liu,
tives’, a framework that generates 3D maps, using quali- and Lu 2016).
tative analysis of first-person accounts and text analysis
algorithms to identify key features to display on the
2.2. Retention and comprehension of text
map (Kwan and Ding 2008). The maps plotted personal
accompanied by maps
travel paths with a space-time cube (STC) approach. A
Muslim U.S. resident described her daily movements Much research has been conducted over the last half-
around New York City before and after the September century to study how maps are processed and used to
11 attacks (Kwan 2008). Interestingly, human emotions help with recall and comprehension of related text. In
were also encoded; She described her feelings of security studies testing learning when maps and related text

are presented separately (Verdi et al. 1997; Rittschof 3. Examining a story told with maps
et al. 1994), students learned more features from
Mapmakers encode information and map readers
maps and facts from the text when the map was
decode embedded information. To enable successful
studied before the text. This result is explained by the
decoding, the mapmaker needs to understand common
Kulhavy conjoint retention model (Kulhavy, Lee, and
conventions familiar to readers as well as the automatic
Caterino 1985) and the Paivio dual coding model
processing innate to human visual perception. To use
(Paivio 1990), which state that when a person views a
maps for story-telling, map-makers need to identify
map it is stored as an intact image in spatial memory;
which story elements should be mapped, and how to rep-
whereas, text is stored sequentially in verbal mem-
resent these scenes. Maps supporting narrative are found
ory. The intact map image can be retrieved from non-
in various types of books, news articles, and journals. To
verbal memory to reinforce textual information as it is
gain a better understanding of story-telling with maps,
being read which increases the ability to later recall it.
we turned to the genre of military history books, which
Although several studies found that including maps
rely heavily on maps to convey important events in the
with text did not result in any significant difference in
stories they tell. We surveyed books on several major his-
spatial learning versus reading the text alone (Ramirez
torical conflicts (The Crusades, the Mongolian Cam-
and Gilmartin 1996; Davis 1971), when learners received
paigns, the Napoleonic Wars, and the U.S. Civil War)
thorough training in using maps to record both spatial
(Nicolle 2008; Setton and Baldwin 2006; Benson 1990;
and event information, they scored significantly higher
Esposito and Elting 1999; Detweiler and Reisch 2013;
on recall tests of textual material than those receiving
Sheehan-Dean 2009). The maps in these books use
no training (Scevak, Moore, and Kirby 1993). This
glyphs, labels, arrows, colour, and texture to display fea-
work motivated our interest in the level of training
tures such as castles, campaign leader positions and
appropriate for interpreting maps generated by our
movements, allegiance, and territory gained. Three of
the books come closer to the intended use for our
Verdi et al. found that learning factual information
maps in that they have a high map to text ratio, employ-
from instructional text can be greatly improved when
ing a double-spread page layout with a text passage on
it is accompanied by maps if the structure and features
the left leaf and a map on the right leaf of each page (Det-
of the maps are appropriately designed (Verdi and Kul-
weiler and Reisch 2013; Esposito and Elting 1999; Shee-
havy 2002). Studies have shown that participants recall
han-Dean 2009). Of these three the U.S. Civil War
significantly more information when viewing an intact
history book ‘Gettysburg: The Story of the Battle with
map rather than a segmented map (Rittschof et al.
Maps’ was of particular interest for its deliberate focus
1994) and when references to spatially close map fea-
on story-telling with maps and the use of insert maps
tures are clustered together within the text instead of
in a way our maps are designed to be used to highlight
scattered throughout it (Schreiber et al. 2002). Johnson
mappable action. The left pages embed insert maps
concluded that subjects were substantially better able to
between paragraphs and in the margins to highlight
recall both map and text information when viewing
spatial story events (Detweiler and Reisch 2013). The
maps with features that are labelled and utilise distinc-
insert maps generally consist of small maps cropped
tive symbols for the features they represent, for
from the right page or isolated features from the right
example, an icon image versus a simple dot marker
page map. Like the maps that we aim to generate, these
(Johnson, Stamm, and Verdi 2000). For this reason,
insert maps succinctly convey and highlight key events
we incorporated the capability to use icon images of
in the story.
story characters when they are available. Other research
Far from being automatically generated, the insert
has found that recall of map and related text increases
maps were individually designed by domain experts (his-
when features are on the map rather than listed next to
torians) with visual representation experts (a cartogra-
it (Kulhavy et al. 1993; Schwartz and Kulhavy 1981),
pher and an artist) and we aimed to learn from the
are located along internal lines, such as roads or rivers
authors’ choices. To determine the types of story
(Stamm, Johnson, and Verdi 1999), or along the edges
elements conveyed and the visual features employed,
of the map (Rossano and Morrison 1996; Verdi et al.
we inspected map inserts throughout the book. We
2001). Some of these advantageous design features pre-
identified maps that convey unique information and,
sent challenges that are outside the scope of the current
for these maps, studied each graphical primitive, the
work. For example, we did not attempt to solve occlu-
visual properties that were being varied for these primi-
sion issues that can occur with an inlaid overview map
tives, and the meaning being conveyed. For example, a
or labelled map features.
graphical primitive could be a line, a rectangle, an

arrow, a label, a splat, and so forth. By visual properties, different world states, one showing no troops
we mean colour, size, labelling, straightness or curvature, (what Johnson believed) as in Figure 2(b), and the
transparency, and so forth. These primitives and their other showing the brigades that were actually there
visual properties conveyed information such as troop Figure 2(c).
movement, gunfire, magnitude of troop units, and inten-
sity of fighting.
We also looked carefully at the usage of insert maps. We also found cases of temporal ordering and causal
For map inserts that were uniquely used, we studied links displayed with the maps, but to control the scope of
the purpose of the insert map (why it was included in this work, we chose to consider only those story elements
the book, as opposed to other details from the right listed above, each of which can be expressed as some
leaf), how it was tied to the text, and the differences combination of locations, movements, and interactions.
between the insert map and the overview map on the Cases 6 and 7 present a challenge, as mapmakers
right page. Some inserts have additional primitives that infrequently try to express these concepts. Though,
do not appear on the right page or primitives that appear when maps are used for this purpose, they can power-
in that region on the right page are omitted in the insert. fully convey the import of these elements. The text realis-
For example, one map insert illustrates the text describ- ation examples are given above for 6 and 7 paraphrase
ing contradictory orders from Generals Lee and Long- text on pages 8 and 50 of the Gettysburg book. The
street telling Brigadier General McLaws to attack from page 8 map Figure 2(a) conveys the drama inherent in
different directions. The insert map appears in the mar- the intentions of the Confederate troops to move down
gin to the left of the paragraph discussing this situation. through Gettysburg and claim the high ground, Culp’s
Two green arrows and text labels are added to the insert Hill and Cemetery Ridge, which is likely to have changed
map to show the two proposed directions of attack. the outcome of the entire Civil War. Wide tapered
We characterised cases of spatial story elements con- arrows sweeping through Gettysburg and spanning out
veyed by the maps. The list of cases, along with examples south of Gettysburg convey the intention. These arrows
of text and map realisations conveying these elements, is are green in the book. Green arrows were reserved in
as follows: this book for special purposes; The legend simply states
‘for what might have been’. Green arrows are also used
(1) Object locations; e.g. ‘This is the Chambersburg in relation to beliefs. In the page 50 map Figure 2(c)
Pike’ / Map showing a line labelled ‘Chambersburg three arrows (colored green in the book) radiate from
Pike’. Figure 1(a) an eye icon (Johnston’s vantage point) to where the
(2) World states of predicates involving locations; e.g. Union troop lay in wait, apparently not visible to John-
‘General Lee is at the turnpike.’ / Map showing ston. The folly in Johnston’s belief that those hills were
Lee’s icon in position. Figure 1(a) not occupied is driven home by the map. Based on the
(3) World states of predicate linked to spatial relationships; examples we observed in this review, we determined
e.g. ‘Lee and Meade are far from each other’ / Map we would implement some representation for these
showing Lee and Meade icons with the dashed labelled important elements and test the results in the user
Mason-Dixon line separating them. Figure 1(c) study discussed in an upcoming section.
(4) Movement actions; e.g. ‘Lee moved from the turn- We took cues from the Gettysburg intention and
pike to the hill’ / Map with a Lee icon and an belief maps to design our representations. The first visual
arrow tracing Lee’s path. attribute that we considered was a change in background
(5) Localised actions; e.g. ‘Birney’s brigade attacked colour; The Gettysburg book used this technique to indi-
Barksdale’s brigade’ / Map showing the attacker cate nightfall by dimming the lights on the scene. These
(Birney brigade icon) and target (Barksdale brigade pages stand out in contrast to the daytime battle maps. In
icon) and a connecting line with an explosion sym- addition, intentions and beliefs have the special charac-
bol at the attack point. Figure 1(b) teristic of constituting an alternate world state (an
(6) Intentions linked to spatial predicates; e.g. ‘Rebel intended or perceived one) and in some examples, the
forces wanted to move south through Gettysburg book visualises both the alternate state and the true cur-
and seize the hills south of the town’ / Map with rent state. For example, to illustrate a crucial Confederate
semitransparent arrow for projected movement. mistake, a main map and an insert map Figure 2(c) on
Figure 2(a) the facing page contrast the believed world state with
(7) Beliefs linked to spatial predicates; e.g. ‘Johnston the reality. Figure 2(b) shows the south central portion
believed the Union troops were not on the hill’ / of the main map. An eye icon radiates dashed black
Two maps with eye icons and arrows with two arrows pointing at different angles from the triple arrows

Figure 1. Maps conveying world states of spatial story elements: (a) displays a predicate involving location, (b) displays localised
actions, and (c) displays a predicate linked to spatial relationships (Detweiler and Reisch 2013). Images reproduced with permission
from ‘Gettysburg: The Story of the Battle with Maps’ by the Editors of Stackpole Books, all rights reserved. (a) General Lee is at the
TurnPike, (b) Birney (Union) brigade attacks a Barksdale (Confederate) brigade and (c) Lee and Meade are 25 miles apart.

Figure 2. Expressive maps: (a) Thick curved arrows shows Confederate intentions to push right through the town of Gettysburg, (b) an
eye icon with dashed arrows show Johnson’s belief that the surrounding hills are free of union troops, and (c) three arrows point to
what Johnson should have seen, several Union brigades hidden nearby (Detweiler and Reisch 2013). Images reproduced with per-
mission from ‘Gettysburg: The Story of the Battle with Maps’ by the Editors of Stackpole Books, all rights reserved. (a) Intentions,
(b) belief and (c) reality.

in Figure 2(c). The trio of arrows point to brigades that are events, and ideas such as ‘what if’ and ‘intended to do…’
missing in the belief map to illustrate that Johnson’s per- on a sketch of the soccer field while the match is still
ception of the world state differed from the real state. ongoing. Describing the game requires spatial perception
From this observation, we determined we would express and recognition of teams and team members. With such
these two states within the same view using two side-by- contextual understanding, the commentators are able to
side maps. One main map would show the real current draw simple lines and symbols on a map summarising
world state, and an alternate world view map with a differ- the angle of attack and key actions on the playing field.
ent background colour would display the intention or They also diagram hypothetical events that never actu-
belief. We followed the convention commonly employed ally happen, but could have occurred if players had
by cartoons, a thought bubble, to portray the alternate reacted differently. It is not unlike the arrows and sym-
world view map as a thought, with a label inside the bols used to summarise key events in a historical battle.
bubble to indicate the nature of the thought (intention The sketches are not intended to precisely present actual
or belief). With this design, we would be able to represent player movements on the field, but instead, summarise
various kinds of intentions or beliefs using the basic build- that information for easy comprehension. Reimer
ing blocks of location, movement, and interaction. (2010) formalised this idea in terms of choremes, dia-
We made several additional observations that grams designed to communicate highly generalised geo-
informed our design choices: graphic information. Klippel, Richter, and Hansen
(2006) demonstrated the use of choremes to abstract
. For the visual features chosen to represent the story wayfinding maps. Our system implements a set of chor-
elements, the symbols are more lively and expressive emes to depict certain milestone events of a story and
than default GIS appearance of lines, arrows and facilitate a spatial understanding of these events.
icons. We determined we should seek methods for
using expressive symbols.
4.1. Implementation
. The layout of map elements in the Gettysburg book
uses a constant extent and orientation of the battlefi- Guided by observations from our in-depth review of the
eld on the right leaf, to keep an overview map and Gettysbury book, we implemented an automatic map
north arrow in sight when viewing inserts on the generation system with the Python programming
left page. We chose to include an overview map and language. The system is designed to be invoked by a
north arrow with each insert map. story generator, which has built a database containing
. A legend only appears once in the book near the title semantic representations of mappable narrative
page. Readers can page back to reference it in the elements. The mapping system connects to the database
paperback book. With digital maps, free from printing specified by the caller, parses the information in the data-
costs, we are able to provide a tailored legend sidebar base, generates map content, and exports a map image,
for individual insert maps. which is returned to the story generator for insertion
in the story. Table 1 shows an example of a simple data-
The Gettysburg book provides a rich vocabulary and base that might be generated for a battle story. Before
our design decisions are strongly influenced by this stepping through how the system would handle this
source. Since the scope of our survey is limited, the list example, we explain a few specific techniques and struc-
of spatial story elements conveyed by maps is not tures used in our implementation.
meant to be exhaustive, but rather a starting point for This implementation works with two types of files:
implementing our mapping system. map documents and layer files. The map document
files store map layout and pointers to data layers. We
use map document templates (blank maps with a preset
4. Programmatically generating maps
layout), modify the content, including adding base maps
In a collection of related events that constitute a story, and other mapped elements, and export a screen capture
certain milestones stand out as more significant than of the map to generate our output. Based on our design
others in effectively communicating the story to an audi- decisions, we created two templates for two distinct lay-
ence, while facts and occurrences that are not central to outs. The standard template would include three items: a
the story outcome can be withheld. Knowing the key main map, corresponding roughly to an insert map in
events, we can also evaluate the rationale behind an the Gettysburg book, an overview map with a fixed
event, and speculate about the outcome of both actual extent to show the contextual location of the insert
events and hypothetical scenarios. For example, a soccer map action, and a legend (Figure 4). The augmented
commentator often uses a chalkboard to describe tactics, template would have these three items but would also

Table 1. Semantic representation of a hypothetical story element: ‘Union general a moves from P0 to P1 and uses canon fire to attack
and kill confederate general b, who is at P2 ’.
Action Name Team Coord From To Target TargTeam TCoord Type ActorN
move GenA Blue NA (P0x ,P0y ) (P1x ,P1y ) NIL NIL NIL S NIL
canon GenA Blue (P1x ,P1y ) NIL NIL GenB Gray (P2x ,P2y ) S NIL
kill GenA Blue (P1x ,P1y ) NIL NIL GenB Gray (P2x ,P2y ) S NIL

have an alternative world view map, so that it can be used calculate a modified end position, (xe ,ye ), as
to map intentions or beliefs (Figure 5). An image library xe = (1 − t)x1 + tx2 (1)
resizes a semi-transparent bubble image and overlays it
on the exported alternative world map before it is ye = (1 − t)y1 + ty2 (2)
returned to the story generator. The value of t is calculated as:
To create expressive symbols, we use two techniques. cr
The first technique involves layer files containing look- t =1− (3)
up tables of symbols associated with geometry types
where c is the ratio of the diagonal of the map full extent to
(points and lines). Users can prepare files to store maximum icon diameter and ρ is an offset factor. The parameter,
specific symbols, such as character icons or interaction c, accounts for fixed icon sizes and dynamic zoom level. Analo-
symbols, to be used for an application. We use the gous equations are used for the start point. With distinct ρ
look-up tables to assign symbols where available, else values, the start and end offset can differ and the move and
default GIS symbols are used (e.g. dots for points). attack offsets can differ.
We recommend creating custom symbol look-up tables Returning to the example in Table 1, it contains the
for story characters, though this approach requires semantic representation of the sentence: ‘Union Gen-
some initial setup for a new application. Based on eral A moves from Point 0 to Point 1 and fires his
work in psychology indicating the value of distinctive canon to attack and kill Confederate General B, who
icons (Johnson, Stamm, and Verdi 2000), the trade- is at Point 2’. Based on the values in the table entries,
off may be worthwhile. a map template is selected (standard or augmented),
We used a second expressive symbol technique for character symbols are determined, and interaction,
displaying linear events or interactions such as move- movement, and location elements are identified. Map
ments or attacks. We determined that the default GIS elements are created by consuming information, such
linear symbol layout was not suited for our purposes. as coordinates, character names, actions, and layout cat-
Consider a set of movements as a network graph. Default egory. The Type field is used to select the template.
GIS settings display a graph as a network of line seg- Believed or intended actions have a B or I value for
ments and points with the segment endpoints centred this field, respectively. A single table will not contain
on their origin and destination points (Figure 3, first both intentions and beliefs. For the Table 1 example,
row). By contrast, to represent movement Detweiler the system would select the standard map document
et al. drew arrows that point to but do not intersect template, since all record types are S for standard. It
with the destination symbol (Detweiler and Reisch would display a blue General A icon at Point 0 and
2013). In the Semiology of Graphics, Bertin indicates Point 1 and a grey General B icon covered with a
that the latter technique is preferred for arrowhead read- death icon to indicate he was killed at Point 2. It
ability (Bertin 1983). To implement line segment offsets would draw an arrow between points 0 and 1 and
(as in Figure 3, second row), we use the position of the canon artillery fire from point 1 to point 2. Then it
original edge from (x1 ,y1 ) to (x2 ,y2 ) with length L to would export an image of the map to be embedded
within the story it would accompany.
The structure of four low-level objects, coordinates,
actors, points, and lines, used for this process is specified
in Table 2. A coordinate encodes a map position. The
actor object name and team are used for the symbol

Table 2. Low-level objects used by Algorithm 1.

Object Contents
Figure 3. Default GIS linear symbol layout (first row) versus a lay- coordinate longitude, latitude
out modified to avoid occlusion (second row) representing (a) an actor name, team
entity moving left to right and (b) a triangle entity attacking a point coordinate, actor, type
line start point, end point
square entity.

look-up table and the legend label. A point object specifies function first calls GETEXTENT to get the main map full
pairs of coordinate and actor objects and encodes the type extent, ext, needed for adjusting line lengths. GETEXTENT
(S, I, B, or other) indicating the plotting location (main derives the extent of the main map based on a bounding
map or alternative world view map). Lines are line seg- box of coordinates in the Coord, From, To, and TCoord
ments specified by start and end point object pairs. fields for records where Type is S.
The three central data structures used for the map gen- The remainder of the procedure involves gathering a
eration process are composed of point and line objects point set (point_set) and line sets (mline_set, for movement
and are returned by the function described by the pseudo- lines, and iline_set, for interaction lines) for populating the
code in Algorithm 1. The GETFEATURES function takes a maps, as well as identifying the position and name of the
semantic representation of story elements, database actor, if any, that has a notion (intention or belief) to be
table T, and returns a set of points and two sets of lines, portrayed (actorN). In Algorithm ??, r(field_name) denotes
one for movements, the other for interactions. This the row r value of a field named field_name. For each row, r,

in table T, an actor object is created for the current actor Both the actor and target points are added to the point
and set to r(Name) and r(Team), for use in symbol look- set.
up and the legend label. Then r(Type) is checked. If the The last type of action currently being handled says
record type has a value other than S in any row, map_type that an actor is located at a given position. For this, a
is set to that value (so that an augmented template will be point object is created and it is added to the point set.
used) and actorN is assigned the actor name specified in After all the rows are handled in this way, if the map
the corresponding field (so that a thought bubble icon type is not standard, then GETCOORDS is used to get the
can be drawn nearby). Next, points and lines are collected position of actorN, an actor object named NOTION with
based on r(Action). no team affiliation is used to create a standard typed
For movement actions, the point of origin is always point object with these coordinates for this actor. This
added to the point set. If the record type is not standard, point is then added to the point set so that a notion
the destination is added to the point set and will be dis- icon will be displayed on the main map.
played on the alternative world view map. If the record Once GETFEATURES returns the map type and the point
type is standard, the destination point is added to the and line sets, the GIS layers are created. Point and lines to
point set unless the moving actor is actorN. Finally, be placed on the standard map are selected by their point
before adding the origin-destination line to the move- (or start point) type, with one GIS layer for points, one
ment line set, the SHORTEN function adjusts the line for movement lines, and one for interaction lines. If the
length, as specified in Equations (1) and (2). map type is standard, these layers are added to the main
For attack or kill actions, an actor object is defined for map of the standard template. If the map type is not stan-
the target. Origin and target points are also set. For dard, points and lines are selected based on the point types
attacks, the origin-target line is shortened and added to corresponding to the map type. Again GIS layers from
the interaction line set (iline_set). For kills, the target points, movement lines, and interaction lines are created.
actor is modified to be named DEATH or SUICIDE These are added to the alternative world view map of the
with no team affiliation and the target point is modified. augmented map template and the GIS layers created

Figure 4. A map displaying move, dual attack, and kill story elements from a DoTA2 story: Crystal Maiden emerges from the forest and
attacks Skywrath Mage who returns fire but is killed in the fight.

from the standard map selection are added to the main This domain provided the opportunity to test our sys-
map of this template. Lastly, an image of the finalised tems’ capability to map simple story elements (a charac-
map is exported. ter’s position, or a single move) and compound story
elements (two characters attack each other, a character
moves more than once or moves and attacks). Figure 4
4.2. Battle game application
shows a compound story element. In this map, Crystal
To demonstrate the capabilities of our system, we selected Maiden emerges from the forest and attacks Skywrath
a narrative that would include the types of story elements Mage who counter attacks, but dies as a result of the fight.
we had determined to address. We used narrative derived We were also able to test our mapping capabilities for
from the game logs of an online multiplayer battle game, expressive elements. Specifically, the battle game narra-
‘Defense of the Ancients’ (DoTA2) for this purpose. In tive sometimes indicates a character’s intentions; for
this game, two teams (Radiant and Dire) of five players example, someone may intend to attack another charac-
fight to destroy the opposing team’s ‘Ancient’. The ter or to acquire a precious resource, such as a rune (a
Ancients are large structures in opposite corners of the healing potion). The game narrative also expresses
battlefield, in each team’s territory. beliefs, sometimes fallacious; In Figure 5 Pudge believes
To produce maps from DoTA2 semantic represen- the rune is located northwest of him, when, in fact, it
tations, we supplied a base map to represent the is downstream, to the southeast. As previously discussed,
DoTA2 battlefield and added that to the existing stan- belief and intention maps have a different format since
dard map template (used in Figure 4) or augmented they need to reflect the current world state as well as a
map template (used in Figure 5). We also constructed belief or intention. The main map shows the current
symbology layers for the DoTA2 application: a point world state with a thought bubble next to a character
symbology layer with character icon symbols, a line who believes something or intends to do something.
symbology layer with wide arrows to indicate move- What the character believes to be true or intends to do
ment, and line and point layers to be used in combi- is shown in a separate area with a cartoon bubble map.
nation to represent attacks with sparks from various A DoTA2 match typically lasts 45–75 min. We tested
weapons. Figure 4 shows an example of a typical out- the automatic map generation tool with data from a seg-
put, including a main map zoomed to where the action ment of a game log.
is taking place, an overview map showing the action
location relative to the entire battlefield, a north
5. Perception study
arrow, and a legend describing the symbols present
on the map. In this map, the events include a move- We aimed to generate maps that would enhance under-
ment and a localised interaction. standing and stimulate engagement in the stories they

Figure 5. This map displays a DoTA2 character’s misguided belief about the position of an object in relation to himself.

accompany. Prior work suggests that map design impacts ‘After a while, Pudge has taken so much damage that
the performance benefits, in terms of recall and compre- he needs to heal himself, or he will die. Pudge knows
hension, of adding maps to a text. Findings from prior that a Regeneration Rune is somewhere in the river,
research also indicate that training subjects to use the and that this will restore his health if he takes it’). The
maps enhances comprehension of text that is presented intended conveyance for each of the 10 maps is listed
along with the maps. We conducted a study to investigate in Table 3.
if our automatically generated maps were being inter-
preted as intended, whether their content afforded recall
of both spatial and non-spatial story details and to deter- To test if the interpretation of the automatically gen-
mine how training on the maps affected comprehension erated maps would vary with prior exposure to similar
of a story told with our maps. Although maps are gener- maps (H3, H4), we varied the training level. One group
ally best used to provide spatial context to the text they received no training, a second group was exposed to
accompany (Mocnik and Fairbairn 2018), our maps also six training maps, and a third group was exposed to 10
convey non-spatial information via symbols, colour, and training maps. The training maps, shown in Figure 9,
a legend that explains the symbology. To determine if were designed with similar elements to the maps that
our maps could be understood on their own, we presented would be seen during the story portion of the study.
a set of maps without the text they were designed to con- The six map training group saw maps 1–6 in Figure 9.
vey. We were particularly curious about the effectiveness Each of these maps contained the representation of a dis-
of our representation of belief and intention. We believed tinct simple story element including location (map 1),
that users would, in general, be able to interpret our maps movement (map 2), attack (map 3), fatal attack (map
as intended and comprehend and recall the story without 4), intention (map 5), and belief (map 6). To make this
training, but that training would improve map interpret- training more rigorous, not all of these maps contained
ations and be needed to comprehend the belief and inten- only simple elements. The fatal attack in map 4 could
tion maps. Therefore, we designed our study to address be considered as a compound element, attack plus
the following hypotheses: death. Also, the character’s intention in map 5 contains
a compound element, movement plus attack, shown in
. H1: Viewers would interpret the maps as intended. the intention bubble. These were included since several
. H2: Level of training will not impact the recall of of the story maps have compound elements.
spatial or non-spatial story details. The 10 map training group saw maps 1–10 in Figure 9.
. H3: Minimal training would improve individual map The four additional types of maps contained a combi-
interpretation. nation of the elements already presented in the first
. H4: Additional training would not provide a signifi- group of training maps. These maps included a move fol-
cant improvement in map interpretation. lowed by an attack (map 7), an attack from an unknown
. H5: Training would provide a larger improvement in character (map 8), a suicide attack (map 9), and a dual
map interpretation for the less conventional map dis- attack (an attack with a counterattack, as in map 10).
plays, belief and intention. To gather more information about the effectiveness of
. H6: Given the intended interpretation, viewers would our map design choices, we also solicited feedback on
accurately evaluate the quality of their responses. several of the story maps that we believed could prove
the most difficult to interpret.

5.1.1. Participants
5.1. Study design
We recruited 90 online participants via Amazon Mechan-
For our study, we selected a DoTA2 story titled ‘The Battle ical Turk (AMT). Our goal was to have 3 groups of 30 par-
for the Rune’ to represent with maps. We automatically ticipants in order to have a large enough sample size to
generated 10 maps based on character locations, move- derive significant between-group statistical results (Van-
ments, and actions during the story. There are 4 characters, Voorhis and Morgan 2007). The responses from five of
2 from the ‘Dire’ team and 2 from the ‘Radiant’ team. In the these participants had to be discarded because their
story, characters battle each other with various weapons, answers were inapposite. Of the 85 valid participants, 27
some seek the healing rune, and as the plot dictates, some received no training, 32 received six training maps, and
of the characters are killed or commit suicide. 26 completed 10 training maps. 51 of the participants
Figure 11 shows the entire story, including the 10 were male and 34 were female, all between the ages of
maps and the 5 short transition passages used to convey 18 and 54, 79% of which were between 25 and 44. All par-
the non-spatial story aspects (for example, one says ticipants had at least a high school level of education; 49%

Table 3. ‘Battle for the rune’ map intended conveyance and story element type.
Map # Intended conveyance Story element type
2 Crystal Maiden and Pudge are Radiant team members, Skywrath Mage and Mirana are Dire team members. other
3 Skywrath Mage (Dire team) and Pudge (Radiant team) are on opposite sides of the river (in the centre of the battlefield). attack
Skywrath Mage launches an arcane bolt at Pudge.

5 Pudge (Radiant team) believes that the rune is in the northwest part of the river (it is actually in the southeast) and belief
heads that way.

7 Pudge (Radiant team) and Skywrath Mage (Dire team) both move southeast down the river toward the rune. movement

8 As they reach the southeast section of the river, Pudge launches his meat hook at Skywrath Mage and Skywrath Mage dual attack
reciprocates with Arcane Bolts.

10 Pudge launches a rot attack toward Skywrath Mage and kills himself in the process. suicide
11 Skywrath Mage (Dire team) intends to go get the rune (which is in the river to his southeast). intention

12 Crystal Maiden (Radiant team) moves from the forest and launches crystal novas at Skywrath Mage (Dire team) who movement plus dual attack
launches an arcane bolt at her. Skywrath Mage dies during the attack. and kill

13 A sacred arrow emerges from the trees and pierces Crystal Maidens body, killing her. hidden attack
14 Mirana (Dire team), appears on the path (from the forest) and moves (north) to the river and then down (southeast) to double movement
the rune.

had completed post-secondary education. 31 of the par- Once the participants finished with the story maps,
ticipants had at least some experience with online battle they were presented with 10 multiple choice questions
games (three playing regularly (two playing DoTA2), (five spatial, five non-spatial: see Table 4) about the
eight playing once in a while, and 20 having played a story to test recall. After completing the questions, they
few times (two playing DoTA2)). Participants were com- completed a short demographic questionnaire to indicate
pensated $2.00 for completing our study. their gender, education level, and GIS or cartography
experience. We also asked about MOBA game experi-
5.1.2. Procedure ence. MOBA, for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, is a
Participants were cyclically assigned to one of the three family of games including DoTA2 with a similar pre-
training level groups based on the order in which they mise, layout, and set of rules. These participants could
started the study. Every participant was then presented have special knowledge of the story domain.
with a brief description of the Defense of the Ancients Finally, we presented four maps from the story along
(DoTA2) game to familiarise them with the story with our intended conveyance. These maps either con-
domain. Participants in one of the two groups receiving veyed non-conventional notions or presented multiple
training were then shown a series of 6 (or 10) maps, one actions in a single map. They portrayed an intention, a
at a time, and asked to write a sentence describing what suicide, an attack by a hidden character, and a movement
each map depicts. followed by a dual attack. Here, we asked the participants
The training group participants were then shown each open-ended questions about which visual features they
of the 6 (or 10) training maps again in the same order. were able to easily understand and which they found
This time they were also shown a sentence expressing to be confusing. We also asked for suggestions on how
the intended conveyance, along with their own descrip- to make the intended conveyance more clear.
tions. During this session, they were asked to rate the
similarity of their response to the given description, rat-
5.2. Results
ing them from 1 to 5 (with 1 = not at all similar, 2 = less
the half the same, 3 = about half the same, 4 = more than To determine if our maps were interpreted as intended
half the same, and 5 = all or almost all the same). (H1), our team of ‘experts’, four researchers involved
Next, we explained to participants that they would be in the study design, scored the participant map descrip-
shown a story told through maps and text. Each map or tions in two ways. First, we identified the elements pre-
text statement was displayed one at a time in the order sent in each map. These included character/object
shown in Figure 11. For each map, they were asked to names, team affiliations, location within the battlefield,
write a description about what was portrayed in the movement, attack type and direction, death (murder
map. For each response, they were also asked to rate vs. suicide), unknown/hidden items, beliefs, and inten-
their confidence in their response on a scale from 1 to 5. tions. Then we assigned expert ratings to each

participant’s description of each map on a scale of 1 and group with no training (p=.0123). No significant differ-
5 based on the number of map elements mentioned in ence was found between the 6 and 10 map training
the response, with a 1 for no elements, a 2 for less than groups or the zero and six training groups on either of
half, a 3 for half, a 4 for more than half, and a 5 for all these measures, which supports hypothesis H4.
or almost all elements mentioned. With these scores, Comparing across groups on map story element types
we could quantify the closeness of the responses to the shows that participants receiving training scored signifi-
sentence the map represented. In some cases, however, cantly higher than the no-training group for map 3
ratings could be medium to low for this metric, but (supporting hypothesis H3 for this story element only)
this did not capture the participant’s understanding of in Figure 11 in which the main idea is an attack, with
the map. The score, in some cases, was instead due to p = .0168 for the six training map group and p = .0004 for
the lack of detail in the response. We needed a second the 10 training map group. Participants receiving 10 train-
rating system that would not penalise responses from ing maps scored significantly higher than the no-training
participants who gleaned the core message of the map, group on the dual attack (map 8 with p = .0391), movement
but had not provided all the details. To this end, we plus attack (map 12 with p = .0134), and double movement
assigned a binary score for each participant indicating maps (map 14 with p = .0039).
whether or not the participant understood the main In the ‘main idea’ story map evaluations, the concept of
idea of each map (movement, interaction, location, belief was understood with or without training but the con-
belief, intention). For example, a description of story cept of intention was confused with a belief by 15 of the par-
map 5 as ‘Pudge believes he is closer to the Rune than ticipants, 11 of whom had training (rejecting hypothesis
he really is.’ would receive an expert rating of 3 because H5). The suicide map was misunderstood by all with the
the actual and surmised Rune locations are not specified exception of two participants who were familiar with the
and a description of story map 8 as ‘Two heroes use their DoTA2 domain and described the suicide event accurately.
attacks on each other.’ would receive an expert rating of 2 Most noted the character’s death, but either did not say
because the character names and attack types are not how he died or said that he died from an attack by another
specified. But the respondents clearly grasped the gist character. This may have been due to the legend which says
of what these maps are communicating, so we character- the character died, but does not mention suicide.
ise that with the ‘main idea’ evaluation. We also compared the age categories, candidate gen-
We compared the expert ratings on the training maps der, and educational levels. There were no significant
with the participants’ self-assessment ratings. As we differences in expert ratings associated with the age, gen-
hypothesised in H6, we found a strong positive correlation der, or educational level of participants.
between the two (R2 = 0.889, p , 2e−16 ) demonstrating The average participant score for Table 4 multiple
that the participants were honestly assessing their per- choice questions was 76.7% with no significant differences
formance, not inflating their scores. There was no corre- across groups and the median score was 77.8%. The low
lation between expert ratings and participant level of score was 44.4% and there were multiple maximum scores
confidence in their responses (R2 = 0.05, p = .0205 ).
This mismatch may be because participants were not Table 4. ‘The battle for the rune’ story recall questions. q2, q4,
told that responses would be rated on the inclusion of q5, q8, and q10 are spatial questions and the rest are non-spatial.
details, such as character team affiliation or direction of 1. Which characters die (select all that apply)?
movement, although there was also no correlation a) Crystal Maiden b) Skywrath Mage c) Mirana d) Crystal Nova e) Pudge
2. What part of the river did Pudge initially believe the rune was located
between participant understanding of the main idea and in?
their confidence levels (R2 = 0.1085, p = .0015). a) southwestern b) southeastern c) northeastern d) northwestern
3. Which characters played on the dire team (select all that apply)?
For the story map portion, we did not ask participants a) Crystal Maiden b) Skywrath Mage c) Mirana d) Crystal Nova e) Pudge
to do self-assessment of their descriptions, as this might 4. What part of the river was the rune actually located in?
a) southwestern b) southeastern c) northeastern d) northwestern
have distracted from overall story comprehension. We 5. In which direction did Pudge and Skywrath Mage run before they
can, however, compare expert ratings of story maps attacked each other?
a) southeast b) northeast c) northwest d) southwest
across the training groups. Note that all p-values 6. What weapon did Skywrath Mage attack Pudge with?
reported here are raw p-values, not corrected for mul- a) meat hook b) sacred arrow c) arcane bolt d) grenade
tiple tests. For each participant, we calculated the sum 7. Who does Crystal Maiden attack?
a) Skywrath Mage b) Pudge c) Mirana d) Crystal Nova
of the expert ratings for the 10-story maps. For these 8. In what direction did Mirana move to get to the river?
values, the 10 training map groups scored significantly a) north b) south c) east d) west
9. What weapon was used to kill Skywrath Mage?
higher than the no training group (p=.0049). The 10 a) arcane bolt b) crystal nova c) sacred arrow d) meat hook
training group also understood the main idea on signifi- 10. What separates the southwest area of the map from the northeast area?
a) forest b) river c) field d) combat zone
cantly more of the maps than the participants in the

Figure 6. Average scores of participants in each training group on the Table 4 multiple choice questions. Q2, Q4, Q5, Q8, and Q10 are
spatial questions and the rest non-spatial. The bar groupings represent the overall average scores (left), the spatial question averages
(middle), and the non-spatial question averages (right).

of 100%. Based on these results, we conclude that the par- did not receive any training did slightly better on average
ticipants understood the story we intended to visualise than the trained groups on the non-spatially related ques-
with our maps and training is not necessary for overall tions, although not significantly (p = .1615 for the 10
story recall. Further statistical details regarding this sup- training map group and p = .3515 for the 6 training
port for hypothesis H2 follow. Figure 6 shows the results map group). This may be because the group with no train-
on the multiple choice questions by group and question ing would likely need to inspect the legend more closely
type. The spatial questions (Q2, Q4, Q5, Q8, and Q10 in than those that received map training would to under-
Table 4) asked for location and directional information stand the map.
(such as ‘In which direction did Pudge and Skywrath To determine if the training had an effect on how well
Mage run before they attacked each other?’ or ‘What the participants in the training groups understood indi-
part of the river was the rune located in?’); Whereas, the vidual story maps, we identified the story element types
non-spatial questions asked for recall of feature and of the story maps and matched it with a training map
event information such as character names and teams, conveying the same story element, where possible.
weapons used, and battle results. Although we found no Seven of the story map elements had a training map
significant difference in the overall accuracy of answers equivalent. We denote the story maps as Sa, where a is
on the multiple choice questions due to training, the the numeric label in Figure 11 and the training maps
group receiving no training performed worse than the as Tb, where b is the numeric label inFigure 9. The
group trained with six maps on the spatially related ques- three story maps without equivalent training maps
tions with borderline significance (p=.0544). Understand- were S2 (legend), S12 (movement with dual attack plus
ing the non-spatial elements of the story required reading kill), and S14 (double movement). The seven story
the text in the legend. The participants in the group that elements represented in both the story and training

Figure 7. Percentage of training group participants who correctly described the main idea presented in the maps. The black and grey
bars represent performance on story maps and performance during training on a similar map. The three story maps that did not have a
training map equivalent are excluded from this comparison.

maps were movement (S7:T2), attack (S3:T3), intention Another indication that training helped with map
(S11:T5), belief (S5:T6), dual attack (S8:T10), suicide interpretation is demonstrated in Figure 8, which
(S10:T9), and hidden attacker (S13:T8) elements. shows the percentage of participants by group who cor-
We compared the expert ratings on the seven selected rectly interpreted the main idea of the same seven story
training maps with those of the seven story maps maps used for comparison in Figure 7. The untrained
matched for similar content. Figure 7 compares the per- group did not perform as well as the trained groups
centage of training group participants that understood (with one exception discussed below). In fact, their per-
the main idea in each of these map types during the formance on the story maps was similar to the perform-
training session versus during the story session. The ance of the training groups on the corresponding
first four categories (movement, attack, intention, and training maps. This is reasonable since it was their first
belief maps) include 58 (= 32 + 26) participants who encounter with the maps. Only the group that were
were in the 6 or 10 training groups, whereas the last shown 10 training maps were trained on the dual attack,
three only include the 26 participants who saw 10 train- hidden attacker, and suicide maps and they performed
ing maps. The six training map group did not see maps the best on these map types in the story.
8, 9, and 10 during training. In all cases, the perform- The exception mentioned above was for the movement
ance of the trained participants improved when pre- map. During training, 13 participants misinterpreted the
sented with a story map similar to a map they had simple movement map as a path that the character was
been trained on. told to take, was going to take, or wanted to take rather
On average over the seven maps presented in Figure 7, than a representation of a move the character was taking
18.5 percent more of the trained participants understood or had taken. During the story, the movement map
the main idea of the story maps than understood the showed Pudge and Skywrath Mage moving towards the
main idea of the related training maps (p-value = .08). rune (see map 7 in Figure 11). The story context gleaned
The intention and belief maps were often both inter- from previous maps may have helped everyone under-
preted as belief hence the greater performance improve- stand this one without the need for training (like that
ment for the training groups on interpreting a belief map shown in Figure 9).
than for interpreting an intention map. Johnson, Stamm,
and Verdi (2000) varied the distinctiveness of map fea-
5.3. Discussion
tures and tested both with and without text labels. Better
recall was evident with labels. The best results used dis- The results in Figures 7 and 8 indicate that some training
tinctive symbols and text labels. Despite the text label is beneficial for main idea apprehension for maps in iso-
in the intention and belief reference maps, viewers lation, though story context may reduce the need for
were not always distinguishing them. We used two dis- training, supporting both H2 and H3. The main idea
tinct base colours in the reference map, but we believe of the dual attack and hidden attacker maps were the
this was not salient enough. A change in the shape of most successfully interpreted without training (Figure 7),
the bubble and position of the reference map could pro- which lends support to H4. Our encoding of belief
vide a stronger cue and the label might be more promi- showed the greatest increase with training (since this is
nent if placed outside the map. not the case for the intention maps, H5 is only partially

Figure 8. Percentage of participants in each training group who correctly described the main idea in seven of the story maps. The six
map training group did not see maps with the same main idea as the last three elements (dual attack, suicide, and hidden attacker)
during training. The 10 map training group saw equivalents for all seven.

Figure 9. Training maps to familiarise participants with the representation techniques. The three study participant groups were shown
zero, 6 (maps 1–6), or 10 training maps.

supported). These results validate that this training tech- the instructions, ‘Write a short description about
nique improved main idea apprehension for all story what’s presented in the image’, gave no indication that
element types. Practically speaking, this means that a the response should be colourful, participants wrote
few examples given in a short training session may be creative, animated descriptions for the story maps. For
employed to improve comprehension of the story example, map 7 (see the close up in Figure 10), depicts
maps. An analogous training technique could be appro- two characters moving toward the rune. This map
priate for other types of novel information visualisations. inspired many participants to punctuate with exclama-
Additionally, this approach may be used to diagnose tion points. They used phrases like ‘beat each other to
whether or not training is necessary. the rune’, ‘race to the rune’, ‘on the move’, and ‘neck
Asking the participants to write descriptions, in and neck’. Imagination carried some participants to con-
addition to answering multiple choice questions, struct elaborate descriptions; for example, someone
revealed some valuable insights. Beyond the quantitative wrote, ‘Searching the river bottom, for the rune, Pudge
results from the expert rating process, we were able to realises he is mistaken about its location and it lies down-
observe how viewers reacted to our maps. Although river. Adding to his dire predicament, before he reaches

Figure 10. Close-up of Map 7. This map depicts ‘Pudge (Radiant team) and Skywrath Mage (Dire team) both moving southeast down
the river toward the rune.’

the rune and restores his dwindling strength, Skywrath a movement plus a dual attack and a kill, and a hidden
Mage hones in on him as he makes his move’. Our attacker). We collected comments and suggestions for
AMT task might have attracted a higher MOBA enthu- modifications that could increase the clarity of the
siast representation than the overall population, so this maps:
may be an artefact of that predilection. AMT participants
are paid by the task, however, so succinct answers would . Map 10 (Suicide Attack) Most participants agreed
be expected; one possible reason for more elaborate that it was not clear that one of the characters killed
responses is engagement. Such engagement with the himself. They suggested using a different symbol, dis-
story could indicate that it is possible to effectively con- tinct from the one used for other kinds of deaths, and
vey a story with automatically generated maps and that then it should be listed in the legend as suicide. Others
the maps can inspire the kind of storyline exploration suggested superimposing the attack symbol on the
we want to support. suicidal character icon to indicate the method of
Since the instructions did not specifically direct par- suicide. The participants that successfully interpreted
ticipants to make the description as complete as possible, this map had some MOBA experience, and therefore,
level of detail varied greatly across responses. Presenting they were likely familiar with the suicide attack behav-
an example question and answer with the desired level of iour depicted here. Domain expert knowledge may
detail prior to the training would likely have resulted in enable more flexibility in map encoding, since the
more consistency in the level of detail. But given this typical events can be readily divined.
flexibility, we were able to test the reliability of self- . Map 11 (Intention) Although in general, the partici-
assessment on variable response styles. Additional analy- pants understood the belief and intention maps, some
sis of the responses to see which elements participants confused them with each other and suggested they be
deemed important enough to include could prove made more distinct. Some suggested that a unique
interesting. symbol colour or type would be more effective than
We believe that the overview map may not have been a thought bubble to communicate intention. The
widely utilised because participants did not mention thought bubble base maps already use distinct colour
where events were occurring on the battlefield in their tones (a yellow filter for beliefs and a teal one for
map descriptions. Some participants commented that intentions). To emphasise the distinction, redundant
they liked the overview map, but others said they encoding may be needed. For example, the two
found it confusing or distracting. For a multimedia types of thought bubble could be located in a different
story application which embeds maps within text, position in the map layout.
more work may be needed to determine when to include . Map 12 (Movement + Dual Attack + Kill) There was
overview maps and other map surrounds and where to some confusion regarding the direction of attacks,
place them. Moving the overview map to the left side mostly when dual attacks from two characters were
might encourage viewers who read from left to right to the same colour. Also, dual attack lines were superim-
note the framing of the message before inspecting the posed. Participants suggested matching the attack col-
details. ours to the attacker team colour, adding a directional
The remarks about the overview maps came from arrow to the attack line, spatially offsetting dual attack
soliciting open-ended feedback after participants had lines, and labelling asynchronous attack lines to indi-
read the story with the maps. Though participation cate temporal ordering.
was anonymous, we received many positive comments The presence of the character icon at both the start
and a number of the participants said that they found and end of the movement path caused some con-
the maps clear and easy to interpret and found the fusion. One description of map 12 read ‘One Skywrath
legend helpful. The use of AMT creates a double- Mage follows another Skywrath Mage…’. Participants
blind environment, removing potential bias from direct suggested making the starting icon semi-transparent
contact with researchers, though participants may or grayed out.
believe that tone could influence payment approval. Placing only one icon at the start (about to move)
We tried to reduce this potential problem by limiting or end (has moved) of an arrow might also be an effec-
our pool to those with high ratings on their AMT tive encoding of the verb tense. In some cases, how-
job history. ever, this approach can lead to difficulty in
To gather the open-ended feedback, we showed four deciphering overlapping move trails of individual
of the story maps again (maps 10–13). These were characters. The trail length along with proximity to
selected for the novelty or complexity of the story other mapped features could be taken into account
elements they represent (a suicide attack, an intention, to select a good approach for each situation.

. Map 13 (Hidden Attacker) There were some miscon- 6. Conclusions and future work
ceptions regarding the hidden attacker. Some found
Through this work, we were able to construct a tool to
that it wasn’t clear that the attack from the bushes
automatically generate maps from a semantic represen-
was from a character and suggested including an
tation of spatial narrative elements. We conducted an
unknown or hidden character icon or making the hid-
in-depth review of a book of story maps to determine
den character transparent instead of absent.
several types of narrative elements that can be mapped
and how we could represent them. We implemented a
The study design and detailed analysis of responses
system that handles location, movement, and interaction
exposed strengths and weaknesses of our visualisation
story elements, as well as beliefs and intentions with
choices. Despite some concerns, the participant map
spatial predicates. We used battle game data to test our
descriptions show that location, movement, and simple
system and we presented the output to users to gather
interactions are easily interpreted with little or no train-
feedback and test the effectiveness of our maps.
ing, though benefit from 10 training maps is evident for
In the course of this study, we identified a technique
more complex interactions and less conventional
that could be used for training or diagnostics. Partici-
mapped elements. Modifications to the map designs
pants described a stimulus and were later presented
informed by this study may reduce the need for
with the intended interpretation for the stimulus and

Figure 11. The 15 story elements (10 images + 5 short text passages) presented sequentially in the user study to tell a story titled ‘Battle
for the Rune’.

asked to critique their own accuracy. Our study indicates passage they portray. As more elements are added to a
that participants absorbed the encodings with this single map, the map may be able to tell a longer story,
exposure to the stimulus. More importantly, we found but communicating temporal ordering will need to be
that the self-critique was apt. The high correlation with addressed. For example, the sequence of events in Figure
expert evaluation indicates that this can be used as an 4 can be divined from semantics. CM’s move comes first,
efficient visualisation evaluation approach. In other before the fighting, since she fights from her new pos-
words, this approach can be used to determine whether ition, then SM’s attack occurs before CM’s counterat-
or not training is required for a representation. One of tack that kills SM. However, an explicit temporal
the challenges in developing visualisation techniques is ordering representation could support a more effortless
an effective evaluation. This technique might be comprehension.
extended to evaluate story map choremes and other visu- As we begin to test our map generator on larger event
alisation approaches designed to communicate specific tables, we can see the potential for telling a story within a
messages. single map and the increased need for temporal ordering
The term ‘story maps’ might be interpreted in two indicators. Any approach will have its weaknesses. Col-
ways. One is maps that themselves tell a story, in the our, like Minards map, could be used, though unlike
absence of a written narrative (like Minards’ map of Napoleons troops, the patterns are not guaranteed dis-
Napolean’s march on Russia). Another is maps that illus- tinct axial flows. Numerical labels are used on some
trate spatial elements stated in the prose they accompany. maps in the Gettysburg book. Figure 12 illustrates how
Keeping in mind related work on retention and compre- labels can be use used to express temporal event ordering
hension of text accompanied by maps, we focused on the in our system. An animation may be better at illustrating
latter. The current system generates maps for reinforcing round-trip movement or reciprocal attacks, though the
individual spatial story elements that are also conveyed in extent would need to be limited so that concurrent
text, an addition that can assist with recall and compre- actions are not missed due to change blindness. Small
hension (Paivio 1990; Kulhavy, Lee, and Caterino 1985). multiples may be useful for comparing the overall trends.
Our story maps have a short time range, limiting the num- As we saw in the literature review, a number of human
ber of actions within a single map. This enabled us to geographers turned to rendering story-telling maps in a
gauge the effectiveness of individual action depictions. space-time cube, though these tend to be clearest when
They are modelled after the insert maps in the Gettysburg there are few characters. Regardless of the temporal visu-
book, where the maps are inserted in the text near the alisation approach, the question of selecting a useful

Figure 12. Conveying the order of multiple story events within a single map using numerical labels.

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