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TOPIC: Discuss brief history,
contribution of Indian
Mathematicians and
advantages of vedic maths.
Table of contents
by kritika 23BC712
by Akshat 23BC415
by Sarang 23BC395


by Vaisanavi 23BC808 by Niti 23BC372

05 Bharti Krishna tirtha

by Neipun 23BC386
Vedic Maths is an ancient Indian system of mathematical
techniques originating from the Vedas. It offers quick and
efficient methods for various mathematical operations like
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, along
with roots calculations. It simplifies complex problems into
manageable steps, fostering a deeper understanding of
mathematical concepts.
Vedic Maths emphasizes speed, accuracy, and versatility,
promoting confidence in dealing with numbers. Widely
taught globally, it serves as an alternative approach to
conventional methods, enhancing students' problem-
solving skills and mathematical proficiency.
Vedic Maths proves invaluable for its efficiency and
versatility in solving mathematical problems. Its
methods offer quicker solutions through pattern
recognition and mental arithmetic, saving time in
calculations. Moreover, it enhances understanding by
breaking down complex concepts into simpler steps.

Vedic Maths boosts confidence by promoting speed and

accuracy in computation, empowering individuals to
tackle mathematical challenges with ease. It enriches
problem-solving skills and encourages innovative
thinking, making it an indispensable tool for students,
professionals, and enthusiasts alike.
Ramanujan was an Indian mathematician born on December
22nd in the year 1887 in an Iyengar family in Erode, Tamilnadu,
His father was a clerk in a saree shop
His mother was a Home- maker.
The National Mathematics Day is celebrated annually on
December 22 to commemorate the birth anniversary of
Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan.
He made significant contributions to mathematical analysis,
number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions.
His talents were recognized by British mathematicians G.H.
Hardy, who helped him to publish his work and secure a
scholarship to study at the University of Cambridge.
Ramanujan’s groundbreaking formulas and conjectures have had
a profound impact on various areas of mathematics.
He died tragically at the age of 32 on April 26, 1920 due to health
Contribution by Srinivasa Ramanujan:
Mock Theta Functions :
Mock theta functions are a class of functions introduced by Srinivasa
Ramanujan in his final letter to G. H. Hardy in 1920. They are closely related to
classical theta functions, which are a type of special function in mathematics.
Mock theta functions have found applications in various areas of
mathematics, including combinatorics, number theory, and mathematical

One of the significant uses of mock theta functions is in the study of partitions
of integers, which is a fundamental topic in number theory. They also have
connections to modular forms, which are important objects in the theory of
elliptic curves and modular functions.
Furthermore, mock theta functions have been studied in the context of mathematical
physics, particularly in the theory of modular forms and their role in conformal field
theory and string theory.

Overall, mock theta functions represent a rich area of mathematical research with
applications in diverse fields, making them an important subject of study for
mathematicians and physicists alike.
Infinite Series and Continued Fractions
Srinivasa Ramanujan made remarkable contributions to the study of infinite series and continued
fractions, producing several fascinating formulas. Here are a few notable ones:

Ramanujan's Series for π (pi): One of Ramanujan's most famous formulas is his
rapidly converging series for calculating the value of π: [ \frac{1}{\pi} =
\frac{2\sqrt{2}}{9801} \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(4k)!(1103 + 26390k)}{(k!)^4 396^{4k}}
Ramanujan's Series for the Inverse of π (pi): Ramanujan also derived a series for
the reciprocal of π, which converges even faster than the series for π itself: [ \pi =
\sqrt{8}\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(4k)!(1103 + 26390k)}{(k!)^4 99^{4k}} ]
Ramanujan's Continued Fraction for π (pi): Ramanujan also discovered a beautiful continued fraction
representation for π, given by: [ \pi = 3 + \frac{1}{7 + \frac{1}{15 + \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{292 + \frac{1}{1 + \frac{1}{1 +
\frac{1}{1 + \cdots}}}}}}} ]
Ramanujan's Series for e (Euler's Number): Ramanujan derived an infinite series representation for Euler's
number e, given by: [ e = 1 + \frac{1}{1} + \frac{1}{1\cdot 2} + \frac{1}{1\cdot 2\cdot 3} + \frac{1}{1\cdot 2\cdot
3\cdot 4} + \cdots ]
Modular Forms and Elliptic Functions
Srinivasa Ramanujan made significant contributions to the study of modular forms and
elliptic functions, enriching these areas of mathematics with his profound insights and
discoveries. Here are a few notable contributions:

Modular Forms: Ramanujan's work on modular forms,

particularly his discoveries of various properties and identities,
has had a lasting impact on the field. He provided numerous
examples of modular forms of different types, including theta
functions, which are central to the theory of modular forms. His
work laid the groundwork for further exploration and
development in this area of mathematics
Elliptic Functions: While Ramanujan's work is more commonly
associated with modular forms, he also made contributions to
the theory of elliptic functions. He investigated various
properties of elliptic functions and their transformations,
contributing to the understanding of these important
mathematical objects.
Ramanujan Conjecture
The Ramanujan conjecture, also known as the Ramanujan–Petersson
conjecture, is a significant mathematical conjecture proposed by Srinivasa
Ramanujan. It relates to the coefficients of certain modular forms and their
growth properties.

In its original form, the conjecture states that the Fourier coefficients of
certain modular forms grow in a highly regular and predictable manner. More
precisely, it provides an asymptotic formula for the growth of the coefficients
of modular forms with respect to their weight, level, and other parameter
he Ramanujan conjecture has been a subject of intense study and has deep connections to various areas of
mathematics, including number theory, algebraic geometry, and representation theory. It plays a crucial role in
understanding the distribution of prime numbers and has connections to other important conjectures and
results in mathematics, such as the Langlands program and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.

While significant progress has been made towards proving the Ramanujan conjecture in certain cases, it
remains one of the most challenging open problems in mathematics. Many mathematicians continue to work
on this conjecture and related problems, aiming to deepen our understanding of modular forms and their
Ramanujan Prime
The Ramanujan primes are a special class of prime numbers that were studied and
named after Srinivasa Ramanujan. These primes are defined as the smallest
numbers ( R_n ) such that the partition function ( p(n) ), which counts the number
of ways to express ( n ) as a sum of positive integers, is divisible by ( R_n ).

The first few Ramanujan primes are:

R1 = 2,
R3 = 17,
R5 = 41

These rimes have interesting properties and connections to partition theory, a branch of
number theory that deals with integer partitions. The study of Ramanujan primes and their
properties is an active area of research in mathematics, with ongoing efforts to understand
their distribution and significance within the broader context of number theory.
Ramanujan asymptotic formula
The Hardy-Ramanujan asymptotic formula provides an asymptotic approximation
for the partition function p(n), which counts the number of ways a positive integer
n can be expressed as a sum of positive integers, disregarding the order of the

The formula, given by Hardy and Ramanujan, is

as follows:
p(n)∼1/4n √3​.​exp(π√2n/3​​)
p(n): Represents the partition function, which gives the number of partitions of
the integer n.
∼∼: Denotes approximation.

1/4n 3​The coefficient in the approximation formula.
Ramanujan Prime

π 2n/3: The exponential term, where exp(x) represents the exponential
function e^x, and π is the mathematical constant pi.

This formula provides an approximation for the behavior of the

partition function for large values of n. It suggests that as n
grows larger, the number of partitions of n grows
exponentially. The square root term inside the exponential
indicates that the rate of growth is proportional to the square
root of n. This exponential growth rate is a remarkable feature
of the partition function and was discovered by Hardy and
Ramanujan in their exploration of integer partitions.
Ramanujan highly composite number
Ramanujan made significant contributions to the study of highly composite
numbers. Highly composite numbers are positive integers that have more divisors
than any smaller positive integer. Ramanujan was particularly interested in finding
formulas and properties related to these special numbers.
One of the notable results Ramanujan discovered is a
formula for the number of divisors of a highly composite
number. He found that if n is a highly composite number,
then the number of divisors of n can be approximated by
the formula:

d(n) 2^ω(n)
d(n) is the number of divisors of n.
ω(n) is the number of distinct prime factors of n.
Ramanujan highly composite number
This formula provides a powerful tool for understanding the distribution of
divisors among highly composite numbers.

Ramanujan also investigated the properties of highly

composite numbers and derived various interesting results
regarding their distribution, structure, and relations with
other mathematical concepts. His work on highly
composite numbers laid the foundation for further
research in number theory and analytic number theory
Brahmagupta (c.598 - c.668 CE ) was an Indian mathematician
and astronomer.
He is the author of two early works on mathematics and
astronomy: the Brāhmasphutasiddhānta (BSS, 'correctly
established doctrine of Brahma", dated 628), a
theoretical treatise, and the Khandakhādyaka ("edible bite",
dated 665), a more practical text.

Brahmagupta was the first to give rules to compute with zero.

The texts composed by Brahmagupta were in elliptic verse in
Sanskrit, as was common practice in Indian mathematics. As
no proofs are given, it is not known how Brahmagupta's
results were derived.
Books written by Brahmagupta
Brahmagupta's well known book was Brahmasphutasiddhanta (The Opening of the
Universe) which he wrote in 628.
The book has 25 chapters and Brahmagupta tells us in the text that he wrote it at
Bhillamala which today is the city of Bhinmal. This was the capital of the lands
ruled by the Gurjara dynasty.
Brahmagupta became the head of an astronomical observatory at Ujjain.

His second work on mathematics and astronomy was the Khandakhadyaka.
Brahmagupta's understanding of the number systems went far beyond that of
others of the period. He made advances in astronomy and most importantly in
number systems including algorithms for square roots and the solution of
quadratic equation.
The “ZERO”
In the Brahmasphutasiddhanta he defined zero as the result of subtracting a
number from itself. He gave some properties as follows:

When 0 is added to a number or subtracted from a number, the number

remains unchanged; and a number multiplied by 0 becomes 0 .
A debt (-ve) minus 0 is a debt. A fortune (+ve) minus 0 is a fortune.
0 minus 0 is a 0.
A debt subtracted from 0 is a fortune. A fortune subtracted from 0 is a
The product of 0 multiplied by a debt/fortune is 0. The product of 0
multiplied by 0 is 0.
The product or quotient of two fortunes is one fortune. The product or
quotient of two debts is one fortune.
Few of his other significant contributions are:-

He gave the solution of the general linear equation. (bx + c = dx + e

equivalent to x = e − c/b − d)
He gave the details operations on fractions.
He gave the solution for the sum of the first n integers squares and
He gave the rules for arithmetic manipulations that apply to negative
numbers and zero.
He said that 0/0 = 0.
He gave the formula for Pythagorean triples.
He figured out the answer to Diophantine equations.
He is recognized for cyclic quadrilaterals.
A formula to find area of any inscribed quadrilateral if you know all of the
sides :-

Area of Quadrilateral = √(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)(s − d)


where a, b, c and d are the sides of the quadrilateral

and s is their semi-perimeter, i.e,
s = ____________
Keļallur Nilakantha Somayaji (14 June 1444 – 1545), also referred to INTRODUCTION
as Keļallur Comatiri, was a major mathematician and astronomer of
the Kerela school of astronomy and mathematics. Nilakantha was
born into a Brahmin family which came from south malabar in
Kerela. Nilakantha Somayaji studied vedanta and some aspects of
astronomy under one Ravi. However, it was Damodara, son of
Kerala-draganita author Paramesvara, who initiated him into the
science of astronomy and instructed him in the basic principles of
mathematical computations. The great malayalam poet
Thunchaththu Ramanujan is said to have been a student of
Nilakantha Somayaji. The epithet Somayaji is a title assigned to or
assumed by a namputri who has performed the vedic ritual of
somayajna. So it could be surmised that Nilakantha Somayaji had
also performed a Somayajna ritual and assumed the title of a
Somayaji in later life. In colloquial Malayalam usage the word
Somayaji has been corrupted to Comaitri.
Among his many influential books, he wrote the
comprehensive astronomical treatise Tantrasangraha in 1501.
He also wrote the Aryabhatiya Bhasya, which contains work
on infinite series expansions, problems of algebra, spherical
geometry, and many results of calculus. Grahapareeksakrama
is a manual on making observations in astronomy based on
instruments of the time. An interesting piece of Nilakantha's
work is the derivation of Leibniz-Gregory series: and
Nilakantha's derivation of the above series is all the more
interesting because it used the geometrical definition of π as
the ratio of circumference and diameter of a circle.
Nilakantha's writings substantiate his knowledge of several
branches of Indian philosophy and culture. It is said that he
could refer to a Mimamsa authority to establish his view-
point in a debate and with equal felicity apply a grammatical
dictum .
1. Golasara : Description of basic astronomical elements and procedures
2. Sidhhantadarpana : A short work in 32 slokas enunciating the
astronomical constants with reference to the Kalpa and specifying his
views on astronomical concepts and topics.
3. Candrachayaganita : A work in 32 verses on the methods for the
calculation of time from the measurement of the shadow of the gnomon
cast by the moon and vice versa.
4. Aryabhatiya-bhashya : Elaborate commentary on Aryabhatiya.
5. Sidhhantadarpana-vyakhya : Commentary on his own
6. Chandrachhayaganita-vyakhya : Commentary on his own
7. Sundaraja-prasnottara : Nilakantha's answers to questions posed by
Sundaraja, a Tamil Nadu-based astronomer.
8. Grahanadi-grantha : Rationale of the necessity of correcting old
astronomical constants by observations.
9. Grahapariksakrama : Description of the principles and methods for
verifying astronomical computations by regular observations.
10. Jyotirmimamsa : Analysis of astronomy
Varāhamihira, also known as Varāha or Mihira, was an ancient
Indian philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician. He lived
in or around Ujjain, which is present-day Madhya Pradesh,

Unlike other prominent ancient Indian astronomers,

Varāhamihira does not explicitly mention his date of birth
or death.
Scholars estimate that he lived during the 6th century CE,
possibly overlapping with the last years of the 5th century.
In mathematics, Varahamihira is known for his work on arithmetic, algebra,
and geometry. He authored the mathematical treatise "Panchasiddhantika"
("Five Astronomical Canons"), which provided detailed explanations of five
existing astronomical systems prevalent during his time. His mathematical
contributions helped advance the understanding of numerical calculations,
particularly in the context of astronomy and astrology.
Varāhamihira’s works had a lasting impact on Indian astronomy,
mathematics, and astrology.
Despite the lack of precise dates, his legacy endures through his writings
and the influence he had on subsequent scholars.
Varahamihira's most renowned work is the "Brihat Samhita," an encyclopedic text
that covers a wide range of subjects, including astrology, astronomy, geography,
weather prediction, architecture, agriculture, and gemology. It consists of more
than 6,000 verses and is considered one of the most comprehensive works of its
time. The "Brihat Samhita" remains an important source of knowledge about
ancient Indian civilization and its scientific achievements.
Astronomy and Astrology: While Varāhamihira was renowned for his
expertise in astronomy and astrology, the Brihat Samhita goes beyond these
Agriculture and Organic Farming: The text delves into agricultural practices,
including principles of organic farming.
Shakuna Shastra: It provides insights into omens and signs, which were
significant in ancient Indian culture.
Few of his other significant contributions are:-

"Panchasiddhantika": As mentioned earlier, this work discusses five

astronomical systems prevalent during his time.
"Brihat Jataka": A treatise on astrology, focusing on horoscopy and
predictive astrology.
"Brihat Yogayatra": A text on the science of horoscopy and the
calculation of planetary positions.
"Laghujataka": A concise version of "Brihat Jataka," providing simplified
principles of astrology.
Bharti Krishna Tirtha (1884–1960) was a renowned Indian mathematician,
monk, and spiritual leader. Born as Venkatraman in South India, he later
became the Shankaracharya (spiritual head) of the Govardhan Matha in
Puri, Odisha.
Bharti Krishna Tirtha's life was marked by a unique blend of academic
excellence and spiritual devotion. Born into a scholarly Brahmin family in
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, he demonstrated exceptional mathematical talent
from a young age. His passion for mathematics led him to pursue higher
education at the University of Madras, where he excelled and graduated
with top honors. However, despite his promising career prospects in the
academic world, Bharti Krishna Tirtha felt a deep spiritual calling that
ultimately shaped the course of his life.
Renouncing the pursuit of worldly success, he embarked on a spiritual
journey that eventually led him to the path of monkhood in the Vedanta
tradition. Under the guidance of his spiritual mentors, he underwent
intensive study and contemplation, delving into the profound wisdom of
ancient Indian scriptures. It was during this period of spiritual exploration
that Bharti Krishna Tirtha made a remarkable discovery that would
revolutionize the field of mathematics.
Early life and Education
Venkatraman, later known as Bharti Krishna Tirtha, exhibited an
extraordinary aptitude for mathematics from his early years. His innate
talent, coupled with a keen intellect, distinguished him among his peers and
earned him recognition from his teachers and mentors. Encouraged by his
family and teachers, he pursued his passion for mathematics with fervor
and dedication.
His academic journey led him to the University of Madras, where he
immersed himself in the study of mathematics. Through diligent effort and
intellectual prowess, he excelled in his coursework and research, garnering
accolades and distinctions for his outstanding academic performance.
Despite his academic achievements, Bharti Krishna Tirtha's heart yearned
for something beyond the realm of conventional knowledge—a quest for
spiritual truth that would ultimately shape the trajectory of his life.
Feeling a deep inner calling to explore the mysteries of existence and the
nature of reality, Bharti Krishna Tirtha made the momentous decision to
renounce the pursuit of worldly success and embrace the path of
monkhood in the Vedanta tradition. This pivotal choice marked the
beginning of a profound spiritual odyssey that would lead him to
unparalleled heights of intellectual and spiritual attainment.
Discovery of Vedic Mathematics
Amidst his spiritual quest, Bharti Krishna Tirtha embarked on a journey of
intellectual exploration, delving into the rich heritage of ancient Indian
knowledge preserved in sacred texts such as the Vedas, Upanishads, and
Vedanta philosophy. It was during his study of these ancient scriptures that
he stumbled upon a treasure trove of mathematical wisdom hidden within
the depths of Vedic literature.
Fascinated by the mathematical insights embedded in the ancient texts,
Bharti Krishna Tirtha devoted himself to deciphering and elucidating these
age-old techniques. Through meticulous study and contemplation, he
unraveled the cryptic aphorisms, or sutras, scattered throughout the Vedic
corpus, revealing a sophisticated system of mathematical principles and
Drawing upon his deep understanding of both mathematics and
spirituality, Bharti Krishna Tirtha synthesized these ancient techniques
into a coherent and systematic framework that he termed "Vedic
Mathematics." Unlike conventional mathematical approaches, which rely
heavily on cumbersome algorithms and rote memorization, Vedic
Mathematics offered a refreshing alternative—a set of elegant and intuitive
methods that unlocked the inherent beauty and simplicity of mathematical
Contributions to Vedic Mathematics
Bharti Krishna Tirtha's groundbreaking work culminated in the publication
of his seminal masterpiece, simply titled "Vedic Mathematics." In this
seminal work, he presented a comprehensive exposition of the ancient
mathematical techniques he had unearthed, elucidating their underlying
principles and applications with clarity and precision. Through meticulous
scholarship and insightful analysis, he brought to light a wealth of
mathematical knowledge that had long remained dormant within the pages
of ancient texts.
The impact of Bharti Krishna Tirtha's contributions to Vedic Mathematics
extends far beyond the confines of academic circles, encompassing a wide
range of mathematical disciplines and applications. From mental
calculation techniques that enable lightning-fast arithmetic to algebraic
methods that streamline complex equations, Vedic Mathematics offers a
versatile toolkit for problem-solving across diverse mathematical domains.
Whether tackling geometric puzzles, solving calculus problems, or
unraveling the mysteries of number theory, the principles of Vedic
Mathematics provide invaluable insights and strategies for approaching
mathematical challenges with confidence and creativity.
Legacy and Influence
Bharti Krishna Tirtha's legacy as a visionary mathematician and spiritual
luminary endures to this day, inspiring generations of scholars, educators,
and enthusiasts around the world. His pioneering contributions to Vedic
Mathematics have not only enriched the field of mathematics but have also
ignited a renewed appreciation for the ancient wisdom of India's cultural
heritage. Through his books, lectures, and teachings, Bharti Krishna Tirtha
has disseminated the knowledge of Vedic Mathematics to a global audience,
transcending linguistic and cultural barriers to reach students and scholars
across continents.
Beyond his mathematical prowess, Bharti Krishna Tirtha embodied the
harmonious integration of science and spirituality, demonstrating the
profound interconnectedness of these seemingly disparate realms of
human endeavor. His life serves as a testament to the transformative power
of knowledge, faith, and dedication, inspiring individuals to explore the
depths of human potential and the boundless possibilities of the human
spirit. As we reflect on Bharti Krishna Tirtha's enduring legacy, we are
reminded of the timeless wisdom encoded within the ancient texts of India
—a legacy that continues to illuminate the path of discovery and
enlightenment for generations to come.
In conclusion, the contributions of all these great
mathematicians have had a significant impact on
mathematics and astronomy. Their work continues to
influence these fields today and will likely do so for many
years to come.
Thank You!
SARANG V ( 23BC395)
NEIPUN ( 23BC386)
AKSHAT ( 23BC415)
NITI ( 23BC372)

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