Quiz 2 Semi-Fi

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Naga College Foundation Inc.

M.T. Villanueva Naga City

Professional Development and Applied Ethics

Name: Parco, Hazel Ann B. Section/Time: BSHM-3A/ TTH (1-2:30)

Instructions: Discussion the following briefly and concise, maximum of 5 sentences only.

1. How does stress affect one's personality?

Stress is a physical and mental response to life events, and everyone experiences it at times.
Sometimes in a person’s looks we can easily identify or notice that he is stressed-- maybe he
looks pale, sad, or he acts as if out of self. There are certain situations when a person's issues
are too much for him or her to handle. That's why it reaches the point where he appears to lose
concentration on himself, and unpleasant thoughts enter his mind, which can affect his actions
and behavior. Stress can also lead to emotional problems which is the source of a person’s
physical symptoms and sometimes leads to anxiety and depression.

2. What are the physiological effects of stress in the body?

When people experience too much stress and start having difficulties coping that stress
becomes a problem. Stress can decrease the immune system, making you more susceptible to
illness. But more than just an emotion, stress is a physiological response that runs through our
entire body that causes headaches, tensions, fatigue, and other health problems. We get to the
point where because of too much stress we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves for
good. We feel like we’re always tired even when we're not doing anything and we seem to be
lethargic at all times.

3. How can stress affect a person’s performance in the workplace in the hospitality and tourism
Employees in the hospitality and tourism business engage with tourists, customers, and guests
on a daily basis. In the middle of interaction, stress often emanates due to the heavy workload
an employee is expected to handle and they will at most spend more hours working in an
organization. This can lead to poor quality of work and can affect their health due to excessive
fatigue. One of the common problems is the increasing rate of employees quitting their jobs
because of the stressful situations that they undergone in their workplace. There comes a time
also that the company itself decided to lay off employees because it seems that some of them
are unfocused in their work.

4. Differentiate Distress from eutress

Distress can affect a person's attitude and behavior and how he/she responds to certain
situations. This kind of stress that a person has seems to be losing his positive outlook in life.
Mostly, they experience extreme anxiety, or pain. This is the opposite of Eustress where it
benefits a person’s mental health and emotional well-being so he can think clearly and he knows
how to handle every problem or circumstances that comes into his life. In short, Distress is a
negative stress while Eustress is a positive stress.

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