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Production of Paneer

Daniel Njuguna DTI- Class Practical’s


1. Measure accurately the quantity of milk to be processed for calculating quantities

of coagulant to be added.
2. Check Fat %, SNF %, and acidity of the milk.
3. For the best result, ratio of SNF to Fat should be 1.9
4. Transfer the milk into the Paneer processing vat.
5. Pasteurisation: Heat the milk to 85 ºC by running hot water in the vat jacket.
6. Record the time taken for heating milk, usually heating should be completed within
1.5 hours. Prolonged heating will reduce the quality of milk.
7. Measure the quantity of coagulant (i.e. citric acid powder @ 1.65 g. / kg milk) to be
8. Make a 2 % solution of citric acid by adding clean (still hot) pasteurised water.
9. The temperature of solution should be around 78 ºC.
10. Cool down the temperature of the milk to 78 ºC by running cold water in vat jacket.
11. Slowly mix (for best result sprinkle) the citric acid solution to the hot milk in the vat
and stir the milk rapidly.
12. Coagulation of the milk starts and formation of curd particles takes place.
13. Once the mixing is over, collect the curd into clean disinfected moulds.
14. Keep the hoops under the press for 15 – 20 minutes (low pressure).
15. Take out the hoops from the press and the Paneer blocks from moulds.
16. Keep the Paneer blocks under chilled water (temperature around 14 ºC) till the
temperature of the Paneer blocks cool down to around 40 ºC.
17. Take the Paneer blocks out of the water and keep them overnight in a drying room
at 18-20 ºC.


1. Next morning check the temperature and acidity of the Paneer blocks.
Temperature should be around 20 ºC and acidity 0.22 – 0.23 % lactic acid. (24,5 -
25,5 ºN)
2. Paneer having higher acidity above 0.25 % (28 ºN) should not be packed for Amul.
3. For Amul, cut the Paneer blocks into smaller blocks for dicing.
4. After dicing, keep the diced Paneer in refrigerated room (4-6 ºC) for hardening.
5. For local sales cut into half kilogram (0.5 kg) blocks and directly pack in “Alpine
Paneer” pouch, fill carton box and keep the boxes in refrigerated room (4-6 ºC) for
about 12 hrs before delivery.
6. Next morning, pack hardened diced Paneer in “Amul Malai Paneer” pouch, put into
carton boxes and then store in the freezer room (-20 ºC).
7. Two pouches as samples of Amul Paneer shall be kept separately from every
batch for further analysis.
8. Product quality analysis shall be done for fat content in dry matter, moisture
content, coliform, yeast & mould count.
9. Besides, physical analysis such as colour, texture, taste & flavour and friability
should be examined before packing.
10. Amul Paneer shall be delivered to Siliguri Depot on every third week of the month.

Production of Paneer
Daniel Njuguna DTI- Class Practical’s


1.1Date:………… Paneer Maker:……………………….. Batch No:
Parameters 1 2 3
Fat %
Ratio of SNF to Fat

Acidity % LA (= ºN x 0.9/100)
Coliform count per gram
Quantity of Milk (kg)
Heat Treatment ºC (85 ºC)
Time taken for heating in minutes
Coagulation Temp. ºC (78-79 ºC)
Time taken for cooling in minutes
Temp. of Citric Acid solution ºC (80 ºC)
Concentration of Coagulants (2%)
Quantity of citric acid used per L of milk (1.65 gr/L)

Quantity of Coagulants (82.5 ml/L milk)

Dipping time
Hooping Temp ºC
Pressing Load in kg
Time of Pressing in minutes
Temp. of Chilled Water ºC
Soaking Time in minutes
Temp. of Paneer after Soaking ºC (40 ºC)
Drying Temp.ºC
Drying Time
Temp. After Drying in ºC
pH of Whey
Moisture %
Acidity % LA
Fat %
Fat in Dry matter %
Quantity in kg
Yield %
SPC per gram

Coliform per gram

Flavour & Taste
Number of 200g packs made
Actual yield in kg
Handling losses in %

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