Pride Sample

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Hello ,

My name is Nazaliyah Silver and one of the things I'm proud of is overcoming my mental health
. I just recently moved out here to Merced , California. Before I came out here I lived in Texas .
At the time I was living with my mom and me and my mom really weren’t getting along well but ,
I’ll say a couple of months ago I had just got released from a Mental Health Facility trying to
work on myself . I got out on October 3,2023 and everything was going good at first but the
arguing started happening again and it was

getting worse
day by day . Then , I told myself I think I need to start taking my medication again and coming to
find out my mother actually threw them away in the trash and , that’s when everything started
going downhill for me . I felt like I had nothing left because those medications that I was on
actually helped me cope with my emotions . So , after that my life started to go back to the old
ways. My anger started to get out of control again , I started skipping class , I was homeless at
times because my mom ended up giving up on me again . I realized I can’t always expect
everybody to be there for me so that’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands . I
started learning to deal with my own emotions , wasn’t having suicidal thoughts or anything .
Then finally my aunt decided to take me in and ever since I've been at peace with everything I'm
doing really well in school. I'm graduating in June. My anger has gone away just because I'm in
a better space and this is why I'm proud of myself.

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