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Question : Can you provide a brief history and background of your business, including

how and why it was founded?

The company, what we are about to talk about, is Clowak Innovations. What we do there is
provide the dental system for the ecosystem for the rural part of India. We started with the
motto of promoting oral hygiene among the rural, and it was founded four years ago in 2018.
We started, and officially we are being incorporated the company in 2021.

Question: Can you describe the current status of your business, including its size and

We have developed the product, and it is currently in the testing phase. The team consists of
around six people, and our company is located in Vellore.

Question: Who is your target market, and what are the primary customer segments you

Our primary segment is dentists, to be more specific. We are targeting the National Rural
Health Mission as our main customer base and early adopters. Additionally, we are focusing
on dental colleges and NGOs that actively participate in dental camps.

Question: How do you view the competitive landscape, and what makes your business
stand out?

So, the thing is, the dental market in India is mostly filled with the primary Clinics. Usually,
we target a mobile vehicle model. The competition we see is very limited in the market.
There is one company called Moby Den, which is our direct competitor. Other than that, we
don't have any direct complications. What we see as competition here is the mindset of
people when it comes to going to the dentist. Usually, Indians don't prefer to go to the dentist.
As you can see, abroad, they used to go for a primary checkup every six months. That's the
mindset we see as competition in India.

Question: Could you talk about your existing partnerships or collaborations and how
they benefit your business?

My first customer is National Oral Mission, with whom we have partnered. They help
promote our product in exchange for benefits. They not only support us by promoting the
product but also provide us with incentives.

Question: Are there any plans for future partnerships or collaborations?

We haven't only planned for future partnerships or collaborations. As I mentioned earlier, we

are in talks with UK-based companies and are currently exploring the UK market.
Question : What are your short-term and long-term goals?

The short term is collaborating with the national organisation each day. That's our short-term
goal, and the long-term goal is establishing a complete service sector in dentistry that's sort of

Question : How is your team structured, and what roles do different individuals play in
the organisation?

As I said earlier, we have a lot of people, so me and my co-founder are actually the founders
of the startup, and we have two people for the design and mechanical development as well. as
one person for electronics.

Question : Can you describe your company culture and values, and have there been any
recent changes or developments in your team?

We are a start-up, so we don't have the cultural structure or a pattern that would be followed.
So, we go with the flow.

Question : Have there been any legal challenges or concerns your business has

Basically, we are a startup. So, in the background, we are not from the business package. So
initially, we have many problems related to keeping the legal and regulatory things. So,
compliance with GST as well as the incorporation of those kinds of certifications were a little
difficult, and we are also in the medical device field, so we do need a lot of more medical
certifications to be on the market. So that's where we faced the legal challenges. We have
connected with many consultants to overcome those kinds of problems.

Question : what the main challenges and obstacles are you have business currently basis?
So first we faced during the product development phase where it was very difficult for us to
develop a new product that segment because keeping the cost in a low rate as well as the
effective product higher. So secondly what we face is working with the government. So as
our primary segment has velocity or early adopters are the government body. So, working
with them is very difficult.

Question : So, can you discuss the strategies you have in place to work these challenges?
So, initially we're targeting the national Mission the managers of each state. So, after that
what we thought is getting the approvals they go for the higher directors. So, what we
planned this we used to them have a yearly body meeting. So, where we go there, and we
sponsor the meeting, and we need the other directors of all the states. And I combined with
them and hope that's what we overcome the challenges one. We have the government.
Thank you, sir.

Question: How does technology play a role in your business and are there any innovation
strategies or projects you would like to highlight?

So the technology plays a major role here for us because the we have the disturbing the
traditional Dentistry market for product portable. Dentistry is kind of innovation. It was like
as a company faced any utensils or ask you by your team members. Basically Google's fixity
of the company as here startup. So we in the background we are not from the business

Question : So , what questions or concerns would you like to address regarding your
The complaint says part that's where we find very difficult. And so since we are in a medical
device the complaints or a lot more so finding out the category of which we fall is very
difficult. So there are many categories green red yellow and orange. So finding that is very
difficult because the each and every rules Define the different ways, so that's where

Question : So my final question any valuables advice or insights to share based on your
So to start a business you need to find a problem. So we thought a problem if you start tax
that won't sustain. So since the as per the records of newspaper or the data's from the
Indian startup India, so around 98 percentage of starter fails the first three year for only 2%
and sustains so mainly in that the problem what they see is around 70 percentage of startup
dozen for they build a product which the customer doesn't want. So, something needs to be
built for what people want. That's the experience that I have eight. Thank you.

Question What marketing strategies and campaigns have been particularly effective for
your business?

We are in the testing phase. We don't use many marketing strategies here. But, as I said
earlier, we used to sponsor the committee meetings of the initial mission. So that's where we
do the marketing strategy as well as some of the oral cavity.

Question How do you approach sales, including the channels and strategies you use?
As I said earlier, we have not done many sales as of now. We have hardly sold around six to
seven units as of now, and we are pleased with the work and we make for marketing by
sponsoring the meetings.

Question Tell us more about your product or service offerings, including any recent
developments or updates.

We develop the portable dental clinic, which is a case for Dentistry model’s identity
equipment. So That's the product we offer, as well as the services. The kind of rental we keep
is to the dentist, during the camps.

Question What is the long-term vision for your business, and what strategic goals do
you have for the future?

So, the dental market in India is around two billion. So, we are planning to capture at least
10% of the market. If that's what our short-term and long-term goals are, we're trying to
capture at least 50 percentage of the dental market.

Question: How does your business generate revenue, and what is your pricing strategy?

We have adopted two types of business models. The first involves direct selling of portable
dental kits to dentists. The second model offers rental equipment for dental camps.

Question :Have there been any recent changes or adaptations to your business model?

We have recently adopted a rental model. Initially, we focused solely on the selling model,
and to better accommodate the current market trends and demand, we have transitioned
towards a service-oriented model. We have detailed plans for this transition,

Question :Could you share some insights into your revenue and profit margins?

We have sold seven to eight units and have managed to generate our own revenue of 3 to 4
lakhs over the past seven years. These achievements are significant for our Private Sales
operations. Additionally, we have received numerous recognitions and prizes. Our revenue
has been steadily growing as a result.

Question : What's the funding and investment history of your business, and do you have
any financial projections or budgeting strategies to mention?

To get on board and launch our product, we require a significant investment and a well-
defined timeline for its release. Initially, we secured funding from NAT, and next, we aim to
attract investors from DST, and India. We're also exploring opportunities with UK. Our efforts
have not gone unnoticed, and we've received positive feedback. With this kind of funding
and support, we aim to expedite our progress in this venture.
Question: What are your plans for scaling the business or exploring new markets?

As mentioned earlier, our Indian market for dental products hasn't been as receptive as we
had hoped. Therefore, we are considering expanding our operations to the UK. Currently, we
are in discussions with a UK-based company, and this collaboration may pave the way for us
to enter the UK market as we move forward.

Question: Are there any upcoming strategies for expanding your product lines?

We are currently exploring the possibility of diversifying our product lines and are engaged in
theoretical discussions and ideation. In collaboration with dental experts, we aim to develop
regenerative dental solutions that would benefit both patients and dentists. This concept is still in the
ideation process, and we appreciate your support. Thank you.

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