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Document Name: WhatsApp Community Policy

Date: 26 April 2024

Review Date: 26 April 2025
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WhatsApp Community Policy for Kudung Communal Property Association

Purpose of the Policy
To create a safe, well managed, and effective system of communication for the use of ZZZ members
This Policy shall be governed by rules stipulated within the ZZZ Constitution, and Code of Conduct.
WhatsApp Terms of Service shall also apply.
1. Membership and Content Confidentiality
- Membership is restricted to individuals who are registered with ZZZ.
- Content shared within the community is confidential and should not be redistributed
outside without unanimous consent.

2. Conduct and Communication

- Respectful and constructive communication is expected at all times.
- No hate speech, racism, vulgar language, or any form of harassment will be tolerated.
- Jokes, and political opinions should be shared only if relevant and respectful.

3. Diversity and Inclusion

- We value the diversity of our members and strive to create an inclusive environment.
- Be considerate of members from different age groups and backgrounds.

4. Rule Enforcement
- Violations of community rules will result in actions such as warnings, removal, or
reporting to WhatsApp.
- The seriousness of violations may lead to disciplinary action being taken.
- Members are encouraged to report any problematic content or behaviour to the admins.

5. Safety and Security

- Any content that poses a risk to the safety and security of members will be immediately
deleted and reported.
- Members are advised to report any contact that violates community standards for
administrators to take required action.
Document Name: WhatsApp Community Policy
Date: 26 April 2024
Review Date: 26 April 2025
Insert Logo here Prepared By:

Reviewed By:

6. Admin Responsibilities
- Admins are responsible for enforcing the rules and managing the community.
- Regular communication with members to remind them of the community rules is
- The central administration shall be from management, through the Communication
Subcommittee. No groups shall be added without the approval of management, and no
groups shall exist outside the ZZZ WhatsApp community that discuss official Business.

7. Administration of Groups
- Groups shall be created and added only with approval of the Communication
Subcommittee Chairperson.
- Any deviation from the policy adds complexity to the communication and may be
referred for disciplinary action.

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